This is not a BUG, this is a game feature

Chapter 286 Is it more interesting to watch others play than to play yourself?

As the first game of "Star Emperor 2" on the professional stage, the game in Pengcheng Station can be described as exciting!

Of course, this is for Chen Ba.

As a loyal "Star Emperor" player and fan, he was naturally extremely satisfied when he saw this exciting scene.

But for Wang Ya beside him, she didn't get the so-called fun of the GAL competition at all...

Hey Hey hey!

The computer host of the contestant on stage exploded, what are you all yelling about? Why are you so excited? Is this the unique romance of boys?


After making some comments, Wang Ya, who was wearing a mask and sunglasses, said to Chen Ba: "Such a match, in my opinion, is as boring as a boxing ring where you punch me and you punch me until one of you falls down."

"Oh, by the way, I don't like to watch boxing matches. Please forgive me if there are any offensive descriptions!"

"It's normal not to like it!"

"Not to mention the huge differences between boys and girls in all aspects of interests and hobbies. Among boys, there are also some who are not interested in such a competition..."

Chen Ba was not angry because of this. Instead, he looked at Wang Ya curiously and asked in a low voice: "More than this, I want to know what kind of ecstasy soup Mr. Wang gave you? So that you would accompany him even if he didn't like the GAL game. Shall I come to Pengcheng?"

This was what really puzzled him.

Wang Ya's attitude is full of resistance. Anyone who is not blind can see that she is really not interested in the GAL competition, not at all.

Then here comes the problem!

Since she wasn't interested, why did she have to fly to Pengcheng with him and come to watch the game in the name of "I'm very curious"?

Chen Ba felt that this was not her intention, but that Director Wang who was lying in the hospital bed was up to something.


Wang Ya didn't answer, probably because she was reflecting on her recent evaluation of the GAL game and whether it might have revealed something vaguely.

If she doesn't speak, Chen Ba will not find anything to say.

After watching the game live for a whole day and awarding awards to the first, second and third place winners in Pengcheng Station, Chen Ba completed his mission and flew back to Jiangning overnight.

He is very busy...

After being busy at work, being able to take a day to watch the game and award awards to the players is out of the importance of "Star Emperor 2" and the professional debut of the Galaxy Suit.

However, what he didn't expect was that Wang Ya seemed to be relying on him a little bit. She followed him wherever he went, making people unable to help but complain about her methods and purposes.

"If you have nothing to do, go to the hospital!"

What Chen Ba didn't expect was that Lao Chen seemed to be happy to see this happen. Not only did he ask Wang Ya to come and have dinner with him every day, but he even asked Chen Ba to visit Lao Wang in the hospital often.

Are you looking at something?

Chen Ba actually visited Lao Wang once. The afternoon before he left for Pengcheng, he couldn't defeat Lao Chen. He took a fruit basket to the hospital to see Lao Wang.

To be honest, Lao Wang is quite unlucky. He is so rich, so 99% of all diseases are trivial to him, but he should never have gotten cancer.

There is nothing we can do!

The premise that money can help the gods is that there is a treatment plan in this world. But cancer is nothing more than spending money to extend your life for a few years. It is impossible to completely cure it.

When he went to see Lao Wang that day, Lao Wang actually left him alone and said some "heartbreaking" words.

The core meaning is really just one sentence, he is about to die, and the only concern he can't let go is his daughter. He is afraid that after he leaves, her daughter will be bullied and unable to maintain such a big business, or she will end up with bruises all over her body if she encounters someone unkind.


Although what he said was right, Chen Ba still found a blind spot at that time and couldn't help but ask: "Isn't your wife still there?"

"My wife... Oh, don't mention her character. If I leave one day, I'm worried that she will commit suicide..."

After Lao Wang explained his wife's character problem, he then expressed his thoughts.

He said that he had a purpose in contacting Lao Chen, and this purpose was actually to fall in love with Chen Ba, a "young hero."

"I got it……"

Director Wang's self-exposure did not surprise Chen Ba. After all, he had already guessed this.

In this world, there is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason!

The friendship between Lao Wang and Lao Chen came out of nowhere. Chen Ba had long known that Lao Wang had a purpose in befriending Lao Chen, but his purpose was not clear yet.

