Episode 269

70. All-out war (3)

It would have always been the same. It didn’t take long for that daily routine to turn into an unusual one.

Invasion of Paradise Island by the ‘Liberation Front’ announced by the Information Guild.

As soon as they heard the shocking news, an urgent bell rang all over Nakwon Island.

There was no need to judge the authenticity of the information. A 24-hour emergency evacuation order was issued to residents. Because that fact alone was enough.

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Madame Karjo, a well-known bounty hunter, had no choice but to be embarrassed by this situation.

‘Did he wear it properly this year!? Since the beginning of the year, some ancient demons have climbed up and this is a riot!’

With the help of Baeksanwoo and the intelligence guild, the hunting guild, the last legacy left by her husband, was able to be stabilized.

But now, the Liberation Front is invading all over.

There was nothing the guild could do as a small community.

Even the search for her husband, Galloper, was not carried out properly.

The Baek San-woo in question seemed to have a vague knowledge of her husband’s whereabouts, but every time she asked, she only gave an ambiguous answer, ‘I think she’s still alive’.

“shit… … !”

Cargio bit his lip hard. At times like this, I had to be more careful.

Even if Nakwon Island is captured, the Liberation Front will not immediately launch an offensive against the continent.

Then, the most ideal solution for Karjoo in this situation is… … .

Rather than fighting against the army, he was planning to leave the island with the funds he had saved up as much as possible.

She has been a bounty hunter all her life.

Rolling in the mud is normal, and as a woman, there have been many times when I almost faced a cruel situation that I couldn’t even speak.

Each time, Karjou clenched his teeth and survived.

What is left in her footsteps?


not. After all, it was people.

If it’s to find Galloper, it’s for colleagues who are loyal to him.

Because she was willing to abandon even the guild.

“You can start over. As always Galloper… … !”

As she was heading to the guild’s safe, someone shrouded in shadows blocked her.

She was quick to grab a weapon and attack.

“I thought you would come here.”

The moment she heard the familiar voice, her legs lost strength.

“you… … !!”

Hunting Guild Leader Galloper.

He, who had suddenly disappeared without leaving any clues, was smiling at Carjo.

* * *

“So… … Did all the bastards of the president of Paradise School do this?”

On Karjo’s face, there was a mixture of joy at finding her husband and anger at the fact that the source of all the commotion was actually the hero Siegfried, the head of Paradise School.

“Still, the chairman promised that you and I were safe. He is the one who always keeps his promises.”

“What kind of bullshit is that… … !! Baek San-woo said that he even kidnapped the co-workers of that disgusting little boy!?”

However, it was a different matter for Karjoo to understand it after hearing the whole story.

“In the end, what does the president get from that… … ?”

“He thought that Baek Sanwoo was not just an incarnation of a god, but a person who would completely twist the tide of the world.”

In fact, Galloper was also continuously collecting information about Baeksanwoo.

Since Baldro, who was the deputy guild leader of the hunting guild, tried to forcibly dismiss his wife Kargio.

Because I was very interested in a student who suddenly appeared and calmed the back alley.

And that information went straight to Siegfried.

From then on, The Elder began to show a near-mad obsession with Baeksan-woo.

-All you need is a white cow… … My colleagues’ aspirations, my goals… … it will be done

At first, I thought that as an old hero, I was praising a new hero who appeared later.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that it wasn’t that romantic.

“I can’t. If you don’t tell me this right now… … !!”

“Where are you going!”

“Let go of this!”

Carzo shouted, squeezing the hand that was holding her.

“Were you that kind of person? What was the most important value for our hunting guild?”

Galloper couldn’t answer hastily.

“The grace received is not betrayed. Isn’t that what you emphasized?”

“Carjo… … !”

“Like you said, that little boy is something different. Maybe he really is the person Siegfried said, who will change the course of the world.”

Carjo remembered the image of Baeksanwoo, who treated the demons, and even the dreamers, as if they were his own.

“But what is that? I received a favor that I could never repay, and now I am in a position to forgive it.”

The world of bounty hunters is always bloody.

A job whose job is to catch and kill people in the first place.

Therefore, it was also a profession in which it was unwritten law to thoroughly repay the grace he received.

“You don’t even talk like a kid, sometimes you’re unlucky and rude… … Still, you are the child who helped me the most while you were away!”

At the time of Baldro’s rebellion, the person who would have been killed without the Baeksan-woo was, of course, Carjo.

Of course, Galloper was also preparing his own intervention.

He couldn’t deny the fact that his wife, Carjo, had been favored by Baek San-woo rather than himself.

“… … That’s the story until our hands reach the end.”

The reason Galloper, who was only a hunting guild leader, disappeared was not a big deal.

It was reaped by Siegfried, who had noticed his abilities.

The great hero Siegfried.

Galloper was also the second on the continent, but it was self-evident that he was a sad talent.

He couldn’t even compare it to Siegfried’s power.

There is such a thing as a difference in class.

Talking around without knowing the other person is something that only idiots without experience, skill, or strength do.

