This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 346 346. I am really rich enough to eat fish (two in one)

Hearing this, Ares's eyes lit up instantly: Yes, that's it!

It actually only took a few days for him to wake up and recover after being defeated by the demon princess Nerubel.

After that, Ares immediately wanted to start the pursuit again, but unfortunately, the goddess in the sacred world of the sacred tree was not allowed to go out at will.

This is the order of Her Majesty the Great Mother Goddess Hera. Even if the relationship between Ares and Mother Goddess Hera is stronger than that of other goddesses, it cannot be violated.

For the safety of Teacher Matthew, she even thought of running away.

It was Miss Saori who also woke up who stopped her.

Miss Saori said: "Don't worry, Mr. Matthew will be fine."

Ares believes in Miss Saori, but she is worried.

Goddess Shazhi said: "You are called being carried away by love. From the Shenmu Plane to the Star Sea, from the Star Sea to the three star fields, has there ever been a time when Mr. Matthew did not crush everything?"

"Besides, that woman Nilu looks extremely domineering. In front of Master Matthew, she is no more powerful than us."

"She said she was going to kill Master Matthew. I think the murder was fake, but I think Master Matthew is the real one."

Miss Saori looked at Ares with her bright eyes, "You also miss Mr. Matthew, right?"

Ares panicked, "I didn't!"

Saori smiled slightly, "This is what you said. I will tell you the truth when Master Matthew comes back."

Well, compared to a quarrel, ten Ares are no match for Saori.

In the end, Ares had no choice but to tell the truth, "Yeah, I thought about it."

Miss Saori said: "I've thought about it too... the time is really long."

Her persuasion was very effective, and at least within a month Ares was safely undergoing restorative training.

It is indeed too long to wake up from deep sleep.

Kaio → Origin level, the span is huge.

Ares, Saori and other goddesses were once not even star masters, but they suddenly became domain-level saint masters. Without training, it would be impossible for their strength to "recover" to its peak within a few years.

In terms of fighting with real swords and guns, Ares has never been afraid of anyone except Teacher Matthew.

Easily killed by Nerubelle, Ares lied when she said she was not angry.

However, a month later, Ares still received no new news about the teacher, which made her unable to sit still again.

This time, Ares took the initiative to find Miss Saori.

Goddess Saori still said the same thing, telling her not to worry and to continue waiting.

Once, twice, and three times, the goddess of war's patience was almost reaching its limit.

It was at this time that Miss Saori was finally willing to reveal new information.

"Master Matthew is now in the Demon Realm."

Ares said angrily: "As expected, the teacher was abducted by that woman!"

"My lord was slightly injured before."


"It has nothing to do with Witch Nelu. Lord Matthew will come to us when his injury is healed. If you want to know more, you can ask little Angela."

Ares has a mix of toughness and softness, but because she is involved with her dearest teacher, there is nothing else in her mind except toughness and recklessness.

Therefore, Ares came to the Home Goddess Cabin after leaving the Wisdom Goddess Cabin.

Little Angela said that the short cheongsam she was making was custom-made by Moyu Meili. Ares immediately understood what Miss Saori meant.

"Meili and Teacher Matthew are together, right?!" A pair of slender little hands grabbed another real little hand and asked.

Angela said: "Yes."

"Is the teacher's health feeling better?"

Angela said: "Much better, but it may still be a few months until recovery."

"This is what Meili said. I have already told Master Shazhi. Master Shazhi said that the witch of the Resentful Tribe likes to deceive people the most. She said a few months, but the real time is probably a few years."

"several years?"

Ares frowned, frowned, frowned.

She has survived for so many years, just a few years is nothing.

However, she was worried about Teacher Matthew's health, and at the same time she was unwilling to let the witch take over her teacher.

Thinking of this, Ares showed her battle ax and wanted to save people.

Little Angela sighed and said: "The Sacred World of the Sacred Tree has been sealed. Your Highness Vina has tried it. Unless it is a genuine source level, no amount of people can even think of breaking through it."

Ares, the goddess of war, said: "I'm going to find Hera."

Angela shook her head, "In the past two months, Miss Saori has gone to beg His Majesty Hera every now and then... even though we are more coquettish than Miss Saori alone, we all can't do it alone."

Ares scratched her hair, "Then we just keep waiting?"

Little Angela: "Of course not. Your Highness Wei Na is preparing to break through the origin..."

"I'm going to help Your Highness Vina!"

