This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 112: The dumplings will fly

The third year of the establishment of the rattan tribe, on January 6th.

When Jiang Xuan and Lao Wu returned to the Veng tribe, six days had passed since the ice and snow began to melt.

The ice and snow have almost completely melted, and there are only some ice cubes left in the part of the forest that is always damp and does not shine in the sun.


The giant eagle flew over the Vine tribe and made a loud eagle chirp. When it returned to the Vine tribe, it was obviously very excited.

"The leader is back!"

On the ground, the sharp-eyed warriors of the Vine tribe shouted excitedly after seeing Jiang Xuan on the back of the giant eagle.

Afterwards, more people ran out of the bamboo house and burst into cheers.

Jiang Xuan and Lao Wu left for a month, and many people were worried, afraid of what would happen to them.

Now, Jiang Xuan and Lao Wu have returned safely, and everyone's hanging hearts are relieved.

"Xuan and the old witch are back."

In the yard next to the altar, Chi Shao threw the herbs in her hands and ran out with a face full of joy.


In Jiang Xuan's yard, the sullen dumplings in the bamboo shed let out a surprise cry, and then ran into the yard, only to see its legs slammed, its wings flapping rapidly, and it actually flew straight up.

The dumplings flew into the sky, and at a glance, they saw the landing giant eagle, as well as the old witch and Jiang Xuan on the back of the giant eagle.


The dumplings screamed again, and then quickly flew towards the clearing where the giant eagle landed.

Under the sun, the purple feathers of the dumplings shimmered, very beautiful.

When the giant eagle landed, the dumplings landed almost at the same time, and it ran over excitedly and stood beside the giant eagle.

"Tangyuan, you can fly!"

On the back of the giant eagle, Jiang Xuan was pleasantly surprised to find that the size of the dumplings was bigger than before, and the flight was much smoother than before.


Tang Yuan raised his head proudly, his eyes full of pride.

"I'll take things off first."

Jiang Xuan untied the animal skin bag on the eagle's back and carried it into the old witch's bamboo house.

Not long after, Chishao also came. Although she was very excited, she didn't say much. She just helped Jiang Xuan move the animal skin bag and clean up the bamboo house.

She has never been good at words, she just works silently.

Soon, the leaders of Uncaria, Shiloh, Nanxing, and Nepeta all came. With everyone's help, the fire in the old witch's bamboo house was quickly set on fire again.

After everything was done, everyone gathered around the fire pond and listened to Jiang Xuan tell about the experience and gains of this trip.

Jiang Xuan briefly explained what happened along the way, and everyone listened attentively.

People who have not seen the sights such as water shortage, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, deserts, and the Great Rift Valley can hardly imagine the shock.

They are more interested in the frog tribe, especially the various giant frogs in the frog tribe.

At the end, Jiang Xuan said with a serious face: "The situation in Xihuang is more serious than we imagined. We must be ready to fight against the tribes that have migrated from Xihuang at any time."

Migrating tribes, in order to scramble for a good place to live, often scramble for territory with the aborigines, and **** battles are unavoidable.

The Vine tribe, now the aborigines of the Southern Wilderness, if they want to continue living here, they must fight against all the snatchers and win the final victory.

This is a very big challenge for the vine tribe with a population of less than 300.

Jing Ji said: "Leader, tell me, what should we do?"

Others also nodded, they all believed that Jiang Xuanneng could lead the tribe through the crisis.

Jiang Xuan has thought about this question countless times on the way back, and now he has said all the methods he thought of.

"First, strengthen the defense on the back of the stone mountain. The **** team sent two soldiers to watch the situation over there. When people from other tribes were found approaching, they immediately reported to the tribe."

"Second, we need to make more bamboo rafts and build a second residence on the other side of the Flying Fish River. If we encounter an irresistible enemy, the other side of the Flying Fish River will be our retreat."

"Third, hold sacrifices to turn those people who were brought back from the Mosquito tribe last year into warriors and let them truly join the Vine tribe."

