Jiang Ning, Shen’en Animation Association.

Chen Ba drove to the association headquarters early in the morning. After all, today is an important day for the announcement of the gold medal and silver medal list and the award ceremony of the Shen'en Animation Competition. He, the "mascot" president, cannot come.

20 audition works plus 10 recommended works, a total of 30 divine animations were shortlisted.

Chen Ba is also a member of the jury, but because he is too busy with work, he has not completely read the 30 shortlisted works.

So he decisively abstained from voting during the voting process. After all, he has not seen it, so he is not qualified to comment or rank these works.


When he explained the reason for his abstention, the jury almost disbanded on the spot. Because not everyone among the other judges participating in this competition has finished reading these 30 works.


Don't say that they are unprofessional. In fact, this has nothing to do with professionalism. It is simply that the time cost of "watching" a divine animation is too high.

That's right!

This is divine grace animation, not traditional animation! Traditional animation was shortlisted, with only 30 works, which were finished casually in more than half a year.

But Shen’en Animation, let alone 30 movies, even if there are only 3 works, do you know how many episodes there are in total and how exaggerated the total length is?

The size of one Divine Grace animation is equivalent to 10 traditional animations. The reality is so cruel.

no way!

Shen'en Animation has always been known for its high production, and it does not require so many manpower. The production threshold is relatively low, so the average number of episodes is very exaggerated.

This is a bit like the difference between traditional published novels and online novels.

Traditionally published novels, even long ones, will not easily exceed 500,000 words. In fact, there are very few that exceed 300,000 words.

But online novels are at the other extreme, 300,000 words? Dude, I just got through the difficult public period and started writing VIP chapters. Are you telling me that it’s time to finish?

Finish with a hammer!

It is absolutely impossible to finish it without writing two or three million words. If this book is very popular and profitable, I can even write ten million words.

Traditionally published novels compare with traditional animation, while online novels are the current situation of divine grace animation.

Because of this, when Brother Ba said "I can't make an accurate comment without watching it," many judges were embarrassed and chose to abstain from voting along with Brother Ba.

"do not!"

Seeing that so many people were abstaining from voting along with him, and the jury was almost disbanded, Chen Ba changed the rules.

No need to read it all...

For a divine animation, the judges only need to watch part of it before they can participate in the voting. It is unrealistic to read it in its entirety because many of the entries are too long and are still being "serialized".

In this way, the jury can finally work normally, and Chen Ba no longer has to abstain.

Although he has not finished reading the 30 shortlisted works, he has more or less seen some of them, and he also has his own opinions in this regard.

After a week of discussions, debates and voting, the final list of one Gold Award, five Silver Award and ten Excellence Award works has been released!

Let’s not talk about the Excellence Award. Regarding the Silver Award works, two of the five Silver Award works are from abroad, and the remaining three are domestic animations.

This year's gold award was also won by a divine animation producer from abroad.

Speaking of this, Chen Ba felt helpless.

After all, domestic animation still has obvious shortcomings, especially this group of domestic animation producers, which are completely incomparable with others in terms of quality.

Even if he wanted to do something shady and help canvass votes for an outstanding domestic work, he wouldn't have a chance. Because the gap is so obvious, the gold award-winning works outperformed the silver-winning works in all aspects including scripts, stories and creative ideas, including completeness of dubbing and soundtrack.

What's so shady about this?

As long as people are not blind, they can see the difference in level. Unless Chen Ba has no shame, he will push down this gold-winning work and support another silver-winning work that "doesn't deserve it".

Obviously, this is impossible!

Chen Ba can't do that kind of thing. The premise for him to engage in shady activities must be that there is no obvious gap between the two works, and they must be "between brothers".

If your hard power is not as good as others, then there is really no need to engage in shady activities. Just go home with a silver medal!

"...The work that won the gold medal in this year's Divine Grace Animation Competition is..."Chiba Love Story" Daisuke Kosaka, congratulations!"

What name?

When Chen Ba opened the envelope and announced the gold medal in the live broadcast, it was obvious that many people put question marks on the barrage, expressing their doubts and confusion.

Of course, this is also normal.

After all, this animation is not broadcast on domestic platforms, so many people have never heard of it, let alone watched it.

But this gold medal is no problem.

