This civilization is very strong, but the technology tree is a bit crooked

Chapter 137 Design space battleships, grow plants with radiation

After deciding to plant trees on the moon and become the world's first tree man, Chen Yi immediately started to act.

Because it is a manned aircraft, not the remote-controlled unmanned aircraft of the past, Chen Yi also devoted 100% of his energy to the design of the aircraft this time.

"First, anti-load suits, anti-radiation suits."

"An ordinary person like me who has not been trained, does not have a top-level anti-load suit, and will faint when he speeds up and turns."

"The space environment is full of radiation. In addition to load resistance performance, radiation resistance design is also required."

Chen Yi set the first key direction that needs attention.

Resistance to load and radiation.

"The fighter plane's life support system, the oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle, has a perfect life support cycle system, and the time can be arranged freely, and there is no need to look at the remaining amount of the oxygen cylinder to control the time."

"This system can be solved through chemical and biological methods."

Chen Yi wrote down the second point of attention.

"The third is the attack protection system. The yang ion medium and micro cannons are set up, and the magnetic protection device is set up!"

"Equip some laser cannons."

"When a man goes out, he must protect himself, let alone go out to the planet."

"The carrying capacity has also been improved. It is rare to go to the moon. How can we not bring some souvenirs."

"That guy Max can boast of SpaceX's latest nuclear fusion warship, with a full-orbit carrying capacity of 3,000 tons. My fighter, no matter what, needs to be 5,000 tons, making it a battleship class."

"Other communications, radar, anti-electromagnetic shielding, solar panels and other performances are also optimized."

Chen Yi listed the key points of the design of this space fighter.

After all the requirements are listed and the power volume is calculated, something embarrassing happens.

The power is exceeded.

It's also overweight.

It is conservatively estimated that when such a warship is built, its empty mass will reach 2,800 tons.

"It's okay if the weight exceeds the standard. Just build a bigger nuclear fusion engine. The difficult thing to solve is the power."

"So many devices and functional modules require power that completely exceeds the power limit of solar panels."

Chen Yi frowned slightly.

Since wealth freedom, material freedom.

His concept of machine development is already either not to do it, or to do it best.

Now this kind of power barrier problem is really annoying.

"It is impossible to reduce the allocation, and it is impossible to reduce the allocation in this life. I am not selling mobile phones and computers."

"Big deal, add a set of power generation modules to the laser confinement nuclear fusion engine. Well, this will make the engine system extremely complicated. If you want to add power generation modules, it is best to add them separately."

"Then add a magnetic confinement nuclear fusion device. I roughly calculated it before. The miniaturized magnetic confinement nuclear fusion device, combined with magnetic fluid power generation, temperature difference power generation, and overpressure boiling water power generation, can be reduced to 40 to 50 tons. "

"In this way, the inertial confinement acts as the engine, and the magnetic confinement of the tokamak acts as the energy center."

"It is only necessary to improve the safety design in a targeted manner, and magnetic restraint is not a problem at all."

"But in this way, a new problem has emerged"

Chen Yi took out a pen and paper and calculated carefully.

It was found that with the addition of a magnetic confinement nuclear fusion device, the power problem was solved, and it could even increase the explosive power by a hundred times and a thousand times.

But then, another difficult problem appeared in the whole scheme.

Heat dissipation.

We all know that perpetual motion machines do not exist.

Energy efficiency cannot be 100%.

The energy that is not utilized, or the remaining waste heat after utilization, will eventually be converted into heat and released to the surrounding environment.

Although space is cold.

The temperature on the back side is easily minus 100 or even minus 200 degrees Celsius, which is equivalent to the temperature of liquid nitrogen warfare in the overclocking world.

But cold does not mean that the spacecraft does not have heat dissipation problems.

The three modes of heat transfer are convection, conduction and radiation.

Through convection, heat flows from hot to cold, and from cold to hot, and heat is transferred.

For example, the real wind is essentially heat convection.

Put an iron rod into the stove, and within a few seconds, the end of the handshake will be hot. This is heat conduction, and the heat is conducted from one end to the other through the iron rod.

As for radiation, any object has the property of continuously radiating, absorbing, and reflecting electromagnetic waves. The higher the temperature, the stronger the outward radiation.

