This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 107: The old witch is back

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After the frost fell, the soldiers of the hunting team hurry up to hunt, and the soldiers of the fishing team hurry up to fish.

Even the soldiers of the planting team, because they did not work after the autumn harvest, all went to the nearby forest to collect various wild fruits and tubers.

Jiang Xuan and Chishao re-boiled the two bags of insect wax traded from the Yanyang tribe, removed impurities, and poured them into the prepared bamboo tubes.

Two-thirds of the insect wax is directly stored and kept by Chishao, and its medicinal properties and the effect of combining with different medicinal materials are studied.

After one third of the insect wax is poured into the bamboo tube, a string with strong oil absorption capacity will be placed in the middle.

After the insect wax is dry, you only need to break the bamboo tube to get a very thick candle.

This candle burns with a refreshing scent and has a steady flame for nighttime lighting.

After finishing all the insect wax, Jiang Xuan looked up at the giant dragonfly on the stone mountain.

These giant dragonflies just crawled on the ancient vines, and haven't moved for two days.

Jiang Xuan knew that most of them had already been frozen to death, just like the giant dragonfly last year.

These giant dragonflies went to the mosquito tribe with them, fought side by side, and delivered supplies. Now that their lives are over, Jiang Xuan is somewhat sad.


Just as Jiang Xuan was about to return to his bamboo house, a familiar bird chirping suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Huh? This is..."

Jiang Xuan looked at the sky in surprise, holding some kind of expectation in his heart.

Not long after, a huge black giant eagle appeared in the distant sky and approached quickly.

Chi Shao also put down her work and said in surprise: "It's the giant eagle of the old witch! The old witch is back!"

Jiang Xuan was also a little excited. When the old witch left, he thought he would never see the old witch again.

After all, the Southern Wilderness is so big and there are so many dangers, and the old witch is getting old again.

No one thought that the giant eagle would return to the Vine tribe.

"Let's go and have a look."

Jiang Xuan immediately walked to the bamboo house where the old witch lived, followed by Chi Shao.

Although it is uncertain whether the old witch will come back, Jiang Xuan has always kept the bamboo house for the old witch, and no one else will live there, and Chishao often goes there to clean it.


The black giant eagle circled in the sky, and then quickly landed on the ground.

Those who had just joined the Vine Tribe and had never seen a giant eagle were so frightened that their legs were softened, and they all screamed and ran away.

"Don't be afraid, giant eagles don't hurt people."

The Vine Tribe warrior who was familiar with the giant eagle quickly explained, those who fled stopped suspiciously, but did not go back immediately.


The giant eagle landed on the open space next to the bamboo house, and then squatted down, one broad wing extending diagonally toward the ground.

On the back of the giant eagle, the old witch in thick animal skin slowly stood up. He took off two animal skin bags from the back of the eagle, and then walked to the ground along the giant eagle's wings.

When the old witch saw the familiar rattan tribe and the familiar bamboo house, a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

I don't know why, but he especially likes this energetic little tribe.

"Old witch, I thought you weren't coming back..."

Jiang Xuan quickly ran to the bamboo house, very happy.

The old witch looked at Jiang Xuan, and suddenly noticed that there were four horizontal lines on his face, and suddenly said in surprise: "Four-color warrior?"

"Hahaha, I was lucky enough to break through the four colors."

Jiang Xuan said fluke in his mouth, but there was a smug look in his eyes.

The old witch glanced at the top of the stone mountain, and his face became even more surprised: "God vine broke through?"

This divine vine made the old witch feel even more terrifying, its divine power was as vast as the sea, completely different from before.

At this time, Chi Shao walked up to the old witch and said, "The Vine God has indeed broken through."

The old witch nodded, glanced at Jiang Xuan again, and said, "No wonder, it seems that a lot of things happened after I left."

Jiang Xuandao: "I'll help you move things in first, light the fire, and then talk slowly."

Jiang Xuan easily took the two animal skin bags from the old witch's hand, opened the door of the bamboo house, put the animal skin bags away, went out again, climbed on the back of the giant eagle, and untied the remaining animal skin bags. Move into the house.

That is to say, Jiang Xuan is bold, and because he is familiar with the old witch and the giant eagle, other people, even if they are also four-color warriors, dare not climb on the back of the giant eagle.

When Jiang Xuan was moving things, Chi Shao brought fire from other bamboo houses and rekindled the fire in the old witch's house.

The roaring fire pond brings warmth to the bamboo house that has not been lived in for a long time, and makes people feel more comfortable.

