This is not a BUG, this is a game feature

Chapter 261 A major company crowdfunds a sequel (Happy New Year to everyone)

Chen Ba didn't know that "Once Upon a Time in a Mountain Village" had been maliciously reported.

But he had heard a little bit about the store transactions in the online mode of "Fast Rush" and the astonishing sky-high prices in Tianning Pavilion.

no way!

This matter has become a hot search topic.

As soon as he turned on his phone, the news pushed in the notification bar was titled "A man in Pengcheng spent 2 million yuan on games and called it an investment." It was difficult for him not to know.

But I know that he really has no time to care about it at the moment.

After all, although the artificial intelligence summit he attended was over, there was still an entrepreneur symposium and a reception dinner prepared by the organizer waiting for him.

This is a good opportunity to visit the pier!

When he was very young, Chen Ba heard others say that the most important thing for hanging out is to have more brothers and more friends! If you have no brothers or friends, it doesn’t matter if you have enough money, but you have to share the same amount.

Unfortunately, although Chen Ba made money, he really didn't have many good brothers and friends.

You have to expand your network resources!

Although Tianba Studio's main business is game production and distribution, it is difficult to interact with other people...

But how do you say that?

It is true that Tianba Studio mainly produces games, but if you really think that Tianba Studio makes money from games, then you are too naive!

"Mr. Chen, I have long admired your name!"


After reaching out to shake hands with the CEO of a 4A advertising and marketing planning company, Chen Ba said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Qin? I remember you. You came to our company to discuss business before!"

"Yes, yes, it's me!"

The middle-aged man whom he called Mr. Qin laughed and said: "Mr. Chen, I'm very interested in your "Don't Leave After School"! There are many games that make money from advertising, but like yours, you allocate advertising fees to users. , You are the first..."

Mr. Qin opened an advertising company.

The main business is TV advertising, but in recent years the business focus has slowly begun to shift to Internet advertising and short video advertising.

After all, if customers have such needs, they must try their best to meet them!

When he shifted his business focus and dealt with Tianba Studio, he first came into contact with the GAL League advertising and sponsorship of "Star Emperor".

Later, after I gradually learned about the "maverick" game "Don't Leave After School", I began to deepen cooperation with Tianba Studio and even became a regular partner.

This is also the main reason why he praised the game "Don't Leave After School" so much, and even flattered Chen Ba in various ways.

Chen Ba knew this very well.

Not many people were optimistic about the advertising operation model of "Don't Leave After School" at the beginning. Companies that come to advertise in the game usually come to the game themselves and do not go through advertising companies.

It's normal that the advertising company looks down on this aspect and thinks this model is completely ridiculous. It is estimated that it will be discontinued after two days of operation.

Who knew that "Don't Leave After School" not only did not stop, but became more and more prosperous. As the number of people online in the game surges, and player activity is not inferior to that of well-known portals and social platforms, advertising companies come to contact us.

Qin is always the first to eat crabs.

Relying on the powerful marketing capabilities of the game "Don't Leave After School", his advertising company has made a lot of money.

But the good days are coming to an end!

Chen Ba has decided that starting from June this year, a professional operations planning team will be responsible for the advertising space division and advertising investment of "Don't Leave After School: Pinball Storm".

In other words, Chen Ba no longer wants to negotiate business with advertisers through an "intermediary" like Mr. Qin.

He wants to bypass intermediaries and achieve face-to-face communication and collaboration between advertisers and advertising platforms.

"Stay After School: Pinball Storm" will support advertisers to "recharge" a certain amount of advertising fees by themselves, and fees will be deducted based on data such as the number of ad clicks and completion rate.

to be honest!

In the past, the advertising resources and investment channels for "Don't Leave After School" had to be transferred through intermediaries or middlemen.

It won’t be necessary in the future.

From now on, it will be the same as charging money to charge phone bills. If you want to invest in ads, just charge money directly. As for how to invest in ads, how much traffic and views will be pushed to you, Tianba Studio has the final say.

What about advertising agencies?

Very simple!

They still have a business, they just don't make as much as before. Advertising companies like Mr. Qin will be responsible for shooting and advertising in the future, and Chen Ba will introduce clients to them.

"Isn't this bad?"

