Episode 224

59. Freshman Entrance Ceremony (2)

“So I would like to ask you a favor.”

Dean Irkan Bradamante said, sipping tea.

I called the dean’s office out of the blue and when I arrived, I thought something had happened because Camilla and Byron were there… … .

It’s probably a request to attend the freshman entrance ceremony.

“But do we really need to go? We also decided purely as Dalian, right? Apparently, there are 120 students enrolled this year, but isn’t it less than ours?”

“That’s probably because of the changed education policy from this year.”

Has the education policy changed?

Even if it deviated from the main story, I guess I’m confused by the development that deviated for a long time.

Irkan continued to speak.

“Anyway, many professors have repeatedly pointed out that the current Dalian method is very cumbersome.”


“We must also use non-lethal weapons for training. Besides, due to the nature of the match, we don’t fight with our sincerity. To be honest, it’s not enough to judge a student’s skill.”

I couldn’t refute that statement.

For example, if I borrow the power of Aradwa, Keter, and Yam, I can barely beat Camilla and Byron.

However, if you apply the rules at the time of class placement evaluation, you will never win even if you use the glitching technique.

“Besides, haven’t the spirits resurrected? Sanwoo Baek, students who are spirit magicians just like you, will you have to limit the power of spirits again?”

“that… … No.”

“right. Talk about not being effective. In fact, after class placement, I took another placement test as an introductory dungeon test to Hisperiiff.”

“I agree with the dean’s comments.”

Camilla nodded in agreement.

Byron kept his arms crossed and remained silent, but he seemed to agree with Camila in general.

“So this time, I’m thinking of doing the class assignment test itself as a strategy for the Hisperiif dungeon.”

“Isn’t it a little dangerous? There may be variables like last time… … .”

“So, I need your help.”

Irkan Bradamante handed us a piece of paper.

[Freshman Dungeon Attack Team Organization]

‘No, I’ve already finished the grouping, so it’s almost at the level of notification… … .’

There were a lot of things I wanted to say, but I just let it go.

There must have been a lot of thinking on the academic side as well. There would be no way that something like this was suddenly proposed a few days ago.

The schedule must have been twisted due to an unexpected expedition.

“I plan to divide the group into 12 groups. 10 people will be assigned, and each group will be assigned an assistant professor-level leader and two talented senior students.”

“Is the number of people similar to ours? It was a mixed school back then.”

“Other faculties generally agreed with this opinion. Of course, it’s not that the purpose of forming a party and attacking the dungeon by linking with people you don’t know is not bad… … .”

“I know. There is no way students who have just arrived on Paradise Island can do that well.”

The leader of the expedition or party is not something that anyone can take.

Better than pure combat ability, flexible situational judgment and insight to understand the abilities of the party under his command are prioritized.

but how much will it be

That was the case with the Hisperif test last year.

Joe, with George and Camilla, panicked as soon as Camilla disappeared.

I was faced with a very dangerous situation of wandering in the dungeon without a guide.

If we’re lucky our party finds it, and it’s besieged by cave wolves or a bunch of skeletons… … .

It may not have ended with just one or two injuries.

“So our Arthur Faculty decided to do it first. If it works well, other faculties will do the same.”

In other words, it is a trial run.

Obviously, compared to wizards and archers, warriors have a much better balance as a single party.

“And last year there was an unfortunate incident. There is also a way to prevent that.”

Irkan’s gaze shifted to Camilla.

Nordin Narkis, the collateral of the fire department.

His kidnapping and attempted murder case of Camilla now feels like a distant past, but it was literally less than a year ago.

Perhaps if there was only one more guide attached, that wouldn’t have happened.

However, it is too difficult to roll with only professors, so this time, it seems that they will mobilize existing senior students to take the test.

Even wearing the slogan of ‘leading student’.

‘After all, the first day of school is usually OT. The importance of the class is also dropping.’

The faculty must have put a lot of thought into thinking about this.

“What are your opinions?”

Camila and Byron’s eyes looked at me at Irkan’s question.

I will respect the decision of the club director.

“What… … There is nothing that can’t be done.”

Irkan was also indebted to me a lot.

He is also one of the few reliable supporters, so there is no reason for me to go against that will.

And if not us, who else would?

That was the situation right now. The appearance of the seniors can be seen at a glance.

‘cute. It’s like going back to the real school days.’

The appearances of juniors riding suckers at the welcome party for freshmen in college overlap.

Doesn’t it look just like that?

As I burst into laughter without realizing it, Bernax, who was next to me, spoke with a smirk.

“Sanwoo was originally like that.”

“Oh, senpai. Not anymore.”

This is our magic swordsman-senpai who had to meet a disastrous ending after the fall in Chapter 2 of the main scenario.

The scenario was unexpectedly twisted, and now, rather, he is faithfully serving as Aidan Christopher’s swordsmanship teacher.

“By the way, how was the Templar exam?”

“It’s pass. There is one Royal Knights Templar to be newly established in the Kingdom of Cassad, and please come as vice-general there.”

deputy chief?

“You are more successful than you think.”

When I was startled, Bernax chuckled.