The author of this animation is obviously a loyal fan of Makoto Shinkai, and took this as an opportunity to create the divine animation "Chiba Love Story".

In the animation, you can see many shadows of Makoto Shinkai's works and lines of tribute.

But this does not mean that "Chiba Love Story" is simply imitating or borrowing from Makoto Shinkai's works.

Quite the opposite!

"Chiba Love Story" is just a tribute. The core is to use animation as a carrier to depict the young and fruitless love story of young girls.

Yes, this is a tragedy.

Chen Ba didn't finish it, mainly because he felt too uncomfortable after watching half of it, so he didn't dare to read further.

But judging from the parts he has seen, Mr. Kosaka from Chiba is indeed talented, and he is well-deserved to win the gold medal.

After all, in terms of picture composition, characterization, storyline, dubbing and soundtrack, etc., the jury did not find too many faults and received extremely high scores.

It would be weird not to win an award!

Although the gold medal established was taken away by a neon man, which made Chen Ba a little unhappy, he soon thought about it.

The animation industry in Neon is really great, and this is only the first time, so why are you in a hurry?

He didn't believe it. Did every year's gold medal works in the Shen'en Animation Competition come from abroad? It's impossible. As long as you wait patiently, sooner or later a domestic work will win the gold medal.

Gold Award 5 million yuan bonus!

The bonus was distributed in the form of a check. The etiquette lady walked up to Chen Ba with a big "check board". Chen Ba took a look and his expression was speechless.

When he was a child, he was curious about why the checks given out at various award ceremonies or award conferences were so big. No one can lift it, it feels fake!

Only later did he understand.

The "oversized" check used for awarding the award is just a "prop" to facilitate the photo taking of the winner and the awarding guests.

That's right, it's just a prop. It was made so big just to let the audience clearly see the "amount" on it.

The real check is actually when the financial officer contacts the winner individually after the event, explains tax and cashing matters to him, and then distributes it.


Fortunately, when he was a child, he thought that the real check was the "oversized" cardboard held up by the leaders.

At that time, when I was watching a bloody TV series, the mother of the wealthy hero handed the heroine a check and shouted, "I'll give you five million and leave my son." Chen Ba was still complaining about the director's carelessness and why the check was so small. open?

This has no momentum at all...

If you take out a real five million check and knock the heroine unconscious (physics), then you are the real rich man!

Just as Chen Ba was thinking, the winner, Mr. Kosaka, finally came on stage to receive the award.

But why is it a woman?

"I'm sorry, my brother couldn't come to the scene due to temporary commitments, so he could only entrust me to accept the award on his behalf. Red Bean Paste Private Marseille..."

Okay, my sister is pretty pretty!

After awarding the awards and taking a group photo together holding the oversized check, Chen Ba's mission was finally over.

He is only responsible for awarding gold medal works. As for the remaining silver medals and excellence awards, he is not in charge of them.

There are more important things waiting for him!

Domestic first-, second- and third-tier gaming companies such as Goose Factory, Pig Factory, Rice Factory and Perfect Games jointly formed a bureau and invited him to work together on big things.

"Hongmen Banquet?"

"That doesn't mean..."

Chen Ba felt that although the banquet was not a good one, it was not as good as the Hongmen Banquet. It was just that these friends and businessmen had something to say to him.

The banquet will be held in Jiangning.

After Chen Ba left the headquarters of the Shen'en Animation Association, he took Huang Qing to the agreed-upon location, a long-established private restaurant that had been open for almost thirty years.

Really, the more important the business banquet, the more I like private restaurants and the more I dig into the alleys.

Chen Ba didn't know, except for business banquets, who would come to a private restaurant like this in a corner?

The location is remote, the food prices are expensive, and most of them require a so-called "reservation"...

Who on earth would come here to eat?

"Maybe they only accept business banquets and not individual guests?"

Huang Qing smiled and said: "Okay, we don't have to pay for the treat anyway, so why do you want so much?"

"makes sense……"

Chen Ba thought it made sense. It didn't matter if others were treating him, as long as the food was delicious. If he was treating himself, he would probably not come to a place like this.

After arriving at the appointed box, Chen Ba realized that there were quite a lot of people attending today's dinner.

Most of the well-known game companies in the country sent representatives, and there were two big tables full of people. The leaders were the heads of the game departments of the two major companies, Pig and Goose.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, I'm very busy."

