This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 118: unlucky crow

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On the top of the stone mountain, the whole body of the divine vine emits bright green light, and all the leaves are as green as emeralds.

The Crow God who was swept away was stunned for a moment, and then became furious.

"Dumb dumb..."

The Crow God got up and made a sharp and unpleasant chirping sound. At the same time, black mist appeared all over his body, and he frantically rushed towards the God Vine.

It thinks that the reason why he was so embarrassed just now was because he was attacked by the **** vine, and now this **** old vine must look good.

However, it was greeted by a dozen more terrifying vines, crackling like a lightning whip.


"Clap clap clap..."

"Dumb dumb..."

"Clap clap clap clap..."

After the Crow God rushed over, he was instantly beaten, the bird's beak was twisted, and the black feathers that fell off swirled and fell to the ground.

The shrill screams of the Crow God echoed in the sky above the Vine Tribe, such a tragic situation that everyone who heard it was sad, and everyone who saw it wept.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Shen Teng didn't intend to let the old crow go, and saw countless vines wrapping around the Raven God overwhelmingly, like a net.

"Crow God!"

On the ground, the witch of the crow tribe shouted in panic. At this time, everyone could see that this divine vine was much stronger than the crow god.


At the critical moment, the Crow God also erupted, only to see the black mist on its body surging frantically, and then opened its mouth and spewed out a large black flame.

Most plants are afraid of fire, and divine vines are no exception. Those vines instinctively avoid black divine fire.

Taking advantage of this gap, the Crow God flew away with a "whoosh", away from the terrifying vine.

This kind of terrifying divine fire, the Crow God can't spray several times, and it is not sure that it can use the divine fire to injure the divine vine, so it can only escape.

The Crow God ran away, but the big crows it brought were unlucky.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

"Dumb dumb..."

Countless vines tied the crows one after another, strangled them to death, and absorbed the blood essence.

In the blink of an eye, the more than 100 crows flying in the front were all killed by Shenteng.

The green light of the divine vines was even brighter, and the other big crows ran for their lives frantically, not daring to turn their heads.

Among the Vine Tribes, Jing Ji swallowed hard and said, "The Vine God is really... It's really too fierce."

The others nodded in agreement.

In the woods next to the stone mountain, the members of the Yanyang tribe looked up at the sky, and someone reached out and caught a flying black crow feather.

One of the two-color warriors said excitedly: "A living patron saint, the Vine tribe has a living patron saint!"

Another added: "And so powerful!"

The third person said: "We must join the Vine tribe!"

Others clenched their fists excitedly. With the patron saint, there is a sense of security. Joining such a tribe can make people feel at ease.

In the woods to the northeast of the Veng tribe, the warriors of the crow tribe who were charging, watched the crow gods and the big crows who flew back in embarrassment, stopped one by one, and looked at each other.

After a long time, a soldier asked in a low voice, "Leader, are we still rushing?"


The leader of the crow tribe slapped him angrily and said angrily, "Are you rushing to die? Withdraw!"

In the blink of an eye, the warriors of the Crow Tribe withdrew in a daze, and they didn't even rush to the outer defensive area of ​​the Vine Tribe.

The Crow Tribe probably would not have thought that the terrifying Vine Tribe in front of them was actually established by five teenagers who escaped from the Deer Tribe, and the Deer Tribe was easily destroyed by them.

When all the crows and crow tribe warriors withdrew, there was a tsunami of cheers from the Vine tribe.

In this dangerous primitive world, it is very important to have the protection of a powerful totem god.

The vine tribe warriors didn't have to work hard, the vine **** solved the problem and avoided the loss of the tribe's population due to the war.

After half a day, Jiang Xuan and the old witch came back on a giant eagle.

When they heard that the crow tribe was attacking, both of them were nervous for a while, and when they saw that the tribe was all right, they were relieved.

The old witch also looked at Shishan for a long time, and sighed in his heart: This divine vine is a bit outrageous, and in a few words, the attack of the crow tribe was resolved.

At the same time, when the old witch thought that Jiang Xuan had just cheated on the crow tribe not long ago, his face became strange again.

This must be too coincidental, right?

The old witch suddenly looked forward to what kind of sparks would be created between the two tribes when the crow tribe met the jackal tribe.

After Jiang Xuan returned to the Vine tribe, he gathered all the leaders again.

In the bamboo house, Jiang Xuan looked at everyone, and briefly explained the situation of the Jackal Tribe.

"I want to remind everyone that the Jackal Tribe is an extremely ferocious tribe, and it is predatory. Such a tribe is very dangerous."

"Even if we don't have the slightest hatred with them, as long as they target the Vine tribe, they will definitely attack!"

"What we can do is to grow the tribe as soon as possible, so that all tribes, including the Jackal tribe, dare not look down on them and dare not attack at will!"

"So, I decided to accept all the members of the Blue Sheep Tribe. Is there any objection?"

Everyone shook their heads one after another. Now that the leader has made up his mind, all they can do is to give full support.

Jiang Xuan made a decisive decision and said: "Okay, then this matter is settled, Nanxing, you go and bring in the people of the Yanyang tribe."


Nan Xing left in a hurry, and in a short while, he brought more than 200 soldiers of the Blue Sheep Tribe from the woods to the real residential area of ​​the Teng Tribe.

The neat rows of houses, as well as the many Veng tribe people working in the fields, greatly shocked the people of the Yanyang tribe.

Although the Vine tribe is much smaller than they thought, but they witnessed the scene of Shenteng's great power, what does it matter if the tribe is smaller? As long as the totem **** is strong enough.

Jiang Xuan brought the leaders to the front of these members of the Yanyang tribe.

He said to these people: "From today, you can stay in the Vine Tribe, and the Vine Tribe will take care of your take care of your clothes and your living, but you also have to work for the Vine Tribe, no Those who work are not qualified to eat!"

"Although you can stay in the Vine Tribe, it doesn't mean that you have become the real members of the Vine Tribe."

"Before the next spring, if someone makes an unforgivable mistake, I will expel him from the tribe, and even kill him!"

"Of course, if you have performed well this whole year, then you will have the opportunity to participate in the sacrifice and become a real Vine tribe."

"Do you understand everything?"

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, more than two hundred people nodded and took Jiang Xuan's words in their hearts, because it was related to their life and death, and no one dared to care.

"Okay, now that you all understand, Uncaria, Shiloh, and Nepeta, you can bring people to help them build houses."

"Yes, chief!"

The three of Uncaria took their respective teams, and together with more than two hundred people, they built a house in the open space on the left of the Vine tribe.

It was getting late at this time, so they could only build some temporary shelters for the night, and then they could start building real solid houses tomorrow.

With the addition of these two hundred people, the population of the Vine Tribe broke through five hundred and became a real small tribe.

This is a huge improvement for the Vine tribe.

On the other hand, the crow tribe had no success in attacking the vine tribe, but was beaten by the **** vine, so they could only give up the territory of the vine tribe and move on, looking for a more suitable place to live.

The people of the crow tribe were all suffocated, and they urgently needed to find another target. While supplementing the food, they could also vent this qi through looting and killing.

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