This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 144: Attack the Jackal Tribe

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Southern Wilderness, Jackal Tribe.

"Don't touch me, don't..."

From the wooden hut in the center of the Jackal Tribe, there were bursts of piercing screams from women.

Soon after, the leader of the Jackal Tribe came out of the wooden house in a good mood, and his opponent said, "Send some food to the house, don't let that woman starve to death."


The warriors of the Jackal Tribe, envious of the leader's beauty, took some edible plant tubers and sent them to the house.

In the wooden house, a woman squatted in the corner, wearing a tattered animal skin coat, with a deep hatred in her eyes.

The woman's name was Fengcao, and she was one of the women who looted after the Jackal Tribe destroyed a small tribe.

Fengcao is very beautiful, with a delicate face, long black hair like a waterfall, a good figure and powerful, and is also a one-colored warrior.

Because of this, after she was captured, the leader of the jackal tribe took a fancy to her and forcibly took her back to his wooden house to ravage her.

"Let's eat."

The soldier who delivered the food looked at Feng Cao a few more times and swallowed secretly, but this was the leader's woman, and he didn't dare to touch it.

Feng Cao suddenly raised his head, looked at him, and said, "Help me kill him!"

The soldier was taken aback and said, "Are you crazy? How could I kill the leader?"

Feng Cao suddenly lifted the animal skin coat and said, "Kill him and I will be yours."

The soldier's eyes were straight, and he swallowed faster, but he took a few steps back and said, "Crazy, I think you are crazy."

The soldier fled, although Fengcao was very charming, but he would never dare to let him kill the leader.

After the soldier left, Feng Cao put on the animal skin again, and his eyes were very disappointed.

"Can't anyone kill him?"

Feng Cao buried her head between her knees, her voice very suppressed.

She buried her head between her knees, and after a long time, she looked up and seemed to figure it out.

"Live and kill him..."

Feng Cao grabbed the food and quickly stuffed it into his mouth, his eyes full of hatred.


Outside the territory of the Jackal Tribe, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps in the woods.

A huge rhino ran out of the woods first, followed by the second, third...

Soon, all the warriors of the Vine tribe appeared. They clenched their weapons and stared vigilantly around.


The dumplings fell to the ground, stretched out one wing diagonally, and Jiang Xuan walked along the wings to the ground.

Jiang Xuan walked to a big tree and saw a totem pattern carved on the bark, which looked like a jackal.

"We are in the territory of the Jackal Tribe."

Jiang Xuan returned to the front of the team, and the Vine God had shrunk to a height of more than one meter, suspended above the heads of everyone.

"I'm going to see if the Mountain Turtle Tribe has arrived. You should hide here first, and don't let the Jackal Tribe find out too soon."

Chi Shao said: "Be careful."

Jiang Xuan nodded, and then quickly ran towards the forest agreed with the Mountain Turtle Tribe.

His speed was fast, but the movement he made was very small, and even the animals in the forest were not disturbed.

Jiang Xuan and Shan Jia agreed to meet in a pine forest outside the Jackal Tribe.

The pine forest is very large, almost entirely filled with pine trees, and is easily recognizable.

After Jiang Xuan entered the pine forest, his eyes searched everywhere, but he did not see the mountain beetle.

Is it early? Jiang Xuan was very depressed, he didn't like waiting for others.

"Boss Xuan, I'm here."

Just when Jiang Xuan was disappointed, a voice startled him.

He followed the sound, and saw that the thick layer of pine needles on the ground suddenly bulged, and then a person emerged from the pine needles, which was a gondola wearing a thick tortoise shell.

"Leader of the mountain armor, why are you hiding here?"

Jiang Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He thought that the mountain armor didn't come. It turned out that he was hiding.

"Hey, isn't this afraid of being discovered by the Jackal Tribe? It's safer to hide."

The warriors of the mountain turtle tribe are very good at hiding, because they wear turtle shells and hide on the ground. Even if someone steps on them or pokes them with a spear, they may not be able to find them.

"The leader of the mountain armor, the turtle **** and the warriors of your tribe have all arrived?"

"It's here, the Turtle God took them to hide in the woods, waiting to attack."

"Okay, if you hear the horn sound, it means that our Vine tribe has started to attack, and your mountain turtle tribe will also attack immediately!"

"Don't worry, Chief Xuan, we will definitely attack immediately when we hear the sound of the horn."

"Okay, then it's settled."

After Jiang Xuan and Shan Jia agreed, he immediately returned along the original road and joined the warriors of the Fuji tribe.

The mountain beetle carried a thick tortoise shell on its back and quickly ran back to the place where the mountain turtle tribe was hiding.

After Jiang Xuan returned to the forest, he said to the warriors of the Vine tribe: "The mountain turtle tribe has arrived, everyone check the weapons and prepare to attack!"

The warriors of the Vine tribe have checked their weapons to ensure that they will not lose their lives because the weapons are not properly prepared during the battle.

After watching everyone check the weapons, Jiang Xuan waved his hand and said, "Follow me!"

Jiang Xuan did not ride the dumplings, because the dumplings were too conspicuous in the sky.

He quickly shuttled through the forest, followed by the warriors of the Vine tribe, and the dumplings jumped forward.

They sneak all the way into the territory of the Jackal tribe.

Among the jackal tribe, the terrifying jackal **** suddenly stood up, its ears moved, and it seemed to be carefully discerning the sounds in the woods.

Soon, it heard a messy sound of footclothing, and was approaching the place where the jackal tribe lived.


The Jackal God raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, warning the people of the Jackal Tribe.

