Time Reverse to Ao dry and Qinggu corpse had just played against, among the Purple-Gold Alms Bowl, Argyrosomus corpse is caught in a bitter struggle unexpected.

"Dipankara ah Dipankara."

"actually is you!"

I saw Hu Jie laughing loudly, Xuan rotating ring of fire were rolling back, as if one of the black hole, despite Qinggu corpse with what means, as long as its whole body proximal fall, will be lost if the main imperial general, floating to fall into that ring of fire, has lost all air machine.

have this treasure body protection, Hu Jie fight to nature with impunity, make a fist with one hand, Yan Guang wind around boxing, like a fire dragon-like lashed forward.

"hong long!"

Purple-Gold Alms Bowl mustard Sumeru, seemingly minor, but in reality containing Daqian vast expanse, and white regardless of the bodies is the main Yu, mind a move then back thousands of miles.

be avoided this fist.

He is immortal.

is not Takeo.

Impossible Antiaris muscle than each stroke, the dead battle Argyrosomus the art and Earth Immortal cultivator almost the same method, is to decide the winner by a channel method and divine ability Mibao magic tool, whereby visible, who had created a mighty Earth Immortal law, in fact, also affected many of Heavenly Immortal channel.


I saw the corpse looks white regardless of change, fear of Hu Jie break this Purple-Gold Alms Bowl, then hand over the pages, put a gold Exquisite Pagoda in care hands.

This column divided into 33 layer.

meaning Thirty Three Heavens.

Previous years into moral Heavenly Venerable Sheng occasion is manifest thirty-three Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow Exquisite Pagoda, and admiration that Dipankara such as cultivation, then himself get one, but he Xuan Huang gas can not find the mother, so I had to replace gold, and finally cast out of such a grotesque out.

be that as it may, the number of coincident Xuanmen this tower, also shine in previous years in the amount of robbery, but also a magical treasure that no unusual characteristics.

This is a one gram life magic tool.

In other words: it is someone hit nemesis.

Immemorial Era, robbed gas filled universe, even if it is also moral support Xianjia sink which, under the secret evolution, everyone hit Jie unharmed, also known as killer hit, and in refining this Dipankara a golden yellow when the tower, illustrates teach Sage, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning had personally shot to help.

Although not be upgraded Dao, but the refining gas together with robbery, following causal, it is a special restraint Make a person magic tool.

This man is the god of the sea will be three altar.

but it illustrates teach people came, lotus incarnation, fleshy body sanctified sermon Human Immortal, illustrates teach the third generation dísciple, originally Happy longevity of the great God, but nonetheless the amount of robbery appears, hit destined to have a Death Tribulation, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning always shield their mistakes, so personally start its inverse change the number of life.

The result is this: the original Death Tribulation is cleverly passed on to the gold Exquisite Pagoda, but why this magic tool they can only suppress three altar sea will be the great God,

can not kill he.

In this way, Death Tribulation is tantamount to resolve, there's a plot against far-reaching, can only say Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning indeed under the foot work of.

So Dipankara of jeweled hands, in addition to Dinghai beads, as well as with his half-cup of glass, this should be the first gold Exquisite Pagoda of.

However -----

"The tower ..... you actually still have it?"

Regardless see white gold Exquisite Corpse out Pagoda, and after it brings up, with the Purple-Gold Alms Bowl will be sealed in their own together, Hu Jie's face suddenly weird again.

"since the fire!"

Regardless of white corpse did not bother Hu Jie, palm furious, facing Exquisite Pagoda is a film, the tower suddenly lit up layer upon layer of fire, 33rd-layer sarira have a child hanging, simultaneously shine at the moment, but it is to build a surging fire sea, the Hu Jie trapped in them clinkering up.

But let Argyrosomus corpse is uneasy, Hu Jie standing in that fire sea, although cheeky pain of the color, but more is an unspeakable fun.



The main unseen sea was actually a rare lost self-control to laugh: "weak ! the tower weak! amount robbery is over, it finally is no longer the Granville! "

What does this mean?

Regardless of dead white brows slightly wrinkle, gold Exquisite Pagoda absolutely no problem, after robbing the body of a special amount of Lian Ji too, but also superior when Viagra can infer robbery, which may be why Hu Jie would say not double its prestige such a thing? After the amount of robbery, this should be the first secular gold Exquisite Pagoda fishes .....

..... and so on!

Argyrosomus dead pupil sudden contraction, among the fleet fire Sea, Hu Jie Xuan slowly off the ring of fire behind, a flick of the fire ring will give all dissipated.

"No wonder it will feel like you are familiar with."

"Dipankara ah Dipankara, then you cultivation of high base, but this time only Avatar, happens to be my shameful of the machine , it also wanted to wait for a long time. "

" death to! "

Yanba, to see Hu Jie Yan Guang cleared the hands of the ring of fire.

and under the flame, but is a ring Campbell Cheng, the color of gold Cheng, immortality is not bad, the shape of a perfect circle, the method Qiongtian, intrinsic universe myriad forms.

"..... are you!?"

Just to see that touch of golden moments Cheng, Bai Gu corpse on transient response over, while the hearts cried not good: since Immemorial ring road is only two, and two belong to teach Sage, for the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and moral Heavenly Venerable all, one is the Vajra Cutter, the other is the universe circle.

