This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 131: Daily life of the rattan tribe

On April 6th, Jiang Xuan woke up early in the morning and unexpectedly found that the ice lotus root planted in the yard pool actually grew a leaf that curled into a cylinder.

It won't take long for it to grow from the water to the surface, and finally stretch out into a large lotus leaf.

"I didn't expect the real seed to live. It seems that this thing is not only able to grow in the big swamp, but I don't know how the ice lotus grown here is different from the ice lotus of the Rex tribe."

Jiang Xuan knows that many plants choose their origin.

As the so-called orange is born in Huainan, it is orange, and when orange is born in Huaibei, it is orange. Many plants are the same.

However, it is already very good to be able to grow and live. If the effect of planting is really bad, I will try to improve the planting environment in the future.

For example, dig a deep lake to simulate the environment on the other side of the big swamp.

If that doesn't work, then I can only trade ice lotus with the Otter tribe.

In addition to the ice lotus root, most of the bell peppers and black pearl beans have also sprouted and grown into small seedlings.

If they can bloom and bear fruit, within a few years, the people of the Veng tribe will be able to eat colored peppers and black pearl beans.

Of course, people in the tribe may not like chili. It takes a long time to get used to this unique taste.

Just when Jiang Xuan was in a good mood for the growth of the plants in the yard, Gan Song hurried in.

"Boss, it's not good."

"What happened?"

"The red crystal rice soaked in water in the paddy field withered."

"Go and have a look."

Jiang Xuan followed Gan Song to the paddy field in the crops.

When he walked to the edge of the field, he saw that two red crystal rice plants with a height of more than half a meter had withered, and the leaves were drooping when the sun shone.

Before, Jiang Xuan soaked red crystal rice with water to induce germination, and it was successful. It happened that red crystal rice likes wetness, so Jiang Xuan asked Gan Song to try to open up a paddy field and plant it like rice.

In order to be safe, Gan Song built an embankment with mud after the red crystal rice grew, surrounded two red crystal rice plants, and flooded its roots with water.

In the first two days, there was no abnormality in the red crystal rice, which made Gan Song very happy, thinking that this method would be successful.

Unexpectedly, after five days, the red crystal rice withered quickly, and it seemed that it could not be saved.

Jiang Xuan checked the two withered red crystal rice plants, and then uprooted one of them, carefully observing its root system.

Jiang Xuan found that many of the young roots of this red crystal rice were black and rotten.

This shows that although red crystal rice likes wetness, it is not acceptable to grow it in paddy fields like rice.

Jiang Xuandao: "Since this method fails, then raise the soil and dig the drainage ditches, and plant it like other fields."

"It's impossible to always succeed in experiments, and failures are common. Fortunately, only two plants were lost, it doesn't matter."

Although Jiang Xuan said this, Gan Song was still a little uncomfortable. He silently pulled up another red crystal rice plant and said, "There are no extra seeds to replant, so I can only plant something else."

Jiang Xuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, with the production of red crystal rice, as long as this year's harvest is good, we will not only have enough seeds next year, but everyone can also eat red crystal rice."

"The leader is right, I will try my best to take good care of the other red crystal rice!"

Jiang Xuandao: "Come on, let's remodel this paddy field together to prevent it from accumulating water."

Gan Song hurriedly said: "Boss, we can do this by ourselves."

"It's okay, there's nothing important to do now anyway."

Jiang Xuan took the tools and immediately got busy with Gan Song and others, raising ridges, cultivating soil, and digging trenches.

Jiang Xuan has always been like this. As long as he is free, no matter what he does, he is willing to do it with everyone, instead of giving a cold order and being a mouthpiece.

As the leader, he didn't use his privilege to bully men and women, and he didn't have any airs. When there were some mistakes, he would generously admit them and correct them.

Because of this, the people of the Teng tribe support Jiang Xuan very much. Although he is young, no one will despise him because of this.

After finishing the paddy field, Jiang Xuan went to the Feiyu River again.

After untold hardships and many failures, the fishing team's first wooden boat was finally built!

This wooden boat is made of a whole piece of giant wood. The front end is relatively sharp, the rear end is relatively flat, the bottom has a certain curvature and edge, the cracks and insect eyes are filled with swim bladder glue, and there are two oars.

The wooden boat is not big and can only take three people at the same time, which is much worse than the big bamboo raft in terms of loading capacity.

But its flexibility and speed in the river far exceed the bamboo raft, and its performance is superior.

In the Feiyu River, in the gentle river bay, Nepeta is working hard with a fishing team to practice rowing.