For the erythema of the infrared image, the hotter the temperature, the brighter the erythema, which means that the heat is being lost through radiation.

As the temperature continues to rise, the radiation frequency and energy released by the object will become stronger and stronger, and finally reach the level of radiation X-rays and Y-rays, and the energy is conserved. The higher the radiation energy, the lost energy The faster it is, the faster the object cools down.

Space has no air.

It is not necessarily possible to find a grain of dust even if the substance is so thin that it is 1 cubic meter.

If it is interstellar space, the matter is even thinner to the extent of only a few ions per cubic kilometer.

In such an environment, it is impossible to dissipate heat by convection and conduction.

The only way is radiation.

And the heat dissipation power of radiation is very limited.

If you want to improve the heat dissipation effect, you can only increase the heat dissipation area and the heat dissipation temperature of the object.

However, the area of ​​an aircraft is fixed, and the essence of the final problem still returns to the temperature.

Manned aircraft, increase the temperature, um, steam the living.

"In the past, the moon landing drones, equipment and components could easily withstand high temperatures of seventy or eighty degrees Celsius, or even one or two hundred degrees Celsius."

"The energy emitted by thermal radiation is the 4th power of temperature."

"The higher the temperature, the stronger the radiation heat. Within the tolerance range of the drone, heat dissipation is not a problem at all."

"But now that there are people on board, this problem is different."

According to the black body radiation formula.

Chen Yi thought for a while, and finally settled on a quadruple solution.

temperature zone.

Improve internal heat transfer efficiency.

The fuselage uses high-emissivity materials.

Increase the body area, special adjustable cooling fin design.

"The cockpit and the living quarters are insulated, and air-conditioning is installed to maintain a comfortable temperature in the environment."

"Improve the heat transfer efficiency, conduct the heat generated by various functional instruments and engines to the surface of the fuselage in the shortest time, and then radiate it out through the fuselage."

"Materials with high emissivity, the item with the highest emissivity I remember is a special kind of asbestos paper."

Chen Yi recalled the information on the launch rate of spacecraft materials.

Emissivity refers to the ratio of radiation emitted by an object per unit area.

The better the emissivity, the better the cooling by radiation.

The emissivity of most metals is between 0.01 and 0.6.

For common masonry, sand and soil, the emissivity is generally within 0.2.

On the contrary, some things with higher water content, such as human skin, plants, etc., have emissivity above 0.9

The most outrageous thing is asbestos. The emissivity of ordinary asbestos reaches 0.95, and the emissivity of special asbestos paper reaches tens or even hundreds.

"Asbestos is harmful to the human body, and it can't withstand the high temperature of the black barrier after re-entering the atmosphere, so don't do this."

"Increasing the fin design, the emissivity can be more than 0.8, and the ceramic emissivity is more than 0.9. Just make a handsome ceramic body by yourself."

Thinking about it, Chen Yi abandoned the material of asbestos paper.

This thing, if you accidentally suck the dust into your lungs, it can easily lead to various problems.

Of course, the most important thing is that this asbestos cannot withstand the high temperature of re-entry into the atmosphere, so it is destined to miss the material of space fighters.

"Let's do it, let's do it!"

After determining the requirements of the overall plan, Chen Yi began to prepare.

The principle of the load-bearing suit is mainly to exert a certain pressure on the lower abdomen and lower limbs of the human body according to different overload environments, so as to reduce the deformation and displacement of internal organs.

At the same time, it prevents the transfer of blood to the lower body and ensures the circulation of blood in key areas such as the brain.

This is very simple, Chen Yi directly threw it to Xuannv, and asked her to make a set according to her figure.

Also consider lunar exodus.

Chen Yi requested the use of anti-radiation materials designed to be fully sealed and pressurized.

In this way, in a vacuum environment, the blood vessels will not burst due to the imbalance of pressure inside and outside the human body.

Other magnetic confinement fusion energy hubs, new fusion engines.

Including laser weapons, neutrino weapons, magnetic protection devices, internal heat conduction design of fighter jets, heat dissipation fin design, etc., which already have ready-made technologies.

Chen Yi also handed everything over to Xuannv.

He only needs to be responsible for the overall design of the space fighter and give the overall design parameters.

In addition, there are the life support system of the fighter plane, the cycle of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and the varieties of trees that are ready to be planted on the moon.

