Episode 253

66. Requiem of Destiny (1)

Paradise Academia is a buggy game. You could tell just by looking at my bug fix rate.

No matter how many times the sewing machine is corrected, it goes up from a minimum of 3% to a high of 10%.

It’s only the first semester of my sophomore year, and the bug fixing rate has exceeded 50%.

There is still work left to go up to the second semester of the second year, the third year, and the fourth year.

The fact that more than half of the bugs have already been fixed proves how much this game is a mess.

But of all the bugs in Paradise Academia, two of the worst.

There were also instant death and resurrection bugs.

In this regard, no user will have any disagreement.

Instant death and resurrection.

It is a literal bug that is not very intuitive.

Instant death bug that kills the player in one shot, regardless of the character’s health or stats.

Resurrection bug that managed to beat, but for some reason revived and made the raid run again.

Both bugs were bugs that bothered me terribly when I was playing Paradise Academia hard in my full swing.

Dodging enemy attacks is not the only skill in gameplay.

Just to get out of the enemy’s attack range to dodge, it was because an inevitable dillos occurred.

Especially in speedrun, which was my specialty, I had to avoid this kind of loss as much as possible.

Users who enjoy this type of play have often minimized their dillos by deliberately attacking them.

The problem was that the instant death bug was sometimes triggered for ‘specific’ bosses.

From the point of view of the user who created a route where one must be hit, there was no choice but to be angry at the character that displayed a gray screen despite the damage that it could withstand.

Wasn’t it just one or two keyboards I blew up because of this?

Of course, the instant death bug was also a shame if it was the second of the bad bugs.

Personally, I hated the ‘resurrection’ bug more.

Imagine a boss who barely beats the boss with all kinds of shit shows, and comes back to life with full blood for no reason.

There’s never been a more frustrating situation than that.

The boss who broke the pattern by dying over and over again suddenly revived and spit out breath to kill the player?

It’s not a shotgun, it’s just that you can’t help but admit it even if you hit the ramgak on the computer body.

When Paradise Academia was first released, the video of X-Tubers, a game that crashed the computer due to a boss resurrection bug, was so popular that it became a sensation.

‘But the resurrection bug doesn’t just apply to monsters.’

Bugs do not discriminate against their original targets.

This is a phenomenon that occurs due to a programming error, so if the conditions are right, the player can also take advantage of the bug.

Even when I farmed the tears of the hero in the first forgotten hero’s haven.

Even when I got Aradwa from the top of Mt.

They were all similar concepts.

Although it is a glitching technique, in fact, it falls into the category of buggy play from a broad perspective.

I knew where this ‘resurrection bug’ would definitely occur.

A misty lake in the southern part of Nakwon Island.

To the main stage of Ortana Faculty’s 3rd year epic quest.

This quest is about exploring the traces of a water dragon that is said to be sleeping under the lake.

The problem is that in the process, one adventurer who accompanied him is greedy for treasure and is killed by the same colleague.

For an unknown reason, a bug in which the body in question was suddenly resurrected was applied.

The NPC in question is definitely treated as dead, but it’s alive and moving, and even though it’s a repeating script, you could have a conversation.

Literally dead and resurrected.

‘When I first saw that scene, I thought it was a kind of directing… … It was just a bug.’

I just recalled the fresh memories.

Later, other NPCs were also brought to the Watermist Lake and killed.

Each time, the NPCs would resurrect and return to their homes.

If you are killed, you will always be resurrected.

As it is a world that retains the essence of Paradise Academia, there is a high probability that bugs in the Water Fog Lake will remain.

“… … So are you going to wait?”


I said to Lorna-senpai next to me with a suspicious look.

“Really, if I get involved with you, Sanwoo… … It happens every time.”

“The world hates you. I also want to do a little bit of white stuff.”

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Me and her presently awaited events beneath the surface of the Waterfog Lake.

The “Bubble Ring” made by directly improving the underwater breathing artifact that George purchased during Aidan’s weapon recovery operation last time.

I never dreamed that it would be useful in this way.

Anyway, the risk of being caught by the Paladins was completely gone.

How do you know you’re remotely observing with Lorna’s magic from the bottom of the water?

As a Paladin Order that basically values divine power and rejects general magic, there is no way to know the magic of Lorna Aztel.

So I waited and waited for them to assassinate the high priest Bassanio.

If Bassanio was resurrected as planned, he would appear immediately and wipe out all the Paladins.

‘Is Swallow safe with Yura’s side?’

Of course, he could not blindly wipe out the Paladins. If you do, you’ll be turned into a criminal in no time.

I definitely need an eyewitness to prove that my actions were justified.

And the right person was Yura Esther, a candidate for the Holy Fire Woman.

The reason why I chose Yura as an eyewitness was also because the entire Inquisition Judgment Bureau is now tied to the Holy Knights.

Yelia is too extreme.

As much as he possesses a strong force, there is a high probability that Bassanio will wipe out the Paladins before he is killed.

No, it was clear that the Yelia I knew would be wiped out, not by chance.

The high priest and the commander of the Holy Knights.

Even if they are both of the same trinity, you can tell who is the villain even if you are not a priest.

However, in that case, as Bassanio said, ‘the high priest must be killed’ cannot be met.

Therefore, you can exercise some degree of influence in the temple of Canaan.