The soldier said, "Leader, why is our ship spinning all the time?"

Nepeta sat on the bow, looked at the oar in his hand, and said angrily, "This thing is not as easy to use as a bamboo pole."

Although there were two oars on the boat, because he was accustomed to rowing a bamboo raft, Nepeta still picked up one oar and paddled the water, while the other two warriors watched.

When Jiang Xuan walked to the river, he happened to see Jing Ji rowing hard, but the wooden boat was spinning in place.

The soldiers on the boat shouted, "Here comes the chief!"

Nepeta is anxious, the leaders are here, but they can't control the wooden boat. Isn't this a joke for the leader?

So he rowed as hard as he could, but the harder he rowed, the faster the wooden boat spun and didn't advance much at all.

Jing Ji scratched for a while, looked at Jiang Xuan with shame, and said, "Boss, I'm so useless."

Jiang Xuan stood on the beach and said with a smile: "It's so difficult to build a boat, can't you even learn how to row a boat?"

Jiang Xuan pointed to the other oar and said, "You each take an oar and sit side by side in the middle of the boat."

The soldiers on the boat immediately picked up the oars and sat in the middle of the boat side by side with Nepeta, and then waited for Jiang Xuan's next instructions.

"Put the oar well, just like this palm, it's definitely not okay to row the water vertically, but it's powerful to row the water horizontally, understand?"

Jiang Xuan squatted down and paddled the water with his palm. Through this simple and easy-to-understand demonstration, let them understand how to use the paddle,

Jing Ji and the warrior immediately adjusted the oars in their hands, and then continued to stare at Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuandao: "Now, the two of you are paddling together, and your movements must be consistent. The two oars must enter the water almost at the same time, and one cannot be faster than the other."

"Okay, start paddling!"

After Jiang Xuan gave an order, Jing Ji and the warrior immediately started paddling at the same time.

When the warriors are hunting, they also need to cooperate frequently, so it is easier for them to develop a tacit understanding.

At the beginning, the speed of the two oars entering the water was different, but it didn't take long for the two to paddle very well, and their movements were almost the same.

Later, they were surprised to find that the wooden boat that had been spinning in place just now was moving straight forward!


The soldiers on the boat cheered excitedly. Just now, Nepeta was sweating profusely, and he was also turned dizzy. Now he finally doesn't need to spin anymore.

However, it was not enough for the Optical Society to move forward. Next, Jiang Xuan told them how to turn the wooden boat.

"Think about how you were spinning in place just now. When you want to turn, one oar is faster and the other is slower, and the boat will turn."

According to Jiang Xuan's instructions, the two people on the boat tried many times, and finally mastered the skills of turning the wooden boat.

Nepeta finally rowed the wooden boat back to shore and dragged it to shore.

If he kept spinning in place like he did just now, I'm afraid he could only shout the bamboo raft in shame and tie a rope to drag the wooden boat back.

Fortunately, they finally learned how to row under Jiang Xuan's guidance.

Jing Ji walked in front of Jiang Xuan, bowed her head in shame, and said, "If the leader hadn't come here, I don't know how long I'd be in the river."

Jiang Xuan smiled and said: "Everything needs experience, just practice more."

"Now you are training small wooden boats. When the tribe becomes stronger, they will build bigger wooden boats. There is still a lot to learn."

After all, the small wooden boat has a limited capacity. Jiang Xuan's goal is to make a big sailboat.

Only true galleons can sail long distances in the river and bring great benefits to the tribe.

Of course, making a large sailboat is a very big project, but it is much more difficult than this simple little wooden boat.

Only when the tribe grows and has enough manpower and materials, as well as various technical talents, can they try to manufacture relatively large sailboats.

Jiang Xuan took Jingjie to imagine the spectacular scene of the tribe owning a large fleet and driving on the river in the future.

Jingjie was moved by the future depicted by Jiang Xuan, and looked at the small wooden boat differently. He tried to imagine what it would be like to add a sail to the boat.

Of course, with the current strength of the Teng tribe, this kind of depiction is similar to painting a pie. Even if the tribe can grow smoothly, it will take a long time.

After painting the cake, Jiang Xuan left the Feiyu River and came to a special bamboo house on the edge of the residence, beside the creek.

This bamboo house is not for people to live in, but for making clothes, shoes and hats.

At present, the clothing of the rattan tribe is mainly based on animal skins and bark.

Animal leather jackets are particularly good at keeping warm, and are mainly worn when the weather is relatively cold.