Mr. Qin's expression was a little ugly, as if he didn't expect Brother Ba to be so cruel and not play his game well, and even want to take away the advertisement.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Ba reached out and patted Mr. Qin on the shoulder, and said expectantly: "I'm going to introduce clients to you. Isn't that good? Other advertising platforms may not introduce clients to you!"

Yes, introducing clients is a good thing.

But if you can, don’t take commissions! For customers who give you free gifts, I will thank you for eight lifetimes, but for customers who receive commissions...

Mr. Qin sighed, but did not object to Chen Ba's proposal. Because he knows that doing this will only make less money. If he doesn't agree, he may not make a penny.

After bidding farewell to the depressed General Empress Qin, Chen Ba turned around and hooked up with the person in charge of Nvidia China Region.

This time we are talking about agency business.

In fact, there is nothing to talk about with Nvidia. After all, they mainly sell chips and non-consumer grade graphics cards.

When Chen Ba wants to talk about agency cooperation, he mainly talks with consumer terminal OEM companies such as Renshuo, Miserable Red, and Shrinking Star.

This business is quite popular.


Xianyu Digital has been the sales champion of the digital accessories category on major e-commerce platforms 618 and Double Eleven for three consecutive years!

It is no exaggeration to say that the phrase "go to Brother Ba when buying a graphics card" has already become a social consensus in the past few years.

It's hard to say in other circles, at least in the DIY computer accessories circle, the recognition of Xianyu Digital is not much worse than that of Goudong's self-operated products.

Ordinary players may hesitate between Goudong Self-Operation and Xianyu Digital, but real hard-core PC players will only choose Xianyu Digital without thinking.

the reason is simple!

Goudong only has good service, but when it comes to product quality and after-sales guarantee, I’m not sure who is better.

In particular, everyone was speechless after the official after-sales maintenance department of a graphics card manufacturer revealed that products with a note of "Xianyu Digital" would be given priority for repairs, and repair orders sold or received on other platforms would be postponed.

What the hell!

The price of graphics cards of the same brand is similar, but the purchase channels are different. When applying for after-sales maintenance services, do you have to wait in line behind others?

Is Fairyland Digital really superior to others?

In fact, taking graphics cards as an example, in terms of product quality, in fact, the products from all major official e-commerce channels are similar. There is no saying that Xianyu Digital's graphics cards have higher specifications.

However, due to some unspeakable special background of Xianyu Digital, the graphics cards bought here can be guaranteed not to be mining cards or refurbished cards, so the more talented people buy them, the higher the sales volume.

Precisely because of its high sales volume, it is considered one of the most important Internet e-commerce sales channels for various graphics card manufacturers. Therefore, Xianyu Digital has a certain say in the after-sales field.


No matter how high the voice is, the after-sales maintenance department will not give priority to orders from "Xianyu Digital".

The reason why a certain manufacturer would rather give extensions to individual users for repairs, but also give priority to providing repair and after-sales services to Xianyu Digital customers, is actually just one sentence...

Someone is really a protector!

If you buy a graphics card in Goudong and something goes wrong, Brother Dong, who is worth tens of billions, cannot stand up for you, and even such a thing will not reach his ears.

But when you buy something at Xianyu Digital and something goes wrong, and the manufacturer refuses to deal with it, the customer service can really blame Chen Ba.

When Chen Ba receives this kind of thing, he usually makes a phone call to the general manager or executive vice president of the other company.

This is the relationship account!

All the relevant customers have called the highest level of the company. Do you think the after-sales maintenance department can stop treating "Xianyu Digital" as their father?


More than just offering it as a father, he is treated like an ancestor. Individual users send it for repairs or maintenance, and all kinds of pushbacks and objections are made. Third-party channels for sending repairs and guarantees are also all kinds of prevarication.

But Xianyu Digital delivers insurance...

Dad, ancestor, don't worry, I'll solve it for you right away, don't call me! Your boss is busy with work, don't let him care about such trivial nonsense, it's not worth it!

Even the famous Ju Baojia couldn't withstand the call from Brother Ba himself, and his attitude was extremely good.

This makes perfect sense!

After all, everyone is a big business person, and they are all people with status, and their net worth must be measured in "hundred million".

With this status, just to complain about a graphics card repair issue, why do you make a special call to negotiate a solution?

Brother, if you don’t think it’s embarrassing, I still think it’s embarrassing!

But then again...

The reason why these PC hardware manufacturers favor Xianyu Digital and even obey Brother Ba is because they have a deep relationship with the GAL League.

