This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 156: mighty vine tribe

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In the bamboo house, the old witch looked at the animal skins and said, "The animal skins are animal skins after all, and they cannot be preserved for a long time, so I decided to engrave the hundred sketches of the Great Wilderness in the finest stone."

Stone carving is a recording method older than animal skin scrolls.

Animal skin rolls will be damaged due to moisture, fire, weathering, etc., but it is more difficult to damage the stone carvings unless someone smashes the stone carvings or chisels them off.

However, compared with the animal skin scroll, the stone carving takes longer, especially the high-quality stone, the texture is hard, it is not easy to engrave the Wu script on it.

The old witch looked at Chi Shao again and said, "I'm getting old, and it's very difficult for me to complete a hundred drafts of the Great Wilderness. If I leave one day, I hope you can continue to complete it, which will also benefit your Vine tribe."

Chi Shao nodded solemnly and agreed to this matter.

"I have another request." The old witch looked at Chi Shao sincerely.

"you say."

"If there is a chance in the future, I hope you can use the animal skin scroll to transcribe a sketch of the Great Wilderness and send it to the Eagle Tribe in the Eastern Wasteland."

Chi Shao said without hesitation: "Okay, I promise you."

"In this case, even if I suddenly go to see the Eagle God one day, I will have no regrets."

The old witch showed a gratified smile, and he could devote all his energy to finding medicinal herbs, identifying medicinal herbs, and carving sketches of the great wasteland in the future.

The old witch looked at Jiang Xuan again and said, "Xuan, you need a large piece of high-quality stone to carve a hundred sketches of the great wasteland. I want to go to the Rabbit Tribe and see if I can find such a high-quality stone. The tribe is relatively familiar, can you accompany me on a trip?"

Jiang Xuan said in embarrassment: "Old witch, I'm afraid it won't work these days."

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xuan talked about the large-scale migration of the Xihuang tribe.

"So it is."

The old witch nodded and said, "Anyway, I can't be in a hurry to engrave a hundred sketches of the Great Wilderness, so let's wait until you get through this crisis."

The old witch thought for a while, and then added: "I will stay in the Vine tribe during this time. Although I am old, there is Xiao Hei who should be able to help a little."

Xiao Hei is that terrifying giant eagle.

Jiang Xuan was already a four-color warrior, but he still felt enormous pressure when facing the giant eagle.

How strong this giant eagle is, I am afraid only the old witch knows.

The old witch asked the giant eagle to help the vine tribe to fight, which was a great thing for the vine tribe.

"Old witch, don't worry, when this crisis is over, I will definitely help you find a large piece of high-quality stone."

The old witch nodded and said, "Okay, I know you are very busy, so go ahead and do your work, don't accompany me, this bad old man."

"Old witch, then you pay attention to rest, don't be too tired."

Jiang Xuan instructed, and then left the bamboo house with Chi Shao.

The old witch ate a bit of food, then continued to pick up the animal writing brush, and drew one after another magical witch script on the animal skin scroll.


On April 16, the annual giant dragonfly larvae metamorphosis began again.


Above the stone mountain, the huge divine vines bloomed green light, and the terrifying vines grew rapidly, intertwined, and then turned into a huge vine bridge, extending into the Flying Fish River.

"God, what happened?"

"I don't know, what a big vine..."

On the other side of the Flying Fish River, more than 500 prisoners of the Jackal Tribe looked at the huge rattan bridge and talked a lot.

The soldiers of the Second Guard also focused their attention on the Fuji Bridge, and they did not even urge the prisoners to continue their work.

"The giant dragonfly is about to appear again!"

Xan Er, the leader of the second guard team, looked at the surface of the Feiyu River and was very excited.


In the Flying Fish River, a dark green giant water cockroach appeared, and this time the number of water cockroaches that were about to emerge into giant dragonflies turned out to be more than in previous years.

The number of giant dragonflies, as well as the time of metamorphosis, varies from year to year.

In some years, the number of giant dragonflies will be small, such as the first year of the Vine tribe, there is only one giant dragonfly.

That year, Shen Teng didn't even use the vine bridge to pick him up. The giant water bug climbed to the shore and transformed into a giant dragonfly.

In the second year of the Veng tribe and the third year of the Veng tribe, the number of giant water cockroaches is similar, there are thirty or forty per year.

This year, there are significantly more giant dragonflies that have reached the metamorphosis stage than in the previous two years.

The entire Vine Tribe, all the clansmen in the tribe, stared at the giant water flies in the Flying Fish River, wondering how many would just climb up and transform into giant dragonflies.

Although the lifespan of giant dragonflies is only half a year, their fighting power is very strong, helping the Vine tribe to win several wars.

The situation of the Vine tribe is not optimistic this year. The emergence of giant dragonflies can relieve the pressure faced by the Vine tribe.

Jiang Xuan stood by the river and watched the giant water dragon climb the vine bridge up close together with the soldiers of the fishing team.

"It's starting." Jiang Xuan whispered.

The first giant water cockroach, after swimming around the cane bridge for a few laps, climbed up first.

Then came the second, the third...

Many giant water cockroaches rely on their powerful claws to climb up the vine bridge one after another.

Those giant water cockroaches that have not reached the metamorphosis stage are also swimming around the Fuji Bridge, and the water seems to be boiling.

"Tenth, eleventh..."

"Twenty-two, twenty-three..."