The goddess of war comes and goes like the wind.

With a "bang" sound, the door closed.


Little Angela put down her hands and sighed slightly, "I miss Brother Matthew too. If I were at the origin level, no matter if you were the Holy Lord or the eldest princess, I would definitely snatch my brother away as soon as possible. return!"

After saying this, Angela continued to sew a short cheongsam.

Sewing small clothes is her training method.

In her spare time, Angela sews dolls.

So far, there are thirty-six dolls in the house goddess Angela, most of which are devils and a few evil gods.

After she woke up, not only did her own strength increase to the early stage of the domain level, but the levels of the ragdolls also increased accordingly.

Isn’t it scary for an early-stage domain leader to lead more than a dozen domain saint lord dolls into a war?

If that's not scary enough, Angela feeds the old rag doll with a brand new rag doll, and the latter's strength will soar again. Isn't it scary? !

One hand held a doll and said, "Brother Matthew, why don't you come to me?"

Another white male held a doll and said: "Little Angela, don't worry, I will be the first to see you when I come back. You can't be angry with me."

The pink puppet was a little embarrassed, "How could I be angry with you, brother? I just miss you so much."

The white puppet smiled and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"I want my brother to be like before... holding me to sleep..."

White Ragdoll: "Are there any more?"

Xiaofen shook her head, ", there are still some. Miss Saori and the others almost gave birth to a baby for my brother, but I didn't. Does my brother dislike me?"

Dabai exclaimed, "How is that possible? It's too late for me to like you."


"Because you are too young."

The pink puppet retorted, "Not small anymore, not small anymore. I have grown two centimeters taller recently. I am much taller than many goddesses!"

Many here is a general term, and the specific number should not exceed ten.

Pink Angela is very brave, "I want to give birth to a baby for my brother!"

"I'm ready, I've learned a lot of knowledge, and I've also asked Master Shazhi for advice. I'm really generous!"

Put down the puppet.

Little Angela felt decadent again.

She had really been preparing these words for a long time.

Every time she wanted to say something, it was either the wrong time or she was defeated by the timid and shy demon.

"Waiting for brother Matthew to come back."

Angela, the home goddess, nodded firmly, "Yes, I will tell my brother as soon as he comes back!"

"Brother loves me so much, he must be reluctant to reject me..."


Nilu was very angry.

After agreeing to eat fish together, she put down the meeting at hand and followed.

As a result, eating fish requires three steps: fishing, cleaning, cooking, and finally eating.

The fish was caught by Master Matthew himself.

Cleaning, descaling, flower cutting and other tasks are handled by the housekeeper and the little lover Meili.

Since the three people eat relatively large amounts of food, Meili's workload is large, and the workload is linked to the time required.

The bastard Matthew took advantage of this time to pour a lot of bitter water into her.

"Gudu, Gudu".


Nerubel wiped her slightly red and swollen lips and said angrily: "If you continue to believe your lies, I will take your last name!"

Above, Matthew played with her long black and smooth hair and said with a smile: "I'm not tired if you want to talk like this. Meili has already told me that after you marry me, you will have to bear my surname."

Nerubel: "Then I will marry you. Do you dare to marry me?"

Matthew replied decisively: "I don't dare. With your bad temper, I'm afraid that if I make you unhappy one day, you'll slap me to death."



Matthew pointed at her widened eyes, "See for yourself, I was just joking, I was too anxious."

In fact, Matthew knew that Gangnelu's anxiety was not because of her complaint, but because she asked "Do you dare to marry her?" and Matthew said he didn't dare.

No, Nilu was once again ready to leave in anger.

She reacted halfway, walked around behind Matthew, and hugged him gently.

"Your body. I said, I will find a way."

Matthew:? ? ?

Did he really just change the topic and then be misconstrued?

Little Bailong's brain circuit is abnormal, Master Matthew has already seen it.

Is it abnormal and contagious?

He has been pretending to be an evil god for several months, and now he has the ability to spread strange knowledge?

"Soar" for a moment.

Matthew stood up.

I was afraid of hurting him later, so I didn't dare to compete with him.

But Matthew said: "Would you please wake up? My health is better and I have no problem being self-sufficient."

Hearing this, Nelubelle nodded sincerely, "Yeah."

"The reason why I stay here is because I am lazy. Meili takes good care of everyone, and you are even more beautiful than before. After a while, I will be ready to leave."