Chen Ba was too lazy to greet them politely, so he came up and asked: "Everyone is gathered in Jiangning, are they here to cause trouble for me?"


The person in charge of the goose factory smiled, waved his hand and said, "I just happened to be passing by Jiangning and wanted to pay a visit to Mr. Chen."

Do you think I believe it or not?

Chen Ba rolled his eyes, opened the skylight and said frankly: "Tell me, what do you want from me? For the sake of today's meal, I will help if I can, and there is nothing I can do if I can't help."

"Is such that……"

The person who spoke now was the head of the overseas department of the pig factory. He introduced the origin of this dinner to Chen Ba.

Tianba Studio established its own Nobug game platform two years ago.

Originally, this thing was just a product for self-entertainment, and it wasn't worthy of everyone's attention. After all, who doesn't have their own gaming platform these days?

not to mention……

What is the situation with Nobug platform? The "Star Emperor" launcher, "Cultivation Fantasy" launcher, "God's Grace Continent" launcher and "Speed ​​​​Hurry" launcher that netizens ridicule are not in vain.

To put it bluntly, the Nobug platform is not much different from Penguin’s Wegame.

Wegame is jokingly called the LOL launcher, Genting launcher and CF launcher, which is also in a similar situation to the Nobug platform.

Therefore, no one paid much attention to this platform at first. It was not until a foreign gaming media revealed that the market share and total number of active players of the Nobug platform had surpassed Ebao, Rotten Orange and Uplay that everyone suddenly woke up.

No, what's going on?

Ba maggot...ah no, isn't Ba Ge's platform just a large Wegame? How can it catch up with the Premier League and the United States and become the second largest PC game platform in the world?


Out of curiosity, everyone quickly found the original text of this overseas report and studied it word for word.

This study surprised them even more.

Because data shows that the Nobug gaming platform has hundreds of millions of users overseas, including tens of millions of active online players.


The Nobug platform is ridiculed as a launcher for XXX games. There is nothing wrong with this statement, because it is a fact. Many people use this platform to play games under Tianba Studio.

However, many people, including these domestic friends and businessmen, have subconsciously ignored one fact.

That is the games under Tianba Studio, which are not only popular in China but also abroad, especially games such as "Speed ​​​​Hurry" and "God's Grace Continent". The number of overseas players is no less than that of domestic players.

What happened to the XXX launcher?

When your game is popular enough and its influence reaches a certain level, even as a launcher, this platform has great value.

This is just like Wegame.

Although it is jokingly called a LOL launcher, it cannot support the platform's reliance on games such as LOL and CF, and the fixed traffic it generates is too high.

With this traffic, a little guidance can attract players' attention to other games. This is the strategy Wegame has been implementing, constantly recommending other games to players.

In comparison, the Nobug platform may not be able to compete with Wegame in China. After all, Goose Factory’s social base is too strong.

But overseas, this is the second real PC game platform, second only to the steam platform.

Ah, yes, yes...

You can say that Nobug is not worthy of supporting the steam platform. After all, players on the steam platform have huge consumption potential, while players on the Nobug platform will only play games owned by Tianba.

But no matter what, there are so many active players on the Nobug platform!

This news should not be too exciting for the domestic game companies that are eager to go overseas.

If their games can be launched on the Nobug platform and open to tens of millions of overseas players, and Brother Ba can provide some resources to strongly recommend them, wouldn’t it... tsk tsk, it’s beautiful to think about!

"Stop, stop, stop it first!"

Seeing that everyone was drooling, Chen Ba couldn't help but complain: "What on earth gave you the illusion that Nobug players will buy the game?"


On the Nobug platform, Chen Ba can’t even sell his other games. The player only regards this platform as a launcher, what can he do?

The "Fast" player only plays "Fast". Even if the platform recommends "Star Emperor 2" or other games to him every day, he is not very interested. This is the most embarrassing thing about the Nobug platform.

I can't push my own games very well, but I still push games for others. No, buddy, are you okay?

Let’s just say, is there a possibility that Nobug, the second-largest PC game platform in the world, is actually a piece of shit?

Not to mention the steam platform, even E-Bao, I feel that players’ consumption potential and desire to consume are much stronger than those on the Nobug platform!

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