Only the strong can take the second BUFF.

Among the EDG15, only Lu Yiming can eat the second BUFF of Mala Xiangguo. Apart from him, even Gao Dewei and Uzi, the two big Cs of EDE, are not qualified to eat the second BUFF of Mala Xiangguo.

Only in the mid-term team battle, Mala Xiangguo will BUFF the middle and lower double C.

Although Mala Xiangguo is very reckless in the jungle and gives people the impression of a hunger strike, Mala Xiangguo will not give up the second BUFF.

So when he saw his blue BUFF appearing on 957, Mala Xiangguo couldn't help but scratch his head.

"Muffite, believe me, this is a C!"

EDE team salary is a floating salary. When the S4 season was first established, Mala Xiangguo's monthly income was only 6,000 yuan, but now Mala Xiangguo's monthly income is more than 30,000 yuan.

Apart from giving some of Mala Xiangguo's income to his parents, most of it is invested in the stock market. This is no secret in the EDE team. Lu Yiming once advised Mala Xiangguo not to speculate in the stock market, but it is obvious that Buffett does not Listen to Lu Yiming.

As an experienced person, Lu Yiming could only recommend Moutai stocks to Mala Xiangguo. In his previous life, Lu Yiming had never played stocks, and he only knew that Moutai seemed to be rising well.

"Ke Changyu, if you can't take my blue C, I will write a short essay to bully you online!"

Mala Xiang Guo threatened 957, but 957 just smiled shyly and did not take Mala Xiang Guo's joke to heart.

The blue buff was gone, and Mala Xiang Guo marked Lulu in the middle. He came from the second company of EQ on the river to Dalong Pit, and scanned the grass above Dalong Pit. After confirming that there was no eye position on the opposite side, Mala Xiangguo Xiang Guo inserted a fake eye into the red buff on the opposite side.

The red BUFF has long disappeared. The SSB team's jungle efficiency is obviously much higher than that of Mala Xiangguo Prince. Mala Xiangguo squatted in the grass for seven or eight seconds. After his EQ was refreshed, he EQed to the red BUFF camp, and then From the red BUFF camp, we arrived at the F4 camp of the SSB team.

A real eye was inserted into F4's camp and it was determined that there was no field of view for SSB. Mala Xiangguo immediately marked SSB's mid laner Lulu.

"He didn't dodge, you were reckless!"

Meikou immediately reported some information about Lulu. In the EDE team, the support is responsible for recording information about the opponent's key skills. Gao Dewei played Dade Lulu's flash in the mid lane. Meikou checked the chat history and confirmed Lulu flashed and it took more than 2 minutes to get better.

“It’s not that big on the other side either!”

Key skills such as ultimate move, flash, purification and teleportation all need to be recorded. Lu Yiming has emphasized recording skills many times, and the EDE team has also developed the habit of recording the opponent's skills.

There was no dodge or power, only a weak Lulu, which was a lamb to be slaughtered. Spicy Xiangguo waited for the opportunity, and when Lulu moved towards F4, he decisively attacked with EQ twice.

"Oh no, there are no soldiers!"

Gao Dewei quickly attached two bombs to his E skill flash forward QWQ with extremely fast hand speed, and at the same time also attached the E skill to Lulu.

This sudden attack shocked Dade. He subconsciously surrendered his weakness to the prince, and at the same time put a shield on himself, transforming into the sheep prince.

Ding ding ding ding!

The defense tower's attacks hit the prince, constantly taking away the prince's health. Gao Dewei was outputting A while staring at the small map, trying to capture the position of the opposite jungler.

But unfortunately, the movements of the opposite jungler were not captured on the mini map.

"Be careful going up and down, you didn't see the opposite jungler's position!"

Gao Dewei sent a signal to the top and bottom lanes to let everyone retreat. Lu Yiming has talked about the half-zone principle many times. Naturally, 957 in the top lane plays a more clumsy way. He pays attention to development and generally does not push the lane much.

The duo in the bottom lane pushed the line too deep. Although the bottom lane had a good view, they could not be caught by the opposite jungler.

"Let's withdraw!"

Uzi and his sister quickly retreated. He was already scared of being scolded by Lu Yiming. If his teammates gave the signal and he didn't retreat, he would definitely be scolded by Lu Yiming when he went back to review the game!

The jungler of the SSB team did not show up. Gao Dewei Ping A took Lulu's head. Just when Mala Xiangguo relied on the resurrection of Father Time to evacuate the defense tower, Xiaolong let out a cry.

The jungler nightmare of the SSB team unknowingly stole the first dragon.

