This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 137: Crow Tribe Extinct

Southern Wilderness, Crow Tribe.

"Stand up, stand up for me, the hunting warriors will come back soon!"

The crow tribe witch was devastated and shouted hoarsely, but with little success.

In the sky, dozens of giant dragonflies and a big purple bird are frantically slaughtering big crows.

That terrifying divine vine even made the Crow God lose his temper, and also separated a large number of vines, strangling the crow tribe warriors on the ground.

After the arrival of the turtle tribe, it was a devastating blow to the crow tribe.

Because the Crow God has been restrained by the Vine God, the Turtle God can take the large group of giant mountain tortoises to slaughter frantically without any hesitation, as if entering a land of no one.

If it goes on like this, the crow tribe will be exterminated before the warriors who go out to hunt come back.

The crow tribe witch saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart, but even the crow **** couldn't do anything, what could she do?


At this moment, the turtle **** had already rushed over, and all the people and buildings were crushed along the way.

"Wu, hurry up..."

The leader of the crow tribe ran over covered in blood, his eyes were very frightened, because more than half of the soldiers he led just now were killed by those terrifying giant tortoises, and the others could only flee.

"Go... go..."

The crow tribe witch was also panicked. Although she was relatively old, she did not want to die, and was very afraid of death. Seeing that the tribe could no longer hold back, her first thought was to run.

The leader of the crow tribe and the witch ran to the right of the tribe, hoping to escape into the forest and find a way to survive.

However, they did not expect that this is a dead end.

On the right side of the crow tribe, the second hunting team blocked the fleeing crow clan warriors to kill, and the loach climbed to a big tree, found a position with a wide field of vision, and kept shooting arrows.

His arrows are unbelievable, and every arrow shot, a warrior of the crow tribe must fall.

When the leader of the crow tribe and the witch came here, their costumes that were different from the ordinary people immediately caught the attention of Shi Loach.

"The witch and leader of the crow tribe!"

Shi Loh's eyes narrowed slightly, he remembered that when the deer tribe was destroyed, it was these two people who led the warriors of the crow tribe to slaughter.

"Use your lives today to pay homage to the former clansmen."

Shi Loach took a deep breath, then solemnly took out a different feather arrow, put it on the bowstring, and slowly pulled it away.

The arrowhead of this feather arrow was personally polished by the old man Heishi. Not only was the stone good, but it was also polished very sharply, with a well-proportioned shape and smooth lines.

At this moment, he was extremely focused, the screams of killing in his ears seemed to disappear, and the melee on the ground was ignored by him. In his eyes, only the crow tribe witch and the leader remained.

The leader of the crow tribe is strong and quick to respond, so he may not be able to kill with one arrow, so he targeted the witch of the crow tribe.

The crow tribe witch was still running for her life in a hurry, and the arrow of the loach slowly followed her.

When Shi Loach felt that he could hit it, he immediately loosened the bowstring without hesitation.


With the sound of breaking the air, Feather Arrow flew towards the crow tribe witch like lightning.

The crow tribe witch who was running for her life suddenly stood upright, feeling the terrifying danger coming, but when she turned her head, it was too late to escape.

Beidi Pavilion


This feather arrow directly penetrated her neck, cutting off her hope of life.


The crow tribe witch desperately grabbed her neck with both hands, trying to make a sound, but blood blocked her throat.

Her eyes were very frightened, and she wanted to ask the Crow God in the sky for help, but it was too late.


The leader of the crow tribe never expected such a change, he roared in grief and indignation, but could only watch Wu fall.

The leader of the crow tribe glanced around, but the chaotic scene made him unable to judge where the arrow came from.


The turtle **** as huge as a hill continued to rampage in the Crow Tribe, both houses and trees collapsed one after another, and a large number of Crow Tribe soldiers were killed by it.

The leader of the crow tribe had no choice but to give up the witch who could not be saved and run away alone.


Another feather arrow came through the air, but the leader of the crow tribe had been on guard for a long time. The moment the feather arrow came, he immediately rolled forward and avoided the arrow.

Then, he ran for his life in a hurry.

Shi Loh didn't want him to escape, but he wasn't sure to kill him, so he immediately thought to the sky and shouted: "Leader, don't let him run away!"

Jiang Xuan, who was riding a dumpling to kill a crow, immediately looked to the ground after hearing the sound of the loach.

He has eaten a lot of eagle-eyed orphans, and he has also eaten Ye Minggu, whose eyesight far exceeds that of ordinary warriors.

Therefore, he soon found the leader of the crow tribe who was fleeing.

"Tangyuan, get down!"

Jiang Xuan patted the dumplings on the neck, and then pointed in the direction where the leader of the crow tribe fled.


The dumplings let out a sharp chirping, then turned around immediately, their wings folded back a little, and quickly glide toward the ground.

No matter how fast the leader of the crow tribe runs, after all, he only has two legs, how can he be faster than the dumplings?

He didn't run very far when suddenly he heard the bad wind above his head, and when he looked up, he saw a pair of big sharp claws catching him.

If he is caught, he will lose half his life if he doesn't die.

The leader of the crow tribe didn't care about his face, and rolled forward again, dodging the claws.

However, what he didn't expect was that Jiang Xuan, who was on the back of the dumplings, jumped straight down.


