This is not a BUG, this is a game feature

Chapter 254 When you are in doubt, make a divination first!

Playing horror games does not actually require so-called operations, because this type of game has no operations at all.

Just get over your fear!

Ice Coke once heard a saying, when playing games, you have to play with a smile! As long as he overcomes his fear, horror games can also be played as casual games.


Since hiding in the cabinet is of no use to this monster, then running away, he doesn't believe it. Can this monster still catch up with him?

Turns out, he was right.

This monster can't get out of the house at all. As long as he leaves the cabin before being caught up, he can escape.

"But what about the key?"

If you don't enter the house, there will be no clues. Once you enter the house, you will be hunted by the mysterious monster. This seems to be an unsolvable problem.

Bing Cola didn't believe that Brother Ba would design a level that no one could pass, so he thought about it and felt that the secret to passing the level was probably hidden in the newly unlocked "divination" function.

Study it carefully.

Bing Cola suddenly saw a so-called "timetable" on the divination page, which showed the times such as Zichou, Yinmao and so on. Different times correspond to different hexagrams.


"Does it mean that if you go in at the wrong time, it will be dangerous? You have to be the right person at the right time to turn danger into good luck?"

Bing Cola, who had some knowledge, quickly found the pattern. This hexagram seemed to change with the change of "time".

for example.

What was a great misfortune in the last hour may become a little auspicious or a great auspiciousness in the next hour!

And what he wants to do seems to be to seize this rare "auspicious time and auspicious day" to carry out the mission. Otherwise, if you miss the auspicious time, it will be very dangerous to do the task again.

"I understand!"

"This is the metaphysical mechanism of the uncle in the community who broke the news..."

Looking at the divination page carefully, Bing Cola said nervously: "It is indeed very metaphysical. This is included in the divination. I have never encountered it in other games."

This thing is indeed quite mysterious.

But Ice Coke didn't think much about it. In his opinion, this was just the game's preset plan! The so-called metaphysical color is actually not metaphysical at all. After all, the hexagrams and plots are arranged in advance.

Players are like puppets.

It seems that fate is in one's own hands, but in fact everything is arranged, and divination is just a task guidance system with a layer of "metaphysical skin".

No wonder Ice Coke thinks so.

After all, this is just a game. In his mind, since it is a game, all functions in it serve the plot flow, and the divination system is no exception.

It's just a more "metaphysical" way to guide players to complete tasks and clear the plot step by step.

"Since there is an auspicious time, just wait!"

After looking at the timetable and realizing that the auspicious time still had to wait for a few minutes, Bing Cola decisively cut the screen and opened the Tianba community, intending to learn about the subsequent plot and puzzle levels.

He is a gaming vlogger.

Since he is a video blogger, he must consider the viewing quality and program effect when making videos. For the sake of enjoyment, sometimes it is indeed necessary to perform a "carefully designed" performance.

What's the meaning?

This means that he will go to the community to search for strategy posts and tutorial posts to learn about the subsequent levels and plot content in advance. Then, based on the information you already know, design the video script in advance to create program effects.

When his video was released, the audience thought it was his first time playing and didn’t understand anything. He was pointing and pointing...

But in fact, he acted it out! In the process of playing and recording video material, he had already inquired about these things.

It's just that sometimes you have to pretend to be stupid and pretend that you don't understand anything when you play for the first time.

Don't ask, just asking will make the program more effective, and the audience will be happier and more satisfied when they see his startled appearance.

All joking aside, for a "Top 100" UP owner like him, no matter what section it is, almost every video has a "performance" component.

The UP owner of the living area has a script, but is there no such thing as the game area?


To achieve this level of fans, in order to ensure that each video has a certain degree of enjoyment, there will definitely be a script, but to what extent it will be performed depends on the person.

Ice Coke is already relatively good, at least he is just pretending to be "playing it for the first time". 80% of the video content is edited live, and there are not many well-designed performances.

Some videos are fake from beginning to end. For example, Shihei customized a game and designed the script in advance. Wouldn't it be simple to create a program effect?

"There are so many posts?"

As soon as he opened the Tianba community, Bing Cola saw a lot of discussion posts about "Once Upon a Time in a Mountain Village".

