This Forward is Not Serious

Vol 2 Chapter 618: peak of life

The days of the All-Star Game are getting closer and closer, and fans have begun to look forward to the live broadcast of the selection.

Because last year's selection was really amazing.

And the lineup selected this year has become more interesting because of this rule.

Otherwise, the starting list of the east and west is now, and the east army has five starters and four long-armed strikers, which will make the west army directly despair.

Then, just before the selection started, Durant went straight to Brooklyn to invite Lin Ying to dinner.

This time, without Durant speaking, Lin Ying knew that this guy came here to recommend himself*2.

Lin Ying readily agreed this time, and made a promise to Durant.

"The only possibility that I won't choose you is that you have been chosen before I have a chance."

Translating the meaning of this sentence is that Lin Ying didn't flip a coin to the first pick, and then James took Durant at the first pick.

This possibility is not impossible, but it is very small.

You must know that there is absolutely no confrontation between Durant and James.

Two days later, the live broadcast of the second NBA All-Star Game was launched again in the TNT live broadcast room.

Before the start of the selection, the Big Four of TNT began to take fans to review some interesting stories about last year's selection.

And these people are not shy about chatting, and they directly asked James how he felt when he was selected last year.

James also showed his perfect character and said the standard answer.

"There's always someone who's going to be picked last. There's no difference between first and last. They're all All-Star starters."

What is perfect.

The warm-up is almost complete, and the selection process begins immediately.

Last year, it was by guessing the silver coins to decide who to choose first. This year, the program team played a new trick. Barkley took out a deck of cards directly from under the table.

The rule is that he draws a card from it, and whoever is closer in size to the card gets the right to choose first.

This sounds complicated and comes from Jordan's advice.

It's Jordan because this year's All-Star Game is in Charlotte.

Taking cards to decide, it is very in line with Jordan's personal preferences.

Lin Ying guessed an old k, and James guessed a 6.

After all, the two of them are not magicians, and they don't have the ability to read cards. It's all about luck.

In the end, Barkley drew a 5.

In this way, James got the result of the first selection.

After others complained that Barkley did not bring good luck to Lin Ying, the selection process officially began.

In fact, after determining the selection order, Barkley and the others are also discussing who James will choose first.

The remaining 8 players in the starting lineup are: Leonard, Antetokounmpo, Durant, Jokic, Curry, Harden, Paul George, Davis.

The possibilities for James are numerous, and he's most likely to pick Davis, his closest teammate.

Or, he'll choose the best player of all, Durant.

In fact, including Barkley, among the Big Four in the commentary, Barkley and McGrady both believed that James would prefer Durant.

Because this season of Durant, it is really impossible to refuse.

Listening to the discussion among the commentators, and looking at the wicked smile on James' face, Lin Ying scratched his head unconsciously.

What he said in a previous chat with Durant now pops into his mind.

"The only possibility that I won't choose you is that you have been chosen before I have a chance."

Shouldn't this be a prophecy?

Finally, James is going to start picking.

"He's the best shooter in the NBA, probably the best shooter in NBA history, and my No. 1 pick is...Stephen Curry."

James, choose Curry!

This choice can be said to be quite, very, very surprising!

The four commentators guessed Davis, Durant and Antetokounmpo respectively, but they did not guess Curry, because everyone knows the grievance between Curry and James!

Last year, James would be left to the end, which is also a key reason.

As a result, James came directly to a shocking operation, and Curry was selected first!

The expressions of the four commentators fully explain what is called "what is a surprise".

Lin Ying was also stunned for a moment, but he soon laughed.

First, because there are no near misses, this time, Durant will not be missed again.

Second, because this is James!

A perfect person, how could he not repay his grievances with virtue!

You Curry didn't choose me, but I, James, wanted to choose you, and I was the first to choose you!

Who is more broad-minded at a glance!

James chose Curry, and Lin Ying's No. 1 pick had no suspense, so he decisively picked Durant.

After being rivals for half a season, the Texas Twins are teammates again!

The most concerned first place is over, and then the choice of the two is also step by step.

