Episode 219

57. An Unchanging Future (5)



I let go of the sword I was holding and hugged her. The hair tickles the cheeks, and the sweet scent you feel in your arms.

“Ugh, I waited a long time.”

When I met her face, Illyana smiled. Then he comes out of my arms and looks at Tergogh with cold eyes.

“But it is not yet time to celebrate. Sanwoo, you know?”

As I nodded, Illyana floated into the sky.

Like her, the tree that rose in front of her—the world tree resonated.

Soon, a blue halo was poured out on the ark.

“… … ?!”

Then a miracle happened.

The energy of death that filled the entire space recedes. The magic that gnawed at people’s minds was scattered.

It was not only the atmosphere that was changing.

A ray of light gathered around Linell’s body. The lost legs are regenerated with a flashing flash.

Ishtar’s chest, which had been pierced by his heart, also shimmered and healed as if it had ever been.

life force.

The power of the world tree that grew in addition to the blessings of Iruril.


Linell coughed and opened his eyes.

She didn’t seem to know what had just happened, but she opened her mouth as she looked at the huge world tree that sprang up.

Ishtar also trembled, looking at me with difficulty.

“… … Baeksanwoo Guardian?”

I approached Ishtar, and lifted her body up. The princess’s gaze shifted from me to the world tree in front of me, and to Iliana.

“I, what the hell is that?”

“Illiana is back.”

I wiped my eyes. Emotions were rising, but as Illyana said, it was not yet the time to fully show it.

I caught my breath. The pounding of the heart becomes smaller and the head becomes clearer.

“Princess Ishtar, this is your chance. Please assemble Artel.”

bang! Kwaang!!

The tree of Tergogh and the tree of Illyana were exchanging magic with each other.

An explosion that erupts from a close range.

The strong mana that fluctuates like a runaway, and the thick magic that separates that mana.

Two great forces collided fiercely.

“You must join Iliana.”

From the beginning, there was only one goal. To prevent the landing of Mary Celeste and to permanently banish the corrupted Artel from this world.

You can’t run it twice and blow it up until the last chance.

Grab the yam again. Aradwa, which had been fixed, was also taken out.

I didn’t lift the javelin on purpose because there was a risk of losing it at sea if I shot it too much.

Now is the time when that’s important.

Ishtar and Linell also staggered to their feet. He had already tasted the strength of his opponent to the point of death.

If we don’t do our best right now, there will be no future.

“Friends of the forest!!”

Ishtar shouted, raising his wand high into the sky. flash! A dazzling and bright flash of light rose more than ever.

“The World Tree is here!”

proclamation of blessings.

The moment Ishtar declared that, the ark became Artel’s territory.

The scattered members of the SS and Artels reclaim the camp. With a loud shout, the Artels rushed into the middle of the battle.

After that, Ishtar developed a magic circle. As the scorching flames hit the black tree, the flames of attrition engulf the tree.


Linell’s Wyvern, too, took Camilla and George to safety and returned to her.

“Dark Flame!!”

Linell boarded the Wyvern’s back in an instant. He still looked confused, but he seemed to know what to do now.

Then, an amazing idea flashed through my mind.

“Lineel! Take me too!”

“yes? What?! suddenly?”

“Don’t gossip!!”

There is no time to ask for permission. I jumped on top of the Wyvern.

“hurry! Because I also have to write a special move!”

“Phil… … Deadly?”

Thunderbolt Aradwa alone is not enough to deal with. But what about ‘New Salvage Longinus’ combined with Keter?

It will most likely be able to damage that huge black tree.

It can’t kill with a single blow like Selah, but it can inflict fatal wounds.

I slapped the Wyvern’s ass. As he soars into the sky in surprise, Linell screams in horror.

“Hey!! what are you doing!!”

“I’ve already flown, so just go!”

“Uh… … ! I can’t help it!!”

The battlefield seen from the air was a complete mess. Because the battle wasn’t limited to the deck of the ark.

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Mary Celeste could no longer be seen as an ark.

The roots and stems of the black tree protruding from various parts of the hull are attacking the three expedition ships at the same time.

It was more like an attack from a giant tentacle monster than a criticism.

Therefore, Dalfner and other faculty members were more focused on protecting the ship than landing.

If even one ship went down, not only the crew, but also the passengers were the captains.

‘Rona-senpai is there too.’

I looked at Lorna-senpai, who rose above Moby Dick from the top of the Wyvern and deployed defensive magic.

The guards of the Countriess and the Black Pearl were entrusted to the professors of the Ortana Faculty, while Moby Dick was protected by her and Irkan.

rather good

After this, there was no way to escape.

only the final fight.

Lorna Aztel-senpai already realized that fact, and must have been using mana.

Everyone was fighting.

Linell, who was riding on him, also took out the bow he was wearing behind his back.

“I’m going to fight back from now on. do it yourself!”

She pointed the arrow at the bowstring and fired it towards the black neck.

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Mana rose from her fingertips, who were constantly pulling protesters one step at a time.

“Penalty Tempest!”

The elements of wind condense around the arrowhead.

At the same time, the drake that was carrying Lineel quickly descended.

Linell and Dark Flame falling at an almost vertical angle.

One step before colliding with the black tree. Linell’s protests drop.


The wind element exploded and pierced the middle of the black tree.

A drake that barely avoids a collision while drawing a U shape and soars again.

‘Dive Tempest!’