Jiang Xuan fell to the ground, rushed to the front of the crow tribe leader in a few steps, and stabbed the bone spear forward fiercely.

The leader of the crow tribe didn't have time to dodge, the bone spear stabbed him in the back directly from behind, and the huge force directly pierced his chest.


The leader of the crow tribe screamed and stabbed the spear behind him.

Jiang Xuan reacted very quickly, he immediately pulled back the bone spear and avoided the stab.


The leader of the crow tribe spat out a mouthful of blood, and Jiang Xuan's spear just now penetrated into his heart, and he felt that it was difficult to breathe.

But he was a four-color warrior, and his vitality was much stronger than that of ordinary people. He turned around and stared at Jiang Xuan angrily, and then rushed towards him fiercely.

The two tribal leaders fought, but because the leader of the crow tribe had already been hit hard, he couldn't hold it after a few fights.


At this moment, the dumplings went back and forth, and the big sharp claws grabbed the leader of the crow tribe fiercely.

This time, the leader of the crow tribe couldn't avoid it any longer. Tang Yuan's claws penetrated his body and flew him into the air, releasing his claws and letting him fall.

At the last moment of his life, the Raven Tribe leader saw that the entire Raven Tribe had been destroyed, and the remaining warriors were fleeing for their lives.


The leader of the crow tribe fell to the ground, all the bones in his body fell apart, and he died unexpectedly.

Tang Yuan flew back to Jiang Xuan and looked at Jiang Xuan proudly.

"The dumplings are good!"

Jiang Xuan boasted, and then chased down the crow tribe with the warriors of the rattan tribe, but did not chase the big crows anymore.

Under the joint strangulation of the Vine Tribe and the Mountain Turtle Tribe, most of the Crow Tribe were killed except for a few who escaped.

In the sky, the Crow God, who had been passively beaten, suddenly found that the tribe was gone, and even those big crows were killed.


The Crow God cried out in grief and anger, and then prepared to escape.

The tribe is gone, it must consider the issue of its own escape.

However, it wanted to run, but Shen Teng didn't want to let it go.

To destroy a tribe, the totem **** of the tribe must be killed, otherwise it will be a great hidden danger.

Just like when the Crow Tribe attacked the Mountain Turtle Tribe, the Crow God could not kill the Turtle God, and then the entire Crow Tribe suffered, and was repeatedly attacked by the Turtle God, and finally had no choice but to leave the territory of the Mountain Turtle Tribe.


In the sky, the divine vines burst out with incomparably dazzling rays of light, and the terrifying divine power surged like waves.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Immediately afterwards, countless vines grew rapidly, like a net of heaven and earth, wrapping the sky and covering the earth towards the Raven God.

The Crow God can fly, and the Vine God can also fly, and the speed of those vines is astonishingly fast, and the Crow God cannot run at all.


In desperation, the Crow God had no choice but to turn his head and spewed out a terrifying divine fire that burned the void into a twist.

Last time, the Crow God escaped the **** of the divine vine by virtue of the divine fire. This time, the Vine God is stronger than before, how can he let it escape again?

I saw the vines all over the sky, instantly wrapped with a thick layer of light quality protection. After all, the Crow God is not a flamethrower, and the divine fire cannot continue to burn, as long as it is carried over it.

In the blink of an eye, countless vines penetrated the divine fire and directly wrapped around the Raven God.

There are more and more vines, and the Crow God is getting more and more tightly wrapped. This time, it is useless to spray God Fire.

To put it bluntly, the gap between the strengths of the two sides is relatively large. Once the Vine God tries his best, the Crow God cannot fight at all.


More and more vines entangled the Crow God, and eventually, the glowing vines completely wrapped it, and its screams became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely.

In the sky Countless vines wrap around the Crow God, like spider silk wrapping around the prey, slowly extracting its vitality.

On the ground, the turtle **** raised his head and looked at the divine vine in the sky, and Tong Kong shrank sharply.

When it first came here, it knew that the **** vine was very strong, because the **** vine, as a plant, could fly in the air, proving that its true strength was at least a medium-sized tribal totem god.

However, it did not expect that the Crow God would have no room to fight back in front of Shen Veng.

At this moment, it is very fortunate that the Mountain Turtle Tribe is not the enemy of the Vine Tribe.

Otherwise, such a powerful divine vine, it really does not have the confidence to rely on its powerful defense to win like it did against the Crow God.

When the strength gap between the two sides is too large, no matter how strong the defense can stand.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


He has eaten a lot of eagle-eyed orphans, and he has also eaten Ye Minggu, whose eyesight far exceeds that of ordinary warriors.

Therefore, he soon found the leader of the crow tribe who was fleeing.

"Tangyuan, get down!"

Jiang Xuan patted the dumplings on the neck, and then pointed in the direction where the leader of the crow tribe fled.


The dumplings let out a sharp chirping, then turned around immediately, their wings folded back a little, and quickly glide toward the ground.

No matter how fast the leader of the crow tribe runs, after all, he only has two legs, how can he be faster than the dumplings?

He didn't run very far when suddenly he heard the bad wind above his head, and when he looked up, he saw a pair of big sharp claws catching him.

If he is caught, he will lose half his life if he doesn't die.

The leader of the crow tribe didn't care about his face, and rolled forward again, dodging the claws. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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