Xiaobu grabbed the phone like lightning and carefully checked the long string of 0s: "Wow!! It's true! Then can I buy any game I want, and drink a bottle of Coke to a bottle?!"

  Ling Yue looked at the fisherman's village, and looked helplessly at Prestige.

  Prestige nodded, stepped forward and said to the chicken jelly: "Miss, the new game consoles and new games on the market have been purchased in the spare room, and drinks and snacks are also fully equipped."

  "Wow! Thank you, Prestige! Hurry up and take me there!" As he said that, he grabbed Prestige and prepared to leave.

  Mom, games and snacks will let you call me sister!Lingyue covered her face... hurriedly pulled back Momo Dou from the fishing village: "Don't worry, I didn't give you a play someday?! I have something for you." Yes, he never stopped Xiaobu. Instead, she is still letting it go, as long as it doesn't affect her normal life and schooling and making friends.

  Xiaobu, who was caught back, scratched his head embarrassedly: "Hehe, I'm sorry, I was excited for a while. Knowing that Oni-chan has always been very good to Xiaobu, is there anything else to give Xiaobu?"

  After calming down and looking straight, Ling Yue said, "What you hear and see next is true. I hope you can hide it in your heart for a while, this is for your safety." He explained the extraordinary to Xiaobu Existence and display of psychic power.Take out the ready-made T virus introduction, and focus on delaying aging.

  Ling Yue, who was about to open her mouth to ask if she would like to be injected, was snapped by Xiaobu with her eyes flashing: "Is this what Ouni is going to give Xiaobu? It's cool! Xiaobu is willing to use it! I won't tell anyone! "

  Alright, alright, I took her, touched the hamster's head with a loving look on his face, and handed over the T virus: "It will hurt a little after the injection, I can't stand it, don't bear it."

  Xiaobu took it, aimed at it, injected it, without any hesitation, Lingyue took a photo and planned to go to show her sister, but she had to wait and see what happened to Xiaobu.

  It didn't take long for the T virus to take effect. After Xiaobu groaned, his body shuddered and settled down.

  The prestige next to him observed: "Master, Miss is well now, her mood swings are stable, her vital characteristics are stable, and her body functions are steadily improving."

  Ling Yue was relieved when she heard the words, and went to bask in her sister.

  Lingyue: Small Burial.JPG

  Lingyue: This is my sister, how about it, cute!By the way, she doesn't want to be someone's daughter!

  Whitebeard: ...Actually, I just wanted to say that your sister is very cute.

  Tony: I agree with you brother-in-law!

  Lingyue: Get out, believe it or not, I'll blow your head off!

  Tony: Hahaha, just kidding, your sister is cute, but she is too young.

  Alice: This cute girl is my .. aunt?

  Lingyue: Just call her Xiaobu, and we will have a chance to get along in the future.

  If so, you will find that she is a very easy-going and interesting girl.

  Alice: Then I'll look forward to it.By the way, the one in Xiaobu's hand is the T virus.

  Lingyue: That's right, I used 900 points to eliminate the defect, now it's just a body enhancer, don't worry.

  Alice: Well, that's fine, you just love her.

  Ling Yue: After all, he is my only relative.

  He explained it, so as not to be more tongue-in-cheek later.

  Tony: It seems that this qun is really a miserable conference. I didn't expect the qun master to be so pitiful.

  Whitebeard: +1

  Alice: I'm still there.

  Ling Yue: There are more of you now.

  Tony, Whitebeard: …………

  Taking advantage of Alice's presence, I sent out a previous idea.

  Lingyue: @Alice, are those two tubes of T virus still there?You can try to eliminate the defects within what you can afford, it should be a lot less points.I had 4 tubes of T-virus before I felt it reached the upper limit, and 1 of them was perfect.You should still be able to inject a few tubes.

  Alice: Surprise! !Can you still do this? !I'll try it.

  The rest of the T virus and the antidote have always been kept by Alice, not to mention her relationship with Ling Yue, she is now the strongest among them.I took out a tube of T virus and tried it in Lingyue's way, only using 100 points!Really can!I tried again with mercenaries like Ren, 2000 points, and I was a little disappointed. After all, she was Ling Yue's sister, and she should be a special existence. The idea of ​​injecting Ren and the others was temporarily discontinued.

  Thinking of what will happen in the future, she can only use a tube by herself first, the reply method is feasible, and then direct injection, familiar pain, no familiar embrace.

  Alice: The method is feasible, I only used 100 points myself, and I have already started the injection, I miss you @lingyue

  Lingyue: This communication qun is really a black businessman.I miss you too, I will see you when I can cross the world.

  Alice: Mmmm. (*`)~

  Tony, who had just perfected the design and waited for the material and equipment, seemed to have found something brilliant, and he felt that something was wrong before.

  Tony: Are you two already getting along?How did I feel like I was in a coma for days.

  Lingyue: .....did you just find out now?

  Alice: He must have been in a coma before and didn't know that you came to my world.

  Then Alice explained the process, focusing on how Ling Yue was, and then how she was.Ling Yue blushed...

  Tony: Ahem, I'm not going to talk about this show of affection.In other words.. Master qun can travel to other worlds?So what am I still doing here? ! Lord qun, help! !