Because of the space fighters prepared this time.

Oh no, it's a space battleship.

From the usual small aircraft of tens of kilograms, hundreds of kilograms, and at most a few tons, it suddenly soared to almost 3,000 tons.

The difficulty of design has directly increased exponentially.

The design stage of the battleship alone.

It took Chen Yi a month.

I asked the headquarters for a bunch of information and data.

Consumed four virtual learning opportunities for mechanical ascension.

Coupled with Xuannv's repeated simulation calculations, checking for omissions and filling in vacancies, the overall structural design was finally completed.

"Made, this thing is finally finished."

"I've been so busy during this time that I haven't even done much exercise."

Looking at the simulation picture displayed on the big screen, Chen Yi couldn't help shouting.

This time, Chen Yi designed a warship with a length of 123 meters, a width of 22 meters, and a height of 34 meters. The overall shape resembles a spindle-shaped warship.

The parameters show that the unloaded mass is 2,845 tons, the fully loaded mass reaches 8,900 tons, and the externally loaded mass exceeds 16,000 tons.

A magnetic confinement nuclear fusion reactor with a total weight of 52.3 tons and a power of 78 million kilowatts serves as the energy center of the battleship.

A supercomputer with a computing capacity of 1.8 petaflops is configured as the control center.

The propulsion system uses two inertial confinement nuclear fusion engines with a combined total thrust of 280,000 kN.

The weapon system uses a cationic neutrino main cannon with adjustable power and power, matched with the energy output of the nuclear fusion reactor, to maximize the attack over 3 billion tons equivalent.

With one shot, the Eurasian plate can move a few millimeters.

There are also two large ion cannons, powered by the power of the nuclear fusion reactor.

The total power is 5.4 times stronger than the 10 space-based ion cannons in the previous Pacific Thunderstorm.

With a weather model, it can trigger the weather in various regions of the world,

36 large laser cannons and 365 small laser cannons form an all-round laser defense array with no dead ends.

For the defense system, in addition to the special laser reflective energy-absorbing material of the fuselage, there is also a magnetic protective barrier with a defense power of 780 million kilowatts, which can withstand the bombardment of wing-flying space kinetic energy weapons.

"This thing is too strong."

"It's simply beyond imagination."

"Sure enough, the generational difference in technology represents the difference between heaven and earth."

Chen Yi sighed with emotion.

In the previous human history, with the development of thermal weapons, there was a generation gap in science and technology.

The grassland tribes that originally swept across the Eurasian continent suddenly became a singing, dancing, and hospitable tribe.

But now, the technology contained in his space battleship has gradually formed a generation gap with the previous technology.

"The more technology develops, the more terrifying the gap between generations becomes."

"Although I am very strong now, in front of a higher level of civilization, it is estimated that a civilian starship can beat me."

"Before the strength can sweep the Milky Way and bombard the black hole, we must keep a low profile and develop enough in the solar system before thinking about things outside."

Based on this month's design experience.

Chen Yi understood the horror of the technological gap and the difficulty of designing a large aircraft, so he carefully set his future development plan.

"Let's do it! Let's do it!"

"The design is complete, and Xuannv disassembled the whole module."

"The core is produced at the neutrino main gun base, the sub-level core is handed over to the supporting production equipment of the laboratory and the production line of Yifei, and the rest is produced by major military factories."

"Okay, Brother Chen Yi."

"Also find me a plant that has higher oxygen production efficiency and can purify the air."

"I'm going to fix the ecosystem of the battleship and solve the carbon-oxygen cycle."

"The chemically transformed oxygen has a bit of a smell, and the air lacks negative ions, so it doesn't feel good."

"In addition, we also need a plant that has independent energy, can absorb radiation, has good pressure resistance, fast growth, and is not highly dependent on water. We are going to the moon to plant trees."

"Okay, Brother Chen Yi."

"The decomposition of production tasks has been completed. Based on the analysis of the production capacity of each supply chain, it is estimated that it will take a 6-day production cycle."

Xuannv responded.

The automation equipment in the production area immediately began to operate.

At the same time, a large number of technical documents and OEM production requirements are also sent to Yifei's laboratory, Yifei's automated factory, and some military factories in the confidential sequence.

"6 days, and then complete the assembly and assembly, it will take about 3.9 days to make a dumpling, which is still a bit short."

