The SSW team's deterrent roaming made it very difficult for the top and bottom lanes. During the duration of the Lissandra Blue BUFF, the EDE team's economy slightly widened the gap with the SSW team.

Fortunately, this deterrent walk did not last long.

Once the hero Lissandra does not have the support of blue BUFF, he cannot use skills unscrupulously to push the lane.

After Lissandra's push efficiency dropped, the fat general in the middle could contain Gao Dewei, so that the SSW team's top lane could develop well.

As for the bottom lane of the SSW team, to be honest, it is already very impressive without being single-killed by Uzi and Meidu.

"Wait for me in the lower lane, I don't believe I can't defeat them!"

The bottom lane is the breakthrough point for the EDE team. After Uzi got two kills, he still did not kill the opposite bottom lane solo. Mala Xiangguo suddenly became a little anxious.

The economy of Mala Xiangguo is very poor. He was defeated by his opponent Olaf in the jungle in the early stage, and now he is being eaten by Gao Dewei like crazy.

He also tried to gank in the middle or top lane, but the SSW team's vision was very good and did not give Mala Xiangguo a chance at all.

As for the bottom lane, Mala Xiang Guo wandered around many times, but since Gao Dewei and Lissandra disappeared from the sight of the SSW team from time to time, the SSW team played very wretchedly in the bottom lane and did not give Mala Xiang Guo a chance at all. .

"Why don't we just dismantle the second dragon? The bottom lane on the opposite side is extremely insignificant and doesn't give any chance at all. They even prefer not to gain experience!"

The game lasted less than 9 minutes, and Uzi had already beaten the opponent's Imp by 31 knives. Such a huge gap in last strike, let alone the semi-finals of the League of Legends S series, was even in the top tier of the Canyon, in less than 9 minutes. Pressing 30 knives is also relatively rare.

In order to target the bottom lane of the SSW team, the EDE team focused on line control in the bottom lane instead of quickly gathering and demolishing towers. But now that the SSW team is so insignificant, Uzi wants to directly demolish the bottom lane to speed up the game rhythm.

"I'll teleport right away. While you gank Mala Xiangguo, scan and give me a ward position. We'll forcefully capture a wave and take down the tower to get the dragon!"

Gao Dewei marked his teleportation. The last time Gao Dewei forced teleportation to gank the bottom lane was at 5 minutes.

The cooldown time for teleportation in the S4 season is 240 seconds. As long as Gao Dewei's teleportation CD is ready, you can grab the bottom lane again.


Mala Xiangguo nodded, and the moment he finished speaking, 957, who had been resisting pressure, couldn't help but sigh.

"Brothers, save me, I can't bear it anymore."

"I am still an armor-piercing Jace. If it were a Poke Jace, the explosion would probably be even more powerful!"

957 marked the equipment on his body, Mala Xiangguo clicked Tab and found that 957's Jace had released a Watcher Armor first.


"Ke Changyu, is this the armor-piercing Jace you are talking about?"

"Good guy, I thought it was really armor-piercing, but next to you, you're wearing a Watcher's armor!"

Malaxiangguo couldn't help but give a thumbs up. Jace took out a watcher's armor first. If this is a villain, he should file a complaint first.

"There is nothing I can do. The opponent keeps messing with me. If I play with someone with short hands, my death will be even worse!"

957 spread his hands with helplessness on his face. Although Gao Dewei disappeared from time to time in the fog of war, giving him a chance to breathe, the jungler on the opposite side was always looking for opportunities. He could resist for so long before being jumped over the tower. It's not easy to kill someone by force!

"Spicy Hot Pot, catch them, free them and go on the road!"

Gao Dewei marked his teleport twice, and Mala Xiangguo asked the bottom duo to directly push the lane. He swaggered into the SSW team's lower jungle area in front of the SSW team!

In the middle, Gao Dewei also chose to push the line. After he pushed the line of troops, he did not choose to teleport immediately, but returned to the city to resupply.

In the early 9 minutes of the game, Gao Dewei made his first ready-made costume-Zhongya Hourglass.

There is no such thing as a stopwatch in the S4 season. If you want to make a golden body, you must make a complete outfit in one go before you can use it.

Gao Dewei's Lissandra suppressed a golden body in one breath. In the next moment, he can use the ultimate move to stun the opposing hero, instead of throwing it on himself to give himself an invincible state.

After having the golden body, Gao Dewei can attack more boldly.

EDE's thoughts are like Sima Zhao's heart.

The SSW team immediately made countermeasures. The Fat General in the middle pushed the lane and immediately moved towards the bottom lane, while Dandy in the top lane even chose to return to the city where he was.

