This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 127: Uncaria love

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After the sacrifice, Nan Xing finally became a three-color warrior, and he excitedly rode the big-horned deer for several laps in the tribe.

Uncaria looked at Nanxing's back and smiled, then turned and walked towards his house.

The tribe now has more than 500 people and has built a lot of houses. If conditions permit, they naturally don't need to squeeze another house.

Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao have their own courtyards, and each of the leaders in the tribe has a house of their own, which is one of the benefits of being a leader.

Uncaria used to be a more cheerful person, always with a smile on his face, and was also very good to the warriors of the tribe.

Ever since he was out hunting with Jiang Xuan and was almost killed by a wild boar that rushed over, some shadows have been left in his heart.

He became less talkative, the smile on his face became less, and his character became cautious and cautious, not seeking merit, but no fault.

With such a leader, when the hunting team goes out, it is natural to seek stability, there are not many casualties, and there is no dazzling performance.

Others thought that Uncaria had become calm because of age, but it wasn't. The scene of the wild boar rushing over often became his nightmare, causing him to wake up in the middle of the night.

Although Jiang Xuan guessed that there might be some problems with Uncaria's psychological state, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, he is not a psychiatrist, and he doesn't know how to eliminate the psychological shadow of Uncaria, so he can only adjust it by himself.


Uncaria returned to his house, untied the knot at the door, and pushed open the door.

The fire in the fire pond was still burning. Uncaria added a whole section of wood to it. This kind of wood is very durable, and two can burn for a long time.

Afterwards, he cleaned the Tao Ding, added some water, put it in the fire pit, and then added some diced stone eggs, bamboo shoots, animal meat and other foods to boil it.

This is how tribal people eat, either grilled or stewed, there are not many choices, and they don't have the time and energy to make complicated dishes.

While cooking the food, Uncaria began to grind the stone spear patiently.

Stone utensils are prone to wear and tear and require frequent grinding until they become unusable.

Because of this, tribal people like those high-quality stones, and one piece can be used for a long time.

"smell good!"

While Uncaria was concentrating on polishing the stone spear, a woman walked in generously.

The woman is about eighteen or nineteen years old, which is already a very mature adult for the tribal people.

Her name is Poria, and she is one of the tourists rescued from the mosquito tribe.

She has a round face that tribesmen love, and she shows two cute tiger teeth when she smiles.

She has a very strong figure, her skin is wheat-colored, and her long hair is tied casually behind her head with a straw rope.

Uncaria looked up, glanced at Poria, and then lowered his head to grind the stone spear again, but the movement was obviously not as natural as before.

This woman is known to Uncaria, and she is particularly good at sewing animal skins, and the leaders have praised her sewing skills.

"Head of Uncaria, am I ugly?"

Poria sat beside Uncaria and helped him stir the food in the Tao Ding.

"Not ugly..."

For the tribal people's aesthetics, a strong woman like Poria is the most beautiful, not to mention she is very capable, whether it is sewing animal skins or doing other work, it is very convenient.

There were many warriors in the tribe who were thinking about Fuling, but they were all rejected by her.

"Then why don't you dare to look up at me?"

"Who said I didn't dare?"

Being provoked by Fuling, Uncaria immediately raised its head and looked directly at Fuling.

Fuling looked into his eyes and said, "Leader of Uncaria, you always seem to be unhappy, why?"

Uncaria lowered his head again, continued to polish the stone spear, and said, "I'm not sullen."

Fu Ling thought about it for a while, and did not ask any further questions, and did not stare at Uncaria any more, but looked at the beating flames in the fire pond.

"Have I told you about me?" Fuling asked.

"No." Uncaria shook his head.

"I participated in the sacrifice today, became a real Teng tribe, and also became a one-colored warrior. I am very happy. Let me tell you about my past."

Like a small talk, Poria sat next to Uncaria and told the stories that had happened to her.

Talking about their former tribe, about her dead relatives, about the days when they were kept as livestock by the Mosquito tribe, and about the daze and overwhelm when they first came to the Veng tribe.

The flames were burning slowly, Uncaria was also slowly grinding the bone spear, and Poria, like an old friend chatting, talked about herself little by little.

Uncaria slowly relaxed, not as nervous as before.

Sometimes he would reply a sentence or two, and he knew a little more about Poria.

After Fuling said those things, she looked at Uncaria again and said, "When I first came to the Vine Tribe, I was actually very scared. I wonder if the Vine Tribe would treat us like the Mosquito Tribe."

"It's you who brought people to help us build our house, gave us food, and gave us clothes to wear, which made me feel warm."

Uncaria looked up and retorted: "The leader asked us to do it."

Fu Ling smiled and said, "But what I saw and remembered was you."

Uncaria had nothing to say and continued to grind the stone spear.

