This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 146: The vine tribe can't be that strong

"dinner's ready!"

On the other side of the Feiyu River, with the cry of the Veng tribe warriors, more than 500 prisoners who were working put down their tools and ran to the place to eat.

These captives were assigned various tasks: chopping down trees to build houses, reclaiming wasteland to grow food and vegetables, digging ditches, making roads, gathering wild vegetables...

These jobs are not easy, although they don’t need to be life-threatening, they are more difficult than hunting.

Originally, these prisoners had various thoughts in their hearts.

But after a day of hard work, my stomach is empty and my mind is empty. I just want to fill my stomach quickly and take a good rest.

"Every person has a bowl and a pair of kuaizi. You are not allowed to grab it, and you are not allowed to eat with your hands, otherwise you will not want to eat tonight."

Nepeta stood in front of these captives and used a relatively rough way to make them line up, then handed out bowls and kuaizi, and personally served them meals.

Most of the meals in Tao Dingli are wild vegetables and tubers. There is no meat, and the weight is not very sufficient, so these captives can only eat half full.

Winter has just passed, and even if the Veng tribe has sufficient food, it is not an easy task to feed five hundred more people at once.

Therefore, it is already very good for these captives to be able to eat half full and have the strength to work the next day.

After the meal, the prisoners were dumbfounded when they saw the Kuaizi in their hands. They didn't know how to use these two sticks.

Nepeta also picked up a pair of kuaizi, which he skillfully held in his hand, and opened and closed to demonstrate to the prisoners: "You can see clearly, this is called kuaizi, it is used to eat with vegetables, it is used like this of."

Nepeta took a mouthful of wild vegetables from the pottery bowl, showed it to the captives, and put it in his mouth.

"Of course, you all just came to the Vine Tribe, and it is impossible for you to use tachyon soon."

"It doesn't matter, you can do this first, catch Kuaizi together, bring the bowl to your mouth, and pick up vegetables in your mouth. Isn't this method simple enough?"

Nepeta demonstrated to the prisoners again, grabbing the two tachyons together, so that there is no need to open and close the tachyons, which is relatively simple.

"Remember, don't grab it with your hands, otherwise, you won't want to eat tonight."

When you come to the Vine Tribe, you must learn to use the fast son. This is Jiang Xuan's rule for all new members of the Vine Tribe.

Soon, the prisoners began to face bitter faces and learned to use the tachyon clumsily, but these little two sticks were not so easy to master.

In the end, most of the captives used the simplest method, holding two taikos together and using them as wooden sticks to shovel food from bowls to their mouths.

Learning to use tachyon is only the first rule of the Veng tribe.

There are also rules such as not being allowed to defecate anywhere, washing hands frequently, bathing frequently, and drinking boiled water, all of which need these prisoners to adapt to and strictly abide by.

After they get used to these rules, they will naturally bear the brand of the Vine tribe, which is obviously different from the people of other tribes.

These rules are not only beneficial to physical health, but also subtly affect everyone in the Vine Tribe.

After the awkward meal, the prisoners were divided into men and women and forced to take a bath.

The warriors of the Vine tribe brushed every one of them with a rough bristle brush, and the water washed down was black, showing how dirty they were.

After taking a bath, the prisoners could finally go to sleep in the wooden house.

Because there are too many people, there are not so many beds in the wooden house, only hay is spread on the ground.

The captives didn't have much to ask for, lying on the hay quickly fell asleep.

However, because of the terrible recent experience, almost all of them had nightmares, and many people cried in their dreams.

After a night's sleep, the prisoners had to resume their work the next morning whether they wanted to or not.

Such days will last for a long time until they really join the Vine Tribe and become members of the Vine Tribe.

In the first few days, several prisoners also tried to escape.

These people were all killed without exception, and the corpses were hung in the woods to serve as a warning to the other captives.

Maybe the means are a bit cruel, but if you don't do this, it will be difficult to deter these prisoners, and there will be more troubles in the future.

Only with kindness and a big stick can these people slowly return to their hearts.

This is a long process that requires patience and time.


The fourth year of the establishment of the rattan tribe, January 20th.

The weather is getting warmer day by day, and the spring ploughing of the Vine tribe has begun.

Jiang Xuan found the old man Heishi and asked him if he could make a stone plowshare.

"The plow looks like this, you see."

Jiang Xuan unfolded a scroll of animal skins, on which was painted the simplest curved plow.

