There is an artifact market in my desert

Chapter 108 Really big fish in the depth

"This stone is hard as iron, when building a house, I want to find a stone chapel here. As a result, the general tools can't be opened, and they can only be done!" Hongling finally reacted, looked at the hand of Shalin, this is A ordinary hand!

What is this? The martial arts novels and TV dramas have seen more, I think this is normal!

Cutehong Bing is really practicing! According to her understanding and the medical treatment of their own, it is still possible to crush a stone with her palm, but the finger is inserted into the stone wall, it is very incredible, the bullet is difficult!

Although Xiao Yun is not as good as Hong Ling, it is not from the people who hit the martial arts, but they also followed these years!

Can't understand at all, why is the stone wall in the sand, it is like a bunch of sand ...

The first sentence of Xiao Yun, "Lin Zi, are you installed a body of a future robot?"

Feng Nanshan and Xiao Yunyao, in fact, this is very close to the truth!

The body of the sandlin has passed, the strength of strength is not normal ...

However, launching this intensity attack, in fact, it is not the hardness of his hand to reach this horror, but still in the body's micro-robot, it is quickly drilled by the command, in the forefront, complete with the fastest speed Stone cutting compression ...

This is actually a kind of cheating is a kind of people who don't speak! I look extremely!

"You will also see more things! I have two points, the first is not allowed, the second is not allowed to leak these secrets to the outside!

We are brothers, but these involve it too deep, saying that it is not good, the outsiders know more bad ... "

Three people have nodded! Sharin's shock of these three people in front of him is too big. They are now still a state of the incident just wake up ...

"Well! Now tell who is the head, we slowly design the plan!"

"Wan Shengcheng, Yejia!"

"Ye Chen?" Asked Feng Nanshan.

Shalin is a bit moving, what Wansheng City, what Ye Chen, he has never heard of it! Neither the official big , nor is the unfashionable character ... Even the yellow family that has already arrived now is the country in the country.

"Shaolin asks" compared to Shali Huangjia ... "

"I don't know, just listening to people mentioned ..." Feng Nanshan shakes his head, "What existence is this, I don't know much!"

"Is it a cow?"

"The grades of the Huangjia in the province are a class of small fish floating on the water! The real big fish, never hide in deep water, eat is the yellow family!"

Xiao Yun seems to remember the past, and people look very painful: "When I was a small fish that was eaten by my family ...

Ye's home, no matter whether the official is still the mall, there is no name at all ...

It is not that they are weak, but they are strong enough to rank numbers in these, they just have to operate to the small fish ranks, today, see that, look at that better, see which good ... ...

They are not businesses, not a gang, not official, but a family ... "

Shalin did not expect this family in this world!

The family, Shalin believes that after entering the modern society, with the disintegration of feudal society, this kind of thing has been touched by the rise of individualism.

Unexpectedly, this place is now still existed, and it is a big fish level ...

"They use a group company, you can swallow, the slag is not left, no trace ... The individual is in front of this horror, very small!"

"Then you revenge, who is looking for?"

"Ye Chen! Ye Chen is a person, is a genericity of Ye! Kill him, I can report my hatred!"

"So will Ye will crash because Ye Chen's demise?"

"If you definitely, they will launch a tribute through cruel competition!"

"Since you have to do it, you will do it all, let this hormonic disappeared from the earth!"

If the Shalin is in the past, it will make people feel very similar ...

Now in front of these three, no one is doubting the ability of Shalin! Because from his hand, his mysterious identity is absolutely a powerful power ...

"This thing! Now, I will try to investigate, then we will negotiate the plan!

Big Brother, big, you immediately stop all action, don't fight the snake, fatal a hit is the most important! "

In this world, the strong is respect, is a forever, Shalin, everyone is solemn, everything listens to the sand forest arrangement ...

"Good for a good day! Don't let go of Liang Chen beauty, beautiful wine! Many things are small things!"

Xiao Yun took a head and said, "Thank you, Lin Zi!"

The sky in the valley is black and black, tomorrow morning, a day and night time is coming, this big time can waste, is the best!

Xiao Yun put down his heart, or he asked for a lifetime, and now I finally have it, I am very happy ...

In this valley in the back of Hongjia Village, people have been very bumble, and most people are used to study medical or drug refining medicines, there is no entertainment!

Xiao Yanyao raised everyone to the reception center, after all, it is a young man, drinking, singing, singing ...

Now you can also bring it!

A thrilling sandalin soul does not attach! I feel that I am strong in a big embarrassment!

No wonder those emperors have broken things, always push the responsibility to women ... Women's things have not been treated, really trouble!

To go to the Qianlian, I have to bring a long-awaited city, and go together in the guilty folk face ...


There is a girl in the front mountain called Mingyue!

I don't want to roll a single one ...

If this lineup has passed, the girl may not kill himself, but it will be hard to say!

"Don't go, don't go, rule this disease, I have to be in the range of no more than one kilometer around the patient, otherwise it will be ineffective!" Shalin lies ... Anyway, the final interpretation is owned by himself, how to explain it How to explain!

Everyone has to take a pair of poker playing, Shalin is very shameful, no matter what kind of game, will always be abused!

Under depressed, let Xiao Yunyao, Hongling and Fengnan Mountain dig pit, come over with red and watch movies!

Hongling is together with Shalin and Red Lan, and it is very happy to agree!

However, when you turn over, the boom has not watched the movie. She is taking a few herbs, and she is smelling, and it is tasted!

"Hey? People in your valley, take extra medicine every day, haven't played enough?"

"I am used to it! I don't have these things in the evening. I feel empty, I can't sleep!"

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