These Dangerous Girls Placed Me Into Jeopardy

Dangerous girls will involve me in the 122th chapter of the danger

"..." x2

On the morning, the brother hurriedly ran out this morning. Wearing a very formal costume, hair is still wet, it should be wiped two times with a towel after washing, and even the hair dryer is not used.

My brother will be so anxious because I am late, I remember that he said that the birthday of Ji Siu Bing will start at 8:00, and now it is about 7:44.

"It's really ... My brother, he actually rushed out so much, so I was so embarrassed to see the girlfriend ... Hey!"

"It should be a night, this morning, I didn't have breakfast this morning, I have to sleep very deeply last night ... I have recently accumulated a lot of fatigue."

I didn't return the night before, I must have encountered anything. After coming back, my brother is still in combination with us, it must be quite tired.

Last night is to let my brother rest well, I will not sleep around my brother.

Because if we sleep around him, he will have a strong support for not sleeping ...

Obviously, as long as the brother is willing to be sleeping, we will not do what excessive things ... even if we do have the idea that we want to push down the brother, it will consider the body of my brother.

I and Can be stationed at the door for a while, a gust was blown in the door of the door, I walked in the past, turned back to the Ling.

"Do you want to have breakfast? I will do it."

It can be shaken his head to answer his mouth.

"Oh ... forget it, I am not very hungry, my sister, you will eat it yourself."

"Well, that is, I am not hungry."

I have no appetite with Can Ling, because there is no brother, breakfast will become a taste.

"Then go back to sleep back and feel ~ Hey, I still want to hold my sister ~"

It can be harvested with a gloomy expression, and smiled and hugged my waist. I looked her head.

"I will go to drink the water first, go in the house, go."

"Good ~ Sister, you will come back soon? I will give you a good bed, oh ~"


Mood ... I have already recovered it.

Thanks to the brother, there is a good comfort before night, or if you don't know what it will be like.

Just just my brother has a girlfriend, it makes it a very strong negative feeling, if she knows the "one thing" ... The consequences are unimaginable.

Sure enough, like Dad, this thing is best not to tell, it is best not to tell you even my brother. On the day of the April Fool's Day, I almost said that I would say it, it seems to be more careful.

But when can you get it ... and, in fact, in my heart, I want to tell my brother this matter.

Although I have already warned myself in my heart for a long time, I can't be too much. Now it is enough, and I'm too greedy again ...

But if I still want it, I still want it ...

"It's really greed ..."

Like this mood completely pressed, after drinking the water in a clean cup, I wiped my lips back to the bedroom.

Can be wrapped in the quilt, like a lovely caterpillar, blinking to me.

I am so lovely ... I am totally different from me.

I remember that I have been very jealous before, just over time, I don't know if I don't know.

Can be the sister like this, such as its name, and a pity. At home, she is our center, my brother is around her.

So I always think that she is the most suitable by her brother ...

However, his brother he chose another person ... it is called Yiqi Bing's Miss Miss.

I have seen it once in the school, it is a very beautiful person, and it is not the idea of ​​playing, close to my brother.

I thought that I would always have a change in my brother, and he began to go to a new place. It is no longer only to us with us ... Yes, this is actually very normal, because my brother is growing.

However, I am afraid that he is getting farther and farther away from us ... Maybe it is better to be more fear, so it will be so impatient recently.

"Sister, I'm coming ~"

"Well, this is going."

Last night, I was sleeping in my room. I used to stay with my brother to stay with my brother, but I and Can Ling last night, I slept together on the bed.

Because that is the bed that my brother has slept.

Although the bedding is no longer the sleeper, my brother has already moved, but I always feel that I can find my brother.

Therefore, since the brother moved to the attic, I was also pawn.

I will know that she is thinking about it.

I also climbed up with the stairs. Single sleeping beds should be too reluctant, so I and I can close the body.

"Hey, I am so envious of my heart, the chest is big ~ I'm really super comfortable!"

"You are not small."

"No! It's still far away! It can be mastered by this one of this kind of one, or the feeling of my sister, you feel better from the finger!"

Can skilfully drive away my pajamas with hand, then reach into my nightdress to touch my chest.

