Episode 211

56. Mary Celeste (2)

“Why? The Redeemer knows that this is not something that can be easily overlooked.”

When asked in bewilderment, Elijah carefully shifted his gaze.

“Our divine powers do not work with them.”

“Yes? How are you sure of that?”

“I already tried.”

Elijah’s gaze shifted to Yura Esther. When I look at the same thing, Yura trembles and backs away.

‘… … ? Why are you doing this since a while ago?’

I was a little skeptical though.

He was an NPC who was very shy and weak in the main story, so I decided to skip it.

It was also not the time to pay attention to Yura’s reaction right now.

“What did you try… … !!”

“The protection of the pillar of fire possessed by Yura Esther, the holy fire woman candidate.”

Elijah continued to speak.

“It is said to be a protection that spreads a powerful divine barrier to detect magic and defend against attacks, but… … . It can be used differently.”

Another use of the Fire Pillar’s Blessing?

Was there such a thing… … The moment I was about to think, a scene from the main story flashed past.

In the final chapter of the main story, the magic that flies into the battlefield of Paradise Island is blocked by the holy barrier all at once.

However, if you think about the situation at the time, Yura Esther’s barrier did not simply stop the attack.

‘Interception, interception isn’t just about blocking… … .’

The protection of the pillar of fire had a defensive attribute, but in a way, it could also be used for attack.

Interception is not basically blocking.

After all, it was the concept of counterattacking through an attack.

In other words, if you can search for a location, it means that you can preemptively strike them with the same concept as long-range artillery.

‘But if you’ve already tried it… … .’

Only then did I realize why Esther Yura was with Elijah.

It was only two days ago that the Bachelors were clearly informed of their existence.

While me and the members of the Illuminati were cleaning up the back alleys, the temple of Canaan was also trying to figure out a way.

“I used the power of Yura Esther’s Holy Fire Lady to launch a holy bombardment. Using the temples of Paradise Island and my divine power as an amplifier, I intercepted yesterday.”

“this… … .”

I couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

“Yes, as the apostle thinks. Our attack didn’t even blemish Mary Celeste. On the contrary, the location of Seonghwanyeo, who is a drinker, was tracked and it almost caused a lot of trouble.”

Did you even get hit?

Is there no real answer to this?

I looked at Yura Esther’s face and body.

I didn’t notice it a while ago, but there was a small scar left on her cheek.

Slightly purple wounds.

It’s an attack by magic.

If not only tracking the location of the holy bombardment, but also counterattacking the magician… … .

“We have even the worst-case scenario in mind. The Holy Empire has dispatched a fleet capable of accommodating refugees quickly in case of any contingency.”

In a way, it was a wise choice.

I had no choice but to agree to Elijah’s words.

Because even the worst case must be assumed.

“… … .”

Apparently, they are very likely to be sewing machines.

Read at readwn.com

Missingno appeared in this world due to the aftermath of the tree of Sephiroth that Illyana showed.

Does that mean that there is no action taken until it is finally met?


I turned my head to the voice calling me. Elijah’s red eyes were looking straight at me.

“This is Artel’s job after all. I think the reason Illyana-sama suddenly disappeared has something to do with the current situation.”

I had been observing.

Originally, it was time to prepare chapters 4 and 5, which are episodes centered on Artel.

In the midst of that, suddenly, the fallen ancient Artel and the creator god worshiped by Artel’s old ancestors appeared.

The timing was too exquisite and questionable to be a coincidence.

“Why don’t we meet and talk with Ishtar-sama?”

In any case, at present, he cannot receive help from the temple.

As Elijah said, it seemed to be the best.

* * *

Even in the midst of the excitement of Paradise Island, the breath of the World Tree was calm, relaxed and peaceful, as always.

Even my anxious and busy mind is calming down when I come here.

A space completely out of touch with reality. It was Artel’s resting place and the realm of a huge World Tree.

“Sanwoo, please come.”

“Long time no see. Is Princess Ishtar there?”

“Yes, you didn’t go out today. We will see you right away.”

I was seen off by the guards and entered the dormitory.

Like the calm atmosphere, the Artels in the dormitory sat on the tree stump and slept.

He was playing with the spirits and spending time.

Despite the chilly weather in the middle of winter, the home of the World Tree was still warm.

“Oh my gosh, Sanwoo. What have you been up to here?”

At that moment, an Artel appeared from the entrance of the dormitory.

The appearance of the gentle approach, the dignity of the royal family flows.

Shiny blonde hair reflected in the sunlight adds beauty to the cozy and mysterious atmosphere.

Ishtar Arhalten.

The second princess of the Artel Kingdom and best friend of the missing Illyana Noel.