"Heng Shuo, go back to the city and get equipment!"

Lupo's teleportation CD was still more than ten seconds away from improving. After seeing that Lupo was continuing to demolish the tower and had no intention of returning to the city, Mata immediately called Lupo and asked him to return to the city to replenish equipment.

"When we have good equipment, we come to the bottom lane. The opponent's jungler comes to our jungle, and the opponent's mid laner also pushes the lane and goes home!"

"Lissandra's teleport in the middle is ready, hurry up!"

In this game, Mata barely moved around.

The disadvantage of the bottom lane is really too big. With his bull head, the EDE team will not dare to jump over the tower to kill, but if he dares to roam, Imp will become the cash machine of the EDE team.

It doesn't matter whether Imp is valuable or not, what's important is that his development will be blocked.

"Okay, I'll go back to the city right away!"

Lupo immediately chose to return to the city. His movements were blocked by the EDE team, and the EDE team made adjustments instantly!

"The bottom lane cannot be played. The top laner and jungler of the SSW team have gone home, and the mid laner Riven has also gone to the bottom lane."

"This time we forcefully arrest them, it's just a 4-on-5 fight, we can't beat them!"

Gao Dewei pointed at Mala Xiang Guo: "Xiang Guo, you go directly back to the city, we will hit the road and squat on the crocodiles!"

"Let's go east and west!"

"The second little dragon will be spawned soon. Let's release the little dragon when we go on the road!"

"Yes, our strength is not in team battles, but in capturing orders!"

Uzi answered and directed the team to let go of Xiaolong. The EDE team's lineup is best at catching singles. If there is a team battle, the SSW team is even more fierce.

The crocodile in the early stage and Olaf in the early stage are both more ferocious heroes than the last.

Coupled with Riven, a hero who does good damage in the early and mid-term, it is really possible for EDE to be unable to beat the opponent in a team fight.

Gao Dewei immediately changed his walking direction, while Mala Xiangguo scanned the triangular grass in the lower jungle area of ​​the SSW team. He calculated the time for the opponent to return home. After feeling that the opponent's top laner returned to the city and walked near the high ground, Mala Xiangguo Just walk out of the bushes and pretend to Gank.

"The other side is coming, the other side is coming!"

Seeing the spicy hot pot coming out of the grass, the fat general hiding in the grass could not help but move towards the bottom lane. Behind the fat general, the crocodile and Olaf rushed towards their defense tower.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, wait for the other side to come first!"

Mata told his teammates not to worry. All they have to do now is wait for the opposite jungler and mid laner to appear together and forcefully kill their bottom lane!

However, to the surprise of the SSW team, after the Mala Xiangguo came out of the grass, it actually returned to the grass.

Imp put his fingers on E and Flash. He waited for a long time, but he didn't see Zack jumping out of the shadows with an ice blue claw.

Xiaolong refreshed!

While the SSW team was waiting for the opposite jungler and mid laner to forcefully cross the tower together, the second dragon was refreshed. At the same time, the EDE team's bottom duo also began to retreat, no longer pressing the tower.

"The other side guessed that we want to support the bottom lane!"

"Let's pick up the little dragon group!"

Mata controlled the Bullhead. After the opposite bottom duo retreated, he came outside his triangular grass. After inserting a false eye, he found that there was no one in the triangular grass.

"Xiba, the other side has retreated a long time ago. Their arrest is just a cover!"

Mata stretched out his head and pulled his hair. The emotion only lasted for about ten seconds. He was fighting with the air!

"Xiba, pick up the group. The team on the other side can't beat us. The dragon group must pick up!"

Mata marked the dragon crazily, and amid Mata's roar, Olaf, the crocodile, and Riven walked side by side from the triangular grass toward the blue buff.

Mata, who only had the last eye slot left on her body, chose to wipe her eye across the wall, wanting to see Xiaolong's condition.

However, what surprised the SSW team was that they saw nothing from this ward position.

"There's no dragon on the other side?"

Mata was confused. When his controller Niutou and his teammates walked to the entrance of the blue buff, he realized that the EDE team really did not defeat the dragon.

EDE team strategically gave up the second dragon.

"EDE played really solid Smecta. They were able to resist the temptation and give up the second dragon!"

Lupo lamented that in order to prevent the EDE team from letting Zach use his E skill to grab the dragon, and to prevent the EDE team's mid laner Lissandra from suddenly appearing and catching them off guard, Lupo did not directly teleport to the road, but chose to fight the dragon with his teammates.

Xiaolong kept whining. In the SSW team's field of vision, they could not see Lissandra in the middle, nor could they see the jungler Zach.