Vajra Cutter Secheng white.

universe circle clarity gilt.

The former but moral Heavenly Venerable personal treasure, occasionally lent his horse Azure Ox, but the latter mark, since overrate their own strength robbery, is a big God.

three altar sea will be great God!


"You actually a reincarnation!"

mind together, regardless of dead white as blessing to the soul in general, thoroughly disillusioned over: "... Cang Jie Hu Jie Hu Baozhu, rumors three altar sea will explain to teach God is great Sage, Heavenly Lord of True Primordial Beginning in the hands of Sarah's spirit incarnation, therefore in order to become illustrates teach three generations dísciple, have to give Dao universe circle .... "

" ..... bad! "

gold Exquisite Pagoda hit nemesis during the robbery but the Rebels in the amount, but the amount after the robbery, robbery were no gas to eliminate, this argument can not be established!

"hong long!"

Just listen to sound big ring, ring bombers to drop out of heaven and earth, the whole gold Exquisite Pagoda suddenly shaking up, sarira days of sub-33 layer tower it is simultaneously a dark, but Hu Jie, or the Rebels, but it is even more excited again, in the hands of non-stop action, it's still lift ring to hit.

Jinjiao universe rings and similar shears, it is pure rage, a year Immemorial amount of robbery, died in this circle proper way to repair really do not know how many.

this moment falls on the hands of the Rebels,

There is simply applied to start overturning the universe Vaillant, although Argyrosomus corpse constantly pushed mana, tried to put down, but the result yellow golden tower on the verge of collapse, Purple-Gold Alms Bowl fracture will occur, regardless of this change so that white corpse increasingly anxious, because logically, it should not be fighting so.

After all, even if yellow golden tower is no longer the Rebels hit nemesis, the material out there, coupled with the Purple-Gold Alms Bowl, how will be unable to subdue the universe circle?

Moreover reincarnation rebuilt after Zha Human Immortal,

Although uncommon.

However, it should be better than a dead aunt of white magic, logically speaking, Qinggu dead since Jinjiao pressure can cut, regardless of the white corpse should be able to suppress the circle of heaven and earth.

This is unreasonable.

Unless ------

Regardless of white magic corpse run, in the sleeve Qiazhiyisuan, suddenly cheeky suddenly, the mind also will be flashed a high seat PTZ ethereal silhouette:

"Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning!"

this refining yellow golden tower there Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning shot, and the original of this treasure Rebels hit nemesis as a way to help them tide over Death Tribulation this is an interim measure to Sage's vision, how it will look after the end of the scene less than the amount of robbery, and how to make their own dísciple really be restrained?

is definitely the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning cheated! Among the volume robbery, robbery has air blessing, yellow golden tower is the bane of the Rebels, but then reversed cause and effect if the amount of the robbery.

That Rebels have become yellow golden tower nemesis!

"carbazole rub!"

to sort out all the dead Argyrosomus occasion, it is yellow golden tower begins to crack, increasingly weak, the lowermost layer is sub sarira already dispersed golden Huaguang.

"evil creature!"

Regardless of white corpse seeing how not to worry? Immediately transport of magic, the "ko given the world of light" applied to start, but let his mind chills that obviously was given a mask in the world, but the Rebels turned a deaf ear, aches and countless lotus emerges, then quickly become rotten, and finally dying down.

Lotus incarnation!

lightness finds, Qing Lian without demon, the world of light given off less than a fundamental Rebels body, it will only be walking beside Lotus escorts, without the slightest contribution.

Of course,

If given the world to display their own uninterrupted light, then sooner or later be able to run out of its law enforcement lotus leaves, but at this time, the universe is also possible to completely break yellow golden tower there Purple-Gold Alms Bowl, let the Rebels this rescue out. when the time comes, struggling to maintain their own war situation will be completely out of control!

must not let this happen!

how to do?

"..... no way."

Regardless of white corpse suddenly rallied her decision, where war has been erosion, irreversible, only committed himself to the blood sacrifice, and continue trapped Rebels universe circle, all at the same time and then transfer all the magic, into Qinggu dead over there, let him kill Ao dry as quickly as possible, it is expected to pulling strongly against a crazy tide.

Qinggu corpse there is also equipped with special glass cup and lock heart sarira, as well cents court location, but did not Jinjiao Ao dry cut, certainly not his opponent.

Here Mindful,

Argyrosomus dead immediately, without hesitation, the whole body immediately ignite a fire group Shining cents, Mana was quickly pulled toward the dead Qinggu crossing to send away, and this ray of origin Immortal Qi is completely burned, turned into a rain, watering in the all around yellow golden tower and the Purple-Gold Alms Bowl.

In the rain poured, which is already on the verge of a broken yellow golden tower and the Purple-Gold Alms Bowl, actually miraculously once again firmly down, not really collapse.

But there is no doubt that this is only a matter of time.

Argyrosomus dead already lost.

However ------

"evil creature, and let you act violently moment."

"Qinggu corpse inherited all my magic, even if has been consumed, but also at the peak period Qi Cheng, etc. killed Ao dry, it will be my revenge! "

" so go die you! "

Yanba white Kou corpse closed his eyes, filled with anticipation: Qinggu corpse, this is my last mana! I believe you can!

At the same time, the fairy in court.

Qinggu dead: "......."


destroy it.

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