"When will the second generation be released?"

This was the question asked by the head of AMD Greater China when Chen Ba attended the dinner.

The "second generation" he said does not refer to the second generation product of a certain hardware, but the second generation sequel of "Star Emperor".

As everyone knows.

The GAL League rarely experienced a decline in attention last year. The reason is still due to the decrease in the number of players of "Star Emperor".

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the league environment.

Ever since, the CEO of the GAL league operating company, who coordinated the major participating teams and the capital behind them, sat down and had a meeting.

The content of the meeting is very simple.

We are all decent people. For the future of the GAL League, if each of us contributes a little money, we can raise funds to make a sequel to "Star Emperor".

This proposal was unanimously approved!


Making a game, even a super-standard AAA game, is just a drop in the bucket for these big companies.

Let's all raise some money and work together to solve this problem, so that the popularity of the GAL League will not continue to decline.

A strange scene occurred.

More than a dozen participating teams in the GAL League and the capital behind them insisted on handing the money to Chen Ba, asking him to hurry up and produce the second generation of "Star Emperor".

But Chen Ba didn't want to accept the money that came to his door.

His idea is simple.

What do these people mean by giving him money? I look down on him and Tianba Studio. I think Tianba Studio can’t pay for it, right?

Who are you looking down on?

If we really want to make "Star Emperor 2", Tianba Studio can bear all the development costs by itself, so why do we need these people to help raise funds?

Moreover, this money was crowdfunded. If this money is really used to develop "Star Emperor 2", how will the copyright ownership of the game be calculated?

"It must be yours!"

The person in charge of AMD China said sincerely: "We paid, but we just don't want to see such a great game like "Star Emperor" without a sequel. The ownership and copyright of the game must belong to Tianba Studio."

Who wants your broken copyright?

Please! The brothers are making graphics cards, CPUs, and hardware. They are all high-tech. Who lacks your gaming income?

Stop being paranoid!

If they had to tell them directly that this money was donated to Tianba Studio by everyone for charity without any expectation of return, Brother Ba would not be suspicious and would he be willing to accept this money?

"I'm afraid..."

When he heard that the money was given to him for charity without any intention of repaying him, Chen Ba suddenly showed a shy expression like a girl.

Hey hey hey, what are you doing?

He didn't do anything. He was lying at home and sleeping, but some kind people felt sorry for him and specially raised money for him to play games. How embarrassing is this?

Chen Ba originally didn't want to accept it.

He is a self-respecting game producer with his own backbone. How can he accept this kind of pie-in-the-sky, so-called "get something for nothing" thing?

But I can’t help it, it’s too much…

These dozen companies that are the sponsors of GAL league teams have raised approximately US$417 million in development funds for "Star Emperor 2".

Hold the grass!

When Chen Ba heard this number, all his integrity, integrity, self-esteem and self-love were all forgotten, and his eyes turned into $$.

Big dog owners are really rich!

In the face of such a sum of money that was enough to produce a top 3A game, Chen Ba's knees felt a little weak, and he even felt that being supported was quite a blessing.

"Then it's settled!"

"As long as the funds you promised are received, the "Star Emperor 2" project will start immediately. It's a deal, double happiness, and the boss is great!"

Any hesitation for even a second would be disrespectful to the US$400 million.

Chen Ba's bottom line was quite flexible and he readily agreed to the matter immediately.

However, he also kept an eye on it, and proposed to start the work after the money was received, so as not to be cheated. If the work was done but the money was not received, wouldn't that be bad luck?

"Don't worry, we will give you the money right away. I just hope you can start the development and production of "Star Emperor 2" as soon as possible!"

Four hundred million U.S. dollars sounds like a lot, and it is indeed a lot. After all, if you convert it, this is more than two billion soft girl coins.

But this amount is not borne by one company alone, but raised jointly by more than a dozen large companies. And these dozen companies are all technology giants like Microsoft, Sony, Nvidia, and AMD.

It’s really cool!

Brother Ba actually suspected that they were unable to come up with the money. This was simply an insult to them.

What international joke are you kidding?

Among these dozens of fund-raising companies, even the slightly weaker one, Renshuo, casually shells out tens of millions of dollars as if it were a joke.

The only problem is...

After they have spent the money, how should they explain to investors and the board of directors the whereabouts and use of the money?

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