However, he did not find the tutorial or strategy posts he wanted.

Some people have posted it, but...

Bing Cola took a look and saw that the strategy posts and teaching posts posted by these people were different from his own.

Except for the same initial plot of climbing a mountain and traveling at night, the game process after entering the village is different for everyone.

Some people did not encounter the paper man under the tree at the entrance of the village, nor did they encounter any monsters when they returned home. They simply found the clue.

Someone was found dead before entering the village. After finally returning home, before triggering the task of finding clues, he was found dead again. He didn’t even know how he died...

And even if the process is roughly the same, the monsters encountered are different!

Some people encountered an unknown creature that was incorporeal and like a mist, some people encountered an old Hu who had "resurrected from the dead", and some people encountered NPCs that could be interacted with and talked to.

This is too strange!

Everyone is playing the same game, but how come the game processes they experience are not consistent? Except for receiving the same mission, there is no reference at all.

Fortunately, Ice Coke is not the only one who realizes this, other players also realize this.

After some comparisons, the reason was quickly found: the divination system!

After unlocking the divination system, the hexagrams triggered by everyone are different. Some people are lucky hexagrams, so the game has been smooth sailing so far, while some are bad hexagrams and have been killed and resurrected several times.

"Everyone's hexagrams are different. Different hexagrams will trigger different task processes and routes?"

After learning this, Bing Cola suddenly became interested in this divination function.

This thing is pretty awesome!

Let’s not discuss why everyone’s hexagrams are different, because this is most likely to happen randomly.

The point is, they both have "big bad" hexagrams, so why are their encounters and experiences completely different? And the code words and hexagram interpretations obtained are completely different?

It shouldn’t be!

Bing Cola counted on his fingers. According to the community discussion thread, there are five kinds of hexagrams in the game, namely big good luck, small good luck, no good luck and no bad luck, big bad luck and small bad luck.

Normally, game designers should design a set of mission processes and experiences based on these five different hexagrams one by one, and then appear randomly to ensure that player experiences are different.

But no matter what, this kind of change is limited to five kinds. It is impossible for the hexagrams to be consistent but the process and experience to be inconsistent.

After all, designing a set of task processes for one hexagram is already very laborious and time-consuming. To design several additional sets of processes for each hexagram is just too much.

Moreover, the hexagrams change from time to time.

There are so many hours every day, time passes very quickly in the game, and the hexagrams change every few minutes. It is impossible for designers to think so comprehensively and meticulously.

Therefore, Bing Cola boldly guessed that "Once Upon a Time in a Mountain Village" should first calculate a hexagram, and then derive the subsequent task process and encounter experience based on this hexagram.

In other words.

Before divination, the game was in a state of chaos, with no established mission routes and processes. After the divination, once the divination has been determined, the game will clear away the fog and have a fixed route and process.

"It's quite interesting!"

Bing Cola smiled. She didn't expect that in this game, the golden finger given to the protagonist by the designer would be such a metaphysical product.

The most ridiculous thing is that this thing is really accurate!

After all, the divination comes first and then the process. Based on this sequence, the divination function can calculate good and bad fortunes for both big and small events in the game "Once Upon a Time in the Village".

This is not called metaphysics, this is called science!

After all, it is achieved through technical means, so this divination method of calculating good and bad luck sounds very mysterious, but in fact it is not that outrageous. It is nothing more than a small program.

It’s time!

After glancing at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, Bing Cola suddenly came to his senses and quickly switched back to the game page of "Once Upon a Time in a Mountain Village".

The auspicious time has arrived!

During the time when he switched the screen, the time in the game had been changed, switching from midnight to ugly hour, which was converted to a 24-hour clock, which was about two o'clock in the morning.

"Divination, start..."

Before taking action, make a divination for yourself. Although you already know that this is an auspicious time, what if it is not accurate and the divination suddenly turns into a big disaster?

Fortunately, the divination system of "Once Upon a Time in a Mountain Village" is absolutely reliable. If it is said to be an auspicious time, it is an auspicious time. The shining word "good luck" makes Bing Cola feel at ease.

Damn it, with this hexagram, not to mention the monster in the wooden house, even if King Yama comes now, Bing Cola will dare to fight him twice.