  Seeing Tony say this, Ling Yue sent her conjecture out.

  Lingyue: You shouldn't be able to make it through, Alice's side, I think it's probably because I encountered a force majeure accident that caused my life to be in danger, so I can pass.You can try to invite me over now.

  Tony tried it immediately, and it didn't work!Nima!Was he destined to keep hammering? !

  Tony: Well, not really!I'll continue to work on the iron, anyway, if my life is in danger, I can still call the qun master.

  Lingyue: It's good to be able to do this, and you can feel at ease.However, I believe that there should be a less restrictive traversal method in the near future.

  Tony: Also.I am looking forward too.

  Whitebeard: +1

  Family Planning Bureau: +1

  Alice: Severe +1

  Lingyue: What?

  Alice: alright

  Tony, Whitebeard, the Family Planning Bureau:  …

  After noticing that Xiaobu was ready to strengthen, Lingyue and qun said hello and exited the exchange qun.

  "How do you feel?" Ling Yue asked concernedly, observing the change in Xiaobu's eyes from dazed to sober.

  Xiaobu felt the physical and mental changes, and felt a burst of joy. It seemed that with her current state, she might be able to realize a certain idea in the past: "I feel like I can play games for a few days without sleeping!"



  Thank you for your little flowers ○| ̄|_

  "Meng New One", "For Flowers", "For Collection"

Chapter [-] Rules Update

  Nothing in the night

  Ling Yue, who was sleeping soundly, felt a little familiar and soft on her lips. Following her instinctive reaction, she moaned.. Huh? ?This feeling... a strange touch in the palm... Ling Yue opened her confused eyes and immediately woke up.

  Feeling the suspension of Lingyue's movements, Shengguan opened his eyes, and got up with a charming face, and stood beside Chuang as if nothing had happened, tidying up his messy maid outfit: "Good morning, young master, it's 6:40 now, it's time to get up. chuang."

  Ling Yue rubbed her cheek with a confused expression, and looked at the hand she felt strange just now: "So... this is... just now..."

  At this time, there was still some charming reputation left on his face, and his fingers swiped across XingGan's lips: "This is one of the men's favorite wake-up methods that I found. Don't you like it, young master?"

  What did my reputation learn?All I can say about this....Goodjob!

  Ling Yue touched her nose and said with a little twist: "Well, I like it, but..."

  Prestige glanced down, as if he had found something, and his corners were slightly upturned, ignoring the last two words: "Young master likes it, do you need me to serve and change? Miss is already waiting downstairs"

  Ling Yue quickly waved her hand to refuse: "No need, you go down first, let Xiaobu eat first, I will go down soon."

  Reputation responded, raised his skirt and left the room.

  Tooth defeat! !This mechanical maid is amazing! !But he always felt that there was something wrong with his cognition...

  Ling Yue, who was so excited by the teasing, quickly finished washing up, went downstairs and finished breakfast with Xiaobu and the others, and declined the idea of ​​Renown sending them to school.

  In the classroom, Ling Yue was looking at the communication panel after dealing with some enthusiastic female students.Lingyue saw that Rem, who had been diving for a long time, had downloaded a few memory copies and dived again. She touched her chin and muttered to herself, "I can't bear it anymore."

  Tony: My battle armor has already begun to be built, and this time there is absolutely no situation in the memory copy!I am Tony Stark!

  Whitebeard: Goo la la la, come on, Tony.

  Whitebeard: Watching this One Piece makes me feel like I'm back when I was young, my blood is boiling, and it's very interesting.

  Tony: Is that right? Then I'll download it first and watch it when I go back.

  Alice: I watched a little, it was interesting.

  Whitebeard: I believe you will like it.

  Family Planning Bureau: I am more interested in the domineering and devil fruits, but they are a little more expensive in the points mall.There are very few points obtained by exchanging treasures for points, and it is not worth it.

  Thanos touched the storage ring on his finger and said insincerely.

  Tony: Gee, I've tried to exchange it, but I can't even exchange points for missiles!This is very valuable!There is a ten-year increase in vitality, I really want to change it! !If it were 100 years later, wouldn't it be...

  Family Planning Bureau: .....I have tested it. Currently, precious treasures, ability items and special equipment can be exchanged, but ordinary things cannot be exchanged.And I'm an Eternal Titan, it's normal to live thousands of years, so you know..

  Alice: I injected the T virus, so I should live a little longer than ordinary people.

  Tony:  …

  Whitebeard: Oh hahaha, I'm a giant, and I live longer than ordinary people, but I didn't check this point store, I've been reading the memory copy all the time.

  Family Planning Bureau: .....

  Tony: .....So, I'm just an ordinary human? !

  Lingyue: No, I'm also an ordinary human, but my physique is a bit special. At present, it is similar to Thanos. If I develop it to the extreme, I should be able to live for hundreds of thousands of years, and after joining such a communication qun, my lifespan is really Not so important anymore.

  Tony shed tears of remorse, this shouldn't have been mentioned!Can ordinary people in your family live that long?Fake oil!

  Tony: ....this is no ordinary human at all! !

  Whitebeard: same as above +1

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