These Dangerous Girls Placed Me Into Jeopardy

Dangerous girls will be involved in the dangerous chapter 321

I have turned over a white eye, but I stopped at this time to talk to me.

"I think I will become a kind of person.

I have to eat this morning, although I just drank a small bowl of porridge, but I was gratifying much.

Recently, the color of the smoker is obviously much better than before, the voice of the speech is also big - some, the attitude towards me is also a lot, and the atmosphere is not as cold when I first meet.

"Look, this only a few days, my family is smoked by you, ah ~ I am sad, I am a daughter I adopted ~"

Enough, stinky old, don't sell it anymore. Although it is still a bit cute, it will only be suspicious after it is not changed.

Especially Lily, seeing you, will definitely frown.

The smoker is a small face.

"No, I am very grateful to Nana sister:

"This is certainly clear, I saw my family's smoked, I am very happy."

Nana reached out and took the smoker to directly put the smoker's face into his chest.

Hello, stop, haven't seen the smoker? Is there a very uncomfortable? Have a book rushing me!

"What's wrong? Envy?"

"The ghost is envious, and there is still a quick opening, she can't.

"Wow! Smoked? You are fine!"


This woman is really different at home and outside ... Fortunately, I am still more familiar, recently

After the tableware was washed, I wiped his hand back to the low table of the living room, but didn't sit down, but pick up your bag from the sofa.

"So, the time is almost almost, I should also leave."

Although time is six or a half, but from Nana's home to school, it is relatively far. There is a way to transfer school. I have to go to the Academic Affairs Office to report it, so I have to start early.

At this time, Xiao'an came over to pull my legs and asked.

"Dad, where?

I am squatting, smiling and touching her head.

"Dad is going to school.

In this week, Xiaofei has learned how to speak, and it is still very fluent, it is really unable to learn.

However, the name is not changed, and I have to call me dad. I didn't expect that I didn't graduate in high school. Dad ...

When I first started, Nana also used the strange eyes to see me, I also questioned that I have that interest.

What is the meaning of interest!

In this case, I can only tell her that Xiaohan is me, she only took the kind of eye.

It is a smoker who knows that Xiaohan is also a father and no mother. I often play together when I am not waiting, and I don't think I can't cry.


"Yeah, is a place to study with the same age? Do you have a kindergarten in Xiao'an."

Na is a Tucao.

"I think the spirit is not need to go to the kindergarten..

"Hey, then it is too .....

If the kindergarten is in order to enlighten education, Xiao'an does not need this process, I even doubt that she can finish the primary school courses before school, and the intellectual level is not a level.

"Just let her stay at home, I have time recently, even if I don't have time, I can let the smoked with her. I have come to the age of the elementary school, I will arrange her in elementary school ... F Miki

"Well, this is better."

Xiao'an didn't have a plus, although she knew her eyes, she had a lot of curious things, but did not interrupt us, just listened silently.

She is really smart, I have never told her 'adult talking, the child does not say the mouth' this lesson, but she has understood that during my talk to Nana, it is a bad behavior. .

At this time, the smoker was also small.

Originally smoked, the middle of the middle, because of the suffering of it, it has to be cultivated at home. Knowledge is given by Nana, and it is time to change it.

So as long as the body can recover, you can go to school like the same age.

"Don't worry, as long as you can continue to eat, adjust your body, you can go to school. '


Yes, still a cheerful smile is more suitable for you, this is the smoker I know. "So, the time is almost, I will leave."

"Oh, bye-bye.

Really cold ..

"Juncheng brother, goodbye."

Ah ~ Goodbye again, this - Sheng brother is really comfortable ~

"Dad, bye ~"

Xiaofei is cute, but 'Dad' is still slim ...

After I wore shoes in porch, I waved towards the living room. I just wanted to turn and saw Xiao'an ran over. I thought she was reluctant to me.

But I didn't expect it just a bite on my face.

My little angel! Dad, I am going back!

I have tightened Xiao'an, and I also put her on her little face. She went down her, and she was reluctant.

I used to think that there is no feelings in this world, but in fact, the original world and the world have still been able to connect, and I am also a benefit of these contacts.

