There is Room For the First Wife

Chapter 362: fall into the secret passage

Remember for a second【】

Xie Yunjin responded immediately, Lu Jiao quietly took out the drug, and was ready to let the other party go. Ruan Kai and Ruan Zhu robbed Erbao and Han Nanfeng, and she drugged Xie Yunjin, knocking him out and taking him into the space.

She couldn't stun Xie Yunjin and bring Xie Yunjin into the space before Erbao and Han Nanfeng were rescued. If she did that, the other party would probably kill Erbao and Han Nanfeng in anger.

The man in black waved his hand, and the men behind him released the two children.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao slowly lifted their feet and walked forward. Behind the tall trees behind the man in black, suddenly two whirlwind-like figures shot out as fast as Seiya. hugged them.

The other person went straight to the man in black, her figure turned into a floating shadow, and the shot was a killer move.

Seeing Er Bao and Han Nanfeng being taken away, Lu Jiao was relieved, and she quickly turned around to prepare Xie Yunjin's medicine.

I don't want the long arrow to be as fast as a meteor in the dark night, so I went straight to Xie Yunjin, and Li Nantian shouted in the dark, "Young Master, be careful."

When Li Nantian finished speaking, he raised a stone in his hand, shot it, and went straight to the long arrow. The long arrow was immediately deflected and fell elsewhere.

Unexpectedly, the second long arrow also shot out, the second arrow just hit the first arrow, the first arrow reversed direction again, and went straight to Lu Jiao.

Li Nantian's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted, "Be careful, madam."

Xie Yunjin turned around quickly, seeing the long arrow shot towards Lu Jiao, he didn't even think about it, he reached out and rushed over and hugged Lu Jiao.

Lu Jiao just released the drug, but Xie Yunjin suddenly hugged her, the long arrow shot steadily into his left shoulder, the force of the arrow knocked the two of them flying, and the two fell on the mountain road with a plop. Roll down the mountain.

But after only rolling two laps, there was a clattering sound under him, as if the mechanism had been opened, and the place where the two fell, suddenly empty, and the two of them hugged tightly and fell into the dark tunnel.

Above the head, the mechanism closed in the blink of an eye.

All this happened too fast, and everyone was completely unprepared. On the mountain, Ruan Kai, Ruan Zhu and others exclaimed: "Young Master, Madam."

Erbao and Han Nanfeng cried in fright.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao thudded and fell from above the secret passage into the secret passage.

In the secret passage, the five fingers could not be seen, and the surroundings were pitch black.

Although the two couldn't see each other, Lu Jiao smelled the strong **** smell in the air. She thought of Xie Yun Jinbei's disregard for saving her, and Lu Jiao's heart was distraught.

She stretched out her hand to touch the people around her, and what she touched turned out to be a sticky patch. Not surprisingly, it was Xie Yunjin's blood.

Lu Jiao cried out in panic, "Xie Yunjin, are you okay, are you okay?"

In the darkness, Xie Yunjin's weak voice sounded: "I'm fine, don't panic."

When he finished speaking, he suddenly reached out and groped for it, and grabbed Lu Jiao's hand firmly: "Lu Jiao, can you promise me one thing? If so, if we can go out smoothly, you can stay with me and the children. , won't you go?"

"I may not be good enough, but I will study hard to be a good husband. I just ask you to stay by my side, okay?"

After listening to Xie Yunjin's words, Lu Jiao thought of what this person had done to her recently, and she was in a state of confusion. In fact, she felt everything Xie Yunjin had done to her, but she was not the original person, she was another man.

In the darkness, Lu Jiao suddenly showed great courage, she said quietly: "Xie Yunjin, if I tell you that I am not the original Lu Jiao, I am just a soul from another world, do you believe it?"

Xie Yunjin listened to Lu Jiao's words, and immediately said with a smile: "I believe, why don't you believe me, I already knew you were not her."

This time, Lu Jiao was surprised. She guessed that she turned around and looked in the dark direction: "You said that you already knew that I was not her."

"Yes, I have known it for a long time. I knew it when you first passed through, so I will accept you. If you are the original she, I will not accept it. Of course, the original she, too. Not as good as you."

The more Xie Yunjin spoke, the weaker his voice became, but in order to get Lu Jiao's affirmative sentence, he insisted.

"Lu Jiao, can you promise me to stay with me and the children and not leave?"

Lu Jiao murmured, "I always feel that I have taken over her identity, and I shouldn't rob her of anything else."

Xie Yunjin listened to her words and struggled to say: "No, you didn't rob, my child and I never belonged to her, really, if it wasn't for your presence, we would have been unable to tolerate her and would have shot at her, so my child and I would have taken action against her. They all belong to you, not hers."

Xie Yunjin finished his words and held Lu Jiao's hand tightly.

"Lu Jiao, promise me to stay with us, okay?"

Lu Jiao thought about her wish in her previous life, that is to find someone who loves her and loves her. Although Xie Yunjin may not be qualified enough, in this day and age, there are very few men like him. Study hard to be a good husband, isn't this the person she is looking for?

However, Lu Jiao thought that this was a book. Xie Yunjin had a wife in the book. In the end, would he be influenced by the plot of the book and accept that woman, what should she do then?

However, she felt unwilling to let her let such a person go like this, because in front of Xie Yunjin, she was never her, but her real self.

"Xie Yunjin, I don't know if the two of us are suitable to be together, but I decided to give you a chance, and the time will be one and a half years.

^0^ One second to remember【】

It was the two of us who found out that we were very suitable for each other after getting along, so after a year and a half, we were together. "

The time given by Lu Jiao is the time after Xie Yunjin entered If Xie Yunjin was not affected by the plot of the book after entering Beijing, and the two of them are very suitable, then they should be together.

Although Xie Yunjin was dissatisfied with Lu Jiao's words, he was still very happy. At least, Lu Jiao didn't object at all. She gave him some time, which was good.

After Xie Yunjin was happy, he crooked and fell into a coma.

On one side, Lu Jiao felt the strength on her shoulders and couldn't help screaming: "Xie Yunjin, are you okay, are you okay?"

She suddenly thought of her previous medicine for Xie Yunjin, so Xie Yunjin's coma was probably not because of the arrow, but because of her medicine.

She still took him into the space first to heal the arrow wound.

Lu Jiao was about to bring Xie Yunjin into the space. In the darkness, a strange odor suddenly surged through the secret passage. She recognized the secret passage and smelled that the smell was poisonous.

What does this mean? It means that the other side forced them in when they fell into the secret passage.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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