"How did you come in tenth?" Looking at the results announced on the results panel, vogue was very dissatisfied.

It was quiet around him, and the students standing behind him also saw their grades.

The last one in shooting -

tiger looked at his achievements, and his face was burning.

Although he knew that he had to sacrifice his performance in this test and give it to vogue so that vogue could climb higher, his ranking still makes tiger feel unacceptable.

Especially when he heard the excited voices of a group of students nearby, his face became gloomy quickly.

"Wharton, you actually got the 30th grade this time. Didn't you say that the test you were most worried about was the shooting test? You are too modest A student with brown hair said happily. Beside him was a boy with red curly hair. He was tall and thin. He looked much shorter than the boy with brown hair.

Wharton is tiger's brother of the same family. The relationship between the two families is not good. Wharton, who was born in a collateral line, has been humble since he was a child. This time, he was admitted to the Imperial military academy with him, which has broken many people's glasses. It is said that Wharton's father entrusted many people for this. But what's the use of people who get into college this way? Military academies are places where strength and achievements are the most important. A year later, a group of people at the end of their achievements are doomed to be eliminated.

Tiger yearns for the strong and despises the weak, so he doesn't like Wharton, who has been thin and weak since he was a child. When Wharton is assigned to class four and is watched by Hollande, tiger doesn't say anything.

Bullying in the military academy is totally different from bullying in other places. In tiger's opinion, Wharton will cry and go home soon.

Hollande is also a fool who only knows personal force and doesn't know how to win over the same period. Although he has strong personal force and a few bad boys gathered around him, he is not afraid in tiger's view. The real strong man should have a long brain and know how to rely on the collective force.

For example, the name of wager in my class sounds a bit like Wharton, but they are quite different! Wharton is not only a strong individual, but also has a strong appeal among the students. The students in class 2 soon decided that he would be the chief of this year's class.

Jopson of class 1 is a vegetarian dragon. Although he is strong, he is not aggressive enough, so he is more suitable to be a leader than a leader.

Olaf of class 3 is smart enough, but he is a little weak, which makes him unable to be the leader.

But later, things turned around -

a guy in class four who had never heard of his name finally became the chief executive!

Olivia? Is it a woman?

At the first sight of Olivia, tiger felt that the world was mysterious. He had never met anyone like this:

on the election day, tiger met Olivia for the first time. Olivia gave him the feeling that it must be someone coming in from outside.

I grew up in a military family, and my friends all have the same background. They have the same things in essence. He was as weak as Wharton, and he had something special about children from military families.

Olivia has nothing on her.

He looks very similar to those children outside: he has his own personality, may like to dress up, knows the things that are popular outside, and his parents have loose control over him

He didn't understand the rules of the military academy.

However, it was such a person who finally defeated Hollande, defeated the other three candidates and became the chief of the freshmen of Imperial military academy!

Not to mention that vogue and Olaf are not satisfied, tiger himself can not be convinced by such a person's leadership.

If it wasn't for Hollande, they died in an accident. How could it be that such a person jumped out to represent class four and finally won the election?

It is said that Olivia was brought in by the dean. This is a privilege! It must be privilege!

Class 2 confirmed it from top to bottom.

It wasn't long before this chief work - wager constantly instilled this idea into them, and tiger was brainwashed by him.

However, Olivia, the chief executive, has miraculously stabilized. A group of people who jopson took over have listened to him very much now, while some of Olaf's people have secretly taken refuge in the past, and only the original class two are still fighting.

However -

"actually This time, thanks to Kenny in the system, he gave me a lot of advice... " The boy with red curly hair whispered.

"Kenny? He is the second grade student this time! Will he teach you? " The voice of the boy with brown hair raised three degrees on the spot!

Realizing that his voice was too high, the red haired Wharton immediately pulled at him, and then spoke to him in a low voice. His voice was too low for tiger to hear. He stood stiffly in the same place and looked around. Many people who had been listening to them before gathered around him. A group of people muttered, and from time to time there were voices of surprise.

From time to time, they secretly looked back, and Kenny was standing there, but tiger knew that they were not looking at Kenny, but at Olivia, who was surrounded by people behind Kenny.Olivia, who looked like an intruder a month ago, now looks like a very qualified military academy chief. Like other students, tiger was afraid to look directly at Olivia.

There was no sign of their sacrifice, and Vogel just asked them to try to perform in the next test.

"I don't need to be tenth. I want to surpass Olivia and be number one." Vogue said only one word.

So, in the next test, tiger's report card had two bright red penultimate first.

The results of military academies are never anonymous. Everyone's achievements are completely displayed in front of everyone. In the face of his own achievements, tiger can only straighten his back and tell himself that as long as vogue is in the top position, his and other people's sacrifice will not be in vain.

If you want to get something, you have to dare to sacrifice. Sacrificing a little achievement is nothing

It's nothing.

Until the test results of military operations research came out, tiger's score was still the last, while the names of the three partners who tied for the last place with him suddenly appeared in the top 50. He felt deeply betrayed!

"The final score of this test will be sent home. If Dad sees my score I can't explain... " In the face of tiger's question, they explained it this way.

"Why is vogue always making us sacrifice! He's not the chief executive. If we go on like this, none of us will benefit except himself? "

"The students in the chief are good! They will make an appointment to meet each other. If someone is not good at a subject, others will help him improve his grades. I said Tiger, forget it. Wager can't fight the chief, and the chief won't come to a good end. Look at Hollande, Abel, and And the one who doesn't remember his name, which one of them will come to a good end? It takes good care of the people on his side. Jopson's grades are getting better and better recently. I got the news privately that the test scores of the virtual system are directly linked to the Department examinations. According to this progress, you should be careful that you are assigned to the logistics department, and your father will kill you. "

The last one had a good relationship with tiger before. After a long talk with him, he closed the bedroom door.