"...I'll just say it bluntly, I want you to marry my daughter, and the dowry will be the billions in wealth I have saved over the years! What do you think, are you interested?"

Hold the grass!

Chen Ba, who had never believed in pie falling from the sky, felt confused for the first time as if he had been knocked unconscious by a pie.

Why could Lao Wang say the number of billions so easily and decide to give it to a stranger he had only met twice?

Yes, stranger!

Counting this conversation, Chen Ba and Lao Wang only met twice in total. What is this level of familiarity other than strangers?

"I trust you!"

In response to Chen Ba's rhetorical question, Lao Wang seemed very sure: "I'm not afraid, so what are you afraid of? Could it be that you're not interested in this?"

It would be a lie to say that you are not interested. After all, it is billions, not tens or hundreds of dollars. As long as you nod and agree, you can get billions for nothing. Who would not be interested?

But Chen Ba made that exception.

He declined Lao Wang's kindness. Although it hurt a little when he refused, he did not regret his decision.

"It's just a few billion, I have it too!"

This is what gives Chen Ba the confidence to say no. In the final analysis, the money he has earned over the years is not much worse than what Lao Wang has accumulated throughout his life.

Just wanting to bribe him with just a few billions is simply underestimating Chen Ba and Tianba Studio's ability to collect money.

Adding a zero is almost enough...

Chen Ba refused, but Lao Wang didn’t know what he said to Wang Ya that day. Anyway, when Chen Ba was about to fly to Pengcheng the next morning, Wang Ya took the initiative to follow him.

Thinking of this, Chen Ba couldn't help but ask: "Is Wang Dong really sick?"

"Absolutely true!"

Lao Chen, who was browsing the video with his head down, raised his head when he heard this and said, "What's the point of lying? Didn't you see that his company was almost in chaos?"


If he was pretending to be ill, there would be no need for the company to be affected and almost cause trouble, affecting normal business operations.

"So what did the doctor say, how long can he live? I mean, is the condition serious?"

"Very serious!"

"According to consultations with multiple experts, with conservative treatment, you should be able to live for 6-12 months!"

Old Chen sighed: "Otherwise, why do you think he is so anxious? He is not about to die, and he wants to see his daughter get married before he dies..."

This is indeed the mentality an old father should have before he dies, and Chen Ba understands this.

However, understanding is all that matters. To be honest, Chen Ba was a little disgusted and resistant to Comrade Lao Wang's decision to insist on bringing him and Wang Ya together.

He can date Wang Ya or marry Wang Ya, but these are all based on the two of them having feelings. Without feelings, it is impossible to get together.

"Emotions can be cultivated slowly!"

Old Chen advised: "How old are you? It's rare to meet a suitable partner. Try to be in the same place without missing a piece of flesh."

"Everyone is happy if it works. If it doesn't work, don't say it now. Wouldn't it be good to let Lao Wang finish the last journey with peace of mind?"

That's true.

What Chen Ba rejected and resisted was nothing more than Lao Chen and Lao Wang's insistence that Yue Lao lead a red line between him and Wang Ya.

In other words, what he rejected was actually Lao Wang, and he didn't have much objection to Wang Ya, and he even liked her a little bit.

He understood what Lao Chen meant.

Lao Wang is almost dead, and whether he is disgusted or resistant, it has no meaning to a dying person. At least Wang Ya didn't do anything wrong. It's okay to get to know each other not as lovers but as friends.

"Then let's just be friends first!"

Because Wang Ya was not interested in the GAL competition, but she still accompanied him to Pengcheng, Chen Ba thought that he could make a friend.

As for whether we will go further in the future, that is a matter for the future. There is no need to consider this now, and it is impossible to say for sure.

The project of "Abba" did not go smoothly and was unanimously opposed by many core members of Tianba Studio.

the reason is simple!

Everyone feels that such a game can certainly try to win awards, but for commercial games that invest huge amounts of money, how to make back the money is an unavoidable topic.

"Brother Ba, think twice!"

Luo Ji advised: "With such a big investment, if the results are not ideal and you lose money in the end, it won't be worth it even if you get the prize."

The investment in "Abba" is not small.

