This Doctor is Great

Chapter 170: Shocked, ketoacidosis

Zhou Mo nodded and said to the girl Li Bingmei: "You lie on the bed, I will give you a physical examination..."


The girl Li Bingmei looked at Zhou Mo with a blushing face.


Father looked at Zhou Mo and hesitated before saying, "Doctor, you are a man..."


Daughter: "囧~~~"


Zhou Mo sweated for a while, then looked at teacher Zhang Luojia.


If there is no teacher Zhang Luojia and colleague Li Dongmei, Zhou Mo will naturally say that I am a doctor and don't mind. But with two female doctors by his side, he didn't need to force it.


Teacher Zhang Luojia: "Dongmei, give her a physical examination."


"is teacher!"


Li Dongmei took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement and anxiety in her heart.


Next, Li Dongmei gave girls physical examinations, which were relatively standard. After all, this is a basic skill in the ward.


Abdominal distension: Patient Li Bingmei's belly was bulging, filled with gas, not like liquid.


This can rule out peritonitis, as peritonitis is a plate-like firm abdominal manifestation.


There is tenderness.


Listen to bowel sounds with a stethoscope.


There are bowel sounds!


(For those who have a partner, you can listen to the object's bowel sounds. It's very interesting. Gurgling...)


Li Dongmei shared her findings with Zhang Luojia and Zhou Mo.


"and many more……"


Li Dongmei grabbed the arm of the girl Li Bingmei and observed it.


"Teacher, her hands are a little cold, and her skin is dry... Generally girls' arms should be plump and shiny, but she feels dehydrated."


Zhang Luojia nodded.


"Lack of water?" Zhou Mo walked over and boiled the girl Li Bingmei's hand. It was really cold, and there was a phenomenon of lack of water and dryness.


Is it because of excessive vomiting?


Zhou Mo asked, "Drinking water? How much?"


The girl Li Bingmei nodded: "I always feel my throat is dry, so I also drink water, but drinking water is also very painful, I always want to vomit..."


Zhou Mo was surprised: "Dry throat? Does it happen all day?"


Li Bingmei nodded: "Yes, my throat is dry all day, and I can't drink water to moisten my throat..."


At this time, Zhou Mo got closer to the patient because he observed Li Bingmei's hand.


Then suddenly the patient Li Bingmei's breathing was not right.


Deep, long, slow...


It's like the long breath of martial arts masters in martial arts novels.


By the way, there is a little snoring.


Zhou Mo: "????"


A flash of light came to my mind!


Cosmo breathing?


Kusmo breathing, is a deep and laborious breathing pattern associated with severe metabolic acidosis. In metabolic acidosis, breathing is fast and shallow at first, but gradually becomes deep, slow, labored, and wheezing as the acidosis worsens.




(Acidosis: refers to the accumulation of acidic substances in the blood and tissues of the body, the essence of which is that the concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood increases and the pH value decreases.)


Zhou Mo was suddenly startled.


He quickly asked, "Are you sure you don't have diabetes?"


The mother behind her: "No, my daughter is so young, how could she have diabetes?!"


Zhou Mo shook his head: "No... do you urinate a lot?"


Li Bingmei thought for a while: "I don't urinate much..."


Zhou Mo felt that his question was inaccurate, so he asked again:


"Did you urinate a lot before?"


"Indeed, there is a lot of urine."


Zhou Mo carefully observed Li Bingmei,


Thin body.


"What about eating? How much to eat?"


"Too much, I always feel like I can't eat enough!"


When Zhou Mo heard this, he was even more certain.


Suspected that Kusmo was breathing, eating a lot, urinating more, thirst, urinating less...


These are all linked to two diseases.


Diabetes → Ketoacidosis!


Polydipsia and polyuria are most common in diabetic patients.


First, let me explain what diabetes is.


Diabetes is caused by a defect in the secretion of insulin in the human body or its biological function is impaired, resulting in the inability to metabolize blood sugar normally, resulting in an increase in blood sugar.


Severe hyperglycemia occurs with typical symptoms of "three more and one less", such as polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia and weight loss.


These symptoms correspond to the symptoms of patient Li Bingmei.


As for oliguria now,


It means that it is already ketoacidosis!




This is one of the acute complications of diabetes, a very serious one. If it is a severe symptom, once the treatment is delayed, it can lead to severe acidosis, shock, multiple organ failure, and life-threatening.


And the patient in front of him, Li Dongmei, has changed from excessive urination to oliguria now.


It is possible that it has reached the stage of severe ketoacidosis.


At this moment, Zhou Mo couldn't help but speed up!


"Teacher, I suspect that she is diabetic, and has already caused ketoacidosis, and it's more serious!"


Zhou Mo's quick report.




Teacher Zhang Luojia's expression changed!


"Teacher, is there a blood glucose meter here?"




Soon, Teacher Zhang Luojia courier Su pulled out a blood glucose meter from the drawer.


Zhou Mo was still in the drawer when he saw an instrument for measuring jaundice.


A blood glucose meter is the fastest way to measure blood sugar by pricking your finger.


Zhou Mo took the blood glucose meter and said to the patient Li Bingmei:


"Put out your finger..."


Li Bingmei hides her fingers subconsciously.


Zhou Mo smiled and comforted: "Prick your fingers, it doesn't hurt, trust me..."






Patient Li Bingmei looked at Zhou Mo with an aggrieved expression, as if to say again, you liar!


The blood was successfully drawn!






The blood glucose meter beeped a beep beep!


Abnormal blood sugar!


Doctor Zhou Mo's expression changed!


I took a blood glucose meter and took a look.


The result shows: "hi!"


hi, means high!


In other words, the blood sugar is too high and has exceeded the maximum measuring range of the blood glucose meter!


I can't measure it at all!


Moreover, there is one more thing to consider: the patient Li Bingmei didn't eat at all, and she vomited after eating, which is equivalent to an empty stomach!


Is the fasting state so high? !


this moment,


Zhou Mo's face changed!


Zhang Luojia and Li Dongmei's expressions changed!


Obviously, it is definitely diabetic ketoacidosis!


This kind of patient is very dangerous and may die at any time!


The patient's parents, looking at the faces of Zhou Mo and the others, suddenly became nervous.


"Doctor, what happened to my daughter?"




Facing the worries and nervousness of the two parents, Zhou Mo quickly explained: "Ketoacidosis... Forget it, I will explain later... Teacher, I think her condition is a bit serious now, it is best to go for an examination immediately! Hurry up!"


Zhang Luojia nodded: "Yes, check now!"


Zhou Mo said to Li Dongmei who was sitting next to the computer: "Open a checklist immediately to check arterial blood, urine sugar, and blood ketones! Urgent!!"


Then he looked at Zhang Luojia: " Come on..."


This disease is not simple.


It still needs Teacher Zhang Luojia to grasp it.


Teacher Zhang Luojia came to the patient's parents and comforted: "Don't worry, we are the Second Provincial Hospital here, and gastroenterology is a relatively strong department in South China..."


Having said that, the parents finally felt a little relieved.


The girl, Li Bingmei, was dazed and at a loss from behind.





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