Since Braum came out, Lucian + Braum have become the strongest combination in the bottom lane.

Banning Lucian is to break up the combination of Lucian and Braum, and Dashu is the most powerful top laner in the current version. Basically, the EDG team will not let Dashu be released.

EDG faced their second team and had no intention of holding back. EDE banned Yasuo, Niutou and Enchantress.

The blue side EDG chose first. After communication, Zhu Xiaolong locked the hero Braum.

Although the combination of Braum and Lucian has been separated, the current version of Braum is very limited in the output of the opponent's ADC, so EDG will naturally not let it go to EDE.

After discussion, the EDE team locked the jungler Prince to assist Feng Nu.

"Get the little fat guy Uzi?" Ming Kai turned to look at Lu Yiming. Before Lu Yiming could reply, the old thief Sima became excited: "To get him, we must get him! The second best guy in the world will die in one catch!"


Mingkai ignored the old thief Sima. He looked at Lu Yiming. Lu Yiming thought about it: "Brother Mingkai, can you get a Snowman Knight?"

"Snowman Knight? Okay!"

Mingkai locked the Snowman Knight, and the old thief Sima's eyes lit up after seeing the Snowman Knight.

Father Lu still feels sorry for me, so he actually asked little brother Mingkai to use Snowman Knight to fight in the jungle. Isn't this just to assist me?

If you have a snowman knight, you must choose VN or Big Mouth. Old thief Sima did not hesitate to ask Lu Yiming to help him with Big Mouth.

As his own hero and the owner of the champion skin, the old thief Sima gained confidence when he got the Big Mouth.

"Uzi, for what?"


Mid laner Gao Dewei asked. Uzi looked at the opposing lineup and asked Gao Dewei: "Awei, what mid laner do you use?"


Gao Dewei said with certainty. He and Lu Yiming have faced each other several times and he knows very well how strong Lu Yiming is.

Facing Lu Yiming, no matter whether he used his best skills, Bright Moon or Clockwork, it would be difficult to beat Lu Yiming.

Since you can't defeat him no matter what, just choose a hero who can clear the line faster, and preferably a hero who is difficult to catch and has super long-distance support.

Bomberman is the best choice.

"How about I get Verus?"

Under EDG's current lineup, Uzi feels that Verus is better than VN.

VN is indeed very strong in the later stage, but the opponent's support is a Braum. After Braum activates his E skill, VN is not very fast to deal with it.

Verus, on the other hand, is not slow in playing in the front row, and can also cooperate with Gao Dewei Bomber for a poke.

Even if Braum raises his shield on the opposite side, the suppression effect of double poke is much stronger than that of single poke.


The heroes of Gao Dewei and Uzi locked up instantly, and EDE handed Counter's position to top laner 957.

"Bomberman, Verus, Prince and Wind Lady?"

Except for the last top lane position, EDE locked all other positions. Looking at the opponent's lineup that tended to pull Poke, Lu Yiming thought about it and asked his teammates to help lock Demacia, who entered the LOL before Yasuo, but had almost no candidates in the game. Wings, Quinn!

Mid laner Quinn!

Seeing Lu Yiming get Quinn, everyone in EDE suddenly became highly vigilant. Lu Yiming's roaming was elusive and textbook level. Due to the mechanism of Quinn's ultimate move, once he roamed, whether it was to support the top or bottom lane, or to Invading wild areas is always one step ahead.

Plus Nunu, the Yeti Knight.

Tricky, quite tricky!

Lu Yiming didn't know what EDE was thinking. He said to Zhu Xiaolong: "Xiaolong chooses a hero who can force a group start!"

Facing the Poke lineup, it is extremely important to have a hero who can force the team to start the team. Zhu Xiaolong took out Zac among several top laners.

"957, use Jace to beat Zach, there will be a BUFF bonus!"

When Uzi saw Zhu Xiaolong using Zac, he immediately screamed, 957 didn't really lock Jace, EDE already had two Poke heroes, and taking another Jace would have no room for error.

After communication and discussion, 957 chose Shen.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed, EDG blue side, top laner Zach, jungler Snowman Knight, mid laner Quinn, bottom lane Big Mouth + Braum.

EDE red side, top laner Shen, jungler prince, mid laner Bomberman, bottom lane Verus + Feng Nu.

With the regular 21-9-0 talent and the movement speed essence rune, Lu Yiming entered the game with flash and sprint.

The loading interface appeared. Lu Yiming glanced at the summoner skills on the opposite side and found that Gao Dewei used Flash and Weakness, and the bottom lane Fengnu also used Weakness.

Double weak poke flow.

"NND, godfather, this sprint is a bit difficult."

When the match between the two sides started, Gao Dewei stopped calling Lu Yiming and called him Brother Lu. Now Lu Yiming is his opponent and the godfather of the world's number one mid laner.

Seeing Lu Yiming's Flash Sprint, Gao Dewei had a headache. Lu Yiming's movement was too weird. Coupled with the Flash and Sprint, he felt that all his skills were exhausted.

"Awei, take a look at Godfather's attack power. I feel that he may have a high movement speed essence. If it is really a high movement speed essence, he will definitely not do enough damage in the early stage. Just press the line and I will help you!"

