This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 50: good harvest

The first year of the establishment of the Vine tribe, August 20th.

The autumn wind started, and in just a few days, the fields of the Veng tribe's crops were already golden.

In the field of crops, Jiang Xuan personally held the bone stalk, and while everyone was watching, he carefully dug out a large round potato with a bright red skin, and held it high above his head.

"Autumn harvest!"

With a happy smile on Jiang Xuan's face, he shouted, and the loud voice spread throughout the entire tribe.

All the clansmen of the Vine tribe cheered immediately. Although there were not many people, the tribesmen were loud and sounded quite powerful.

Even the old witch, who did not belong to the Vine tribe, was affected by the atmosphere when he saw this scene, and his face was a little excited.


Gan Song held the bone scorpion with one hand, and immediately began to work after the crowd cheered.

Soon, everyone joined the ranks of digging potatoes.

After working hard for more than half a year, when the harvest finally came, everyone was happy to see the round potatoes being dug up from the ground.

This is all food!

In the farmland of the Veng tribe, the clansmen’s laughter and laughter can be heard from time to time. Although the work is hot and sweaty, no one is tired, and no one is lazy.

With these grains, they don't have to worry about the shortage of grain in winter.

The old witch was walking in the crops. He picked up a round potato, wiped the soil on it, and said excitedly, "Through planting, you can actually harvest so much food!"

Although he has long noticed that the cultivation methods of the Vine tribe are different from other tribes, he was still deeply shocked when he saw the food production of the Vine tribe with his own eyes.

In fact, in Donghuang, all the big tribes have basically got rid of slash-and-burn cultivation, and through long-term practice, they have accumulated some planting experience.

Even so, their cultivation methods are still very backward.

The food obtained through cultivation is far less than the cultivation of some herbivores.

Not only in the Eastern Wilderness, but also in other places.

Large tribes usually hunt mainly, and they also raise some herbivores, and plant some high-yield and easy-to-live fruit trees and wild vegetables, so as to maintain their food needs.

They also understood the importance of digging the ground. Tools such as bone scorpion and lei sì (lěi, sì) were invented based on the need for digging the ground.

They also learned to weed, catch insects, and even learned to fertilize initially, that is, sprinkle some grass and tree ash on the ground and bury some bones.

But after all, they do not focus on planting, and the accumulated experience is very limited.

What's more, in the event of natural disasters, insect disasters, etc., the crops planted may not be harvested.

Because of this, the tribesmen did not attach much importance to farming, and they spent most of their energy on hunting and domesticating herbivorous beasts.

Therefore, when the old witch found out that the crops planted by the Veng tribe had a high yield, the shock in his heart was difficult to describe in words.

The old witch walked to Jiang Xuan's side, grabbed his hand, looked at the big round potato in his hand with glowing eyes, and asked anxiously, "How did you do it?"


Jiang Xuan felt a little confused, and the old witch's mental state was a little crazy.

"Why do you get so many round potatoes from the Vine tribe?"

Jiang Xuan finally knew what the old witch was asking. Just now he thought the old witch was crazy.

Jiang Xuandao: "Actually it's nothing, it's just some planting experience. If I'm just telling you this, it's hard for you to understand. Wouldn't it be better to live in our tribe for a year and see for yourself?"

"Go and see for yourself?"

The old witch frowned and thought for a while, then he let go of Jiang Xuan's hand and his brows stretched, but his eyes became firmer.

"Okay, then I'll try my best to live longer, and see for myself!"

Jiang Xuan said with a smile: "I'll send this round potato back first. This is the first round potato dug up this year, and it will be used to worship the rattan **** at that time."

"Sacrificial sacrifice?" The old witch accurately grasped the key part of Jiang Xuan's words.

"Yes, if it weren't for the protection of the Vine God, our small tribe would have long since disappeared."

"Now that the crops have been harvested, and the breeding has achieved initial success, the food in the tribe is relatively sufficient. I plan to take this opportunity to hold an autumn sacrifice to thank the rattan god."

"Not only that, if the rattan tribe can grow smoothly, every year after the autumn harvest, we will hold a sacrificial ceremony, using the best food, fish, livestock, prey and other offerings to sacrifice to the rattan god."

Jiang Xuan has been thinking about this for a long time.

If you want Shenteng to protect the tribe for a long time, you have to give Shenteng something in return, and you can't ask for it unilaterally.

Holding sacrifices is the best way to repay the vines.

The rich offerings can make the vines absorb more nutrients and grow better.

Jiang Xuan guessed that this is the reason why Shenteng agreed to become the guardian deity of the tribe.

According to the current situation, the vine cannot be moved, at least not currently.

In this case, as it continues to grow, the soil under the stone mountain will only become more and more barren, and Shenteng wants to absorb more nutrients. Apart from desperately extending its root system, it can only rely on some prey caught occasionally.

But after a long time, the nearby beasts and birds of prey did not dare to approach, and it became difficult for Shenteng to obtain more nutrients.

The appearance of Jiang Xuan and others, and offering sacrifices to it, just solved the problem that it is difficult for the vine to absorb more nutrients.

The vines shelter the tribe, and the tribe repays the vines with various offerings. This is completely mutually beneficial for the vine tribe and the vines.

The bigger the vine tribe grows, the more offerings the vine can get, and the vine will become stronger, forming a virtuous circle.

The old witch nodded and said, "Yes, it's time to make sacrifices."

"However, your tribe has no witches, who will preside over the sacrificial ceremony?"

Jiang Xuan said embarrassedly, "I hosted the last time."

"You know how to sacrifice?" The old witch looked at Jiang Xuan with an incredible look on his face.

"No. UU Reading" Jiang Xuan answered honestly.

"Then how did you host it?"

"Just... send the offerings to the altar, then invite the rattan **** to enjoy it, and ask the rattan **** to protect the tribe..."

"You don't need to say it, I understand." The corner of the old witch's mouth twitched a few times, and turned his head slightly.

As a shaman who has learned various rituals of sacrifice since he was a child, when he heard about Jiang Xuan's simple and crude sacrifice ritual, he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

The old witch thought for a while and said, "If you don't mind, I can teach Chi Shao the sacrificial ceremony and let her preside over this autumn sacrificial ceremony."

Jiang Xuan's eyes lit up, and as expected, he said, "I don't mind, of course I don't mind. I'll thank you for my sister first."

The old witch waved his hand and left, obviously despising Jiang Xuan's embarrassing sacrifice method.

Jiang Xuan didn't care either, and even raised both hands in favor of making Chi Shao a witch.

After all, this is his real sister!

If there was no Chishao, he would have died in the dangerous jungle on his own.

Even the position of the leader was given to him by Chishao at the beginning.

Therefore, he is not at all worried that he will be seized of power in the future.

Jiang Xuan returned to the bamboo house, put the first big round potato dug out, and then participated in the autumn harvest.

Soon, the cellars that the Vine tribe had dug in the tunnels came in handy.

Those tuber grains that can be stored for a long time, such as round potatoes and stone eggs, are put into the cellar to keep warm and moisturizing, and not easy to rot.

For those leafy wild vegetables, Jiang Xuan also put some of them in the cellar, and some of them were dried and dried, and they could be cooked and eaten at that time.

After a large amount of food was piled up in several bamboo houses, everyone's hearts were at peace, and they would even wake up laughing when they dreamed at night.

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