"I remember during the second dungeon period, the productivity on the opposite side exploded, and a dumpling was made in a week."

"Although the technical content of dumplings at that time was different, the production technology at that time was also different, much worse than now."

Chen Yi sighed.

I decided in my heart that this production chain still needs to be improved.

Otherwise, it will affect the speed of his machine too much.

"Brother Yi!"


Office area on the first floor.

A production task suddenly assigned to the laboratory.

Let Qin Xiaoyu and Xia Keke, who are in charge of all the affairs of the laboratory except research, also get busy.

However, seeing Chen Yi approaching, the two still shouted.

"Time to get off."

Chen Yi checked the time and knocked on their table.

What he likes most about Qin Xiaoyu and Xia Keke is that work is work and life is life.

There is no need to confuse work by living together.

Of course, in the words of Xia Keke, a witch.

Work is to work, this life is inseparable from work.

It’s just that in the past it was because of salary and options, but now in addition to salary options, there are more careers and improper vases.

"Boss, on the LOL mobile game, take me to fly."

After confirming that it was time to get off work, Xia Keke ran over immediately.

Wearing shorts, he sat beside Chen Yi and shouted on his mobile phone.

After using a VR device to play the king and her account was blocked, Xia Keke switched to the LOL mobile game and became the Wannian Golden Girl.

【"Boss, my name is Yi Shanjin" invited you into the room】

Chen Yi did not refuse, and turned on the phone to log in to the game.

In an instant, a prompt popped up.

? ? ?

this ID

"Boss, I will choose Daomei to go up."

"I just bought her new skin yesterday, and I will try it during the day today."

Xia Keke blinked at the side, wearing shorts, and touched Chen Yi with her slender white thigh.

"Hiss, this is not good."

Looking at the weather at noon outside, Chen Yi understood Witch Xia's meaning in seconds.

"I can also choose Ahri, who can go to Zhongfu, and there are also new skins."

"No, I mean, playing games with two people is not fun."

"Go and call Xiaoyu."

"Boss, you are so perverted."

"There is strength in numbers."

"This is even more perverted."

"I'll give it a try, but I can't guarantee that Miss Yu will agree. I'd be more than happy to have a double row with her, and a third row. She was drinking last time."

Xia Keke complained excitedly.

Chen Yi's request was not rejected.

Throwing the phone away, he immediately went to Qin Xiaoyu's ear and said a few words.


Qin Xiaoyu, who was still sorting out the work report, blushed instantly.

But when he raised his head and saw Chen Yi's expectant expression, he hesitated for a moment, but couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded.

Two hours later.

Chen Yi came down refreshed.

Coincidentally, the plant Xuannv he wanted was also delivered.

"Brother Chen Yi, are you really so happy about this matter?"

"Your game speakers just now are so loud."

Xuannv's voice rang in Chen Yi's ears through the wireless bone conduction earphones.

"Kids, don't ask so many questions."

Chen Yi replied calmly.

This matter is not suitable for teaching Xuannv, he even unplugged the camera in his room.


"Isn't it just friction and friction at the level of electromagnetic force, as if I don't know."

Xuannv has a little mood.

He snorted and ignored Chen Yi.

Chen Yi didn't say anything consoling, but just fed Xuannv a few attribute points.

Take out the sterilized scissors, click once, cut off a branch, and then cut a hole in the epidermis of another same plant.

Rest the cut branches and insert them into the epidermis of another plant to complete the grafting of the first plant.

[Item: Radiation Growth Plant]

[Attributes: Photosynthesis x6.6, Radiation Absorption x6, Element Adsorption x19.9, Conversion Efficiency x19.6, Independent Energy x21.9, Growth Speed ​​x2.2, Strength x26.9]

[Note: This is a drought-resistant, barren-resistant plant that has extremely low requirements for nutrients and water. It can independently absorb chemical elements in the soil, obtain energy through chemical reactions, and at the same time transform the substances it needs.

At the same time, it can also rely on radiation to survive, with strong plant strength and gene strength, it can adapt well to survive even in a vacuum environment. 】

PS: Some relatives and friends came over in the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival. The update is a little late. Now the first chapter is updated, and today is still ten thousand! I wish readers a happy Dragon Boat Festival and a happy life!

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