"She is gone? She doesn't sell eggs with me?" My sister is a bit surprised. "How can I say to go?"

"Where did she go?"

"She said that I have to go to a place to know ... I have to go, no one knows!"

As long as she takes her mobile phone, the sand can certainly know where she is, there are all people who use smart electronics in this world, there is no shape in Wukong ...

However, Shalin feels that he really can't force it, and the jujube is very clear, it is clear that it can't be clamped in these things now!

The heart of the heart is too soft, it is hurting people ...

"When I go back, I will give Liang Zi uncle! The girl, I will take care of myself, don't worry!"

Feng Nanshan smiled: "Brother, how many people have been hurt in invisible?"

"Just, there is my sister!" Mingyue waited in the sand, there was a look at the side ...

Shalin shouted: "Don't mention it! Don't mention these things! Let's open ..."

The people were ignorant, remembering today is the day of the porcelain doll province, the day of opening the first three or four, although the specific matters have arranged the manager of these stores, people are selected by Feng Nanshan. , Use a little person in the family, the election people are reliable people ...

Everyone was driving the business, and the four stores ran. It was really prepared to be very solid. Those who had eaten a chicken in Shayuan County, although the province is not a top level. Big, but it is also some people with face!

It is also the invitation of them, the porcelain doll decided to shop in the provincial city ...

This group of people call friends, string, and really dug a few provinces in the depths of the provinces ...

One is the Thai Marituals of the Provincial City Dining True, known as the Ji and the god of the province!

This father is said to have done a time in the national banquet, and later participated in a variety of food programs as a judge, a good fire for a while, later because the taste preference is different, put a very background. Brush it, sinned, was forgotten by people ...

This father's money earned enough, and I will be clear and quiet at home!

Of course, when the old man still likes to go to the small town of Xiaomi Lane, eat a delicious taste, and then discover the hungry chicken and egg!

The old man took the case, and she was a month in Shayuan County. It became a frequent person who was hungry, and gradually mixed with the porcelain doll!

That is, he has strongly promoted the porcelain doll in the provincial city, and he said that more people will eat more people, in order to reflect the value of the dining feeding!

He is trying to oppose the high-end supply of ingredients. Many people do not match the taste of high-end supply, they are full of intestinal fertilizer, bad things are absolutely, and they also eat the best delicious, this is the biggest unfair in the world!

The porcelain doll is very compatible with the point of view of the father, giving him a few fat chickens, some eggs, two jars against a little life of the mysterious water!

The father did a chicken, just a chicken, dried a drunk wine, and sighed the delicious world ... So, the old man really handed over the porcelain doll this forgotten the year, and put it out of these years. Four, let them go to count the first three four chefs!

The porcelain doll is good, and it is possible to use the advantages of the mystery of life, plus the four top god kitchens, feel confident, feel that the dining industry in the main sand is a cruel for colleagues!

There are three, the big fish who lifted this group, one is the piggybow of the Shadu cultural relics, the Nuochang literary play market, all of which have heavily eyes ... Of course, the most important thing is this People are old, only food, wine and literacy ...

There is also one, it is the famous calligraphy of Shadu, and it is said that even the deep palace is hanging on his words! Once again, there is a god of Shatu, which is said that since the age of twenty, he has never woke up from drunkenness ...

"It's all wonderful!" Shaolin listened to the porcelain doll introduced it, laughing.

"These people have to play so open, do you think just play? Brother, I agree with a sentence, the economic foundation determines the upper building!

This day will be eaten, it will be cooked, will put it down, write a brush, people who will drink, one hundred people have fun!

And they have four in Sand, and even the country has fun. Why?

In fact, it is just a life or the forces of the teacher!

So, please come, I'm coming to appear, I'm, I've been able to form a protection ... "

In the end, it is a large device to become a rich second generation. Feng Shao looks deep, it is far!

"This forces, don't you truss us?"

"So, need to be balanced! My dad came back, this is the big border between China, will come! For a while, we will pick up ..."

It is not so easy to watch what is going to shop.

Not only need wisdom, but also need balance and use forces!

"All walks of life, in fact, the water is very deep ... Many struggle is constant! We are now rapidly rise, strong shop, this is necessary to bite a bite on these industries, according to our quality, possibly cake Will be quite violent!

This will inevitably cause a fierce rebound! The brain we have to fight, we will gradually usher in a wave of hitting a wave!

What is so easy to make money ... "

Shalin smiled, "Brother! I have easy money to make money ... Your money, isn't I earn?"

In fact, Shalin thought of the desert artifact market, I thought that the white camel brought himself to the number of gold jewelry ...

It's really easy! Now I want to save high, I want to build an air-building Pavilion in the desert, I can have a life that I can't finish a life!

"You are a bug!"

"Then we still do more BUG! Why do you get so tired?"

"Brother, you can! I can't! My dad throws me, for the doctor, I don't have to treat the terminal illness with you, for letting me eat the sand! Long exercises!

Although I usually quarre with my father, he will not be able to answer my love, but I know that he is not easy, and the first paragraph is not you, my dad is almost in the past ...

I used to be with my Dad, and he let me manage the company, I am tossing, and the company's assets will lose billion yuan in months!

When he is on the verge of death, I regret it, I even think that my dad is mad ......

Fortunately, you will cure him, otherwise I have to be embarrassed!

From then on, I decided that all according to Dad planned, be a child, listening to Dad! "

Shalin smiled and patted Feng Nanshan: "To your right! Not only do you want to listen to Dad! Also listen to my brother!"

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