Nan Xing and others also came. Everyone was very happy to see the old witch. They helped him wash the dishes, make the bed, and quickly arranged the bamboo house so that he could live directly.

After the busy work, everyone gathered around the fire pit, and Jiang Xuan told the old witch what happened after he left.

Including the invasion of the mosquito tribe, the breakthrough of the vines, the great sacrifice, and the destruction of the mosquito tribe.

"The mosquito tribe was wiped out?"

The old witch was a little surprised, because a tribe as small as the Teng tribe could not be destroyed by other tribes. How could he dare to hope for anything else?

Jiang Xuandao: "It's all thanks to the Vine God and the giant dragonfly, we will be responsible for cheering."

The old witch nodded and expressed his understanding. After all, the number of warriors in the Vine tribe was too small and their strength was not strong enough.

Jiang Xuan asked again, "Old witch, where have you been since you left the Veng tribe?"

The old witch said: "After I left the Veng tribe, I rode a giant eagle to travel in the Southern Wilderness and dealt with several tribes."

Then, the old witch told about the tribes he met on the road and some interesting experiences.

For example, he went to the fierce crocodile tribe, which breeds a large number of crocodiles, is fierce and warlike, and especially likes to eat raw meat.

There is also the Bamboo Rat Tribe. The people of this tribe like to live in underground burrows and are very timid.

In addition to these two tribes, the old witch has also been to several tribes. According to the old witch's description, these tribes have their own characteristics and are very interesting.

The old witch himself is very strong, and he has the skills of witch doctor, can cure diseases and save people, plus the terrifying giant eagle, and the background of the Eastern Desolate Eagle Tribe, no matter where he goes, no one dares to attack him easily.

If they were ordinary warriors, these tribes would probably not be so polite.

"By the way, I also brought back some things from other tribes for you."

The old witch opened an animal skin bag and first took out a bunch of colorful small fruits, which were very beautiful.

"What is this?" Jiang Xuan asked curiously.

"This is a colorful fruit. I got it from a small tribe. It has a little poison, but people will only suffer for a long time after eating it. The poison will not kill people."

"In that small tribe, the warriors would eat this colorful fruit in front of everyone in order to prove their courage."

The old witch said with a smile: "Boss Xuan, do you want to prove your courage?"

Jiang Xuan asked uncertainly, "Is this thing really poisonous?"

The old witch said: "You are a four-color warrior now, this thing is nothing to you at all, do you want to try it?"

Jiang Xuan looked at the fruit with various colors and the size of a small light bulb, and said, "Then, try it."

Jiang Xuan took a thumb-sized colorful fruit, washed it first, then put it in his mouth, and tried to bite half of it without swallowing it.

Soon, Jiang Xuan's complexion changed. He directly spit out the half of the colorful fruit he bit down on the ground, sticking out his tongue and fanning constantly.

"Spicy... it's killing me..."

"Water... water..."

Jiang Xuan ran to the newly filled water tank, scooped a spoonful of cold water with a ladle, and rinsed his mouth constantly to relieve the irritation on the tip of his tongue.


Like an old child who had succeeded in mischief, the old witch laughed loudly and said, "Boss Xuan, the warrior of that small tribe, doesn't change his face after eating the colorful fruit."

Jiang Xuan continued to rinse his mouth for a long time before his tongue and lips felt a little better.

He looked at the colorful fruits, and he was not afraid because of the discomfort just now, but his eyes showed excitement.

Because he knew that the so-called colorful fruit should be a kind of pepper in this world!

Having been in this world for so long, he has also tried many spicy plants, but the spiciness is not pure and often has other pungent smells, which are not delicious.

And this kind of colorful fruit has a very pure spiciness and a high degree of spiciness. Eating it can make people feel like their mouths are on fire. It should be a rare boutique chili.

In his previous life, Jiang Xuan also ate spicy food.

But now this body has not been stimulated by chili peppers, and the color of the fruit is too spicy, so his reaction is so great.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he eats a few more times and gets used to it, he can continue to eat spicy food.

Therefore, Jiang Xuan was very excited.

"Old witch, can you give me a few of these things? I'll keep the seeds and plant them in the ground next year."

The old witch said in surprise, "Are you interested in colorful fruits?"

Jiang Xuan nodded affirmatively and said, "I think eating colorful fruit is very exciting."

The old witch couldn't understand Jiang Xuan's psychology of looking for stimulation, but he generously distributed half of the colorful fruits to Jiang Xuan and asked him to keep the seeds.

Jiang Xuan took the Cai Guo, thanked the old witch, and said, "I think this thing is better called Cai Jiao."

