Episode 262

68. Raging Waves (2)

Ecclesia Bell hastily activated the search magic. If they broke into the safe without proper permission, the traces would surely remain.

It was a defense barrier devised and invented by the successor of the hero Ortana, who founded the first Ortana School.

At least, it would be impossible to even break through, unless you were a hero-level person.

However, even with the detection magic fired from all directions, the presence of an intruder was not felt.


It was unbelievable even when I saw it with my own eyes. As if possessed, she entered the vault.

It is too clean for an intruder to forcefully open the door and enter.

Ecclesia was convinced that the intruder in question did not simply unseal the forbidden book, but invaded this place for a specific forbidden book.

“Space on, Detect Missing Link.”

Ecclesia Bell calmly assimilated her consciousness into the vault’s security system.

A highly crafted magic formula. A magic circle created to manage only the vault works.

“The book of law is intact… … There is no problem with summoning magic. There is no particular change in the scrolls of angels. So, is it the Prophecy?”

Her assimilated gaze stretched out in dozens of directions and looked around the golden library.

A total of five books were missing as a result of the search.

An ancient research book written on the origins of the Demon King and his powers.

A myth about the advent of Azethos and its role.

Last time a student named Baeksan-woo asked for a book about the ancient Artel and Sephiroth, especially Thanatos, which was transcribed by a wandering Artel.

Then there were two books about the player represented by the incarnation of the gods.

“In the end, Shinhwa… … ? It’s about evil spirits and the incarnations of gods.”

Of course, in the case of the two books describing the power of Azetos and the Demon King, the level of security was high.

The rest were books that could be easily licensed depending on who they were by simply requesting to read them.

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Moreover, since all five are actions that bring about the divine deity, it was not a feasible part for most human beings.

Because the Geumseogo is not a status that is only permitted to protect the Geumseo.

Ecclesia Belle also borrowed a few books and read them when bored.

“What should I do with this… … .”

However, the fact that the security of the vault has been breached remains the same. We must now find out who broke in and for what purpose.

“Ugh, I thought it was a vacation so I could relax a bit… … It is unlikely that something like this will happen again.”

Ecclesia Bell let out a sigh and restored the seal of the vault.

I immediately contacted the Chief Librarian, Dean Ortana, and Dalfner Leitubes.

* * *

The back alley was still there. Immediately after the tsunami was swept away, the back alleys returned to their daily lives as if they had ever been.

Rather, the smuggling guild fell into the hands of the hunting guild and the intelligence guild, and a significant number of drug addicts who were publicly spread in the back alleys disappeared.

The information guild leader Kenichi Watanabe and the current hunting guild leader Madame Karjoo signed an agreement at the same time.

It was because they blocked the smuggling of drugs that worsened the back alleys themselves.

Although alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and other luxury goods, which are still traded in the black market on Paradise Island, were freely traded.

The sight of drug addicts roaming and bullies threatening outright like before has almost disappeared.


Swallows and rats of Swallow Byway were strongly influenced by the same thing.

Swallow and Shigungmouse, which used to be small pubs, have now become representative pubs in the back alleys.

In order to process the information task, they had to use a separate passage that could be entered through the back door of the tavern.

Of course, I was able to go directly to Swallow without having to use the passage, after being on the information guild white list.

“Oh, you are here.”

“Right now, run the information network to its fullest and check whether the president or the deans of each department have acted suspiciously.”

“Are you talking about the dean and president of Nakwon School?”


When Swallow Byway made a puzzled expression on his face, I told him that they might be involved in the disappearance of Senior Lorna.

There is a high probability that the deans are not at fault, but it would have been nice if they could grab the tail anyway.

“And you still haven’t gotten anything special about them?”

“Yeah, I didn’t have anything to report on.”

Swallow Byway rummaged through the shelves, pulled out a few sheets of paper and handed it to him.

“The chairman is a little difficult for us to touch as well.”

It was an agreement with the Information Guild. In exchange for fully acknowledging and supporting the activities of the Information Guild, the agreement was signed to never dig information about the president.

The moment I saw the paper, a long-standing question was naturally solved.

‘Damn it, that’s why the information guild wasn’t working in the original story… … !’

As a player, the setting behind the world I did not know.

Even in Paradise Academia, no matter how fast Aidan took over the back alleys.

I thought it was a setting error that the information guild, who had been asking the news so well, didn’t know about the evil of The Elder… … .

Have you already had an agreement like this?

“Can’t you destroy it?”

“Actually, a few years ago, our agents conducted a background investigation on their own.”

Swallow Byway glanced around, then came close to my ear and whispered.

“They all disappeared. The Master, who was in charge of these agents, was also fired because of the pressure.”

It wasn’t surprising.

A human who sacrifices his students and makes them a sacrifice for the seal, would he even care about the lives of informants who had no ties to them?

