There is Room For the First Wife

Chapter 316: people know the grace

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 316

Zhao Lingfeng muttered to himself in his heart, then turned around to look at Xie Yunjin with a very polite expression.

"Xie Xiucai, do me a favor. Today, Zhao Lingfeng owes you a favor. If you need it in the future, as long as you speak, I will definitely do you a favor."

Xie Yunjin raised his eyebrows after listening to Zhao Lingfeng's words, but agreed.

At first, Zhao Lingfeng and Lu Jiao cooperated in business, and they disagreed to appear inhumane. Lu Jiao gave him a long face, and he couldn't wink too much.

Second, Zhao Lingfeng, as a man of Yongning Marquis, even if it is a son of a concubine, will definitely have a lot of connections in Beijing. In the future, he may really want to ask him for help, and one more favor will lead to more ways.

Xie Yunjin turned around to look at Lu Jiao, and discussed, "Then let her stay?"

Lu Jiao didn't really care, anyway, no matter who stayed, she would definitely take care of them if they made a mistake.


After Lu Jiao nodded, Xie Yunjin turned to look at Zhao Yuluo and said warningly, "You can stay, but you are not allowed to cry in the future."

Zhao Yuluo pouted and ignored Xie Yunjin. She ran to Lu Jiao, reached out and took her hand: "Aunt Lu, I will listen to you."

The little girl is a ghost, and she knows how to please Lu Jiao.

Thinking about her tragic ending, Lu Jiao felt a little pity in her heart, patted her head and said, "In the future, you have to be reasonable, if you don't, my aunt will be angry, we must be good and reasonable children. "

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuluo blinked her big eyes and nodded vigorously: "Aunt Lu, I understand."

She rolled her eyes, pointed at the four little ones and said, "Aunt Lu, if the younger brothers make mistakes without reason, will my aunt teach them a lesson?"

"Lessons, no matter who makes mistakes, Auntie will teach them a lesson."

Zhao Yuluo grinned when she heard it. It turns out that everyone is the same, so that's fine. Later, she must stare at the little villain to see if he has made a mistake. Hmph, when he makes a mistake, she will ask her aunt to teach him a lesson.

Zhao Yuluo turned around and looked at Er Bao threateningly, Er Bao understood, and immediately turned around and ignored her with a snort.

In the hall, Han Tong saw that the daughter of the Zhao family was left behind, and hope was born again in his heart. He looked at Xie Yunjin and said, "Yunjin, since the son of Zhao Dong's family is staying, what about my two boys?"

Xie Yunjin immediately refused: "They can't."

These two had been taught badly by their mother, and they were full of curse words. To be honest, if they cursed him, he could forgive them, but they cursed Lu Jiao, and he couldn't accept it.

After Xie Yunjin finished speaking, Han Tong's face was full of discomfort. Xie Yunjin looked at it, and felt uncomfortable. Han Tong was his good friend and always helped him. In fact, he didn't want to reject him, but Du Lanzhu first scolded Lu Jiao, and then caused Lu Jiao to be harmed. Jiao, now her son is running out to scold people.

Xie Yunjin couldn't accept these two children in his heart. Lu Jiao from the side of the hall looked at Xie Yunjin, knowing that if Xie Yunjin rejected Han Tong, there would be a gap between the two, and I'm afraid they won't be as good as before.

Lu Jiao thought that in the book, Han Tong should have been hiding behind Xie Yunjin and doing things for Xie Yunjin, and their relationship could not be destroyed just because of her presence.

Lu Jiao looked at Han Tong thoughtfully and said, "Han Tong, it's not impossible for them to stay, but they have too many stinky problems. If you want to get rid of their bad habits, I'm afraid you will have to suffer some flesh and blood. Don't feel bad?"

Han Tong had given up hope, but Lu Jiao made a sound.

Han Tong quickly looked up at Lu Jiao and said, "Sister-in-law only needs to educate them. No matter what you do or beat, I have no complaints. I just ask my sister-in-law to help me educate these two children."

Lu Jiao nodded and said, "Since you don't feel bad, then send them over tomorrow morning."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, Xie Yunjin called out, "Lu Jiao."

Seeing that Xie Yun wanted to speak, Han Tong immediately took his two sons out, and said quickly as he walked, "I will ask someone to send the two boys over tomorrow morning."

When Xie Yunjin turned around, the father and son were long gone.

Xie Yunjin looked at the father and son who had walked away speechlessly, and then turned to look at Lu Jiao. He knew that the reason why Lu Jiao agreed to send Han Tong's two sons over was to prevent a crack in the relationship between him and Han Tong. she is.

Xie Yunjin reached out to hold Lu Jiao's hand and said, "Thank you."

Before Lu Jiao could speak, Zhao Lingfeng coughed quickly: "There are still people here, so be careful."

Lu Jiao was very uncomfortable with Zhao Lingfeng's words, and quickly pulled back her hand.

Xie Yunjin said in dissatisfaction, "Don't Zhao Dong's family leave yet?"

Zhao Lingfeng glanced at Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao with a smile, and said, "I'm staying here to ask you guys, do you want to teach your children to study? I went to Qinghe County to invite two gentlemen for Yuluo, if you need them, I'll ask Mr. to come to your house to help, everything is mainly about Madam Lu."

Zhao Lingfeng's words made Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao happy.

Xie Yunjin said rudely to Zhao Lingfeng: "You pay the money sir."

Zhao Lingfeng glared at Xie Yunjin angrily and said, "It's stingy, okay, I'll pay for it, anyway, I was originally invited to teach my daughter."

Lu Jiao immediately asked Zhao Lingfeng, "How are the temperaments of those two gentlemen? The main thing is that they are not pedantic, and whether they can accept new things."

She was afraid that the study plan she made would not be accepted by the two gentlemen, so she asked this question.

As soon as Lu Jiao said it, Zhao Lingfeng laughed: "Don't say it, the two gentlemen have personalities.

^0^ One second to remember【】

It's very funny, not such a pedantic person, I also deliberately considered this when I invited Mr. Yuluo. "

"That's good. You let two gentlemen come over tomorrow. They can live in Xie's house in the future and teach a few little guys."


After Zhao Lingfeng finished speaking, he didn't stay anymore, got up and took Zhao Yuluo away, but Zhao Yuluo still refused to leave: "I won't leave, I won't leave."

Zhao Lingfeng coaxed her daughter and said, "Come back tomorrow Let's go back to prepare new clothes and new shoes. By the way, didn't you say you want to give gifts to the four younger brothers? Go back and prepare to bring them together tomorrow. "

Zhao Yuluo was finally coaxed away by her old father.

In the main hall, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao beckoned the four little guys to come over.

The four little ones were obviously very unhappy, pouting and raising their eyebrows.

Xie Yunjin knew at a glance why his sons were unhappy, and he was definitely not willing to let the two little guys from the Han family come here to study with them.

Xie Yunjin took Dabao's hand, looked at the four little guys and said earnestly, "Do you know why Dad agreed to let them come over?"

The four little ones shook their heads, and Xie Yunjin said gently, "Because their father is a good friend of his father, he helped him many times when he was in trouble, and when his father was paralyzed in bed before, you didn't often see Uncle Han go there. Is it our family? So people know that grace is repaid, right?"

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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