This Kryptonian is too stable

Chapter 424, old man with boys

New York, Sheep Bay.

The bustling international metropolis has already lost the glory of the past, and it is sore.

The streets were filled with garbage and waste cars, and there were no completes of thousands of Lin Li high-rise buildings, such as experience, with a 'mushroom and legs', becoming a dangerous building of rocking.

At the northwest of Shekakwan, there is a nearly ten kilometers of human aggregation.

A large-scale armored armored car cars are gathered, even a few heavy tank sands that do not know the model.

A team of armed soldiers patrolling the wire wrapped around the whole gathering, followed by them behind them. Blue Zi Giants at a table.

Every hundred meters, the iron network is located in the intranet, and the soldiers standing on the whistle tower will look at the inside of the iron network to the iron net.

Between the 'gap' of these buildings, a name wearing orange red uniform, tatting a uniform black 'M' tattoos on the right brow or sitting or lying, starring chess.

In addition, these men and women only have a black collar with a black collar, which is specially inhibited variant.

This is a variety of concentration camps.

The central center of the camp is concentrated, there is a giant dark red building like a square box, thousands of transit people wearing orange-red uniforms.

The food that is taking a long dragon before receiving the window, a small girl with a collar is low in the hand, perhaps because of the extra excitement of the food under hunger, leading to the movement, not a small encounter Personally extended palms.

"Variant people, take your dirty hands!"

Feel the touch of the skin, the staff is facing, and an iron spoon is smashed in the top of the little girl.


The voice of the cry, but there is no variety of variants dare to comfort this little girl who suffers from innocent disasters, let alone condemn this staff.

Not far away, a strong man just used to leave the canteen saw this scene, and did not dare to reach a helping hand, only dare to bite his teeth and whispered: "These bastards."

Unexpectedly, his sentence is just a full-scale armed guard income ear.

"You, stand, don't go, it is you, variant,"

With four four men, I stopped the road to the road, and the guards were: "You just said who is a bastard!"

Strong Han heads like the rickets, and I can't recognize the words you spendmed before five seconds: "I don't know what you are talking about."

'Snapped! '

A whisper flashed by a variety of variants who had half a head, guarding the face: "Are you ?"

"I dare not dare."

"Clean my shoes, I will spare you this time."



I heard the small captain's obvious, four guards looked up in the hands of the energy guns and gave a man in front.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The back is soaked in a cold sweat, and a strong man is in a white, and the knee is unresponsive curved, falling in the cement floor.

Then, the body, the limbs, extend the tongue, like a dog to the police, the chilly boots.

In the instant of the tongue of the strong man, the guard captain re-opened the closed law enforcement recorder, and there was an exaggerated miserable call in the mouth. The acting is not as good as the flow of the map. "Ah ~ I Feet! This variant is even in the tongue to attack me! "

"I am not, I am not!"

The face of the body of the body changed, panic shook his head.

Unfortunately, his ending is destined from that sentence to the other's ear.

'Biu ~' 'biu ~' 'biu ~' ...

Welcome him is countless blue and white energy bombs.

Until the other party shot a thousand holes, after the shape is not seen, this group guard releases the finger of holding the trigger.

", ~ all your group varies, otherwise the world will not become today."

The corpse spitted the mouth, the guards were crazy in their eyes, swept around the prisoners around them, and the eyes were all, and they dared to look at it.

After receiving the eyes, the guard captain nodded and turned around.

Remove Yu Lang, hurriedly put the plates in the plate, the bald boy is busy with the people to rush out of the garnis, and I am afraid that I have become the next unfamous egg.

" ~"

Under the way, the bald boy only hit the meat wall, and the pain fell to the ground.

Looking up, I saw an arm stared at myself than the black spheres whose black slender is rough.

"Little ghost, don't walk long eyes? Give me death!"

Received a boss's order, a group of adults behind a group of adults behind a group.

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ',

The sound of the boxing to the meat echoed in dirty alley.


When the boy once again opened his eyes, the surrounding scenes had changed.

Unfamiliar ceiling, shabby living room, the only light source is a white candle burning to half waist.

"you're awake?"

Sit up from the shabby carpet, the bald boy is in an instant to see the sound.

I saw a face full of old spots, it was white, and the teeth were all over the old man. He was lying on a sofa filled with patch. Holding a shabby story book, holding a green wine bottle Make your own mouth.

"who are you?"

"Who isn't of important, just watching your kid is just two breaths on the side of the road, and I will come back."

The wine is under the belly, the old man does not look for the bordering order: "Wake up, hurry."

"I have arrived in the curfew time, can I stay here for a night?"

Turned, black night sky through the window, introduced the eye boy in the eyes.


I am not falling back, and the elderly will put their attention into the book again.

The bald boy has also fallen into silence, relying on the wall, closed his eyes.

The injury on the body is not engaged in both the boy's nerves. After more than 20 minutes, the bald boy finally reluctantly, took the initiative to find a topic to disperse his attention: "How old are you, old?"

"I can't remember, maybe ninety, maybe one hundred."

"Then you can't live for two years."

The boy will almost let him die in one sentence.

Perhaps it is a long time, I have experienced too much, the old man is unfamiliar with the words of the boy, but shook his head and laughing: "Hey ~ It is good, what is the meaning of this life?"

"Don't you live like this."

The little boy didn't think about it, just when I met a madman.

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