Episode 251

65. Nocturne of Confusion (2)

Swallow Weiwei, the master of the information guild and the bartender of swallows and rats, came out of the back alley.

It was an emergency.

Because there was a message asking them to give information immediately in case of an unusual situation.

Swallow, wearing a black robe, began to drive the horse rapidly toward Baeksanwoo’s dormitory.

‘Canaan’s temple separate wing? In the first place, what is the point of entering the port through the secret port in the back alley?’

It was too award-winning.

In addition to that, the appearance of the heavily armed paladins felt close to going out to battle.

Now that the alliance between Artel and humans was signed, the peace festival hosted by the Canaanite temple was in full swing.

It cannot be said that they simply came to enjoy the festival.

‘If it’s Sanwoo Baek, you might know something.’

Swallow Byway boasts the second highest intelligence power in the information guild after the guild leader.

In fact, even the deputy chief of the guild is safe enough, but if there was a better source of information than that of Swallow, it was Baek Sanwoo.

No matter what information he brought, Baek Sanwoo had an attitude as if he already knew it. Even if the news was enough to turn the world upside down, Baek Sanwoo often ignored it.

At times, he showed signs of surprise or bewilderment, but… … .

It was a response closer to ‘Why did it happen now?’

Like a prophet who understands all of the future, and a person who understands the principles of the world.

From the time we first met until now, Sanwoo Baek has always been a person who surprises Swallow.

When Swallow arrives in front of the Sangwon dormitory where Baek San-woo lives, the guard in charge of managing the dormitory blocks the entrance.

“who are you?”

“Ah, I came from the Paradise Merchants Association. Can you call back Sanwoo Baek, who is living in this dormitory, for a moment?”

Although Swallow, originally from a back alley, is strictly forbidden to enter the Senate dormitory.

Since the manor dormitory was also frequented, breaking through the security of the Senate dormitory was a breeze.

As if to prove his confidence, the guard scanned Swallow’s outfit and opened the dormitory door without any doubt.

“Come inside and wait. I will call you soon.”

“thank you.”

Swallow tied the horse in front of the dormitory and slowly entered inside.

As I was sitting and waiting in the neatly maintained lobby, a boy with black hair suddenly appeared.

“Baek San-woo.”

“Swallow, what are you doing here?”

“I came to report something unusual happened in the back alley port side.”

The sharpness in his eyes, which seemed a little indifferent, was imminent.


“A warship belonging to Acrion was recklessly anchored in the harbor this morning. Paladins belonging to the temple were on board inside.”

Swallow shared everything he had seen and reported.

“They referred to themselves as a separate unit, but the armed status and size of the troops were never at the level of the detached unit. It is very suspicious to say that it is simply a ‘guardian’ mission without telling us exactly what it is for.”

Baek San-woo listened to Swallow with a serious expression, then sighed and recited it.

“After all, has it finally started?”

“The beginning is… … .”

“Mr Swallow Byway.”

“Yes, Baek San-woo.”

There was power in Baek San-woo’s voice calling out his name.

“You must listen to me from now on. This is the time for the back alleys to move quickly.”

It was clear that this was an unusual situation.

Swallow’s intuition was telling me that.


He looked straight into Baeksanwoo’s eyes and swallowed dry saliva.

“Just leave it to me. I will mobilize all the power of the information guild to complete it.”

“Tomorrow, there will be an incident that will turn the island of Paradise upside down. But this shouldn’t be revealed. Residents and students should never be disturbed.”

An event that will turn you upside down?

Already this year alone, an attack by the ancient Artel and the unsealing of the hidden Hisperif took place.

In addition, the high priest Bassanio, who can be seen as the predecessor of the temple of Canaan, and Judas, the commander of the Holy Knights, have come to Paradise Island.

But what will happen tomorrow that will upset the residents as much as that?

Swallow’s head turned quickly.

The Holy Knights secretly entered Paradise Island, the festival in full swing, and even the attitude of Baeksan-woo, who seemed to have expected it to some extent.

I wonder if the Liberation Front is attacking the festival… … .

If not, could there be a problem with the Demon King’s seal?

Whatever it was, it was clear that it wouldn’t be a very good thing.

“What the hell is that… … .”

It was Swallow who set up several hypotheses, but what came from Baek Sanwoo’s mouth was the worst scenario he could have imagined.

“The high priest Bassanio will be killed by Judas Ahaman, the commander of the Holy Knights.”

“Oh My God.”

All that Swallow could say was the one word that came out without me knowing.

* * *

The official schedule of High Priest Bassanio was also slowly coming to an end.

In the beginning, it was a short schedule that only lasted 3 days and 2 nights.

In the meantime, Bassanio attended banquets and met students from all walks of life at Paradise School.

He also held talks with the deans, including Irkan Bradamante, and the leaders of Paradise Island.

Of course, he did not forget to spend time with the priests of the temple and the Heretical Judgment Bureau.

The last night of Nakwon Island left alone after digesting all the busy schedules.

“Judah Ahaman, Commander of the Knights.”

“Yes, the high priest is speaking.”

“When I think about it, I don’t think we talked as much as we thought.”

It was a meaningful word.

The commander of the Holy Knights, Judah Ahaman’s eyes narrowed.

“What do you mean?”