Fuling said: "Leader of Uncaria, if you want, I will tell the leader now that I want to live with you."

"I've got the stick ready, you see."

Poria took out a stick, which was about a foot long and as thick as the spear shaft. It could be seen that the stick had been carefully polished and had a very smooth appearance.

Long ago, tribal people were not very particular.

When a man falls in love with a woman, or a woman falls in love with a man, he will prepare a stick, knock him unconscious with a stick while the other party is not paying attention, and bring it into the cave to achieve good deeds.

But doing so has big drawbacks.

For example, some people are unwilling or look down on each other. After waking up, they often make a big noise. There are many people who are indiscreet, knocking people's heads out, causing many casualties and causing headaches for the tribe's witches.

Later, with the development of the tribe, most people moved out of the cave, and many tribes derived a rule, that is, they can no longer use a stick to make a black hand, and they must obtain the consent of the other party.

When the two sides reach a consensus, they will not hit people's heads as desperately as before, until they are knocked unconscious.

Gradually, the stick became a symbolic thing, often with a light tap, the other party cooperated and pretended to faint, and then good things could be accomplished.

Uncaria is fifteen years old. At his age, many people have already given birth to children, so he naturally knows what this stick means.

He didn't know how to answer when Fuling said it so bluntly.

Fu Ling did not force him, but instead spoke in a softer tone.

"Uncaria, I know you may have some uncomfortable things in your heart. It doesn't matter. As long as you agree, I can face it with you."

Uncaria stopped the grindstone spear, but didn't reply.

A look of disappointment flashed across Fu Ling's eyes.

She put away the stick silently and said, "If you don't want to, then forget it, and treat it like I haven't been here."

Fuling got up and walked out the door.

"and many more……"

At this moment, Uncaria finally stopped her.

"You agree?" Fuling turned her head in surprise.

Uncaria hesitated for a moment, then said, "Can you give me some time to think about it..."

Fuling nodded and said, "Yes, but don't think about it for too long."

"Okay." Uncaria nodded solemnly.

"Then I'll go first."

Fu Ling turned around again, but her mood had improved, and her steps were much lighter.


Subsequent repetition, update later.


After Fuling said those things, she looked at Uncaria again and said, "When I first came to the Vine Tribe, I was actually very scared. I wonder if the Vine Tribe would treat us like the Mosquito Tribe."

"It's you who brought people to help us build our house, gave us food, and gave us clothes to wear, which made me feel warm."

Uncaria looked up and retorted: "The leader asked us to do it."

Fu Ling smiled and said, "But what I saw and remembered was you."

Uncaria had nothing to say and continued to grind the stone spear.

Fuling said: "Leader of Uncaria, if you want, I will tell the leader now that I want to live with you."

"I've got the stick ready, you see."

Poria took out a stick, which was about a foot long and as thick as the spear shaft. It could be seen that the stick had been carefully polished and had a very smooth appearance.

Long ago, tribal people were not very particular.

When a man falls in love with a woman, or a woman falls in love with a man, he will prepare a stick, knock him unconscious with a stick while the other party is not paying attention, and bring it into the cave to achieve good deeds.

But doing so has big drawbacks.

For example, some people are unwilling or look down on each other. After waking up, they often make a big noise. There are many people who are indiscreet, knocking people's heads out, causing many casualties and causing headaches for the tribe's witches.

Later, with the development of the tribe, most people moved out of the Many tribes have derived a rule, that is, they can no longer use a stick to make a black hand, and they must obtain the consent of the other party.

When the two sides reach a consensus, they will not hit people's heads as desperately as before, until they are knocked unconscious.

Gradually, the stick became a symbolic thing, often with a light tap, the other party cooperated and pretended to faint, and then good things could be accomplished.

Uncaria is fifteen years old. At his age, many people have already given birth to children, so he naturally knows what this stick means.

He didn't know how to answer when Fuling said it so bluntly.

Fu Ling did not force him, but instead spoke in a softer tone.

"Uncaria, I know you may have some uncomfortable things in your heart. It doesn't matter. As long as you agree, I can face it with you."

Uncaria stopped the grindstone spear, but didn't reply.

A look of disappointment flashed across Fu Ling's eyes.

She put away the stick silently and said, "If you don't want to, then forget it, and treat it like I haven't been here."

Fuling got up and walked out the door.

"and many more……"

At this moment, Uncaria finally stopped her.

"You agree?" Fuling turned her head in surprise.

Uncaria hesitated for a moment, then said, "Can you give me some time to think about it..."

Fuling nodded and said, "Yes, but don't think about it for too long."

"Okay." Uncaria nodded solemnly.

"Then I'll go first."

Fu Ling turned around again, but her mood had improved, and her steps were much lighter. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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