On the contrary, the duo in the bottom lane and the top lane are both within their sight.

EDE team 957 took this opportunity to send troops into the defense tower and kept demolishing the towers. The EDE team's bottom lane duo was greedy for the troops. The SSW team steadily took down the second dragon. The top laner broke through and watched the defense on the top lane. A large wave of soldiers under the tower subconsciously handed over their teleportation.

This wave, in order to help the bottom lane and help the team take down the dragon, he has already lost two waves of troops. If he doesn't teleport now, his last wave of kills will be meaningless.

The red whirlwind kept spinning. Mata looked at Zack and Lissandra who had been disappearing, and felt something was wrong.

“I don’t know where the opponent’s midfielder is. Yuan Shuo, please be careful when you return to the middle. I’m afraid the opponent will squat on you here!”

Mata marked the grass outside the defense tower in the middle. This location was the grass outside the wall of the Three Wolf camp next to the first tower in the middle of the red square.

From this position to EDE team's F4 position, SSW team has no vision the whole time.

The midfielder of the EDE team is likely to be squatting here!

"I'm from the line"

Before the fat general finished speaking, two avatars suddenly appeared on the mini-map.

On the road, in the grass.

Gao Dewei and Mala Xiangguo, who had eaten the upper jungle area of ​​the SSW team, squatted quietly in the grass. Not far away from them, 957 was constantly attacking the defense tower.

A red whirlwind suddenly appeared on the defense tower, and Gao Dewei and Mala Xiangguo, who were chatting, suddenly became energetic.

"Come on, come on, this stupid guy from the opposite side really teleported to the road!"

"Damn it, the top laner on the other side is a really good actor, how dare you teleport like this?"

Gao Dewei and Mala Xiangguo exchanged words with each other, taunting each other wildly. When the midfielder disappeared, when the EDE team gave up on taking the dragon, and when there was no vision in the top lane, the top laner still dared to fight. How stupid is this to teleport?

Damn it, are you really not an actor?

Gao Dewei and Mala Xiangguo don't quite understand this behavior. Is there no similar half-region principle in the OGN division.

Or are they overestimating the SSW team?

"Ke Changyu, your fucking acting skills are so bad, retreat, retreat!"

The teleportation in the S4 season can be cancelled. Gao Dewei and Mala Xiangguo were squatting in the grass.

When the two of them saw 957 taking down the tower on the road and refusing to leave, Mala Xiang Guo immediately shouted out.

They have been crocodile squatting here for so long. If the opponent cancels the teleportation because of 957's poor acting skills, then this wave will be a loss!

Hearing this, 957 couldn't help but stick out his tongue and smile. His smile was caught by the director, and the fans watching the game burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, 957 is so cute, looks like rua!"

"957 looks quite small. Can it be used for fencing?"

"This smile, I guess it's because the person smiling on the other side is Hanpi. I'm here to send a wave of warmth to 957 during the most difficult time."

"957 This smile is so sweet, I want to fuck you."

A group of fans who verbally like fencing kept posting barrages, while the fans in the OGN division were extremely annoyed. This comment was too stupid, wouldn't he cancel the transmission?

The moment the crocodile landed, a glacier claw suddenly appeared in the fog of war, and his heart beat involuntarily.

Xiba's was tricked by the EDE team!

Lupo's heartbeat quickened, and he controlled the crocodile to open it up quickly, wanting to try it out.

But it was Lissandra and Zach who came to capture him.

These two heroes don't have much else, but their control skills can be connected so that the crocodile can't move.

"I'll leave a big move and a golden body. Come on!"

Facing the crocodile that was destined to die, Gao Dewei intentionally left behind his ultimate move and golden body. He let the spicy hotpot resist the tower, and he used the Q skill from behind to deal damage. At the same time, he used the W skill to imprison the crocodile and connect Zach's control.

3 packs of 1, full control chain!

Lupo wanted to replace one of them, but Jace had a Warden Armor and Zach had a passive resurrection, so he couldn't replace either of them.

Lissandra, the only one who could change, would rather give up her flash to gain position than give up her golden body and ultimate move to avoid damage.

"This Lissandra, is she so cheap on skills?"

Lupo was puzzled. He just clicked on Lissandra's flash to indicate that Lissandra did not flash.

After teaming up to catch the crocodile, Gao Dewei was not idle. He marked the bottom duo, then walked into the grass and teleported directly to the location where the SSW team couldn't see the Mala Xiang Guo left in the Three Wolf camp. Eye.

"Do you know what a roaming mid laner is?"

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