A person with a relatively low degree of helplessness, not extreme.

If you look at the conditions, isn’t Yura Esther, a candidate for the Holy Flower Woman, the perfect fit?

at that time.


Said Lorna-senpai, who was watching the outside of the lake with surveillance magic.

* * *

‘It was a rough excuse, but it’s beautiful.’

High Priest Bassanio thought as he walked through the Lake of Mist.

The soft moonlight shimmers on the surface of the water, and the yellow evening primroses are enveloped in the mist rising from the lake.

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Mystery as if you came to another world.

It was the perfect scene to see before being killed.

‘Is it time now?’

Bassanio, who had been silently walking around the lake alone, stopped.

“Judah Ahaman, commander of the knights.”

“Bassanius the High Priest.”

When I turned my gaze gently, the knights in armor appeared from among the trees covered by fog and shadows.

“I knew. I thought you would have noticed, but… … . Since when?”

“It’s from when the director said that we should go together here on Nakwon Island.”

“… … .”

Bassanio said in a very calm voice.

In spite of the fact that he realized that his life was now less than a few minutes.

Even Judas Ahaman could not comprehend the expression on his face that accepted him so calmly.

“Then why did you respond? He did not immediately order the Inquisition Tribunal to investigate.”

“Because that is my destiny.”

Bassanio said with his arms wide open. The expression of the besieging Paladins was distorted in an instant by the bold action.

it is agitating

Even though he knew the consequences of being murdered by his fellow comrade, and also by the commander of the Holy Knights, he responded.

It still is.

I don’t know if it’s possible to cast a curse or, at least, condemn it.

As if to humbly accept all fate, Bassanio looked at the paladins with sad eyes… … .

Divinity, it was.

But once you’ve done it this far, you can’t be bitten.

The knights under his command had to finish the job quickly before further agitation.

“High Priest Bassanio, your sacrifice will be remembered forever.”

Judas Ahaman drew his sword and slowly approached Bassanius.

The sword blade reflected in the bright moonlight flashed sharply.

“With your sacrifice as a stepping stone, the Temple of Canaan and the Holy Empire will move forward to a brighter future.”


A terrifying sound of flesh piercing echoes through the lake. Bassanio’s eyes widened.


The pure white castle was clearly stained with dark red blood.

“Come at ease.”

Bassanio remained silent. Judas looked at him with cold eyes as he lay on the floor.

He no longer had any pity for his old comrade.

“Let the body be disposed of as planned. It disbands quickly.”


At the instructions of Judah Ahaman, the Paladins moved in unison.

The prepared scenario was perfect.

After the barrier repair work, the high priest who was walking alone in the misty lake was attacked by a demon and disappeared.

Belatedly, all the Holy Knights were sent in to search, but all that was found were the bloodstains of the high priest and the ashes of monsters purified by the divine power.

After several days of searching, it was finally announced that the high priest had died.

While transferring responsibility for this to Paradise Island and Union, the citizens of the Holy Empire are united.

The mere fact that the high priest who visited the island to celebrate peace was murdered would cause a tremendous impact.

The Heretical Tribunal, centered on the Redeemer Elijah, may also be held accountable for this case and reorganized.

If we do that, the Empire of Acryon will be reborn as a theocracy that both the emperor and Judah Ahaman dreamed of.

Only now did Judah Ahaman’s plan become complete.

With no witnesses or hindrances, who the hell would think that Judah Ahaman and the Paladins harmed the high priest?

The moment when Judas, who had an intuition that he had already won, burst into laughter.

“What are you doing now!!!!”

An angry voice was heard.


The gazes of the paladins, including Judah Ahaman, were focused on one side. Appearing in the dark was a girl with beautiful platinum blonde hair.

“… … Yura Esther Candidate for the Holy Fire Woman. How are you here?”

“I hope I can really do something like this… … !! Aren’t you afraid of the light’s wrath?!”

She cries as if pleading.


It’s unclear why the Seonghwa Woman candidate is here.

It was clear that she had witnessed herself harming Bassanio.

To achieve the cause, there had to be no single witness.

Even if it is the holy flower woman candidate who will lead the next generation of temples.


Judas Ahaman drew near to Yura with a sword soaked in Bassanio’s blood.

“Judah, commander of the Knights of Judah Ahaman… … !! How are you!!”

“Didn’t I always teach that excessive curiosity is poisonous? Why did you forget that and create a situation like this?”

“Stand back!!!”

Yura Esther quickly developed a barrier and threatened.

Judas did not stop.

Blessings of the pillar of fire. A special ability that can only be wielded by a holy fire woman who boasts absolute protection against magic.

But that was only for Maggie.

No matter how hard Esther Yura struggled, there was no chance of winning against the commander of the Holy Knights, who had risen to the top by force alone in the Holy Empire.


“Huh… … !?”

In the blink of an eye, Judah’s sword, which had traveled several tens of meters, was about to dig into Yura.

“Stop moving.”

A voice from behind stopped Judas Ahaman’s movements.

A voice that was so cold that it made my spine tingle.

“… … Now, all of you take away your swords.”

At the same time, a voice that should not have been heard was also heard.

In front of Judas who looked back as if possessed.

With High Priest Bassanius, who must have cut it down with my own hands.

The apostle of light, Baeksan-woo, stood there.

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