This Option is Fantastic

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Knock down the last three words, there is only endless exhaustion in September.

. 2021, April 21, Select Post.

2022, January 1, the selection ends.

With 2.85 million words, it can be said that it has never stopped in September since it was put on the shelves.

During this time, I also met many book friends.

September is also very happy to meet the vast number of book friends.

. The ending is already set.

But the last month, September, was too much.

So delayed ending today.

Here, say sorry.

Thank you to all the book lovers who have supported September.

Without your support, perhaps this September would not have been possible.

2021 is over, 2022 is on!

Although the book has been published for less than a year, for September, this is a book that is truly finished.

thank you for your support.

Thanks September!

The new book [I'm really not a genius] has also been released, search for the title of the book, or search for the God of Death in July, and you can watch it.

.The new book needs support. If the majority of book lovers can, please try to support the genuine version of [web].

Finally, I would like to say something in September, I wish all book friends, Happy New Year, 2022, the new year, Longteng takes off!

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