“The two of us are the three persons who symbolize the temple, aren’t they? Although we may not be able to encourage each other’s faith and guide each other on the right path, I regret that we have been living so busy lives without any interest.”

“… … So do i.”

Judas answered in a dry voice.

“By the way, it’s time to leave soon. You should go check the southern forest barrier of Nakwon Island, which is the last itinerary.”

“Oh, is it already this time?”


Bassanio stood up from his seat with a resigned expression on everything.

The pure white robe fluttered, and the cross hanging around his neck swayed briefly.

“Judas Ahaman, is there a place called ‘Water Fog Lake’ on the path to check the barrier?”

It was a random question, but the commander of the Holy Knights turned his head to check the map.

The area where the Canaanite temple presided over on Paradise Island requested inspection, repair and reinforcement is the borderline between the forest and the living area.

The water mist lake of which the high priest spoke was an area that stretched slightly over the border of the forest.

“no. But not far.”

“Is that so? So, can I enjoy a little walk after the repair work is done?”

“It’s too dangerous.”

Judas Ahaman answered thus. In the southern forest, even on Nakwon Island, the purification process has not been done yet.

The reason Bassanio, who became a high priest dared to check the barrier, was because he heard a report that the sacred barrier seemed to have weakened recently.

In other words, the sacred barrier that divides the unopened area and living area in the southern part of Paradise Island cannot be restored unless it is a high priest-level person.

Sending a high priest to such a place was like abandoning his duty as a Holy Knight.


Indeed, that was not the reason Judas Ahaman opposed Bassanio’s proposal.

‘Like what I said a while ago, maybe you noticed.’

Sweat dripped from Judas’ clenched fists.

While checking the borders of the Southern Forest, he feared that his plans to deal with Bassanio might be shattered.

“I want to organize my thoughts by myself for a moment. Because the Apostle of Light recommended it because it is a really beautiful place.”

“Apostle of Light… … What do you mean?”

“Yes. How many times do I have to come to Paradise Island in the future? Can’t you just give me ten minutes?”

“Um, that’s enough.”

That’s enough time. Judas Ahaman said with cold eyes.

In a way, I didn’t know it would be a good thing.

What Diocletia, Emperor of the Holy Empire, wanted in the end was to hold Union and Paradise Island accountable for the death of the high priest.

However, if the Apostle of Light was mentioned… … .

The Apostle of Light, who did not know what the variable might be, also had a weakness that could be completely buried.

As there was no contact with the Holy Empire or the Temple yet, it was in a state of being left alone.

It was unclear what would happen if the death of the high priest was revealed.

“I will give you enough time, so please take it easy.”

“Thank you for your consideration, Captain Judas.”

High Priest Bassanio rose from his seat, as always, with a calm face.

Judah also wore the armor he had taken off for a while, and wore a holy sword around his waist.

A weapon made of the holy spirit, the symbol of the paladin.

Even in the dark night sky, the beautiful metal was shining brightly as if to commemorate today’s great event.

“I will prepare the relics necessary to check the barrier for a while.”

“Yes, I will be waiting outside with the knights.”

Judas bowed his head, and Bassanio entered his private room.

Soon, the paladins that were scattered around exchanged glances with each other, and approached Judas.

The four platoon leaders who run the Paladins Platoon, and the knights of truth who share the will with Judah.

The reason they brought them here was that they had to control the situation before the event.

Paradise Island was the perfect place to deal with the High Priest, who was considered a thorn in the eyes of accomplishing a great cause.

At the same time, it was also a place where too many variables were mixed.

This was the case with Yelia, the substitute of the Heretical Judgment Office, which is like a moving bomb.

It was because she had suffered quite a bit of trouble trying to get rid of her, who refused to leave the high priest’s side while she was grieving.

“One platoon is the Inquisition Tribunal, and two platoons are the Eastern Port and Western Port, respectively.”

“All right.”

“For ordinary knights who do not participate in the event, let them control the entrance to the southern forest and patrol the city.”


The platoon leaders, who quickly checked the message, secretly ran out of the room.

From now on, it was purely the case of the paladin detachment that had arrived on Paradise Island with the commander of the knights, Judah.

‘I’m glad that the information about the back alleys was known in advance by the Heresy Tribunal.’

I’ve come with a lot of articles, but if more people are added to this, I’m sure I’ll get an unnecessary suspicion.

Because of this, Judah Ahaman had instructed his closest associate chief of knights to bring a total of three platoons into the secret port located in the southeast of Paradise Island.

And just today, I received a report that I had arrived on Paradise Island.

All preparations for the big business had been completed.

‘I’m sorry for the high priest, but sometimes sacrifice is necessary for a cause.’

When Judah Ahaman closed his eyes and was about to draw a sign.



Someone knocked on the door from outside the room. This is an annex specially managed by the Canaanite temple.

The only people who could come in here would be the priest Ruth, the head of the temple… … .

I glanced at the knight who was waiting, and the closed wooden door opened carefully.

“who are you?”

“It’s me.”

The one who answered Judah Ahaman’s vigilant question was a girl with beautiful platinum blonde hair.

“I’m here because I have something urgent to tell the Knights Commander.”

Candidates for Seonghwa Girl.

It was Yura Esther.

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