This is not a weird story

Chapter 366 Weird Pattern

After hearing what Chen Sen said next, Pei Na was stunned.


If this woman named Ying Xi had died a long time ago, then who was the person who wanted to kill Wei An in the ghost story?

According to Jin Mingfei's narrative and what Wei An later told them, this short-haired woman is indeed a normal human being, not a weird one.

When a monster is hit on the back of the head by Jin Mingfei's unexpected ashtray, it will not bleed to the point of death.

So there is another possibility. The person Chen Sen found here is not the same woman who wants to kill Wei An, but the characteristics may be somewhat similar.

"Boss, I have one more thing to trouble you." Pei Na said: "Can you please go to the Yingchui Room to see Ying Xi's body with your own eyes, and also send me a photo of this woman when she was alive?"

"Okay, I won't go back to the Special Bureau headquarters until this afternoon. I'll tell you after checking it out." Chen Sen asked casually, "Is your work going well there now?"

"It's not bad, it's just that weird things are happening one after another, and the three views that were finally established in the past have now become fragmented."

"So you are worried that Ying Xi will be resurrected from the dead and enter the ghost story?"

"I can only say that it is possible, but so far we have not found that the strange events in the ghost stories have occurred in the human world." Pei Na said: "I hope you won't encounter a big melon when you go to inspect Ying Xi's body in the afternoon, otherwise it will be in our management bureau It’s not good to be famous here.”

Chen Sen laughed: "Why are you talking more humorously now? It seems like your life at the Ghost Stories Bureau is going well."

A figure appeared in Pei Na's mind. Her expression immediately turned gloomy and she replied: "Maybe it was influenced by some people. Remember to reply to me as soon as possible."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Chen Sen sent Ying Xi's photos of her life to Pei Na's email.

Pei Na opened it and took a look, which immediately reminded her of this girl. She had heard about this girl before she was in the Special Bureau, but the two had never interacted with each other.

However, Pei Na knew that the woman named Ying Xi, like herself, had won the top ten titles of special personnel last year.

Regardless of whether this woman summoned monsters to deal with Wei An in the ghost story, or whether she directly attacked Wei An, Pei Na had already remembered her in her heart.

Back to the strange talk, Wen Qiong had already finished chatting with Su Ya.

Su Ya's face was filled with curiosity and she quietly asked Pei Na: "Sister Na, is Aunt Wen really Brother An's mother? Why does she dress up so strangely and cover her face with a cloth mask? Is it her face? have what……"

Pei Na said: "Don't think too much, Aunt Wen will dress like this whenever she enters the ghost story. It's not that she wants to be like this, but it is related to her special profession. But Aunt Wen is very powerful, very powerful, not much worse than Wei An , you will know later.”

"Yes." Su Ya nodded, "After talking to her, I felt that Aunt Wen was very kind and had no temper at all."

Pei Na smiled and said, "Those weirdos don't think so."

Su Ya didn't seem to hear what she said, but just sighed: "I wonder how Brother An is doing now?"

Pei Na looked gloomy: "If he is okay, he will definitely find a way to let us know. We can't keep him waiting here."

central city.

Special Bureau Headquarters, Yingchui Room.

A corpse freezing room covered in cold lighting.

This freezer is actually not big, and the corpse cabinet inside is only set up in front of the wall opposite the door. There are more than thirty cabinets in total.

The corpses displayed here are usually the personnel of the Special Bureau who died while performing missions. If these people have no relatives, they will be stored first, and then the funeral and cremation will be held at the same time.

A staff member led Team 7 captain Chen Sen into the freezer.

Chen Sen is tall and tall, with a short head. There is a conspicuous scar under his left ear, which makes his face seem to be missing a piece of flesh at that place. Even though the injury has healed, it has left a flaw.

"This is Ying Xi's cabinet." The staff member looked at the workbook in his hand and pointed to a freezer on the second floor.

He quickly approached and pulled the cabinet out, revealing a blue body bag.

After Chen Sen approached, the staff member reached out and unzipped the top zipper of the body bag, and then the zipper on the other side.

After opening the body bag, a woman with short hair appeared in front of her. This woman had a beautiful appearance, her skin was white and bluish-white, and her eyes were closed as if she was sleeping.

However, perhaps because the temperature in the corpse cabinet was too low, there were ice shards on the ends of her hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. It can be seen that the woman's body had been completely frozen and stiff.

"How did she die?" Chen Sen asked.

The staff member took a look at the workbook and said: "The fatal injury was on the chest. It should have been hit in the heart by the metal piece after the explosion."

After finishing speaking, he pulled down the blue body bag to expose the woman's chest. A little below her left breast, a fist-sized wound was clearly visible.

The wound was sunken and black, and it must have been burned by the burning gunpowder after being hit.

At this moment, sharp-eyed Chen Sen suddenly noticed something strange about the woman's navel. He immediately pulled the body bag down again, and a strange six-pointed star pattern appeared in front of him around the woman's navel.

"What is this?" Chen Sen asked, pointing to the pattern.

The staff member looked surprised and quickly looked at the workbook. Just as he was about to shake his head, his cell phone suddenly rang.

The staff put down their workbooks, took off their disposable gloves, walked aside, and took out their mobile phones to answer the call.

His face changed as soon as the call was connected, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead soon. He nodded obediently, then hung up the phone nervously, and returned to Chen Sen in a few steps.

"I'm sorry, Captain Chen. I just received the order and we must leave here immediately."

Chen Sen frowned slightly and asked, "Whose order?"

"Sorry, I don't...can't say it." The staff member was obviously frightened and said in a slurred voice: "In short, we must leave now, immediately. Please get out."

Chen Sen glanced at the mobile phone in his hand, and then quickly glanced at the workbook the staff member placed next to him.

His falcon-like eyes allowed him to find the information he needed in just one glance. The description of the body's surface in the workbook read: There were eleven scars on the body's surface, and there were no tattoos...

At the urging of the staff member, Chen Sen took one last look at Ying Xi's body lying in the cabinet before leaving.

Just a phone call could scare this guy like this, which shows that the other party is of a very high level and may have said some threatening words.

It seems that this matter is not as simple as imagined.

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