How to say, probably feeling the feeling.

And there is something that makes me care, that is, although there is no abnormal phenomenon and an abnormal, there is no difference between the characters and the original world, even on the body - some exceptions.

For example, the smoker is like this.

It turns out that the smoker of the world is bound by itself, which is plagued in an unable to contain appetite.

Although I have been fighting for my life, this thing has been successfully solved. ratio

After eating my body, the soul got the soul, and the mother of the black goat that came to her is forced to send back, and she no longer needs to eat the body. I can live.

Then I drink it again, after recovering my memory, I will not be controlled, and I will not be infused. The idea, thorough

It can be said that she is no longer a corpse.

But the smoker of this world is also affected by the same pain ... which exception is in this world to become 'rational problem' Continue

Before I rely on my spirit, I would like to make my smoker in some food, I would like to get better and better.

So .. Other people?

In this ordinary world, what will other people become like?

Wn =

Her loved body ..... If still exists, what is the development of this world?

I used to surround my unusual girls, did you become more dangerous in this no world?

Just think about it feels a headache.

However, now they have graduated ... ah, wrong, there are rain in school, talking about us to be grouped together.

There is also my sister.

I think of horses. I have to be with my sister, and my mood is a bit complicated.

However, in fact, I am still the same as the same year, and even the birthday is the same day, there is no so-called age gap at all.

It seems to be just because I have been born for a few minutes, so I am a brother, but I actually want to count, but I don't know who is boss.

However, I'm sincerity, I have been living since my sister, and I am used to this identity of my brother.

In fact, I am also more suitable for my brother. After all, I have a more old, and the character is like this.

Ah, say, this world's dad has been moving to overseas, that can not be in this school.

Call, this is good, and the province's meet is awkward.

When I climbed to the top, I just rang, but I am still not very anxious, because I have to go to class as a class teacher.

In the familiar school, I walked directly toward the Academic Affairs Office, and then I met the "big people" Xiaozhen teacher in the corridor.

Music women's small Triao teacher, I didn't have seen it, but the one I have seen in the summer is another cockhorse ... and now I know the little teacher I know.

Not Loli looks a little uncomfortable.

Corpse sf light novel

"Well? Transfer for school?"

"Yes, I am transferring students."

I just want to pick you up at the door.

"Hey, I will remember when I have been admitted to school a few days ago.

"Yes, it seems that the memory is very good. Oh, I like a good memory. So, come with me, you will be the students in our class. Ah, I haven't told you yet. I am the class teacher of three years, Ke Xiazhen, called me Xiaozhen. "

"Okay, Xiaozhen teacher.

"Well? It's really a way."

"Cough ... that one, I am born."

It seems that you can't show too casual ....

Following the teacher of Xiaozhen to the door of three years, she let me first take the door, I will enter the classroom.

I took the opportunity to sweep - my eyes in the classroom ..-. Basically I don't know, the rain looks not in this class.

Very good, it seems that the campus life will not come out - ?.- Well?!

It is available!

Why is it here! Isn't it going to go abroad?!

Worse, I am very close to the neighborhood, she saw my face, - the willingness to see the problem!

At this time, I heard Xiaozhen said to me.

"Transfer to school, please come in. '

.-It can only be this way!

In the weird eyes of Xiaozhen teacher, I took the hair in a mess, and I looked hard, let Liu Hai have brought the eyes before entering the classroom.

Then in the eyes of everyone, I wrote my name on the blackboard, revealing the smile of the face to be distorted, with the sound of the jumping.

"Ah! Hello everyone ~ My name is Anjun Cheng ~ I like to make friends, my goal is to pay before graduation - 100 friends! Please do more

The heart is spit - big mouth old blood.

People have collapsed

At this moment, I feel that I have become one - I'm.

Chapter 1, I am caught in the neck of the belly black sister

Be in a hurry-

I didn't expect my self-feeling, and the self-introduction line is very popular. At least there is no cold field, and everyone in the class is also interested in me.

How do you say .. Silly is stupid? Where is the stupid set?

All in all, I have successfully established 'although I am a little strange, it seems to be a cheerful guy'.

Then my seat is the last row of the window.

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