“This wave of squatters from Mala Xiang Guo is very patient. The second EQ company went up from the dragon pit, and another second EQ company came to the red buff camp. The SSB team’s vision is at the entrance of F4. This wave of ganks from Mala Xiang Guo is perfect. Bypassing the sight of the SSB team."

"As the second team of EDG, Malaxiangguo has learned the essence of Krel's dance around the field of vision!"

Wawa commented that Su Xiaoyan looked at the Mala Xiangguo that appeared in the bottom lane and expressed a different opinion: "Why do I feel that this wave of arrests by the Mala Xiangguo is more like Lu Shen's style?"

"Lu Shen likes this way of arresting people very much. The way of arresting people in Krel's Dirty Dance is quite different from that of Mala Xiangguo."

Wawa did not struggle with this issue. He continued to explain: "SSB team's jungler Sword Demon won the first dragon in this game. This wave of EDE team is a bit of a loss. There is no comparison between a head and a dragon. .”

"Yes, one head costs 300 yuan, assists 150, and the total cost is only 450 yuan. And a dragon brings 800 yuan to the team's economy. This wave of rhythm EDE will suffer a small loss."

In the EDG team conference room, Lu Yiming, who was sitting on the sofa watching the second team's game, couldn't help laughing when he heard the two commentators talking about EDE's small losses.

Wawa and Su Xiaoyan really dare to say that if in the previous life, the LPL division played the OGN division, the LPL division team's big loss was a small loss, a small loss was no loss, no loss was a small profit, and a small profit was blood profit.

In the previous life, when the LPL was beaten by the OGN division, the commentators did not dare to say bad things about the teams in the LPL division. They could only speak crazily to the teams in the LPL division.

Now, as the world's largest competition area, the LPL competition area has five major participating teams. It is quite confident and well-established.

A loss is a loss, and there will be no saying that it is not a loss.

"Why is it so difficult for the second team to play an SSB? The game has already lasted 8 minutes and it's only 2:1!"

Sitting next to Lu Yiming, Hirano Aya felt that the second team's performance was a bit gentle. The second team was very strong, and it would not be unusual to win the S4 season championship this year.

"I didn't have an advantage in the bottom lane. The alpaca was very good at beating Uzi."

Lu Yiming hit the nail on the head and pointed out the key: "The SSB team can be stable for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the captain of 957 can make a two-piece set of endless electric knife. By then, he can destroy the alpaca with almost three shots."

Lu Yiming didn't know what talents and runes 957 brought, but judging from the speed at which 957 obtained gold coins, 957 must have secretly learned from his own development-style captain.

Only a development-level captain can lead the opponent by more than 400 gold coins in 8 minutes without killing the opponent once.

"This kid can take my entertainment style and bring it into the game, and he still plays SSB. He really doesn't treat the opponent's top laner as a human being!"

Lu Yiming grinned. In this version of this year, top laners can still hang out. Next year, anyone who dares to play in the top lane will be killed.

After a wave of rhythm passed, the SSB team immediately made adjustments. Their bottom lane duo once again switched to the top lane, hoping to suppress the comfortable and growing captain by changing lanes.

"957, prepare to come down the road, let's go up!"

Meikou shouted, but 957 waved her hand and refused: "No more lane changes, the bottom defense tower doesn't have much HP, you guys need to demolish the bottom defense tower first!"

The current captain's level has reached level 7. At this stage, he makes more money using Q skills and Q soldiers than Q people.

The SSB team came to the top at this time and could no longer suppress his development. 957 allowed his teammates to quickly dismantle the bottom lane defense tower and speed up the pace of the game.

"Send your troops in, and we'll jump over the tower and kill the captain!"

The SSB jungler Sword Demon marked the captain. The SSB assistant had cleared the view of the top lane. Even the view of the triangular grass on the top lane was inserted by the SSB team's assistant to ensure that there was no vision in this place!

"The captain on the other side flashes, please pay attention, I'm in the bottom lane!"

On SSB, Gnar clicked on the captain's flash. He and the captain fought twice during the laning. Both times, both sides were able to draw home with remaining health, and neither side used the other's flash.


SSB team Sword Demon jumped from the river with his Q skill to outside the triangular grass on the top of EDE. He waited for the top duo to enter the tower with their troops, and then walked out of the grass.

"Brother, save me!"

957 was frantically marking the three people on the top lane. He did not use his ultimate move to directly clear the lane, but instead called his brothers.

"Wait for me, I'll go to support you immediately!"

Gao Dewei equipped himself with an E skill and immediately retreated to the defense tower. At the same time, Mala Xiangguo also launched an offensive in the bottom lane. His ghost position EQ Second Company came to the line and headed towards Gnar under the defense tower in the bottom lane. Go.