The structure of the wooden part of the curved plough is actually very simple. As long as the suitable wood is found, it can also be made with the current technology, which is a little more complicated and takes a little more time.

But the plowshare part is the most important. If it is not done well, then a curved plow will have no effect.

The old man Heishi carefully looked at the overall structure of the Quyuan Plow, and then stared at the part of the plowshare for a long time.

"It can be done, but it is curved, and it takes a lot of time to do it well."

The plowshare of the curved plough is curved, and the production process is much more difficult than the straight one.

If the tools for making stone tools were not superb enough, he would not dare to take on this kind of work.

"It doesn't matter if it's a long time, don't worry, our cattle haven't grown up anyway, you can polish it when you have time."

Jiang Xuan paused and asked again, "Can this plow handle do it?"

The plow handle is the work of a carpenter, but Jiang Xuan has seen the old man Heishi make a wooden handle for a weapon, and thinks that he should also be a carpenter.

Sure enough, the old man Heishi nodded and said, "No problem."

"That's great!"

Jiang Xuanxi smiled, feeling that he had picked up a treasure.

"I'll ask Dajiao to send you a killed one-horned bird later, and try it out."

Jiang Xuan is very clear that it is necessary to give more preferential treatment to such a skilled stone tool master.

The old man Heishi did not refuse. He worked according to his own abilities. He would eat whatever the tribe gave him, and he would not ask for much, nor was he selective.


Jiang Xuan sat down next to the old man Heishi, and said, "Does your old man plan to accept apprentices? It would be a pity if no one inherits such a superb craftsmanship."

The old man Heishi was silent for a moment, and said, "I had two apprentices before, and when the tribe was destroyed, they died in battle."

Speaking of these two apprentices, the old man's eyes were a little dark, a little sad, and his feelings were obviously deeper.

Jiang Xuan comforted: "They are going to accompany your former totem gods."

The old man Heishi nodded, and then sharpened the stone tool in his hand, making a "chacha" sound.

"You can accept apprentices, but I have to choose them myself."

"No problem, feel free to choose the old man. When you find a suitable one, I will definitely let him be your apprentice. It's better to charge a few more. There are more and more people in our tribe, and there are not enough stone tools."


After the old man Heishi agreed, he stopped talking and polished the stone tools.

He is not a talkative person.

Jiang Xuan resolved two matters on his mind and did not stay much longer. After leaving, he left the old man Heishi's house.

He first went to the breeding area and instructed Dajiao to choose a fatter unicorn, wash and peel it, and send it to the old man of Heishi.

Then, he checked the growth of the several bison calves.

The shoulder height of the bison calf is already about one meter high, and the horns have grown to about 30 centimeters long. The overall appearance is very thick.

These buffalo calves, domesticated by the rattan god, are very docile and obedient without wearing nose rings.

But when the next generation of calves, they need to wear nose rings, because it is impossible to always let the Fuji God do this kind of thing, after all, it is up to them to solve it by themselves.

A calf without a nose ring is hard to control and has a bad temper. Once grown up, ordinary warriors can't control it.

"When these calves grow up, the curved plow should be almost finished, and they can be used to plow the ground."

Jiang Xuan felt very relieved that farming without cattle would be incomplete and inefficient.

With the addition of cattle, the productivity of the rattan tribe will be greatly improved, and more people can be supported by planting.


Just when Jiang Xuan inspected the breeding area, suddenly, there were several sharp bird calls in the sky.

Jiang Xuan looked up and saw twelve **** birds flying towards the Vine tribe from a distance.

The dumplings, who were foraging in the distance, saw this situation and flew back immediately. Next to the stone mountain, they stared vigilantly at these **** birds.

The giant eagle was relatively calm, still lying in the giant eagle's nest with his eyes closed.

Those warriors who newly joined the Vine tribe thought it was another tribe's invasion, and held their weapons nervously.

"Don't be nervous, it's not the enemy, it's the expedition of the Black Teeth tribe."

Jiang Xuan asked everyone to put down their weapons, so as not to make the people of the Black Teeth tribe laugh.

The expedition team of the Black Teeth Tribe is a team specially responsible for trading. They ride huge black-toothed birds and shuttle around the Southern Wilderness, buying and selling items, and become the most primitive merchants.

After a while, twelve black-toothed birds landed one after another.

Because the field has not yet started planting, these black-toothed birds have landed in the spacious cultivated field.

"This is the Vine tribe? We're not going to the wrong place, are we?"