"Fourth, set up a lot of traps around the tribe, and dig more tunnels at the same time. When encountering enemies that can't be beaten, we can enter the tunnels and fight them with the help of favorable terrain."

"Fifth, continue to reclaim wasteland, grow more food, recruit more tourists, and make more weapons..."

Jiang Xuan told the things that the Veng tribe would do in the future, and tried his best to deal with future crises.

Everyone took Jiang Xuan's words in their hearts. Their thoughts were relatively simple, and they all listened to the leader anyway.

Later, Jiang Xuan assigned the task in detail.

The first hunting team and the **** team went to build the defense to the west, and the second hunting team and fishing team were responsible for making more bamboo rafts and building houses on the other side of the Flying Fish River.

Planting and breeding teams continue to work hard to plant and breed to provide food for the tribe, and Mallow and others are responsible for digging tunnels.

After receiving the task, the leaders dispersed one after another, each leading their own team to work.

Soon, only Jiang Xuan, Chi Shao and the old witch were left in the room.

The old witch looked at Jiang Xuan's performance. Although Jiang Xuan looked young, he was very thoughtful and methodical in his work, which made him particularly appreciate it.

The old witch said: "During this time, I will stay in the Vine Tribe temporarily. If you need any help, just say it."

Jiang Xuan said gratefully: "Old witch, you are here to help the Vine tribe the most."

Although the old witch has never made a move, there is no doubt about his strength. Even Jiang Xuan, a four-color warrior, has an unfathomable feeling when facing him.

Coupled with that ferocious giant eagle, this is definitely a powerful force.

As long as the old witch stays in the Vine tribe, it has a strong deterrent effect.

The three talked about Xihuang for a while. Afterwards, Chi Shao asked the old witch about witch medicine. Jiang Xuan heard it, so he left the bamboo house.


When Jiang Xuan walked outside, Tang Yuan immediately ran over and rubbed his head affectionately at him, expressing his happiness.

Then, Tang Yuan squatted down and motioned him to sit on his back.

"Tangyuan, do you want to fly with me?"

Tang Yuan nodded, as if a child had learned a new skill and couldn't wait to show it off.

"Okay, then I'll go up."

Jiang Xuan climbed onto the back of the dumplings, and the dumplings stood up again.

After a winter of feeding, the glutinous rice **** are much larger than before, with a wingspan of nearly eight meters, standing up much higher than Jiang Xuan.

Everyone is amazed at the growth rate of the dumplings, and no one knows how huge it will be when it is an adult.


Tang Yuan screamed excitedly, then kicked his legs, flapping his big purple wings, and flew directly with Jiang Xuan.

It circled a few times over the Veng tribe, barking non-stop, very chattering.

Jiang Xuan sat on the back of the dumplings, listening to the wind whistling in his ears, and watching the scenery passing by under his feet, he was very emotional.

Who would have thought that a chick picked up in the forest at the beginning could take him to the sky after feeding it for less than a year.

On the ground, many warriors were looking up, envious of the leader being able to fly in the sky on a bird.

In the forest behind Shishan, Nan Xing, who was laying a trap, looked up for a while, and then took out a bone whistle in his arms.

Nan Xing rubbed the bone whistle and said, "I hope one day, I can also have a mount!"

This bone He has blown it many times, and the surface has been rubbed with oil and water. Now he can use the bone whistle to make several vivid sounds.

He hopes that one day the bone whistle will come in handy.


Southern Wilderness, Crow Tribe.

During the cold winter, due to insufficient food reserves, the crow tribe starved and froze to death more than 200 clansmen.

Although this number of people is not too traumatic for the crow tribe, it has a negative impact on the entire tribe.

Therefore, after the ice and snow melted, the crow tribe couldn't wait to migrate to other places.

They frantically search for all kinds of food, plunder all resources recklessly, and prepare for migration.

After they have prepared enough food, the tribe of more than 3,000 people will start to migrate.

At that time, these crows will surely set off a **** storm.

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