"Caijiao..." The old witch repeated it, and said, "This name is not bad, then let's call it Caijiao."

In this way, the Veng tribe has the first chili pepper with a high degree of spiciness, and named it color pepper.

Of course, there are too few bell peppers now, so Jiang Xuan must plant it to increase the number before he can eat it with confidence.

Soon, the old witch took out the second thing from the animal skin bag: a thick bean pod.

"This is also what I brought back from a small tribe. It is an edible plant. I guess the leader of Xuan will like it."

This is a dried bean pod, as long as the palm of an adult's hand to the elbow, flat, slightly curved, and bulging section by section.

The old witch peeled off the large bean pod, and seven or eight small black **** rolled out, which were caught by the old witch and placed one by one in the palm of his hand.

These small **** were beans that Jiang Xuan had never seen before. Each was about the size of a quail egg, very round, with a black sheen.

The old witch said: "This kind of fruit, the tribe's people call it black beads, put it in a clay pot and cook it together with animal meat, it is very fragrant."

"It can also be simmered in a charcoal fire, and it tastes very crispy."

Jiang Xuandao: "Can you show it to me?"


The old witch handed all the black beads in his hand to Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan took a closer look and found that these so-called black beads are beans, but they are much larger than ordinary soybeans.

At this moment, Jiang Xuan felt that happiness came too suddenly.

The old witch's return brought not only peppers, but also large black beans, which are very important food crops!

"Old witch, can you give me some more black beads? I can exchange some good things for you."

The old witch waved his hand and said, "I was going to give it to you, no need to exchange it, just take it."

"Old witch, thank you so much."

Jiang Xuan excitedly took out the unpeeled pods, and sighed in his heart: The old witch is really a good person!

Of course, he can't really take it for nothing, so even if the old witch doesn't say anything, the next time he encounters something good, he won't be so active.

He pondered that he would send some salt and a few worm waxes to the old witch later, which could be regarded as a courtesy exchange.

Then, the old witch took out a few more plants, but they were rare herbs, which were given to Chishao.

Jiang Xuan is not very interested in herbal medicines, and he is already very satisfied when he can get bell peppers and large black beans.

After listening to the old witch telling the anecdotes on the road, Jiang Xuan returned to his yard with colored peppers and **** beans, and took some insect wax and salt, ready to send it to the old witch.

However, when he was about to go out, he saw Tang Yuan swooshing over from the bamboo shed and gently grabbed his animal skin coat with the bird's beak.

"Tangyuan, what's wrong?"

Jiang Xuan obviously felt that the state of the dumplings was different from usual, and it seemed a little scared.

Tang Yuan couldn't speak, but it loosened Jiang Xuan's animal skin coat and pointed to a direction outside the bamboo forest with the bird's That direction was where the old witch lived.

Jiang Xuan suddenly guessed why it was afraid, it must be because of the black giant eagle.

As a bird, the sense of oppression brought by the black giant eagle is too strong, even if it is separated by a certain distance, the dumplings will still be afraid.

Jiang Xuan thought for a while and said, "Tangyuan, don't be afraid, come with me, I will take you to recognize a big brother, maybe I can cover you in the future."

Jiang Xuan patted the tall dumpling, and then walked out of the bamboo forest with it.

Although Tangyuan is very afraid, it also trusts Jiang Xuan very much, and it will have a sense of security around Jiang Xuan.

Soon, Jiang Xuan brought the glutinous rice **** to the side of the bamboo house.

When Tang Yuan saw the huge giant eagle, it became even more frightened. If Jiang Xuan dragged it away, it would have turned around and ran away.

Jiang Xuan dragged the dumplings to the side of the black giant eagle. The black giant eagle looked at them with sharp eagle eyes, but did not move.

Jiang Xuan pushed the dumplings in front of the giant eagle. He remembered that the giant eagle was raised by the old witch, that is to say, it was about the same age as the old witch.

He thought about his seniority, and then shouted: "Master Giant Eagle, it is called Tangyuan, and it is also a member of our tribe. Please take care of it in the future, and teach it how to fly and hunt when you have time. Do you think it will work? "

The giant eagle seemed to be able to understand what he said. It first looked at the dumplings, but did not refuse, and nodded directly.

Jiang Xuan was overjoyed, patted the tangyuan's sturdy feathers, and said, "Tangyuan, in the future, Uncle Giant Eagle will be your uncle, do you know? It's okay to get closer to Uncle."

Tang Yuan didn't know if he understood it or not, but after staying here for a while, his eyes were no longer so frightened.

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