Just like the bank manager who often calls Luo Jiu now, he always fudges what financial products Luo Jiu buys. After Luo Jiu made it clear that he would not buy those things, the number of such calls was a little less.

After a brief greeting for a while, the ICBC staff who had been in contact for a long time rushed over with things.

To gather everyone together today, the most important thing is to get everyone to pay. For this reason, Luo Jiu contacted ICBC staff early and asked them to send someone to assist in the collection.

In fact, the finance department of Blue Sky Intelligence took care of this matter. Few people now use cash anyway. Just scan the QR code and transfer money, but this time ICBC still sent someone over.

Under normal circumstances, it may be difficult to get everyone to pay out. However, when the bank staff showed up today, Xie Zhengdong informed everyone that they could pay according to the agreement, and everyone obviously became happy.

The total number of shareholders of Mingkun Investment Co., Ltd. is 180. Of course, there are several shareholders in this group, which occupy the quota of one shareholder, otherwise there is definitely more than this number.

With Pang Linghui, Wang Lingsu, and Cheng Ping cooperating with the ICBC staff, the shareholders' payment proceeded very quickly. It officially started at eleven o'clock, and all the work was completed by 12:30.

When everyone has completed the payment, all the work will be sent to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for shareholder change registration, but this work is not in a hurry. Anyway, from now on, all shareholders of Mingkun Investment Co., Ltd. will be able to share the development dividend of Blue Sky Intelligence. .

Although Blue Sky Intelligence suddenly added a large group of shareholders, but compared with before, Blue Sky Intelligence has not changed much, except that there are a few nameless deputy managers in the company's management.

Of course, Luo Jiu also confessed to Xie Zhengdong and Pang Linghui. If these Deputy Managers assigned by Mingkun Investment to Blue Sky Intelligence are really capable people, Luo Jiu would not suggest giving them real rights, as long as They can bring real help to Blue Sky Intelligence.

As for other changes, they are not visible in Blue Sky Smart, especially in terms of capital, which are exactly the same as before the introduction of new shareholders.

Although Mingkun invested nearly 1.5 billion in funds this time, all of this money went into Luo Jiu's personal account, which has nothing to do with the current blue sky smart dime.

Because the money was returned by Luo Jiu with a full 10% of Blue Sky Intelligence's shares.

In addition, the funds needed for the future development of Blue Sky Smart are no longer the matter of Luo Jiu alone, but are things that Luo Jiu and Mingkun need to consider when investing.

However, judging from the current situation of Blue Sky Intelligence, there is almost no possibility of injecting funds into it.

After entering December, Lantian Smart has several new production lines put into use. It is estimated that the output of smart trash cans in December will reach 300,000.

Even with a profit of 500 yuan for a smart trash can, 300,000 smart trash cans have a profit of 150 million, and as the output increases, Blue Sky Smart can make more and more money.

According to the estimation of the Blue Sky Intelligent Finance Department, by the time of the first dividend distribution in April next year, the company's profit will exceed 1 billion.

Mingkun Investment owns 10% of it, and it will be allocated a profit of 100 million yuan.

Of course, it is impossible to distribute all the profits when dividends are distributed. After all, the company's development also needs financial support, especially since the new factory of Blue Sky Smart is still under construction.

However, in the small talk just now, Luo Jiu also told Mingkun’s shareholders that next year, at least half of the company’s profits will be distributed as dividends. As for the funds needed for the company’s development, there is no need for everyone to worry.

At present, Blue Sky Smart’s account has a large amount of purchases paid in advance by purchasers. There is no problem with this money regardless of Blue Sky Smart's disposal. The prerequisite is that Blue Sky Smart can deliver on time in accordance with the contract.

Now Blue Sky Smart has made adjustments to the payment of goods, and no longer requires buyers to pay all the payment when signing the contract.

Now when signing the contract, you only need to pay 50% of the payment, and the remaining payment can be paid in full when the goods leave the factory.

But even so, there is still a large amount of advance payment on the account of Blue Sky Smart.

In addition to the blue sky smart purchasing accessories ~www.readwn.com~, a large part of the payment is delayed one to three months, and the funds accumulated in the company's account are even more amazing. At the most, the blue sky smart's account The funds are as much as 1 billion.

This is the reason why Blue Sky Intelligence controls the number of contracts, otherwise more funds can be received.

Moreover, the county contacted the bank and approved a one billion three-year interest-free loan to Blue Sky.

Originally, Luo Jiu didn't want this money, but Luo Jiu didn't know what to do with the money on the blue sky smart account.

Although the progress of the new factory has been working overtime to catch up, when the speed reaches a certain level, it is difficult to get up quickly.

And since entering November, the weather slowly started to get colder.

Although the people working on the construction site are not afraid of the cold, they really get to work. Everyone usually wears a single shirt. Even so, they sometimes sweat.

But as long as it rains, no work can be done on the construction site, and everyone can only stop and wait.

And in November and February, it became more rainy when it rained. Although there was no heavy rain, the light rain kept falling, and the construction site was still unable to start.

Luo Jiu used to pay little attention to the weather, but now he knows that such weather is really annoying.

Moreover, Luo Jiu often went to the construction site during this period. After seeing everyone’s leisure time, a group of people gathered together. They were not mahjong, landlord, bullfighting, and smashing gold flowers. I know it’s because everyone makes money to save money.

In fact, more than 90% of the people working on the blue sky intelligent construction site are people near Meixian. Whether it is riding a bicycle or taking a car, it takes more than an hour to go home, but many people cannot stay home for a few days. , And ran to the construction site again.

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