The EDE team and the SSB team played 3 packs of 1 at the same time, but the difference was that the single Lulu in the SSB team used Flash Weakness, while the single Old Time in the EDE team used teleportation.

Returning to the defense tower to ensure that Lulu could not interrupt his teleportation, Gao Dewei handed over the teleportation to the top lane. As the red whirlwind continued to rotate, the SSB team that had just started could only frown and evacuate the defense tower.

"Old Man Time's support is so disgusting!"

"Time is long, we can't fight this wave!"

The SSB team gave up jumping over the tower to kill Old Man Shi and the Captain who had ultimate moves, and 957 survived.

Gnar of the SSB team was also very lucky. With his E skill, he stepped on the prince's head and moved away, and dodged the prince's second EQ in a flash.

Although the prince's ultimate move blocked Gnar's subsequent escape route, Little Gnar transformed into Big Gnar within the prince's ultimate move. Big Gnar used the ultimate move to knock out the prince, and the ninja gear increased Gnar's HP. With the armor bonus, he was able to withstand Lucian's output and escape with remaining health.

"NICE, you can escape with this!"

"Ou Yisui, you are so strong, brother!"

The SSB team saw Acron's Gnar escaping with his remaining health under the siege of three people. They couldn't help but cheer. Acron raised the corner of his mouth slightly. As the world's number one person in pressure resistance, his ability to withstand pressure and escape is no joke. !

"Fire of fire!"

A rough voice floated into Acron's ears, and along with the sound of a bomb exploding, Acron's smile suddenly froze.

He was able to escape with only a small amount of health, but was killed by the captain's ultimate move.

"I got 300 gold coins, thank you brothers!"

Seeing that 300 gold coins had been added to his backpack, 957's eyes became like this. When the three members of the SSB team captured him, he knew that Gao Dewei had teleportation to save him, so he held on to his ultimate move just for this moment.

A big move costs 300 yuan, and you can make money with blood!

"Ke Changyu, I didn't realize you still have this face!"

Mala Xiangguo looked at 957 in confusion: "Why do I feel that the current 957 is so familiar?"

"957, tell me honestly, have you been kidnapped?"


"Gouzi, you have changed. You were not like this before. You used to use your ultimate move first, but now your ultimate move is used to steal people's heads!"

"I didn't, I thought you could kill him!"

957 is quibbling, but Mala Xiangguo doesn’t believe 957 at all.

Who would believe a man who steals his own basket?

The ultimate move not only brought 300 gold coins for killing 957, but also brought 38 gold coins for minions. 957's ultimate move killed two long-range minions, which was a pity for 957.

Why can't the ultimate move kill more minions?

When the minion enters the defense tower, 957 will Q if he can. If he can't Q, he will draw A and hit the last hit.

After eating the minions under the defense tower, 957 saw another wave of minions about to enter the defense tower. He weighed it and finally chose to be greedy and eat this wave of minions.

Take out a development-style captain. If you are not greedy enough, why not play the development-style captain?

Only those who are greedy enough can get up quickly, Kerry everyone!

957 Greedy Xiaobing, he is betting that the Jungle Sword Demon has gone far.

The soldiers entered the defense tower, and 957, who was huddled under the defense tower, began to use the Q skill to touch up the soldiers. Before he had eaten a few, the bottom defense tower exploded, causing his gold coins to rise a little.

“That’s enough money for the electric knife!”

Looking at the gold coins on his body, 957 still did not leave, but continued to be greedy.

"957, prepare to change lines!"

"You guys come first, and I'll go home later!"

957 continues to choose the greedy soldier under the tower. He has already finished drinking the recovery potion. If he hadn't gotten a blue BUFF from the spicy pot, his mana amount would not be able to last.

After cleaning up the EDE upper jungle area in the SSB team player seats, looking at the old man Shiang who had returned to the middle lane and the captain who was still under the defense tower on the top lane, SSB jungler Spirit had a look of confusion on his face: "The top laners in the LPL region all play like this. Are you so greedy? How dare you continue to covet soldiers under the defense tower even after being caught?"

"He is already a very stable player. There are still two top laners in the LPL, especially OTTO, the top laner who is officially ranked number one by Riot Games. That's called greed."

"When OTTO saw the jungler coming from the opposite side, he was not thinking about escaping, but thinking about how to fight 1 against 2!"

Support Heart knows a lot about the teams in the LPL region. The strongest top laner in the LPL region at this stage is OTTO, and the second one is Theshy from their country.

957 and Gogoing are tied. They are at about the same level, and the laning depends more on their respective states.

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