A project of this level, let alone Tianba Studio, would be a project that "cannot fail" even if it were placed inside a large factory like Pig Factory and Goose Factory.

Once it fails, the consequences will be collateral losses. Even the goose factory will have to strain its muscles and bones and will be unable to breathe for a long time.

"I understand your concerns!"

"But I want to be willful once, even if I lose all my money, I still want to stand on the most shining stage in the gaming industry..."

Chen Ba's attitude is very firm, and he has already risked his life to win the award.

It doesn't matter if you lose money. You have made a lot of money over the years. Even if "Abba" loses tens or even hundreds of millions, it will not kill Tianba Studio.

Besides, who said "Abba" is 100% a loss-making project?

The probability of losing money is very high, but it is not absolute. There is still a possibility of making a profit to recover the capital.

“It’s so difficult to get back the original value of this kind of subject matter!”

Luo Ji said very pessimistically: "And the difficulty of the game is so abnormal, the game experience is probably not very good. It is difficult for me to imagine that this game will become a huge hit."

"It makes no sense for you to say that! The game hasn't even been released yet, so why do you dare to conclude that the game experience is bad?"

Chen Ba curled his lips and retorted: "Whether the game is fun or not is the most important. As for the difficulty of the game you mentioned, it is not important."

This has to be said about the popularity of the game "Digging for Advancement" back then.

The original name of Digging Over It with Bennett Foddy is "Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy", which translates to "Overcoming Difficulties with Bennett Foddy".

This game is quite famous!

But before this game became popular and its influence was not out of the circle, who would have thought that such a game would become popular?

All kidding aside, the difficulty and game design of Digging Up are simply representative of "turning players away".

Because of its no-save design, coupled with the fall mechanism of "one mistake can lead to eternal regrets", the "frustration" of this game has reached an unprecedented level.

The game is already difficult.

As a result, the frustration of losing the game is so strong that it makes people's hearts explode. This game, at first glance, is a representative of a niche and unpopular game. It is impossible for it to reach the public eye and become popular.

That’s right!

Its game mechanics and design are simply not for mass players. In other words, the game was not designed to please the "mass" players.

This may be difficult to understand.

In other words, when designing and producing every game, the issue of "audience" will be taken into consideration.

This is just like writing a novel. Before starting to write, you will consider "who the novel is written for." Elementary school students or older readers?

When designing the game "Get Over It with Bennett Foddy", it was obvious that there was no intention of reaching the public. After all, the game is extremely frustrating and very difficult.

But this game, driven by various anchors and UP owners, has become popular! !

What's wrong with the high difficulty and high frustration?

As long as I don't play it myself, watch others play it, and become a glorious cloud player, then the game "Overcoming Difficulties with Bennett Foddy" is quite interesting and interesting!

Hearing this, Luo Ji sighed helplessly and said: "The example of "Overcoming Difficulties with Bennett Foddy" cannot explain anything. Haven't you noticed that even if it is very popular and out of the circle, the sales of this game are still Didn’t it grow much?”

"I discovered this."

Chen Ba nodded.

Digging for Advancement was very popular. At that time, there were videos and explanations about this game all over the Internet, and its influence was absolutely phenomenal.

But for game sales, although the increase is huge, the increase is still too small compared to the explosive popularity across the Internet.

to be honest!

The sales volume of digging deep into the ground does not match the explosive popularity across the Internet. You will feel that there are a few "players".

This reason has also been analyzed by some people. As the same saying goes, it is more interesting to dig in the ground and watch others play than to buy and play yourself...

Luo Ji is worried that "Abba" will also become like this, that is, it is more interesting to watch others play than to play by yourself. Only various game anchors and UP owners will buy and play it, and passerby players are too scared to buy it because of the difficulty. .

In this regard, Chen Ba expressed that he was overly worried.

"Abba" will not scare passers-by players from buying and playing it because of difficulty or frustration, like "The Legend of Abba".

Quite the opposite!

In his conception, "Abba" is the kind of game that is interesting to watch others play, and even more interesting to play yourself.

In other words, if you watch others playing "Abba", you will not be frightened by the high difficulty. Instead, you will have the strange idea of ​​"itching your hands and eager to fight".

Once you have this idea, it's not far away from buying the game to experience it for yourself.

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