Under the guidance of several instructors in black, through layer upon layer of inspection, the freshmen with obvious green faces were brought to a white room. There were rows of egg type cabins in the room. At the moment, the door was open, as if waiting for their arrival.

"This is the place for you to learn about the equipment operation project. After entering the equipment, the system will use three minutes to collect your personal information and generate your personal holographic data in the system. In order to make everyone's practice results in the holographic environment can be directly applied to the actual training, everyone's parameters in the system are everyone's parameters in real life, and the pain setting is 100%. Please don't do anything beyond your ability just because you are in the virtual environment. "

A black instructor stood in front of the students and explained how to use it. His expression didn't look different from usual, but his heart had already exploded:

this is a military holographic training equipment under the military network! It's a complete collection of weapons, from the oldest weapons to the most front-end weapons that are still under debugging. According to the authorization granted, the entrants can try all kinds of weapons. In addition, there are all kinds of holographic training fields and virtual scenes of classic battles. Ordinary soldiers can't touch this system at all. This kind of high-end combat readiness system is only available in military bases with more than four stars. In July every year, in order to compete for the quota of this system, officers and soldiers from other bases can be said to have broken the head.

Even they were granted the initial permission to use the system after one year of service! And at present these just came to the base a month of students incredibly so easily given the authority, this, this, this unreasonable!

However, despite the storm in his heart, the psychological quality of years of service training still let him control the expression on his face. They now know at least one thing, that is: that cold dead face instructor must have a high rank.

Those who can open the right to use military holographic training equipment at any time are at least above the rank of brigadier general.

As a wake-up call, the instructor in black didn't stop his talk:

"according to the confidentiality regulations, all users are not allowed to use their own name in the device, so please want the identification name to be used in the device in advance."

After digesting the black instructor's words quickly and getting two minutes of extra preparation time, the freshmen immediately entered the white egg shaped cabin under the guidance of each black instructor.

Like his classmates around him, mugan was very excited to climb in ~ (≥ ▽≤) / ~

just like climbing into uncle ipsilon's belly, mugan quickly climbed in. Sitting in the only seat inside, mugan felt the seat begin to tilt. Meanwhile, his ankles, wrists and head were fixed by cold metal rings. The feeling of being bound for a moment startled many freshmen, but mugan didn't.

For mugan, who was brought up by his parents, metal is the most relaxing texture.

When he was young, because of the bad living environment, their home was destroyed countless times, countless times, mugan was taken everywhere by his father and uncles, the wind and sand was too big, mugan was often put in his stomach by uncles, where it was dark and cold, but it was the most safe place for mugan.

Mugan thought of the past, and he was stunned.

He has been away from home for a month. He is homesick.

He shook his head, and then he felt more cold wire wrapped around him.

That's the connection. Mugan knows. He closed his eyes immediately, counted down ten times in his heart, and when he "opened" his eyes again, he was already standing in another place.

He tried to hop, and it didn't feel different from usual. He raised his hand and looked at it. Even a green mark left by training a few days ago was still there.

Mugan looked at his body with admiration. At this moment, a cold mechanical sound came from the position of the sky:

"recruits have been generated, may I have your name?"

"Mugan." Mugan replied reflexively.

The ID does not conform to the naming rules. Please change the name

Mugen was stunned. Then he remembered that the system was not asking him what his name was, but asking him to name the virtual character.

"Olivia, I want to call it Olivia." He gave the name he had thought of for a long time.

"The character registration is completed. I wish you a prosperous future in the next journey."

There was no lengthy explanation. In the blink of an eye, mugan was ejected from the room. The next second, he stood in the middle of his classmates.

Mugen came early. There were not many students at the scene. The Department of wallflower, which arrived early, was full of people.

"We all like holographic games very much. This kind of registration can't defeat us at all." The game time is much more than other departments, which leads to the poor academic performance of wallflower department. At this time, it becomes the reason for them to go first.

"Well, I also like playing games ~ (≥ ▽≤) / ~" mugan nodded with approval.Although we haven't arrived yet, the students have been standing in their own positions according to the usual practice. After a month of strict practice, they have formed some habits. Obviously, this habit is something that instructors like to see and hear. Several instructors who came before them can't help but secretly nod their heads with satisfaction.

But they didn't wait too long. Within ten minutes, the freshmen arrived one after another. Seeing where they are now, the freshmen show the same curiosity.

They are now standing on the edge of a huge cliff, rocky, there is no green nearby. With the instructor's sign, they lined up in a straight line on the edge of the cliff.

"Today's training program is not unarmed rock climbing, is it? It's not right. Mingming is standing on the top of the cliff now? Is it difficult for them to return from the cliff with their bare hands? " At that time, many freshmen began to murmur in their hearts. Many people immediately began to measure the height of the cliff with their eyes: it's easy for the prototype to fly down, but it's a little hard for the human form to go down

Just as the freshmen were imagining what would happen next, there was a thunder like sound from the bottom of the cliff. Everyone could not help looking at the bottom of the cliff at the same time:

yellow sand bursts, but two black shadows rolled up wind and sand from two opposite directions at the same time.

