Early the next morning, when Luo Changqing was about to start building roads, Luo Jiu said to Luo Changqing, who was doing preparations: "Brother Changqing, clean up the small pond on the mountainside before building the road today. Wait a minute. After the stones and sand I bought come back, I will build the small pond first, and I will use it for fertilizer."

Luo Changqing said, "Do you want to clean up the pond? Which one is to be dug? There are many large and small ponds on the mountain. Do you plan to clean them all out?"

On the top of the tea mountain, apart from the largest mountain pond halfway up the mountain, it covers an area of ​​more than 20 acres, and there are many other smaller mountain ponds, but the area is not very large.

In the past, when grandparents contracted tea gardens on the mountain to grow tea, they dug a three to four-quarter-sized pond near their contracted land, and filled the water in the rainy season, and can use the pond when it is dry. The water came to fight the drought.

If the water in the pond is almost used up before it rains, it will be the Leigongshan Reservoir's turn to play its role. Pump the water from the reservoir and store it in the pond. When it is needed, it can be used directly. Water out.

Of course, the water drawn from the Leigongshan Reservoir is not free. It seemed to charge forty to fifty yuan for one hour of pumping a large electricity drain, but for grandparents’ small pond, one hour of pumping was more than enough.

Ponds dug by other people's houses are similar, the larger ones are more than one acre, and the smaller ones are smaller than those of grandparents.

However, in addition to the ponds that everyone dug by themselves, there are also ponds that everyone dug together when they were in a large group. The area is much larger than those dug by individuals.

The largest is more than 20 acres, and the smallest has an area of ​​4-5 acres. Luo Jiu has counted these few days, and there are 8 mountain ponds on Chashan with an area of ​​more than 4 acres.

Moreover, these mountain ponds had mountain springs in them in the past. Even in a dry year, there will be water flowing out of these mountain ponds.

And in those years when Chashan was contracted, the ponds on the mountain were also contracted to raise fish.

However, as the tea mountain fell into disuse, there was no one to take care of those mountain ponds. By now, they were all filled with dead branches and leaves.

As for the former mountain springs, except for the largest mountain pond where you can see a small puddle slowly overflowing outside, the rest are gone.

And clearing out all these mountain ponds is also in Luo Jiu's next plan.

After fruit trees are planted on the mountain, water is naturally needed for irrigation, and these mountain ponds are the best places to store water.

And then you can also raise some things in these ponds, like lotus roots, fish, etc., you can raise some.

Luo Jiu still remembers that when he and his cousin went to pick tea with his grandparents when he was a child, what they liked most was to go to the pond where someone else planted lotus roots and pick a large lotus leaf and put it on his head as a hat.

Every time I am seen by my grandparents, I can't help being talked about.

However, both of them have left ears in and right ears out. Next time they go up the mountain, they will still pick the lotus leaves.

The only regret is that the family grows the kind of lotus leaves that don't bear lotus seeds, which makes everyone less fun in picking lotus plants.

Luo Jiu plans to plant lotus roots that will bear lotus seeds in a pond on the mountain in the future. In summer, he can go to the pond to pick lotus roots.

But for the time being, there is no turn to clean up those ponds, so I can only do it slowly in the future.

The most important thing now is to find a suitable pond, clean up the dead branches and silt underneath, and then build small ponds.

Sitting on the excavator that Luo Changqing had started, Luo Jiu walked about two-thirds of the height of the mountain. He pointed to a pond that was about two-thirds away and said to Luo Changqing, "Brother Changqing, just wait for this pond to be dug. Yes, just dig to the hard bottom below."

This pond is the key place for planting trees on the mountain next, and all the fertilizers bought will be put in this pond.

Of course, it is not just a simple digging with an excavator. After the excavator reaches the hard bottom below, Luo Jiu will build the entire pool into small pools with bricks and cement sand, and buy them. The fertilizer will be stored in these ponds.

Yesterday when Luo Liyun talked about the base fertilizer needed to plant trees, Luo Jiu remembered that when his grandfather and grandmother planted orange trees in the past, they used the family’s farm fertilizer~www.readwn.com~ to put cow dung and pigs. The dung, chicken dung and straw in the chicken shed at home, all these miscellaneous things are put in a cement tank, and some other things are mixed evenly, and finally a few buckets of big dung in the dung pit are poured, and the top is covered with a film. stand up.

After a period of time, the contents of the pond can be used as fertilizer, put in the pit, covered with a layer of soil, and then planted saplings on it.

The orange trees planted in this way grow faster and better than the orange trees of most people in the village, and the oranges they produce are much more delicious than ordinary oranges.

Even now, the little orange garden at my uncle's house digs a hole one or two feet away from the root of the tree every year, and then puts fertilizer like a dustpan in it.

And Luo Liyun also agreed with Luo Jiu's idea, and finally decided to use farm manure as the base fertilizer.

However, the total area of ​​Chashan and Leigongshan is more than 1,000 acres, and the farmyard manure needed is not a little bit, and it is not comparable to a small orange orchard in my uncle's house.

But the way people came up with it, Luo Jiu quickly inquired about the contact information of several chicken farms in the county. Luo Liyun and three of the chicken farms negotiated the purchase of their chicken farms to obtain chicken manure.

In Xiaojia Village, not far from Qingshan Village, there is a breeding base where hundreds of cattle and thousands of sheep have been raised. Luo Liyun has a good relationship with one of his partners.

But the chicken manure in the chicken farm is different. The hormone residue in it is much more than the cow and sheep manure, so after buying it, it has to be processed before it can be used as fertilizer.

Even if these fertilizers contain various hormones, they have little effect on Luo Jiu's fruit trees. After the fruit trees are planted, it will be three to five years later until the fruit trees bear fruit. The effects of those hormones have long been negligible. .

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