It is already used to it, because it has been touched all night, and even last night I buck it into the cheek in the cheek.

Looking at her happiness, I can't help but hug her more tight. Is this motherhood?

"Oh ... I think my brother should not care about this kind of thing ..."

"Although it is like this, it is enough, you can wear more mature clothes. Then you can die, oh ~"

"Is that right?"

"Of course, this is, the man will instinctively put the line of sight in the dark meat, my brother will not help."

"Hey ..."

I feel that my brother is really not these things ... After all, when I feel I touched my brother, he didn't respond to me.

a bit sleepy……

Last night, I was so late, so I didn't sleep, I will supplement it before the afternoon.

Can be talking to me, but I can't understand it.

I kissed the forehead of the Ling, then pushed her face into the chest, but immediately understood what I meant, quiet down, and I closed my eyes.

"Brother, it's a stupid ... I clearly have to accept us, you can sleep in such a soft embrace every day ..."


Perhaps, my brother is afraid of being immersed in our embrace ...


When you wake up, it is almost a little more.

Well, can't be a warmth, it's time to get it.

I saw it in my arms and still taking sleep, I can't bear to call her, just hugged her jumped.

Because it is not very high, plus can be not very heavy, so there is no accident.

After holding her on the sofa of the living room, I thought I still decided to give it a short hair first. After lunch, I will do it later.

I took the comb to the hair comb hair, the sky in the afternoon seems to be released, the sun is shining, there is a warm feeling.

"Well ... warm ..."

This child is really too cute.

After helping her hair, I used her to bring her a horsesail, tied it, and I could open my eyes and jumped up. I fanded into my arms.

"Thank you, I'm sister ~ I like you ~"

"Oh, do you like your brother?"

"Brother is the favorite person ~ ~"

Is this difference.

After the washing is finished, I cook the curry, and I took a break after I had a lunch together, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Can Ling on the table, rolling the cheek depressed, and asked me to repeat twenty-two times.

"Brother, haven't you come back yet?"


Why don't you come back?

Has been fast to time ...

Today is the Ching Ming Festival, so a family wants to go to the grave.

It used to go in the morning, but this year we decided to go after three in the afternoon.

First, because the people recently funeral home is too much, the second is because there is no sun in the cloudy day.

So yesterday, I have said that I have to sweep the tomb after three o'clock in the afternoon ...

But this has been two or a half, my brother, he has not returned.

Like a brother is so competent, it will divide things into priority, and the task of sweeping the tomb, he will come back anyway.

At this moment, I heard the sound of the key to open the door, I came to the corridor to see the porch.

"I am back."

"Ah ... it's a father."

I thought it was a brother back ...

"If you show such a disappointed expression, I will be very sad, two of you."

"Ah, sorry, we don't mean that ..."

I hurriedly said that I didn't mean that, my father was also pleased, and I didn't put it in my heart.

Dad did not take off his shoes and stood in Xuanzhu.

"Ready, let's start, Jun Cheng?"

"My brother has something to go out, I originally said that I will be back in the afternoon, but ..."

"Yes, Juncheng didn't go home yet ..."

Dad did not be angry. In fact, I haven't seen my father for anger for a long time.

He pushed the glasses and thought about it, made a decision.

"That is, I don't wait for him, let's go first."

"is this okay?"

"It doesn't matter, it is better to say, Jun Cheng does not go better ..."

Well? what does that mean……

Dad, he is always like this, treating brothers, different from me and can be.

It is very strict for us, but it is very loose to my brother. We have no complaints, but it is really strange, because Dad him looks like a big man.

There is no requirement in learning and life, but in some special places, such as teaching the attitude of people and the three views will be taught, so my brother will become so straightforward, even a lie will not be said.

Is it something more important than some important education?

not very clear……

While thinking about these things, Dad took us to the funeral home.

When I arrived, my mother had waited for us in the parking lot.


"I am finally here, wait for a while, Jun Cheng?"

"I don't know. My brother didn't come back after he was out in the morning."

"Well? Your brother will still be lost? This is really rare ... shouldn't it be what happened? Children, other people, or we call Jun Cheng ..."

Mom is worried about the way.

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