Is it a herd? The freshmen thought so at the beginning, but as the shadow got closer and closer, they finally saw that it was not a herd, but a human!

These human beings, with their strong chests, only their hearts and heads covered with crude metal armor, left hand holding a shield and right hand holding a huge axe, rode on the huge ground dragon and drove from afar quickly. The terrain dragon's heavy steps on the ground, the dust like fog around the team.

Freshmen have noticed one thing: even in the rapid progress, they still maintain a rigorous formation. Uniform movement, uniform equipment, these are two armies! Only soldiers can be so rigorous!

Realizing this, the freshmen immediately got excited. But one month's training was not in vain. No matter how excited they were, their formation did not change, and no one cried out. They quietly kept their original formation and stood on the edge of the cliff to watch the two teams meet.

There are quite a large number of people on both sides. It is estimated that there are as many as 100000 people!

The leader stood at the front of the team. Behind him, a soldier held the flag high. With the leader's order, the flag bearer waved the flag to the front. Then the army behind them burst out a long roar. With the roar, the two teams rushed to the front crazily. The two black shadows melted into one in an instant, and the battle was very difficult So it started!

It was an extremely brutal battle.

Without any high-tech weapons, soldiers can only rely on their strong bodies and long-term combat skills. The huge shield is the only thing that can protect them. Once they are shaken away, they will die miserably.

The head is heavily looked at by the giant axe in the hands of the enemy, and the body still holding the axe is like a doll out of control. It falls heavily in the dust, while the terrain dragon beast under the rider doesn't know his knight's tragic death, and is still trying to bite the huge body of the terrain dragon beast opposite.

The incomplete corpses gradually covered the whole battlefield, human, terrain, dragon beast. Rivers of blood, the original dry land of Yellow Brown is moistened by blood, vaguely looks like black fertile soil.

This is no longer a battle, but a war.

The leader of the left team finally cut off the head of the leader on the opposite side and raised the head of the other side in the air. His mouth gave out a roar like a beast.

Inspired by the leader's action, his soldiers cut down the enemy one after another. In this process, the enemy's flag was also broken. The flag fell into the soil. After being trampled by the terrain dragon beast, it was soaked in black blood and could no longer see its original color.

The war ended in victory for the left side.

There was another roar in the team, and the soldiers looked at the position of the flagman. At this time, the flagman should hold the flag high and wave it in the air to celebrate the victory of the war. However -

during the observation, they mainly focused on the leaders and soldiers of both sides, but the freshmen didn't pay attention to the flagman of both sides. Until this time, they joined the flag The flag bearer's companions noticed together:

the flagpole was still firmly set up there. Even if it was covered with blood, the flag was still waving in the air, but the flagman had been dead for a long time.

His head was cut off by the enemy at some time, but his body still stood in the same place with pride, supporting the flagpole deeply into the ground with both hands and protecting the flagpole. He died standing.

Looking at his actions, one can almost immediately imagine what happened at the last moment of his life.

At the moment when his head flies away, the dutiful flagman inserts the flagpole heavily into the soil at the last moment of his life -

he died, but his flag is not dead, just like a sign firmly standing there, always cheering up his companions to march forward bravely!Cut off the heads of all the captives, and the soldiers of the victorious side rearrange the line according to the original formation. Although they have won, the cost of victory is extremely heavy. Now only half of the team with at least 100000 people is left, and the proportion of the death of the terrain dragon beast is higher. Many soldiers have lost their mounts, and their companions let them sit behind them.

With the handle of the axe in their hands, they hit the round shield heavily, and the soldiers with broken round shield hit the ground with the handle of the axe. In this way, they bid farewell to their companions.

Not only the flagman, but also many others who also died in the war.

A soldier stood up, pulled out the flag from the dead flag bearer's hand, and raised the flag high in the air. The team, which had just undergone a bloody battle, went on.

And their companions stayed there, forever.

There was a complete silence.

Faced with such a result, the freshmen were shocked, and some of them even cried. It's not fear. Many of them don't know why they cry.

That's when frafetal spoke.

"The virtual scene just now is not a fiction, but a war we saw on a remote planet ten years ago. The local civilization is still at a very early stage. There are no high-tech weapons. The orientation of war mainly depends on the intelligence of the troops and commanders. "

"The war ended with the victory of the left team. However, in the data collation afterwards, we found an amazing fact: the number of troops on the right side of the two sides of the war was 150000, while the number of troops on the left side was only 90000. Under such a huge number of people, the small side still won the final victory. I think by watching the record just now You should understand the reason for that. "

"Without the influence of weapons, I always think that" human "is the most basic factor to decide victory or not in war."

"Believe in your own strength, believe in the strength of your companions. No matter what position you are assigned, you should be loyal to your duties until the last moment. I hope you can at least understand this."

His eyes swept over the tearful faces of several students one by one, over the thoughtful Brad, and finally fell on the expressionless mugan's face. Frafetal's mouth was slightly bent, his hands were back behind him, and then he announced:

"good, let's start today's training."

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