The bark coat is made of a tough bark that has been repeatedly beaten and woven. It is cooler to wear, mainly when the weather is hot.

At first, the rattan tribe did not have bark clothes, only simple grass skirts.

But among the group of tourists brought by Nepeta, some of the original tribes mastered this technique of making bark clothing.

Jiang Xuan found that their homemade bark clothes were very good, and later sent some people to help them to make bark clothes in large quantities, so that the clansmen of the Teng tribe could wear such cool clothes in hot weather.

"Clap clap clap..."

When Jiang Xuan walked to the bamboo house, several female clansmen were pounding a few pieces of bark with sticks.

This bark is not only tough, but also becomes softer after being beaten, making it especially suitable for making bark coats.

"Good leader."

After Jiang Xuan walked over, the women immediately greeted Jiang Xuan.

"You've worked hard, is Poria there?"

"Poria is in it."

Poria is the current wife of Uncaria. Because she is very good at making animal skins and has certain leadership skills, Jiang Xuan asked her to manage this small primitive workshop.


Subsequent repetition, update later.


Jiang Xuan stood on the beach and said with a smile: "It's so difficult to build a boat, can't you even learn how to row a boat?"

Jiang Xuan pointed to the other oar and said, "You each take an oar and sit side by side in the middle of the boat."

The soldiers on the boat immediately picked up the oars and sat in the middle of the boat side by side with Nepeta, and then waited for Jiang Xuan's next instructions.

"Put the oar well, just like this palm, it's definitely not okay to row the water vertically, but it's powerful to row the water horizontally, understand?"

Jiang Xuan squatted down and paddled the water with his palm. Through this simple and easy-to-understand demonstration, let them understand how to use the paddle,

Jing Ji and the warrior immediately adjusted the oars in their hands, and then continued to stare at Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuandao: "Now, the two of you are paddling together, and your movements must be consistent. The two oars must enter the water almost at the same time, and one cannot be faster than the other."

"Okay, start paddling!"

After Jiang Xuan gave an order, Jing Ji and the warrior immediately started paddling at the same time.

When the warriors are hunting, they also need to cooperate frequently, so it is easier for them to develop a tacit understanding.

At the beginning, the speed of the two oars entering the water was different, but it didn't take long for the two to paddle very well, and their movements were almost the same.

Later, they were surprised to find that the wooden boat that had been spinning in place just now was moving straight forward!


The soldiers on the boat cheered excitedly. Just now, Nepeta was sweating profusely, and he was also turned dizzy. Now he finally doesn't need to spin anymore.

However, it was not enough for the Optical Society to move forward. Next, Jiang Xuan told them how to turn the wooden boat.

"Think about how you were spinning in place just now. When you want to turn, one oar is faster and the other is slower, and the boat will turn."

According to Jiang Xuan's instructions, the two people on the boat tried many times, and finally mastered the skills of turning the wooden boat.

Nepeta finally rowed the wooden boat back to shore and dragged it to shore.

If he kept spinning in place like he did just I'm afraid he would have to call the bamboo raft over in shame, tie a rope and drag the wooden boat back.

Fortunately, they finally learned how to row under Jiang Xuan's guidance.

Jing Ji walked in front of Jiang Xuan, bowed her head in shame, and said, "If the leader hadn't come here, I don't know how long I'd be in the river."

Jiang Xuan smiled and said: "Everything needs experience, just practice more."

"Now you are training small wooden boats. When the tribe becomes stronger, they will build bigger wooden boats. There is still a lot to learn."

After all, the small wooden boat has a limited capacity. Jiang Xuan's goal is to make a big sailboat.

Only true galleons can sail long distances in the river and bring great benefits to the tribe.

Of course, making a large sailboat is a very big project, but it is much more difficult than this simple little wooden boat.

Only when the tribe grows and has enough manpower and materials, as well as various technical talents, can they try to manufacture relatively large sailboats.

Jiang Xuan took Jingjie to imagine the spectacular scene of the tribe owning a large fleet and driving on the river in the future.

Jingjie was moved by the future depicted by Jiang Xuan, and looked at the small wooden boat differently. He tried to imagine what it would be like to add a sail to the boat.

Of course, with the current strength of the Teng tribe, this kind of depiction is similar to painting a pie. Even if the tribe can grow smoothly, it will take a long time.

After painting the cake, Jiang Xuan left the Feiyu River and came to a special bamboo house on the edge of the residence, beside the creek.

This bamboo house is not for people to live in, but for making clothes, shoes and hats. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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