Team James: Curry, Leonard, James, Davis;

Lin Ying Team: Paul George, Durant, Lin Ying, Jokic.

Then there is the last pick, James' choice, Harden or Antetokounmpo.

It's surprising that these two were left.

Because of the starters voted for this time, the only guards in the true sense are Curry and Harden.

Lin Ying's second-to-last pick chose George but not Harden, which is a bit unreasonable.

But in contrast, Antetokounmpo was left more surprising.

This season's Antetokounmpo has begun to cash in on his talent, and even entered the top five in MVP.

He was left to the last two to choose one, which is indeed surprising enough.

James was also a little entangled at this time, and did not make a choice immediately.

"LeBron, what is your last choice?"

Seeing James' delay in making a decision, Barkley urged him.

That's when James once again showed his perfect persona, explaining it before choosing.

"This choice has nothing to do with who is better. My choice is for the balance of the two teams, so my choice is Giannis Antetokounmpo."

This result, coupled with this explanation, is to choose Brother Antetokounmpo, but it seems that he did not choose.

Because of this, it means that he didn't want to choose Brother Antetokounmpo, but for the balance of the lineup, in order to let Lin Ying have a point guard, he reluctantly chose Brother Antetokounmpo.

At this time, Antetokounmpo must have 10,000 grass and mud horses whizzing past in his heart, and he was a little disgusted.

But when Lin Ying heard the result, he laughed again.

And this time it was really fun.

This choice of James can be said to be inevitable, because as a perfect person, he needs to consider too many things.

First of all, James' attitude at this time must be, you don't have a guard yet, so I must leave this last guard to you.

This wave belongs to the passive moral kidnapping of perfect characters.

Then there is Brother Antetokounmpo. Looking at the posture, James does not want to choose Brother Antetokounmpo.

The reason is actually very easy to guess, because of the previous footsteps of Antetokounmpo.

Although James has done it intentionally or unintentionally, his personality does not allow this black spot, and he and his team have been denying it.

So if this kind of thing happened to Brother Antetokounmpo, even if it didn't cause a large-scale sensation, he would definitely be able to get involved without getting involved.

Then Lin Ying was happy here.

He is not as interested in Giannis Antetokounmpo as he is with James. After all, it is still difficult for a player who has repeatedly made achievements on the back of his feet to gain the recognition of his opponents.

And now, Antetokounmpo and James are on the same team.

Moreover, Brother Antetokounmpo was disgusted by James.

He was really curious about what would happen to the two guys who became teammates in the All-Star Game.


A few days after the NBA draft ended, the All-Star Game officially kicked off in Charlotte.

Charlotte fans are also very excited.

Charlotte had a chance two years ago, but unfortunately at that time because of the same-sex politically correct conflict in North America, the hosting rights were finally cancelled.

Now Charlotte has canceled that clause, and the NBA has made it back in time.

Coincidentally, this was the best season in Hornets history.

Even the head coach of the East this year is Borrego of the Hornets.

Weather, location, people, everything is on point.

Lin Ying was called by Durant to Charlotte two days in advance, and the latter happily asked him for a drink.

Durant also took great care to rent the top floor of Charlotte's highest-floor hotel directly, find Randy Williams or Abrams, and then called a few girls to accompany the drink.

Well, the kind that only accompanies drinking and is serious.

Now they, Lin Ying has married, and Durant has a girlfriend and children. Besides playing football, the rest is family.

Although Williams and Abrams have no longer played, one is Durant's brand management, and the other is a core member of Lin Ying's team, both of whom are married.

They have grown from the youthful youth to their thirties.

Speaking of which, the last time we got together to play like this was when they won the ncaa championship.

So a group of people eat and drink to their heart's content.

When they were a little drunk, Lin Ying and Durant sat outside the balcony and chatted while blowing the wind.

Durant is full of arrogance and keeps talking about the interesting stories of the ncaa period.

Every body language of his conveys a message: He is happy now, more than ever.

"Ying, do you remember what you said the most during the ncaa period?"

Durant can really remember.

"stop looking?"