The witch of the Jackal Tribe immediately ran out of his wooden house and shouted loudly: "Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

Soon, the entire jackal tribe moved, and they took up arms and prepared to meet the enemy.

Those jackals also gathered together, grinning and ready to bite, very fierce.

The leader of the jackal tribe didn't care about the woman, he picked up his weapon and ran away, and even the belt of the animal skin coat was just casually fastened.

In the wooden house, Feng Cao heard the movement outside, and there was a light in his eyes immediately.

She looked around in the wooden house, then picked up a bent animal bone, used it as a weapon, and held it tightly.

But she did not run out immediately, but waited patiently for the opportunity.


Outside the place where the Jackal Tribe lived, when Jiang Xuan heard the wolf howling, he knew that he had been discovered.

He immediately shouted to one of the warriors: "Blow the horn, blow the horn!"

The warrior hurriedly took a large twisted horn from his waist, then raised his hands, took a deep breath, and puffed out his cheeks.


The sound of the horn is not only loud, but also very penetrating and can be heard from far away.

Jiang Xuan held the bone spear, jumped on the back of the dumplings, and shouted, "Come on!"


Tangyuan quickly ran to the spacious place, then jumped and flew into the sky.


The vine magic body glowed green light, it first flew over the woods, and then quickly became larger, the divine power surged like a wave.


The warriors riding on the rhino were the first to charge forward, with spears thicker and longer than the others, their fighting spirit boiled over.


A group of tall blue sheep followed, charging with the warriors of the Vine tribe.

There was also a large herd of big-horned deer, also unwilling to lag behind, running very fast.

When they rushed to the place where the Jackal tribe lived, the battle began immediately.

"Come on, wolves!"

Nepeta also rode a rhinoceros. He wielded a terrifying wooden mace, and when he went down, he smashed a rushing jackal and even the wolf and man into the air.

"Hahaha, come again!"

Nepeta rode a rhino, crashed into the crowd, and slaughtered.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


Southern Wilderness, Jackal Tribe.

"Don't touch me, don't..."

From the wooden hut in the center of the Jackal Tribe, there were bursts of piercing screams from women.

Soon after, the leader of the Jackal Tribe came out of the wooden house in a good mood, and his opponent said, "Send some food to the house, don't let that woman starve to death."


The warriors of the Jackal Tribe, envious of the leader's beauty, took some edible plant tubers and sent them to the house.

In the wooden house, a woman squatted in the corner, wearing a tattered animal skin coat, with a deep hatred in her eyes.

The woman's name was Fengcao, and she was one of the women who looted after the Jackal Tribe destroyed a small tribe.

Fengcao is very beautiful, with a delicate face, long black hair like a waterfall, a good figure and powerful, and is also a one-colored warrior.

Because of this, after she was captured, the leader of the jackal tribe took a fancy to her and forcibly took her back to his wooden house to ravage her.

"Let's eat."

The soldier who delivered the food looked at Feng Cao a few more times and swallowed secretly, but this was the leader's woman, and he didn't dare to touch it.

Feng Cao suddenly raised his head, looked at him, and said, "Help me kill him!"

The soldier was taken aback and said, "Are you crazy? How could I kill the leader?"

Feng Cao suddenly lifted the animal skin coat and said, "Kill him and I will be yours."

The soldier's eyes were straight, and he swallowed faster, but he took a few steps back and said, "Crazy, I think you are crazy."

The soldier fled, although Fengcao was very charming, but he would never dare to let him kill the leader.

After the soldier left, Feng Cao put on the animal skin again, and his eyes were very disappointed.

"Can't anyone kill him?"

Feng Cao buried her head between her knees, her voice very suppressed.

She buried her head between her knees, and after a long time, she looked up and seemed to figure it out.

"Live and kill him..."

Feng Cao grabbed the food and quickly stuffed it into his mouth, his eyes full of hatred.


Outside the territory of the Jackal Tribe, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps in the woods.

A huge rhino ran out of the woods first, followed by the second, third...

Soon all the warriors of the Vine Tribe appeared. They clenched their weapons and stared vigilantly around.


The dumplings fell to the ground, stretched out one wing diagonally, and Jiang Xuan walked along the wings to the ground.

Jiang Xuan walked to a big tree and saw a totem pattern carved on the bark, which looked like a jackal.

"We are in the territory of the Jackal Tribe."

Jiang Xuan returned to the front of the team, and the Vine God had shrunk to a height of more than one meter, suspended above the heads of everyone.

"I'm going to see if the Mountain Turtle Tribe has arrived. You should hide here first, and don't let the Jackal Tribe find out too soon."

Chi Shao said: "Be careful."

Jiang Xuan nodded, and then quickly ran towards the forest agreed with the Mountain Turtle Tribe.

His speed was fast, but the movement he made was very small, and even the animals in the forest were not disturbed.

Jiang Xuan and Shan Jia agreed to meet in a pine forest outside the Jackal Tribe.

The pine forest is very large, almost entirely filled with pine trees, and is easily recognizable.

After Jiang Xuan entered the pine forest, his eyes searched everywhere, but he did not see the mountain beetle.

Is it early? Jiang Xuan was very depressed, he didn't like waiting for others.

"Boss Xuan, I'm here."

Just when Jiang Xuan was disappointed, a voice startled him.

He followed the sound, and saw that the thick layer of pine needles on the ground suddenly bulged, and then a person emerged from the pine needles, which was a gondola wearing a thick tortoise shell.

"Leader of the mountain armor, why are you hiding here?"

Jiang Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He thought that the mountain armor didn't come. It turned out that he was hiding. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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