If it’s a person like Galloper who has crossed countless deadly lines.

Just by making eye contact once, you can realize that this is ‘heavy’.


It’s an instinctive sense of survival that I can’t stand against this person.

However, Karjoo stayed true to his will until the very end.

“I can be sure. Sanwoo Baek, he is much stronger than an old man like Siegfried.”

“What the hell do you believe in?”


Carjou had a sharp sense of humor. Although, like Galloper, it also comes from experience.

At the same time, it was an innate ability she possessed.

Karjo bets the stake on Sanwoo Baek. At that time, Sanwoo Baek was just a ‘student’.

There was no other hero who could be compared to Aidan Christopher, who is now in the full spotlight.

Nevertheless, Karjo believed in the Baeksanwoo.

of course… … It was true that he couldn’t be trusted 100%, but since he was betting on the existence of the hunting guild and even his own life, it was almost safe to say that he risked everything.

And it was the same this time.

“You really don’t know anything. Being under that old man, your own convictions may have been clouded.”

Her eyes gleamed.

“not me.”

She threw the gold coins in her pockets at Galloper.

“Don’t block it. No matter how much you want to break my stubbornness, you will have to work hard.”

Without hesitation, he walked out the back alley. Galloper just stared blankly at him.

* * *

【Baeksan Cattle.】

The giant bear looked down at me and said. In the meantime, the horns on his back grew bigger and bigger.

【You always made the right choice. When I saved that Incubus, when I retrieved the Demon King’s pendant, and when I went to slay Amodea.]

It was a not-so-distant past.

Lioner nodded slowly and added.

【I’ve always been against it, but you did it in the end. Consider the results. Because now, even I have been able to achieve results that have surprised me.]

【Even me, as the 4th Star Spirit, would not have made the same choice as you. If it did, it might have met a much worse outcome than it is now.]

【In the end, your intention was right.】

“So what are you going to do now? Are you going to save your friends? In this yard now that the Liberation Front has come to the fore!?”

There was no sign of stopping the sound of shelling that resounded throughout the island.

It was clear that the all-out war between the Liberation Front and Nakwon School would now gradually fall into an irreversible quagmire.

I always moved after clearly grasping the intentions of my opponent.

It was natural.

Because I was a player, a dead person, and a person who had already experienced everything related to Paradise Island.

Even when Judas Ahaman, the commander of the Holy Knights, tried to assassinate the high priest through an event held on Paradise Island.

I was sure of his intentions. how?

In the main story, the same thing happens the moment the two visit Nakwon Island together.

However, the reason why the Elder called the Liberation Front was still unknown.

I have no idea what the old man really wants or what the golden number he is aiming for.

The more I thought about it, the more I could only think that I was playing in the palm of the Elder.

Anytime you hold that hand tight.

A sense of helplessness that he will be crushed to the end without mercy overwhelms his whole body.

“Until now, my choices have been all about me in the end. It was at a level I could afford.”

Not now.

War was not a problem that I alone could solve.

It is impossible to even predict how many people will be sacrificed.

Still, the Elder didn’t know what to do, and he didn’t want to forsake the comrades he had been with until now.

【You bastard like an X god!!】

“… … ?”

【When did you have a plan? You made plans every day, but didn’t you come up with your own improvisations after talking about variables?]

The Lioner shouted with his wide mouth wide open.

【Whatever plan you made, in the end, what you decided on the spot was the right answer!】

The boy’s voice pierced the eardrum precisely.

【I mean, do whatever you want!】

in that one word.

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My confused mind was cleared.

If I think about whether I was originally a good strategist… … I couldn’t even say that with empty words.

Virtually all my knowledge came from games.

Knowing the future in itself is an X or a fraudulent cheat.

I wasn’t even a soldier who formally learned strategic tactics while joining the military.

He wasn’t even a politician who plotted slander like he was breathing in politics.

Combining the two was not a pioneer to change the country or lead people to a completely new future.

If I really did, I wouldn’t be possessed in the game, but I should have been possessed over there in the Joseon Dynasty and filming a revival.

The conclusion was this.

So far I’ve been strategizing based on my game knowledge.

The strategy was that it was plausible on the outside and had no clue.

In the end, it was my intuition, along with the trust of my colleagues, not my future knowledge that made the strategy successful.

In the end, the fact that he has done what he has done so far has not changed.

“… … okay. Now I know.”

I opened a status window that I hadn’t looked at in a while.

“Paradise Patch.”


[Paradise Patch ver.2.0]

[Number of bugs fixed so far: 839]

[Bug fix rate: 78.3%]



※There are some unused tracking points.

Tracking points you have: 10


I am not Aidan

With absolute pure force, let alone The Elder, even the shadow brigade guarding him would not be able to break through easily.

Besides, I have no colleagues to fight back to back like before.

However, I had a special power that neither Aidan nor my colleagues were given.

“10 tracking points. This is enough and more than enough.”

Because there are so many bugs in this damn academy.

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