Lin Ying looked at Durant. Durant liked to watch all kinds of messes when he was in college.

"...No, the words that impressed me the most were the words you said, when you were at your most brilliant."

Lin Ying reacted immediately after hearing this, and then laughed.

He probably already guessed what Durant was going to say.

"My best time is now."

Durant said that he picked up the cigar and took a sip, and then looked at the sky at 45°, full of sea smell.

Lin Ying laughed after hearing this.

Human desires are never satisfied.

Before going to the Nets, all Durant asked for was a championship, but now all he wants is a championship and a core position.

There is no right or wrong in this, because it is a process in which people continue to satisfy themselves.

"Do not."

However, after Lin Ying finished laughing, he denied Durant's words.

Durant turned his head back and looked at Lin Ying suspiciously.

"After you took this mvp."

Lin Ying continued.

Durant laughed instantly, and then patted Lin Ying on the shoulder hard.

Lin Ying is indeed his good brother!

This time in the All-Star Game, he really had no reason not to take this mvp, and he knew that Lin Ying would also fulfill him.

"Ying, I'm really looking forward to our meeting in the playoffs this time."

After laughing, Durant looked at the stars again, his eyes full of longing.

Thinking that he and Lin Ying were also rivals when they were still in the West. At that time, it was a must for him and Lin Ying to meet in the playoffs every year.

That is, he couldn't meet most of the time, and his nickname of the old general with the flag also came from that time.

But he believes he will do it this time, because in his opinion, the Raptors and Bucks are still a little worse than them.

This year's Eastern Conference Finals will be the stage for him and Lin Ying.

He didn't even take the outcome as important, he just wanted to fight Lin Ying vigorously.

"Will do."

Lin Ying is also rare who did not refute Durant.

He thinks the same way as Durant.

Durant this season is not only one he has never seen in his life, but also one he has never seen in his last life.

And in fact, really speaking, if the four consecutive championships are not four consecutive championships, the fans' expectations are more, and he doesn't care so much about his words.

After all, when you have enough honor, honor itself is not so attractive.

It's only when you can't ask for it that you want it, just like James is now.

So 800 rounds with Durant? That's the more exciting thing to look forward to.


Two days later, the All-Star Game officially kicked off.

It is worth mentioning that this year's All-Star official list has two alternate players, Wade in the East and Nowitzki in the West.

Wade and Nowitzki have said this is the last season of their careers long before the start of the season.

So in the voting, their votes entered the starting list in the East and West.

It's just because the players voted for them with a very low vote rate, so they missed the start in the end.

That has thrown the league's new rules into question, with many feeling that the All-Star Game is essentially about fans seeing the stars they want to watch.

But this time they selected what they wanted to see, but they couldn't see it.

However, because this is a special case, after all, at the same time, two super giants retired and could not enter the starting lineup at the same time, and they caught up with this new rule.

In the end, the league added two additional rosters to the East and West.

This wave of additions has also won unanimous praise for Tatum and the league.

And Nowitzki also participated in the three-point shooting contest after many years.

Therefore, this All-Star Game also continued the emotional elements of last season.

Of course, the climax of this All-Star Game is the final day of the race.

The game was as entertaining as the fans expected.

At the end of the three quarters, the score difference between the two teams remained in single digits, and Lin Ying's team really led James team 120-115.

Then in the fourth quarter, the two teams started to really play.

The James team played very confrontational from the The fans were also hooked.

Moreover, the lineup of Leonard, Antetokounmpo, James, and Davis put a lot of pressure on defense, and even Lin Ying couldn't score easily.

The game was played until the last moment, and just in anticipation of the fans, the familiar Texas Twins were launched!

First, Lin Ying, defending James one-on-one, successfully interfered with the latter's flat ball.

Then Durant finally received a pass from Lin Ying and completed the lore against Leonard's defense!

The Lin Ying team finally defeated the James team 144 to 140 and won the final victory!

And the last All-Star Game mvp, gave Durant the highest score of 36 points in the audience!

As Lin Ying said, this is the most glorious moment of Durant's life!


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