【Nice to meet you, noble child.】

It was the same thing Lioner had to face after a long time, so it appeared in the form of a familiar honey badger.

“Are you doing well, Lioner?”

【okay… … It’s complicated in many ways, though.]

Lioners have been spending more time alone lately.

After Illyana’s disappearance, I generally lived in the spirit world rather than myself.

As much as I have a headache, he must be rotting his head in his own way.

So I didn’t really say anything.

“Uh… … It seems that both of you have a business for me. Come to my room.”

“Did you have any other plans?”

When I asked politely, Ishtar gave a faint smile.

“no. As always, I was going for a walk or a short walk. It’s been a long break.”

Apart from the Illuminati, Artel members belong to the Flex Club, where I am the manager.

When I listened to them briefly, Ishtar said that he couldn’t open his eyes because of the management of the new Artel first-year students.

It seems that statement was true.

Ishtar and I went inside the Artel dormitory with Ishtar’s guidance.

It was the first time since the festival.

He meets Artel, whom he had met with a few times, and freely exchanges brief greetings before entering Ishtar’s room.

“Then what did you come here for?”

“Do you know the legend of the fallen ancient Artel, the voices of the damned, and Mary Celeste?”

As time was running out, I went straight to the explanation.

… … Of course, no detailed explanation was needed.

It was because Ishtar’s expression suddenly darkened as soon as he mentioned Mary Celeste.


“We are already approaching Paradise Island. The bachelor’s side is preparing an expedition including faculty and some students, and the temple of Canaan tried to intercept itself and was counterattacked.”

“Abama… … Oh My God.”

Ishtar let out a sigh mixed with despair.

“It seems that that day has come. I just wished not to.”

Ishtar said that he was quite anxious from the moment the tree of Sephiroth appeared in the world.

“Artel’s guardian, Sanwoo Baek.”

“Yes, Princess, you tell me.”

“They will try to annihilate all Artels. They were cursed by the Creator and given imperfect eternal life, but we, their descendants, have gained the power of fire they have been so desperately searching for.”

“Yes… … ?”

I know the story of Artel. Didn’t he already get a hint from Professor Ecclesia Bell in the Golden Vault?

A race that attempted to artificially separate the two gods of the tree of Sephiroth, the creator god.

In exchange for daring to invade the realm of the gods, they were annihilated together with the first world tree that they used as their home.

“… … To be precise, it is not annihilation. Before the Sephiroth tree completely collapsed, there was also an ancient Artel who used the power of the tree to build an ark and escaped.”


It is a type of ship with a long history that even appears in the Bible.

And in most of the stories, the ark often acted as a kind of ‘evacuation ship’.

Just like Noah’s ark.

“But how are they still alive? Wasn’t Artel’s bloodline split thousands of years ago?”

[Since Sephiroth is back. Those ghosts have returned too.]

This time, Lioner answered instead. As if tired, he shook his head.

“Then do you know the countermeasures or characteristics?”

【No, I don’t know. You may have known before… … I don’t remember anything right now.]

“They are a race of oblivion. A cursed being abandoned by the god who created them. You can’t see it as a normal magi.”

Probably so.

Because the divine power didn’t work.

Yura Esther also told me that she felt something alien magic.

“Also, Mary Celeste cut down the roots of the Sephiroth tree and dried the ark. It cannot be easily dealt with by any boat.”

As we went further, it became more and more mountainous.

So what the hell was I supposed to do?

What was the production team thinking and trying to put this in?

‘They are crazy.’

I had no choice but to pour out abusive language towards the production team who made this shit.

Not through divine power.

According to Artel’s tradition, it was a race with power and knowledge that was close to that of a god.

The ship uses Sephiroth’s wood as its material, so you can’t even gauge how strong it is.

‘It’s a bum bum, X feet!!’

Anyway, George Gunn’s case is too sudden, so the response time is too short.

If I had given them a grace period of at least a few weeks, I would have found a way.

Even though he organizes his own expedition and takes all-star members… … It was so fatal that he couldn’t be sure of the odds.

“Even though the princess thinks there is no solution at all.”

When I asked with a serious expression, Ishtar cautiously stood up.

“There is one thing worth walking around.”

She slowly walked towards the window.

In case anyone is not a nature-friendly species, various plants are growing freshly in pots around the window.

What Ishtar brought was a flowerpot of a slightly larger size.

“Sanwoo-sama, Lioner-sama. Can you come closer?”

Because it was too large to be placed on the table in moderation.

I followed her to the flowerpot. The Lioner also floats around and follows me.

A straight seedling was growing in the pot. The thickness of the stem was not too thick, and the number of leaves attached was small.

“What plant is this?”

When I asked, Ishtar quietly closed her eyes and answered.

“The seedling of the world tree.”

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