Nerubel continued to nod, "Yeah, okay, you have the final say. As long as you don't leave the Demon Realm, you can go wherever you want."

Matthew: "I want to get out!"

Nerubel, "Yeah, that's okay, but I have to accompany you."

Matthew waved his hand, "I don't need you to accompany me!"

The next game of chess, a big one, is based on Matthew pretending to be ill.

But there are limits to installing such things.

In the past two months, I have eaten everything I need to eat and played everything I need to play. Being bored in this three-acre land all day long, Mr. Matthew's "entertainment inventory" is no longer enough.

Next, he planned to make a big fortune and run away, but then he saw a certain witch who always looked worried, worried, cautious, and even aggrieved.

How to play the son-in-law style?

Have strength, eat soft food, and pretend to be awesome all the way to the top.

Matthew is very capable and has never had a chance to show off and get slapped in the face.

Red hair?

That's a clone that specializes in dealing with emergencies, so it doesn't count.

So he stopped playing, and it was a show of cards. Your husband is still your husband, and your father is still your father. At least there is no problem with his body!

But on the other side.

After hearing these few words, Nelubelle's expression became gloomy.

"Sometimes, I really can't speak, right? I know you don't like to hear it, but I still want to tell you."

Those big eyes that could captivate all living beings looked at Matthew, "You are tired of me again and hate me, right?"

Matthew waved his hand and told the truth, "I'm a little tired of it. Your Belle Isle is just so big, so it's not annoying..."

Beauty is indeed a very good thing.

Not to mention anything else, Nerubel's fierce face, waist and butt will not necessarily make you tired of her in two months, not to mention two hundred months.

Although her character is a bit...ugh!

Matthew's mouth was gagged.

The housekeeper and his lover, Meili, returned from cleaning the fish's guts and fish scales, and were about to knock on the door when they heard strange noises coming from the room.

Meili put down her little hand and said thoughtfully, "I feel like there is a high chance that I won't be able to eat fish tonight."

Meili left, and the preservation work was carried out carefully, inside and out, which took 50 minutes.

Come back and listen again.

There is no sound.

Meili walked in with high heels and said, "Master Matthew, Your Majesty Nilu, Yu... ugh!"

Warband two plus one.

Ups and downs, Meili's voice went from low to high, to hoarse and pitiful.

"My lord, Your Majesty, we can't always bully one of you..."

"Master Matthew, I really can't survive. Please spare me..."

"Why don't you persuade Ni Lu to persuade me, woo woo woo..."

"Your Majesty Nilu, it is indeed me who cooperated with Master Matthew to turn you into an accomplice. I couldn't hold on even for a day when you said you wouldn't agree. Please advise Master Matthew to let me go..."

Hearing this, the crazy Nelubelle regained some clarity, "Well, what did you say?"

Mei Li shut up and was tortured.

Nerubel: This is not the first time. She can guess it without Meili answering... She has been tricked by the two of them again.

"Sir, save!..."

After one, two or three hours.

Mellie's guess was absolutely correct.

Tonight, there was no need to eat the roasted fish, but there was one goldfish, which was big and long. Even for two people, it was enough for them to eat until they were full.

Meili is the leader of the Resentful Clan. Her physical endurance is extremely strong, and she is the first to fall asleep due to mental exhaustion.

The second one is Nelubelle.

It is rare for the beautiful and great Nilu to let go. Although she does not let go completely, the effect is still good.

Otherwise, why would Matthew share her hatred and deal with the obedient and caring little Meili first?

When Meili was completely defeated, Matthew turned his gun and aimed at Nerubelle, who had little fighting power left.

At this time, Nilu was more sober and no longer as proactive as before.

It didn't matter, Matthew couldn't control her consciousness, her body was all familiar, and under the beautiful Nilu's head, no matter what she said, her body was always catering and interesting.


Matthew lay down between the two women and said, "What about the fish we agreed to eat? They both ate it, but I didn't. Do you want me to cook the fish while they wait to eat it?"


Even if Nilubel's performance today is at least 80 points.

Matthew got out of bed and calculated the inventory of secret treasures and how much he could get in a short time.

The three major star fields had mutated, and it made no difference whether he could go back or not, because his wives were no longer there.

Master Matthew's witch wife, looks +1+1, +1 again, still the original formula, still the same taste.

The little lover of the Resentful Clan is as considerate as ever.

Where are the goddess wives?

Will there be any surprises?

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