For a while, I was busy in my own way, and I couldn’t see Bernax either because of the knights support and training overlapped in various ways.

In the meantime, I have a strong feeling that people have become a little more harmful.

Contrary to last year, when something was a little precarious, he had regained his composure.

“Sanwoo-san also comes here when he is in fourth grade. In the meantime, the foundation will be solidly laid. I welcome you with open arms.”

“When are you selling the devil?”

“I still think of him as a devil. But in order to live in the world, sometimes you have to compromise with the devil, don’t you?”

Those words become a dagger and pierce my heart.

Bernax must have meant something else, but for a moment, Nave and Amodea came to mind.

compromise with the devil

The Illuminati kids who knew the whole story would have been surprised if they saw it.

That’s totally my sniper remark.

“Okay, then, as announced, the freshmen should gather in each group. The detailed information will be provided by the instructor and seniors in charge. Destroy them all!”

“Have it!!”

The freshmen who sang loudly at Irkan’s words rearranged themselves into groups.

Oh, are you fast?

“I hope that the leading students will likewise disperse into each group.”

Said the assistant who was in control of the scene.

This is the beginning of a full-fledged ‘welcome party’ for new students.

“Then I wish you good luck.”

“Senior too.”

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Me and Bernax only exchanged greetings lightly and then dispersed. Because the lead student in my group was Byron.

“Then, where are the three of us?”

“There it is.”

As he turned his head in the direction that Byron had pointed out, his platinum blonde hair caught his eye.

‘Yura Esther. It stands out.’

There were about two notable people in the 3rd group I was assigned to.

Theodore Lincoln of the Federal Republic of Eurakia, whom I met once.

Seonghwa Woman candidate Yura Esther.

‘How did I take on a group with just two people?’

Since they were the first-ranked juniors to put on a club offer, for me, rice cakes were literally rolling in.

Theodore must have already heard my story roughly through Irkan.

Yura must have heard my story through Yelia.

It will be a great help in recruiting later if you make a sure eye stamp on this opportunity.

“Come on, everyone is here. Then, we will tell you how the class placement test will proceed after we move to the dungeon.”

When Byron and I arrive, the instructor in charge of group 3 claps their hands to call attention.

If you see that the exam process is nothing special, you don’t even have to tell me… … .

I’m just going to drive it in.

The freshmen looked very anxious, but they had no choice but to leave the large training ground one after another.

‘this… … It must be more fun than I thought, right?’

It was daunting at first, but

Surprisingly, seeing the freshman All-Star team, I felt a sense of motivation that I didn’t have.



“No, what. Let’s do it well.”

I patted the fur of my Tarkan comrades for some reason and followed the crew.

* * *

Hisperiif introductory dungeon.

Although he hadn’t visited since the incident with Camilla.

I still vividly remember what it felt like when I first stepped into the dungeon.

The eerie and chilly atmosphere and the strangely sensed flow of magic.

At the entrance of the dungeon, which has a unique shady atmosphere and is open to swallow prey at any time.

Even with the sign of the ‘Introduction’ dungeon hanging, its grandeur was great.

“… … It’s more terrifying than you think.”

“More, have you ever been to a dungeon?”

“no. It’s my first time too.”

As expected.

The worried voices of juniors who are overwhelmed by the real dungeon are heard over and over again.

‘It’s a memory.’

Of course, I ran into something worse than that several times.

Even though I had cleared the dream garden that would have been possible in 3rd grade, it was not a threat at all.

“Did we do that too?”

“Usually it was.”

Byron nodded his head as if he could remember a new memory.

“But I wasn’t afraid at all.”

“Gurachi. I saw you all standing upright back then.”

“under? It’s normal for hair to stand up. You’re excited about going into battle!”

“I’ll hit you with that.”

Why are you chatting nonsense like this?

“The goal is to reach the boss room safely. After that, it will be up to me and your seniors over there to decide whether to catch the boss.”

Professor Insol, who spread the information about the test progress, came forward with me and Byron.

“This is my second year senior Baek San-woo and Byron Khan. Now, let’s start with an introduction.”

“It’s Baeksanwoo.”

“It’s Byron from Tarkan, nice to meet you, juniors.”

light nickname.

Still, it had an impact, and when the introduction was finished, the juniors cheered.

“They are both talented people who are second in Arthur’s Faculty. You have to follow the instructions of the two seniors as well as me, you know?”

“Yes! All right!!”

They are exciting juniors.

Some were afraid, but some were excited by the thought that, as Byron said, they could use their full potential.

“Then, the class placement test for the new semester. Let’s get started.”

With the instruction of Insol Professor.

The freshmen carefully enter the Hisperiif dungeon.

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Me and Byron followed immediately.

‘It’s a Hisperiif after all. Whatever happens, I can deal with it.’

Of course.

He is the one who defeated even the Garden of Dreams. If you like, you can even cut the boss alone for an hour without too much trouble.

I should have, but… … .

“Get your mind right. Otherwise, we will both die.”

“i get it.”

40 minutes after entering the Hisperiif.

We were now in the hidden area of the introductory dungeon, the depths of Hisperief.

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