The leader of the expedition, Wu Yu, got off the back of the black-toothed bird. He looked at the neat houses, ponds, cultivated fields, and a large number of people from the Vine tribe, feeling unbelievable.

He opened a scroll of animal skins, and there were some lines on it, as well as the totem patterns of various tribes.

The totem pattern of the rattan tribe is also drawn on it, but the drawing is relatively small.

This animal skin scroll is the most primitive map of the Black Tooth Tribe.

Of course, this kind of map does not have any mountains and lakes. It just uses a few lines to connect the tribes on the ground and draw totem patterns to distinguish them.

The Black Teeth Tribe came in the spring of the second year of the Vine Tribe, and now it is the fourth spring of the Vine Tribe, and only two years have passed.

In his impression, the Vine Tribe is a very small tribe, with a population of just over 100 and not many rooms.

If it were other tribes, let alone two years, even a few more years would not have changed much.

However, the Vine tribe has grown several times, how can it not be shocking?

"Leader Wu Yu, long time no see."

Jiang Xuan took some Veng tribe warriors and walked to Wu Yu calmly.

"You are... the leader of the Vine tribe?"

"Yes, I am the leader of the Vine tribe, Xuan."

After Wu Yu saw Jiang Xuan, he even had a ghostly expression on his face.

After not seeing him for two years, Jiang Xuan has grown taller and stronger. The most striking thing is the four warrior lines on his face!

Wu Yu was deeply impressed by the Vine Tribe, because at the beginning, two spider silk clothes were sold in this small Vine Tribe.

If he remembered correctly, Jiang Xuan was just a two-color warrior two years ago.

Now, Wu Yu is still a three-color warrior, but Jiang Xuan has become a four-color warrior, which makes Wu Yu unacceptable.

You know, he rode the black-toothed bird around all day to trade and ate a lot of exotic fruits, but his strength did not increase much.

How could a boy from a small tribe be stronger than him?

Wu Yu felt his mind collapsed.

Wu Yu couldn't help but ask: "Boss Xuan, I think your Vine tribe has changed a lot."

Jiang Xuan wrote lightly: "In the past two years, other tribes have often come to invade. We had to fight with them, but we all won."

Wu Yu knew that things were definitely not that simple. It wasn't that it belonged to the Vine tribe's secret. He was very smart and didn't ask more.

As a primitive businessman, he has learned not to ask what should not be asked, which can save a lot of trouble.

"Leader Wu Yu should have brought a lot of goods this time, right? Let's take a walk and rest in my yard first."

Jiang Xuan warmly greeted Wu Yu to his yard, because the Teng tribe did not have a house dedicated to entertaining other tribes.

After arriving in the bamboo forest, Wu Yu first looked up at the divine vine on the stone mountain.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when he looked at Shenteng, there was a feeling of trembling and an unspeakable fear.

This divine vine is even more terrifying. This is Wu Yu's He didn't dare to look blindly, and followed Jiang Xuan honestly.

After walking into Jiang Xuan's yard, Wu Yu saw a purple scorpion, squatting in a tall bamboo shed, staring at them vigilantly.

Because the size of the dumplings has continued to grow, the bamboo shed has been rebuilt several times.

Wu Yu stared at the dumplings for a while, then said in surprise: "Is this... a rare purple snake wither?"

Jiang Xuan asked, "Leader Wu Yu has seen this kind of bird?"

Jiang Xuan never knew what kind of tangyuan the dumplings belonged to. It would be great if Wu Yu could solve his confusion.

"I've seen snakes of other colors, which are similar to it. This kind of plumage is purple. It's the first time I've seen it."

"But I once heard an old man in the tribe say that there is a purple snake, which is not only bigger and fiercer than ordinary snakes, but I've never seen it before. I didn't expect to see it in your Vine tribe today."

Wu Yu was very emotional, a small vine tribe gave him too many surprises.

Jiang Xuan suddenly realized, no wonder Tangyuan has been good at catching snakes since childhood and likes to eat snakes. It turns out that this is its nature.

Wu Yu asked again: "Boss Xuan, where did this purple snake wither come from? If there are other young purple snakes, I can trade them for precious items."

Jiang Xuandao: "When I went hunting, I picked it up by chance. I didn't find any other young birds."

"That's such a pity."

Wu Yu is very sorry, if you can find a few more of these young birds and sell them to those big tribes, you can exchange for a lot of precious goods and earn high profits. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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