There is Room For the First Wife

Chapter 280: The relationship is getting better

Remember for a second【】

In the main hall, Lu Jiao looked at Xie Yunjin and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will tell you what happens in the future."

She still believes in the ability of Lord Shoufu in the future, and there is nothing wrong with discussing with him.

Xie Yunjin breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Lu Jiao, "How many shares did you get for working with Zhao Lingfeng?"

"Thirty percent."

Xie Yunjin thought for a while, and said lightly, "No more."

Lu Jiao sighed and said, "You can't do anything about it. If I don't cooperate with Zhao Lingfeng, I can't protect those things. It's not bad to get 30%."

Xie Yunjin knew that Zhao Lingfeng was from the capital, and his status should be good, but not too high.

"Can he protect the things you made with his identity? If he had a noble status, he probably wouldn't appear in a small town like Qili Town."

"He is the third son of the Yongning Marquis in Beijing, born from a concubine, but there should be someone behind him. I only get 30%, and I also want him to take this thing and distribute it to others, so as to find a powerful blessing."

As soon as Lu Jiao said, Xie Yunjin thought of the person he saw last time.

At first glance, the identity of that person is not simple. It should be a powerful person in Beijing. The person behind Zhao Lingfeng will not be that person.

Xie Yunjin looked at Lu Jiao thoughtfully and said, "If there is anything else in the future, you can discuss it with me, and I will not harm you."

After he finished speaking, he straightened his clothes, then got up and left, and Lu Jiao couldn't help but chuckle.

This is also very good. It is not bad to be a husband and wife as a friend, but to have a future chief assistant to be a friend.

In the future, she can be regarded as someone who has a lot of support. When Xie Yunjin becomes a powerful minister, it will be much more convenient for her to do anything.

The more Lu Jiao thought about it, the happier she became, and she had a sweet dream in the middle of the night, laughing until dawn.

The next day, just before dawn, Lu Gui asked Lin Da to send him to Xinghua Village to pick up Lu An.

After Lu Jiao woke up, he had already left. Lu Jiao thought that the family was going to Babaozhen for dinner today. Now that Lin Da sent Lu Gui to Xinghua Village, what should I do if there was no carriage at home?

Lu Jiao looked at Xie Yunjin in thought, Xie Yunjin said gently, "I asked Lin Dong to hire a carriage."


After breakfast, Lu Jiao took the four little guys to the front yard to watch the craftsmen make the slides. All the slides have been made, but the details have not been perfected. Of course, the back is the most laborious, there are many slides. The place needed polishing, Lu Jiao watched it for a while, and then made a few comments.

The four little ones touched here and there and liked it very much.

Lu Jiao led Feng Zhi to the east and west wing and the reverse room in the front yard to look at it. Except for the east wing where Lu Gui lived, the rest were used as four small study rooms.

The language area needs to set up some shelves and place some books, so that the four little ones can read books by themselves or read to others.

In the math area, in addition to the bookshelves, she also needs to write some Arabic numerals and write some books about mathematics and put them away so that the four little guys can learn.

In the art area, you need to buy various paints and brushes, as well as prepare paper and books for drawing.

Lu Jiao asked Feng Zhi to write it down while arranging.

That's right, Feng Zhi is literate, not to mention that he recognizes all the words, but he also recognizes a lot of them. Lu Jiao arranged for her to basically memorize them.

The two went through the rooms, Feng Zhi had written down five pieces of paper in his hand, all the things to buy, and the things that the craftsmen wanted to beat.

Lu Jiao made some arrangements, it was getting late, and Xie Yunjin brought Lin Dong back.

"It's almost time for us to go to Babaozhen."

Lu Jiao nodded and took the four little guys to the backyard to change clothes. Xie Yunjin also went back to the room and changed into a set of silk clothes.

A handsome and cold person, because of the silk clothes on his body, he looks noble and powerful.

When Lu Jiao and the four little guys saw it, they praised it.

Since Lu Jiao was sure of Xie Yunjin's intentions, she had already treated him as a friend, so what she said sounded very nice.

Although Xie Yunjin knew that she was just talking casually, she was still very happy.

"Thank you."

Lu Jiao glanced at Xie Yunjin again and sighed, "To be honest, I always think that you should have been born in the mansion of the general and the prince, not a native family."

Xie Yunjin laughed, and the brows that used to be clear and cold in the past added infinite amorous feelings.

"You think too much, I'm just an ordinary countryman."

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking about it, looked at Lu Jiao and said, "Today is a teacher's banquet, I took care of myself to invite Qinghe County Xuelu Dean and Master Wang to be your witnesses for your teacher's banquet, you won't blame me for being troublesome. Bar?"

As soon as Lu Jiao heard it, she knew that he was well-intentioned, so how could she blame him, she immediately shook her head and said, "I don't blame you, I want to thank you."

Xie Yunjin did this to give her a face, and it was not easy to invite the dean and master of Qinghe County.

Although the businessman is rich, the scholar is lofty and respected, so President Lu and Master Wang are willing to witness her apprenticeship banquet, which is indeed a blessing to her.

"Then let's go."

The four little guys were also very happy, happily holding the hands of their parents, riding a hired carriage, and going to the famous Babaozhen Restaurant in Qinghe County for dinner.

The carriage they were riding in had just arrived at the Babaozhen Restaurant, and Dean Lu and Master Wang also came over in the carriage, and the two carriages just stopped in front of the restaurant.

Qi Lei was welcoming them in front of the restaurant, and Lu Jiao introduced President Lu and Master Wang to him

^0^ One second to remember【】

, he immediately invited Dean Lu and Master Wang in with a smile on his face.

The group entered the private room of Babaozhen Restaurant lively.

For the first time, Si Xiaozhi went to a place like a restaurant to eat with people, and she didn't have stage fright at all, and even chatted with Dean Lu in high spirits.

"Have the four of you been studying recently?"

Dean Lu asked the four little guys with interest, and the four little guys shook their heads.

"I haven't read it recently. My family is renovating the front yard. My mother said that we are still young, so I won't learn the Four Books and Five Classics for the time Let's learn other things first."

"My mother wants to teach us a lot of things, like arithmetic, agronomy, and art."

"Learn crafting, music, role play..."

Sanbao didn't speak, and Xiaosibao excitedly answered: "Uncle Dean, do you know what a role game is? It's a story written by my mother, we play the characters in the story, you know? The story my mother tells can It sounds good, like a mouse repaying its kindness, a pony crossing a river, a three-legged frog, many, many more."

After listening to the words of the four little ones, Dean Lu turned around and looked at Lu Jiao on the side in surprise.

"Miss Lu knows a lot."

Lu Jiao thought about it for a while and said with a smile, "I just made it up to coax them to sleep."

What can she say, it's hard to tell the dean that she came from many such fairy tales in their era many years later.

The group happily entered the private room.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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