Jiang Xuan counted one by one, and when all the giant water worms in the metamorphosis stage climbed onto the vine bridge, he also ended the count.

"There are sixty-five in total!"

Jiang Xuan clenched his fists excitedly. The number of giant water cockroaches this year far exceeded the previous two years, which also means that the Teng tribe has a group of powerful help.

When there were no giant water cockroaches to climb up, the divine vine emitted a soft green light, then began to recover, and wrapped around the stone mountain in circles.

Under the protection of green light, these giant water cockroaches stopped moving, but entered a state similar to hibernation.

After a few days, they will shed a layer of shell and emerge into true giant dragonflies.

After everything was over, the people of the Vine tribe withdrew their gazes and resumed their work.

And the more than 500 captives from the Jackal Tribe were deeply shocked by the scene of Shenteng's miracle.

"The patron saint of the Vine tribe is so powerful."

"Yeah, so strong."

"What is it that climbed up in the water?"

"do not know."

These captives whispered, and there was something called "awe" in everyone's eyes.

"Don't stand still, keep working, don't you want to eat?"

The soldiers guarding the second team did not explain to them, but urged them to work.

The leader said that you can't be too good to these captives, and you can't be too bad to them, and you can use both kindness and power to make them return to their hearts faster.

In fact, no explanation is needed, because within a few days, the captives will see those giant dragonflies with their own eyes.

Time passed quickly, and in the early morning three days later, when the sun rose, the first giant dragonfly that had finished feathering began to struggle in the old shell.

The old shell has become translucent, and the giant dragonfly is struggling desperately inside.

Soon, a crack appeared on the head of the old shell, and the head of the giant dragonfly came out first, followed by the legs, wings, tail...

When it was completely free of the old shell, it first separated its six barbed legs, clawed it firmly on the old shell, and then began to straighten its crooked tail little by little, and stretched its wrinkled wings little by little. Expand.

This process will last for several hours and is very tormenting.

At the same time, other giant dragonflies that have completed their feathering also began to break free from their old shells.

In the end, all sixty-five giant dragonflies completed their transformation and appeared on the stone mountain.

Their huge, transparent wings gleam in the sunlight.

In the evening, after breaking free from the old shell and resting for a long time, the giant dragonflies that recovered their stamina spread their wings and flew.


Sixty-five giant dragonflies with a wingspan of six meters and a body length of nearly four meters are constantly flying over the Vine Tribe. The scene is extremely spectacular.

Opposite the Feiyu River, the more than 500 prisoners who had just finished their day's work and were ready to eat saw the giant dragonflies flying in the sky, and their mouths could not be closed in shock.

"Okay... what a big dragonfly..."

"Oh my God, is this raised by the Vine tribe?"


Those prisoners felt the power of the Vine Tribe again, and the idea of ​​revenge in their hearts became even more tempered.

The greatest wish of most people is to have a strong tribe to protect their safety, so that they have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a house to live in.

For now, the vine tribes seem to fit these conditions better than the jackal tribes.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


Above the stone mountain, the huge divine vines bloomed green light, and the terrifying vines grew rapidly, intertwined, and then turned into a huge vine bridge, extending into the Flying Fish River.

"God, what happened?"

"I don't know, what a big vine..."

On the other side of the Flying Fish River, more than 500 prisoners of the Jackal Tribe looked at the huge rattan bridge and talked a lot.

The soldiers of the Second Guard also focused their attention on the Fuji Bridge, and they did not even urge the prisoners to continue their work.

"The giant dragonfly is about to appear again!"

Xan Er, the leader of the second guard team, looked at the surface of the Feiyu River and was very excited.


In the Flying Fish River, a dark green giant water cockroach appeared, and this time the number of water cockroaches that were about to emerge into giant dragonflies turned out to be more than in previous years.

The number of giant dragonflies, as well as the time of metamorphosis, varies from year to year.

In some years, the number of giant dragonflies will be very small, such as the first year of the Vine tribe only one giant dragonfly.

That year, Shen Teng didn't even use the vine bridge to pick him up. The giant water bug climbed to the shore and transformed into a giant dragonfly.

In the second year of the Veng tribe and the third year of the Veng tribe, the number of giant water cockroaches is similar, there are thirty or forty per year.

This year, there are significantly more giant dragonflies that have reached the metamorphosis stage than in the previous two years.

The entire Vine Tribe, all the clansmen in the tribe, stared at the giant water flies in the Flying Fish River, wondering how many would just climb up and transform into giant dragonflies.

Although the lifespan of giant dragonflies is only half a year, their fighting power is very strong, helping the Vine tribe to win several wars.

The situation of the Vine tribe is not optimistic this year. The emergence of giant dragonflies can relieve the pressure faced by the Vine tribe.

Jiang Xuan stood by the river and watched the giant water dragon climb the vine bridge up close together with the soldiers of the fishing team.

"It's starting." Jiang Xuan whispered.

The first giant water cockroach, after swimming around the cane bridge for a few laps, climbed up first.

Then came the second, the third...

Many giant water cockroaches rely on their powerful claws to climb up the vine bridge one after another.

Those giant water cockroaches that have not reached the metamorphosis stage are also swimming around the Fuji Bridge, and the water seems to be boiling.

"Tenth, eleventh..."

"Twenty-two, twenty-three..."

Jiang Xuan counted one by one, and when all the giant water worms in the metamorphosis stage climbed onto the vine bridge, he also ended the count.

------off topic-----

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