Wharton, a member of his family, happens to live in the dormitory next door. When he sees tiger, he just smiles, and then turns to his bedroom.

Wharton's scores in these tests are very good, even better than the previous family children's scores in Imperial military academy. Tiger can already imagine what the family will do after receiving the transcripts of two people.

Tiger froze.

So, before the next exam, when vogue routinely gave each of them instructions on what to do next, tiger suddenly asked him a question:

"Mr. vogue, do you know my name?"

Vogue was obviously stunned.

And then tiger laughed.

"Good bye, Mr. vogue."

He just said such a word, nothing to say, then left without squint.

Until this moment, tiger finally realized that he had been deceiving himself.

If I continue to sacrifice like this, I will be expelled from the Imperial military academy because of my poor grades. At that time, I will become a forgotten person like Paul.

A real leader should not sacrifice his subordinates to pave the way for himself.

The real leader should be Olivia, who chooses a better way for everyone.

Tiger knows what to do.


when the tree fell and the monkeys scattered -

he was shocked to find that he was the last one.

Looking at the students who used to surround him all around Olivia, he felt that his eyes were going to burst out fire!

It's all Olivia's fault! Olivia's intention is to win over all the people who originally belong to others: those who obey him will have good results, those who have a vague attitude towards him will be left to sway in the middle and lower reaches, while those who resist will only wait for the last one who is about to be eliminated!

Subconsciously want to call people, this time found that no one around him can call.

This year's freshmen were originally divided into three parts: the largest part was Olivia's, followed by Vogue's former class 2 members, and the last part was Olaf and the former class 3 members.

In this simulated environment test, Vogue's subordinates have all been annexed by Olivia, and now tiger is the only one left.

In anger, vogue tore another 100 photos of Olivia, and finally found that he was still depressed. He finally slipped out of his bedroom in the dark and came to Olivia's bedroom building.

There are a lot of people coming and going here every day. It's not difficult to get close to them.

Standing on a humble outer wall, vogue took out his suitcase and carefully poured it into the yard. He quickly slipped away.Bayati snake! This is the snake that he stole from the biology lab of the school to guard the research institute! 0.5ml of venom is enough to poison a steal dragon! Although no one could die, there was no way to move for a whole week. It is said that Olivia lived here alone at night. Hum -

with a sneer in her heart, vogue walked away in the dark without any trace.

Not long after he left, the snake woke up and instinctively felt that it was in a strange place. It straightened up the first half of its body. At this time, in front of the grass suddenly appeared two flashing light bulbs. Bayati's serpent is not moving.

No It's not a light bulb! That's the eye of a beast!

In the dark, big horn came out after drinking too much water at night. After Shhh, he was a little hungry. He was planning to chew a piece of lawn. At night, he saw the long strip in front of him Snake!

In the face of the giant snake, which is several times bigger than himself, he did not move.

Both sides stood still for about ten seconds, and then, coincidentally, launched an attack on each other!

It was at this time -

when the giant snake's tongue kiss was about one meter away from him, Dajiao suddenly jumped up, his fat body jumped more than one meter high, and Dajiao opened his mouth in mid air.

At that time, Dajiao's expression was even ferocious, and his mouth quickly widened to the limit. At that moment, Dajiao's mouth could almost be described as a giant mouth!

As soon as the mouth opened and closed, the body of Bayati snake was almost bitten in two by him!

The giant snake struggled in pain on the ground. It wanted to use its last strength to bind the enemy, but did not give it a chance. Big horn quickly took the second and third bite.

When bighorn took the third bite, the Bayati snake died.

Squatting on the grass, Dajiao ate the snake's body as a snack, but he didn't eat it all, leaving a big belly meat. After eating it again, he went back to the house contentedly with the snake meat.

The first night's trick didn't succeed. After that, vogue successively put all kinds of fierce wild animals into Olivia's yard. Then, these fierce wild animals were killed by the big horn. In a few days, the big horn became fat twice.

As early as the first day, when Dajiao came back with snake meat, yopsons saw the furtive Walker through the monitoring system. The monitoring system of the chief's dormitory building was very developed. As long as they stepped into the monitoring system, everyone's whereabouts would be invisible. This is something that other students who have never been to the first dormitory building don't know, and of course Vogel doesn't know.

The moment he found vogue, jopson immediately asked Olivia how to deal with it. Olivia just waved to them to leave it alone for the time being. As a result

"The doctor said that Dajiao is overweight now, so it's not suitable to eat at night." Since knowing that Dajiao is a precious dragon of the crescent moon, the hospital will send professionals to Dajiao for physical examination every week. According to Olivia, the frequency has been changed to twice a month. Due to the precious crescent moon emperor, Olivia's dormitory building is twice as secure as other chief officers.

After seeing the report, Olivia finally decided to end the farce at night, so when vogue came again with "supper", jopson and 20 people arrested him!

Looking at jopson with a serious face and Olivia with no expression on the seat in front of him, the last trace of courage in vogue's heart suddenly burst, and he suddenly thought of the end of Hollande and his party.

What used to be a joke, now Vogue thought of Olivia's expression he had just seen, and a chill came to his heart.

Trembling, he took out a pile of photos from his arms, and he fell on the ground:

"I, I, I am not the villain who has come to put poison in order to hurt your excellency Olivia! I, I am a super VIP member of Olivia's chief support group! I particularly admire your excellency Olivia! "

Everyone was shocked.

"Ha ha." Olivia laughed: "unfortunately, you are not my type ~"

the next day, Olaf was stunned when he saw vogue appear in Olivia's camp, then dropped his eyes and walked past them.

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