Mala Xiangguo geared up and decided to go crazy with Lu Yiming. Gao Dewei decisively refused: "Why are you helping me? Don't help me!"

"It's not like you don't know Godfather's movements and reactions. This guy is so awesome. He has the essence of sprinting and movement speed. I feel like I can't even touch him with my skills."

"I will stabilize the lane clearing in the middle and use my big move to support the top and bottom lanes. Just help the bottom lane more!"

Gao Dewei originally thought that he could sacrifice himself by taking out a bomber and seal Lu Yiming in the middle.

Who knew that Lu Yiming would actually take out Quinn, who had almost never played in a game.

The hero Quinn has been marked as a hero that cannot be selected since he entered the League of Legends.

This hero plays ADC. Although he has the E function to protect himself, the output is not stable enough and the damage is not high enough compared to other heroes. Although the CD of the ultimate move is short, the damage is limited.

No one uses this hero to play ADC, but now Lu Yiming takes out this hero in the mid lane, which instantly puts a lot of pressure on EDE.

"It's okay, get him, you have to get him!"

"If one person can't do it, then there will be two people. If two people can't do it, then there will be five people!"

Mala Xiangguo didn't care. It was normal for the second team to be unable to beat the first team, so he didn't have any pressure in this game.

It is normal for the second team to lose. On the other hand, if the second team wins, it will be a bloody gain.

"Xiangguo is right, just kill Brother Lu and kill him!"

"The game can be lost, but Brother Lu must die. The five of us will target Brother Lu. Kill once to gain blood, kill twice to gain numbness!"

957, who has always been relatively stable, also started to get excited. After hearing what he said, Gao Dewei slapped his forehead fiercely: "Oh, if you say that, then our lineup selection is too bad."

"If I had known I would have picked Pantheon in the middle, I would have chosen Bomber, and Pantheon's brainless Q. When you guys come, I will directly W him.

I don't believe that Godfather can move and twist away my W skill. "

Gao Dewei's words immediately awakened all EDE members. Yes, they can definitely choose some heroes who are strong in the early stage and have point control.

The Godfather's positioning is amazing, but no matter how good your positioning is, it's impossible to twist and control the direction.

"Brothers, let's fight well this time. Next time we will choose point control heroes. We must kill Brother Lu to the super ghost!"

EDE met the EDG team in the official game and played the same as the training game. What they wanted was to choose a good lineup to win the game.

But now all EDE members have completely awakened under the reminder of spicy hot pot. NND, winning or losing the game is not important at all. Killing Lu Yiming as a super ghost is the top priority.

Entering the game, both sides quickly equipped themselves, and all EDE members dispersed their positions. The EDG team, relying on Braum's passivity, chose to invade EDE's jungle area.

"EDG played very proactively. They gathered together to invade the EDE jungle area. EDE also knew that they could not pick up the first level group. They dispersed their positions and discovered EDG's movements."

"EDE gave up their own jungle area, and the prince went there. Hey, what was the prince going to do? Instead of going to his own jungle area, he chose to swap jungle areas with the EDG team."

"Spicy Xiangguo, you are so brave. You invaded the EDG jungle alone. If EDG comes back, you won't be able to escape!"

In the official live broadcast room, from God's perspective, the commentator saw that after EDG invaded EDE's Spicy Hotpot, he did not choose to go to his own Ueno area and start from the red BUFF. Instead, he went in the opposite direction and invaded the lower jungle area of ​​the EDG team alone. , forced a line change with the EDG team.

The behavior of Mala Xiangguo was so reckless that it made the audience's scalp go numb.

Now the EDE bottom lane duo chooses to go online early to grab 2 after warding the blue buff. The mid laner Bomberman has no idea of ​​supporting Mala Xiang Guo.

Once EDG returns to its own jungle area, Mala Xiangguo will definitely die.

"EDG didn't seem to guess the trend of Mala Xiangguo. EDG opened blue, and the bottom duo didn't go back to their own jungle area to watch. The duos on both sides went online at the same time to grab 2 in advance. Godfather faced Gao Dewei in the middle, and Mala Xiang Guo him His bold move allowed him to successfully swap jungle areas with EDG."

The audience watching the game was shocked when they saw Spicy Hot Pot Punishment win the red BUFF.

"Damn it, you're so reckless. How can you be so reckless, Spicy Hotpot!"

"The Mala Xiang Guo's change to the jungle is really an ending that I will die to show you if you dare to come back with me in my arms!"

"This guy from Mala Xiang Guo is really not afraid of death!"

The recklessness of Mala Xiangguo shocked the audience. However, after this guy quickly killed the red buff with punishment, he did not continue to farm monsters, but went straight to the middle.

Lu Yiming played more aggressively in the middle. His ward was inserted at the F4 position of the red square. He had no idea that Mala Xiang Guo had come from his own jungle area to catch him.

"I've watched a lot of EDE games. The jungler Mala Xiangguo is very spiritual!"

"Caught at level 2, I suddenly thought of Ming Kai's words last year. There is nothing to study about the royal family. Just catch him at level 2 and you'll be done."

"Lu Shen is very fierce in pressing the line. I feel that this wave is a bit dangerous."

Seeing the spicy hot pot entering the grass, Lu Yiming's fans couldn't help but become nervous.

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