“Since then, we have not touched the chairman of our own. There was no reason to touch the president of Nakwon School.”

“… … damn.”

“Are you sure there’s something about it?”

I couldn’t help but worry.

Is there really nothing wrong with Rona-senpai?

If that is the case, it can be very dangerous to reveal the identity of The Elder to the Illuminati, including Swallow, right now.

He simply said, “It’s bad, let’s get rid of it!” It’s not the kind of opponent you can end up with.

In the case of Judah Ahaman, compared to the sudden situation, it was possible because of the support of the Heretical Judgment Bureau, that is, Elijah.

Now that most of the Heretical Judgmentary forces have escaped, there is no outside force that can respond when The Elder begins to attack in earnest.

Convincing the deans and professors was also quite embarrassing, and the plan could leak directly to The Elder in the process.

In fact, some professors even collaborate with The Elder.

At the time, they thought it was simply a student-level riot and stopped the students, but there are some professors who support The Elder even after the whole story is revealed.

‘… … Strike by surprise is the biggest advantage, which means that it becomes impossible.’

Convince the faculty and persuade the students below him. Furthermore, in order to overturn public opinion on Nakwon Island, it was forbidden to disclose information hastily.

Isn’t that the taboo that Swallow taught me?

As I let it go, Swallow changed his expression as if he had read that momentary thought and said.

“If you find it difficult, you do not have to answer. There is a lot of information in the world that is better not to know.”

“It is still too early.”

“Then, you have to do as Sanwoo-sama wants. First, we will collect information related to the deans. As much as possible, I will focus on activities related to ‘The Elder’.”

Indeed, the information guild master did not know where to go, Swallow Byway did his job without saying anything.

“And the student council may know better than us about the bachelor’s side.”

Swallow added, flicking his fingers.

“I heard that in the basement of the student council, journals and documents related to academic activities from the time Nakwon Island was established until now are well preserved.”

“Thanks for the good advice, Swallow.”

“Thousands of words.”

I nodded my head at Swallow. He just smiled and saw me off as usual.

The past that has treated me bluntly until now was very embarrassing.

But that’s it and this is this.

‘It’s been a while since Theodore-centered student council was formed, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get permission and look at some of the internal books.’

Perhaps there is evidence that can overturn the opinions of bachelors and students in one shot.

Except for Rona-senpai, I haven’t heard of any missing students yet.

had to run

Before Siegfried finds out first!

* * *

It was full of crystals emitting a soft light.

Lorna Aztel slowly opened her eyes. My head was pounding and my whole body was throbbing like it was going to break.

But I can’t move.

Like a sculpture, her body was sealed in crystal, and her arms and legs were deprived of freedom.

“Ugh… … .”

It wasn’t particularly gagged, but it was still impossible to get a voice out.

Silence, one of the hallucinogenic magics.

By implementing the Young Changmoon, it was more lethal than anything else for wizards who used magic.

“Isn’t the effect of just covering your mouth even with the highest level of silence?”

An old man slowly approached her.

“Indeed, it is a vessel for becoming a transcendent of time and space. The concentration of mana is high, and the soul is also excellent.”

Lorna Aztel knew his name.

No, you can’t know if you don’t know.

A name that any student at Nakwon School should be proud of.

Because he was the chairman of Paradise Island and the living legend The Elder, the hero Siegfried.


“Don’t worry, the work of dismantling the Halls of Time and Space is proceeding smoothly. Another soul of yours imprisoned in it will also want to be sacrificed for the cause of saving this world beyond the paradise island—or the island.”

There was no ‘good’ in the eyes of the old man who once defeated the Demon King as a hero.

If you think about whether Lorna Aztel was like this when she first entered school… … I have a feeling it wasn’t.

Just like another Lorna who was imprisoned in the hall, he too must have been eroded in the eons of time.

But at the same time, it was also unforgivable.

Lorna could see how many innocent and innocent students had been sacrificed in this place where she was captured.

Time magic isn’t just about looking into the future.

The past that has already flowed can be seen much more clearly than the fuzzy future.

There is a girl with a face full of anticipation.

There is a boy with eyes that are sure to have faith and envy.

There is a young man who dreamed of the future based on good intentions.

There were students and professors who followed in his footsteps out of pure respect.

The smell of their shed blood was still scattered throughout this great cavity and vibrated terribly.

“Now is the time to stop doing this madness. Only today, God has given the answer.”

The Elder approached slowly and sneered. His white beard twitched grotesquely.

“You will be used to unlock the Demon King’s seal. And if the demon lord destroys his existence, aiming for the time when he fuses with the immature ‘he’… … .”

The old man raised his arms high and shouted.

“That will be the day when mankind will be completely saved.”

Sacrifice of cattle for a cause.

The hand that has taken countless lives so far.

This time, it was towards Baeksanwoo.

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