Daji's hexagram is no joke. When he manipulated the protagonist Hu Xi to return to the wooden house, not only did he quickly find the clues, but he didn't even hear any unusual footsteps or breathing during the whole process.

It went so smoothly...

The whole process was so smooth that I couldn't believe it even with the iced Coke. Is this the charm of auspicious times? No wonder weddings and weddings must be held at auspicious times. This thing really works!

"Unfortunately, this is just a game."

Sighing inexplicably, Ice Coke felt a little regretful. After all, the divination system in the game was not a true metaphysics and could not calculate good or bad luck in reality.

Otherwise this thing would be awesome!

If the program can calculate the good and bad luck in reality, then who will go to the almanac to burn incense and worship Buddha? Just go to Brother Ba and play "Once Upon a Time in the Village".

Of course, this is just a joke.

No matter how unfaithful Brother Ba is, he can't write a code that can predict good or bad luck in reality. Otherwise, he shouldn't live in a villa, but in a temple and fairy palace.

After thinking wildly for a while, Bing Cola soon found the key clue and solved an important puzzle in the early stage of the game - the location of Lao Hu's body!

Lao Hu died and was buried.

But what was buried was only a fake coffin, and the real remains were hidden in the first cave of Sandong Village.

What secrets are hidden in the cave?

What are the villagers hiding? Who caused Lao Hu's death? What is buried in this mountain village full of weird things?

When you are in doubt, make a divination first!

After playing "Once Upon a Time in a Mountain Village" for two hours, Iced Coke has developed a good habit of giving myself some advice before going on a mission.

Daji has no rush, Xiaoji depends on the situation, Xiaoji pays more attention, and Daji waits where he is.

It's a good horror game, but he completed the fortune-telling simulator. Before playing it, he never thought that he would believe so much in a product of metaphysics while playing the game.

There is no way, the calculation is too accurate.

Playing the game "Once Upon a Time in a Mountain Village", those who don't believe in the results of divination will be slapped in the face in the end. If the hexagram indicates great misfortune, then you will be more misfortune than good!

However, Bing Cola also discovered that the so-called hexagrams can be used as a reference at most. It does not mean that the big evil cannot be played, but it is relatively more difficult.

Moreover, the divination must be accepted and completed to be accurate. If you do not accept or complete the tasks and wander around the map, then the divination will not be accurate.


As if remembering something, Ice Coke patted his forehead, quickly cut the screen and returned to the homepage, and opened "Cultivation Fantasy".

Forgot to hang up the Tiandao program!

As a loyal Cultivation Party and cyber merit player, Bing Cola started playing the game "Cultivation Fantasy" very early.

This has also led to him developing a habit now, that is, no matter what game he plays, the Tiandao program must be installed in the background to avoid missing out on merit rewards.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat!

He is a man who is determined to become a saint through merit, and he must not miss any opportunity to gather the wool of heaven and accumulate merit for himself.


Can "Once Upon a Time in a Mountain Village" gain merit?

As a new game, and it is also a stand-alone horror game, Ice Coke is a little hesitant. There seems to be no way to obtain merit rewards in this game.

A bit embarrassing!

Since you can't accumulate merit, what's the point of having a Tiandao program in the background?

Just when Ice Coke felt it was pointless, he terminated the program of "Cultivation Fantasy" and cut the screen to continue playing "Once Upon a Time in the Village", the game crashed.

That's right!

As soon as I switched back to the game page, the screen went black, and after a while it popped back to the main page of "Start Game" and "Continue Game".

"What the hell?"

It's understandable that new games have bugs. Ice Coke didn't take it to heart that the game crashed. After all, you'll get used to it after experiencing this kind of thing a few times.

After all, it is a new game, and players are a little more tolerant. If it crashed like this on another game, he would have already given negative reviews and started complaining.

Fortunately, the save file was not lost!

After re-entering the game, Ice Coke was about to go exploring in the cave. When he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed that the "divination" function had a red dot on.

"The divination function has been unlocked, click to view detailed instructions!"

Ice Coke: "..."

What's going on?

Dude, it just crashed, the save file was not lost, and the game progress is still there. How come the divination function is unlocked again?

Isn’t this feature already unlocked a long time ago? Did he use a pirated version before?

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