Through a few simple conversations,

Liu Xiaojiang almost instantly confirmed his previous guesses, and understood that the reason why no one in the company came to ask him was probably because Er Zhuang silently helped himself cover up some details.

"Second Zhuang, since you are already friends, why do you see others like this?"

"If your enemy is too strong, you are afraid that I will involve too much So when you encounter danger, then the way to restore your body to completeness, it shouldn't be too dangerous?"

"Besides, even if you don't say it, I believe that the old Gao is also You will tell me for sure."

" really hate." Erzhuang said panting with rage.

The corners of Liu Xiaojiang’s mouth slowly curved upwards, "Anyway, the reason why Lao Gao came to me is nothing more than to use my power to help you recover in the future,


Improve my own strength to the maximum."

"..." Second Zhuang.

Liu Xiaojiang didn’t pay attention to Er Zhuang’s silence, and continued talking to himself: “Er Zhuang, your ability has almost reached the point where no one can match it from a certain angle, but In reality, he doesn’t have enough self-protection ability.

Old Gao…………

He doesn’t seem to be very strong either."

" Everyone knows how to say that it is also the company established above. It is estimated that you and Lao Gao alone will not be able to support him as the Chief-In-Charge of the Northeast Region, so...

Most of you are not alone like me."

"Then let me guess. Since you are not alone, you even have power in the alien circle, which is not considered weak. You have almost no reason to join the company, so..."

So far,

He once again looked up towards the surrounding electronic equipment and said: "Second Zhuang, you are now Isn’t it the main reason why Lao Gao chose to join the company?"

"putting it that way, the surrounding equipment should also be provided by the company?"

"Lao Gao It's really a good father who is willing to give up everything for her daughter. He took the initiative to give up the seat of a certain power leader in order to restore you to your old appearance.

Become a loyal dog."

Although these words are very ridiculous, there is no sense of mockery in his eyes. Obviously, he will not really look down on such a conscientious father.

At the same time,

He recalled the attitude that Lao Gao had shown before, and he could not help being frowned again, "Lao Gao, as the leader of a certain power, is connected to Northeast University everywhere. The Chief-In-Charge of the district not only has his own organizational strength, but also has a strong backing of the company behind him.

There is still no absolute certainty that you can recover."

"So, Er Zhuang, tell me, what exactly is that kind of thing?"

hearing this,

Er Zhuang suddenly fell silent, not knowing that he was organizing language, Still wondering whether or not to tell the truth.

A few minutes have passed,

"Xiaojiang, the way you didn’t know anything before, didn’t you really pretend it was on purpose?"

"No." Liu Xiaojiang shook his head and said, "I do know very little about some things. Even now it is the same. I don't have to pretend on such things, because if you are the second strongest person, probably It’s easy to see loopholes in this kind of thing."

"However, knowing little about some things does not mean that I am an idiot, um...

That's it."

"Okay." Er Zhuang thought of some of the browsing records he had investigated on the Internet, and Liu Xiaojiang once had a conversation with him, that kind of impossible fraud will occur The brainwaves of Liu Xiaojiang immediately chose to believe what Liu Xiaojiang said.

After that,

"Xiaojiang, can I really trust you?" Er Zhuang suddenly said seriously.

Liu Xiaojiang did not answer immediately, but slightly hesitated for a moment, and said: "Second Zhuang, I did not join the whole sex, and I also believe that the rules are not all bad things, and you... Knowing about my personal abnormality,

the first person to trust me without reservation."

"I think we should be friends."

"Xiaojiang, you are very strong, you are really strong. According to the records sent back by the company three days ago, I think you will be the strongest among the younger generation in the alien world..." road.

"I am afraid there is not one of them."

"Even the spirit jade of Dragon Tiger Mountain, probably not capable of pushing back the third of the four madnesses alone, even adding Two other rare Artifact Refinement Masters, this kind of power is even today’s top ten...

You are not really afraid of being unable to fight one."

" So, thank you for agreeing to be my friend, and thank you for helping someone like me."

hearing this,

Liu Xiaojiang slowly raised the corners of his mouth again, it's impolite Not to make a return for what one receives said: "No thanks, but compared to your thanks, what I am more interested in now is the kind of strange things that can make you recover."

"...Sure enough, you are really annoying." Er said in a bold tone.

After a while,

Under the urging of Liu Xiaojiang, Er Zhuang adjusted his emotions violently, and slowly explained:

"Xiaojiang, You may not know that according to old man’s recent surveys, there has been a turmoil in the alien world around 36 people. This turmoil even affected most of the aliens that year and caused a huge Negative influence."

"The worst alien force in this chaos, Sect, even appeared to be slaughtered by others in the tragic situation of whole family......"

" The 36 foreigners who caused this chaos are also called "Thirty-Six Thieves" by other Upright Sects. This disaster that has a huge impact on the foreign world is also called the "Jiashen Rebellion" by the strangers. '."

"Jiashen Rebellion?" Liu Xiaojiang wondered: "Isn't this weird? Thirty-six people are fighting against the entire alien world? There are other Sect destroyed. A terrible situation? Are they very strong?

Strong enough to ignore any rules?"

He has never heard of such a thing. There is not even any record of existence, and it is even more impossible to record the past of the alien world, but according to the operating rules of today's society, this kind of thing will inevitably not happen in society in recent years.


Since people can formulate the rules that appear, it shows that there was a bottom line to do things more or less in the past, and the whole Sect thing was destroyed... or It happened in a very long and chaotic year, or something very special really happened.

"hmph! Don't interrupt! People have difficulty adjusting their emotions!" Er Zhuang immediately scolded.

"…………" Liu Xiaojiang.

"Ai, it has been decades since the incident occurred, and all kinds of insiders have almost disappeared. Even the company’s record of the chaos is still rare. Less, but...

According to the old man's investigations over the years."

"The strength of the thirty-six thieves should not exceed the entire Inhuman World, after all, that The ultimate victor of the chaos is actually the major Upright Sect. It’s just that... Among the 36 strangers, there are eight.

I feel unimaginable stunts."

"These eight unimaginable stunts are even called the'Eight Wonders' by other strangers."

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