It was the trademark and specialty of Dragon Rider Lineel Ereshigal.

The arrow pierced through the tentacles of the fluttering trees and swarms of black leaves and exploded.

In that brief moment, I saw my heart pounding red.

‘That’s the center… … !’

It was quickly covered with leaves and hard stems, but that proves that there is a weakness there.

What if, immediately after piercing, it rushes inside and cuts through the core?

I was convinced that I would be able to deal with that monstrous black tree fighting on an equal footing with the World Tree.

‘But alone is not enough. Illyana is fighting Tergogh properly now, and the deans and senior Lorna are busy too.’

It was at a level that I couldn’t afford to call that way.

Unlike us, who once landed, it was a situation in which we immediately fell into incapacity when the footing disappeared.

However, there was no guarantee that the path could be cleared with only Linel’s Dive Tempest and my Longinus.

If we don’t deal with Tergogh’s eyes for a while now… … .

At that moment, I saw a man fighting at the rear of the ark.

Without any need for casting, a remote-actuated magic circle that automatically fires magic is deployed.

The brilliance of a hero moving forward wielding a magic sword in one hand.

It was Aidan Christopher.

* * *

Aidan Christopher continued his advance. As the battle continued, Aidan’s will to fight grew stronger.

Weapon Master.

As he is the one who succeeded him, his abilities will only bloom when he comes to the battlefield.

He cuts the tentacles of the black tree, which are seeking life, with a magic sword, and fires powerful destructive magic to actively contain them.

In the meantime, Arthur’s students, who have entered the back row, subdue the ancient Artel.

It was possible to quickly move the wounded to Moby Dick.

That was then.


A familiar voice came from the air. When I instinctively raised my head, I saw a scene where a wyvern was gliding down from the air.

In front, Linel Ereshigal, famous as the Dragon Rider of the Arin Faculty, was riding a white mountain cow.

The Wyvern slowly descended and landed on the deck.

Aidan quickly cut down the tree tentacles that rushed towards the Wyvern and approached Baeksanwoo.

“Sanwoo, what is happening on the players side? What the hell is that tree! The previous beam attack could not be properly prevented even with the maximum power of Downstorm!”

“I will explain later. We need Aidan-sama’s power now.”

eyes full of sincerity. The impatience in his voice was real.

Aidan didn’t ask any further questions. I’m curious because it’s not too late to ask after everything is settled.

“How can I help you?”

“Follow us right away! We will tell you the details there.”


The Wyvern spread its wide wings and soared into the air again.

Aidan heard Downstorm. A magic circle unfolded beneath her feet, and the element of wind wrapped around Aidan.

It was not difficult to catch up with the Wyvern.

Already, Aidan’s magical skills were comparable to that of a third grader.

Even the professors were praised for daring to pursue the great sage Yargon to the tip of his chin.

The sky above the ark that went up like that.

Aidan couldn’t help but be puzzled by the scene unfolding in front of him.

A refreshing world tree that grew on the opposite side of a huge black tree.

The one who is firing all kinds of magic bombardment below… … It was obviously Hafartel, Illyana Noel, who taught her lover Karin.

‘I heard you’re missing, how?’

But there was no time to answer the question. Beep! Beams began to be fired towards Wyvern and Aidan.

Aidan and Dark Flame moved quickly through the air, dodging the beam.

“Aidan, will you follow my signal and open the way with Linell? That’s the pivot, and if you get a powerful attack, the core will open for a while!”

Baek San-woo, who had boarded the Wyvern and was flying next to Aidan, said:


Aidan’s eyes lit up his black eyes quickly. There was definitely a part where the leaves swelled strangely.

As Baeksanwoo said, if there is a tree core, it must be there.

“… … All right.”

There was no need to hesitate at this point. As always, just silently follow the path of the guide.

“Quad Casting!!”

When Aidan stretched out his hands, four magic circles unfolded in the air.

It was still an incomplete technology, but now is the time to focus on it.

“Frost Blast, Inferno Hell, Heavenly Strike, Cyclone Cannon… … !!”

Pure mana was supplied to the magic circle connected to Aidan’s body, and each magic circle was dyed with the color of the attribute.

Advanced destruction magic that boasts unparalleled destructive power.

If you pour it all at once, you won’t be able to use magic for at least a few days.

For now, this was the maximum power that the hero Aidan could deliver.

“Aidan, it is now!!”

Baeksan-woo’s cry was heard.

When he turned his head slightly, the gauntlet mounted on his arm unfolded, and it was in a state of being a kind of ballista.

Aimed at it, the trademark thunder spear Aradwa of the Baeksan-woo.

Aidan knew immediately what he was trying to do.

‘Spear of Longinus!!’

The Wyvern skillfully evaded the attack of light that colored the sky and plunged down.

Aidan activated the magic circle at the right time.


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Mana is concentrated in the developed magic circle, and the spell is activated.

“Sanwoo!!! It is now-!!!”

The extreme cold freezes the stems of black trees that vibrate like tentacles, and eternal flames burn the leaves.

A streak of thunder from the sky cut through the middle of the leaf, and a bladed storm that twisted the air cracked it.


In addition to that, Linell’s arrow, which had plunged down, was stabbed at the same time.


It emits a huge shock wave, and the reddish sphere wrapped in the leaves catches the eye again.


Baek San-woo’s eyes gleamed as he caught the target.

As he pulls Keter’s trigger-

The spear of fresh blood ripped the heart of the black tree.

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