There is Room For the First Wife

Chapter 306: behind the scenes

Remember for a second【】

Lu Jiao was about to speak when urgent footsteps sounded behind them. They turned around and found that Xie Yunjin brought Lu Gui over.

Xie Yunjin saw that Lu Jiao and Sanbao were all right, and his heart fell heavily.

He strode over and asked with concern, "Lu Jiao, are you alright?"

Lu Jiao shook her head: "I'm fine, Sanbao may have been frightened. When I go back, I need to prescribe him a tranquilizer."


Xie Yunjin saw that his son was frightened, and his face was so gloomy. He stared coldly at the thief who was knocked unconscious by Zhao Zutou, looked at Zhao Zutou and said, "A kidnapper like this must not be forgiven lightly."

Zhao Zhaotou was about to nod his head when Lu Jiao said, "I suspect that they are not kidnappers, but they are premeditated against us. There are so many people on the street and there are also many children, so why are they directly targeting our house? The child is in broad daylight, and I suspect they not only want to kidnap the child, they want to capture me."

It is very likely that the child is the lead, the purpose of which is to lead her out and then catch her.

Lu Jiaoyi said, Xie Yunjin's face was even more ugly, and he looked at Zhao Zoutou and said, "Zhao Zoutou, please make sure to find out who this person was instructed by, if there is any situation, You have to tell me."

Zhao Zhaotou nodded: "Don't worry Yun Jin, I will definitely find out who is behind this person."

Xie Yunjin nodded, Zhao Zhaotou mentioned the man and turned away.

Later, Xie Yunjin turned around and stared at Lu Jiao and Sanbao, and saw that both of them looked very bad.

Xie Yunjin was very distressed and wanted to hug the two of them, but he knew in his heart that this was inappropriate, and in the end he just reached out and held Lu Jiao's hand.

"Are you all right? Your face is very ugly."

This time, Lu Jiao didn't withdraw her hand. Now she is very scared and really wants someone to comfort her.

She was not afraid that Sanbao would be taken away, Xie Yunjin blamed her, but because she was kidnapped by traffickers when she was a child. Although she was rescued by the police uncle after only three days in detention, those three days were no less than the world to her. In hell, she was locked in a dark room when she was a little girl. She didn't dare to cry or scream for fear of being beaten.

Before that person robbed Sanbao, she immediately thought of her experience of being abducted, for fear that the little Sanbao would also endure the crimes she had suffered, so she chased after him like crazy, just to catch that person. Kidnapper, save the next three treasures.

"I was very scared for a moment before, afraid that they would take Sanbao away."

Lu Jiao's voice was slightly hoarse, and her body felt a little exhausted.

Sanbao in her arms heard Lu Jiao talking about him, his heart was terrified, because of his mother's words, he was a little more calm, he stretched out his small hand and touched Lu Jiao's face, and said softly: "Mother, don't be afraid. "

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Lu Jiao's neck, leaning his small head on Lu Jiao's shoulder, full of attachment.

Xie Yunjin saw Lu Jiao holding the three treasures in one hand, and subconsciously let go of her hand and stretched out her hands to hug the three treasures, but it was a pity that the three treasures gave up and Xie Yunjin was not allowed to hold them. At this moment, he just wanted to stay in his mother's arms. .

Lu Jiao looked at Xie Yunjin and said softly, "I'll hug it."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked back, Xie Yunjin stretched out his arms to support her, and the two walked back together with Sanbao, without saying a word on the way.

But with such a person by her side, Lu Jiao's troubled heart gradually calmed down. By the time they walked to the original street, Lu Jiao's whole body had calmed down.

She turned around and smiled at Xie Yunjin and said, "Thank you, I'm in a better mood now."

Xie Yunjin carefully looked at the expression on Lu Jiao's face and found that she was indeed calm, and was truly relieved.

He looked at Lu Jiao and said solemnly, "Don't worry, I will go to the county office in the afternoon, and I must find out who is hiding behind this person."

If it's really like what Lu Jiao said, the person behind her really wants to arrest her, then it's easy to find out who's behind her.

Lu Jiao only came to Qinghe County for a few days. She didn't offend anyone. There were only a few who were really annoyed at her, and even fewer were able to instruct others to deal with her.

So it is very easy to find out who is behind the scenes.

As Xie Yunjin thought about it, he greeted the three little guys who ran over and said, "Let's go home."


Dabao Erbao and Xiao Sibao nodded vigorously, and then San Xiaozhi quickly looked up at Niangqin and Sanbao. Seeing that Niangqin and Sanbao were not looking very well, San Xiaozhi said worriedly: "Mother, are you alright?"

"Is San Bao okay?"

Lu Jiao reached out and touched their heads and said, "It's alright, don't worry about it, let's go back."


The family got on the carriage and prepared to go back to the house, but because there were too many people coming out, and it was difficult for the young master to sit in the carriage, finally Lu Guilin and Dong Fengzhi decided to run back.

Xie Yunjin looked at it and couldn't help but said to Lu Jiao, "There are so many people in the family, I'm afraid a carriage is not enough, and I have to buy another carriage, but a carriage is easy to do, even the driver who drives the carriage has to buy it."

Lu Jiao raised her eyebrows and thought for a moment, "Let's go back and let Yashang's lady-in-law pick a few grooms who can drive over, and we'll just buy another groom."

Xie Yunjin thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

No one spoke in the carriage afterward, because the four little ones were a little frightened when they got out before, their expressions were vacant, and there was no vitality.

Xie Yunjin saw that the first and fourth children were frightened, his face was very cold, and he secretly decided to find out the messenger behind the scenes, he would not let that person go.

^0^ One second to remember【】

After everyone returned home, it was already noon, and Aunt Hua cooked the lunch, but because the previous one everyone had no appetite, they simply ate a few bites and didn't want to eat anymore.

Lu Jiao prescribed a calming and tranquilizing decoction to Sanbao, and asked Feng Zhi to take the medicine and fry it for Sanbao to take, and then she took the four little guys to take a nap.

Xie Yun would like to take Lin Dong to the county government to find Zhao Zoutou, to see if Zhao Zoutou had checked out the messenger behind the thief.

After Lu Jiao got up, she took the four little guys to the front yard to pack up the things she bought in the morning. Although she was frightened in the morning, after a period of rest, everyone's spirits recovered a lot, even the three treasures. Come here and help Lu Jiao to arrange the study room with great interest.

The craftsmen have polished and painted the outdoor slides, wooden caves, jumping frames and other things, and now they are starting to make small indoor bookshelves and desks for school supplies.

The interior stuff is much simpler and almost finished in another day at most.

Several craftsmen admired Lu Jiao very much, and she was able to come up with so many things for children to play with. No wonder the four little guys raised by the family are smart and clever. Can you teach them to be smart?

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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