Episode 203

55. The Great Revolution That Calls the Storm (1)

The officers of the central meeting, including Irkan and Dean Dalfner, rushed to their respective wives as soon as the meeting was over.

Of course, I said there was a trick, but most looked at them with disbelief rather than trust.

I did just that.

One year has passed since the first admission.

Although I was making a name for myself on Paradise Island.

It was limited to a part of Arthur’s Faculty, or only to acquaintances who had a relationship with me.

Of course, from the professor’s point of view, it was like a blue-eyed sophomore with confidence.

It was completely understandable to look at it in a very unappealing way.

The feeling is not bad.

It was a confusing situation where even I couldn’t make a quick decision right now.

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Mary Celeste and the Voices of the Damned.

Perhaps this is a word referring to ‘corrupted Artel’ in some way.

‘Well, there was a lot of talk about why there were no dark elves in the forum.’

Interestingly, there is a race similar to ‘elf’ in Paradise Academia, an RPG with a very typical fantasy background, but there is no race equivalent to the opposite ‘dark elf’.

In fantasy, dark elves and elves are an inseparable combination.

I thought that it might have been intentionally excluded from the development process due to various ‘consequences’.

I didn’t know it would come first.

‘If this DLC was released normally… … Paradise Academia may have also removed the stigma of Mangem.’

As a long-time fan, I feel sorry for it.

‘But why was it added at the time when I was possessed?’

As Baek San-woo, a sophomore in Arthur’s undergraduate school, his anger is rising.

Anyway, this is how it happened.

To carry out the trick I promised the professors, I summoned the Illuminati again.

Is it because it’s still vacation, or is it because of the situation?

When the summoning order was issued, the six personnel gathered together.

As with last time, Aidan and Karin Ophilus were deliberately excluded.

They shouldn’t move from behind like us.

After all, Dalfner had already secretly told Aidan Christopher’s mobilization.

Without me saying anything, the academics will already be talking about it.

“So what’s the trick?”

“The problem now is that we can’t bring Mary Celeste closer to Paradise Island.”

“Of course! If they come in, it’s going to be a very messy field, right? New students won’t come in anymore! I want to see my juniors!!”

George cried out in rage.

It was like seeing the youngest who no longer had a successor as the unit was disbanded.

“There is, but I don’t know how many casualties there will be. The purpose was not clearly defined.”

“That’s right. Now that we can’t guess the opponent’s power, it’s too risky to put it into the home ground hastily.”

Camila and Byron, who are looking directly at the situation, added.

“I think so too.”

“If you can decide where to fight, it’s better to be outside than on an island.”

Geumgangmun’s couple (Jin) also puts more weight on the naval battle.

Lorna didn’t express much of an opinion, but there was a feeling of generally agreeing with the overall mood.

“So, we have to get the boat. It is also very big and beautiful.”

“… … Do you have any of that now? The port was completely empty.”

“yes. This is not the case with ships that have been operating ‘normally’ in the past. But what if the ship is operating abnormally?”

I approached the blackboard on the other side of the hut and said,

“Paradise Outfit. The name of the giant used for smuggling in the back alleys.”

Pulling the thin cloth over the blackboard revealed the plan of operation that had been veiled.

“This… … ?!”

“I feel a little early, but… … It’s ready anyway. I’d rather have it cleaned up before they intervene.”

Operation name, Les Miserables.

It was time to start the long-awaited operation at the same time as we seized the giant smuggling guild.

I shrugged, looking at the executives with their mouths wide open.

“Tomorrow night, turn the back alleys upside down.”

* * *

‘What’s going on… … .’

It’s late in the evening when the day is slowly coming to an end.

The acting guild leader of the hunting guild, Madame Karjo, secretly escaped from the guild at the urgent call of the information guild master, Swallow Byway.

It was because she had a position that could never be ignored in the back alleys, that of acting as a guild leader.

Karjo didn’t like it when the ‘Master’ of the Information Guild called him out like this.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be greeted like an ‘information guild leader’ who is higher than Swallow?

‘I’ve been hanging out with Baeksanwoo a lot, so I’ve become very tired. I guess I’ll have to take a look when the situation is settled.’

But now, the position I regret is not Swallow, but Carjo himself.

Deputy guild leader Baldro had already established a close relationship with the guild leader of the smuggler guild.

He pledged some stake in the Hunting Guild and made a deal to borrow his power to dismiss her.

Such a sign had already been seen for a long time, and information could be obtained quickly.

Baldro’s movement was much faster than expected.

Not only that.

Karjoo’s subordinates, who had remained loyal, were either converted one by one, or suddenly disappeared one day.

You don’t even need to get any information.

The movement of the opposing factions began to take place in earnest.

Even the ‘Golden Sun’, which boasts quite a lot of power among her factions right now, was showing a bit of a divergence.

‘What the hell is the right time for that kid to say.’

A little boy named Baek Sanwoo.

The boy who identified himself as the brother-in-law of the legend of the backstreet Namgoong Yeongho told Karjo that the time would come when the power of the backstreet would be reversed.

I was only told to preserve the power until then… … .

After several months, nothing was said.

It’s not enough to keep meeting each other, I tried to ‘talk to an adult’, but Baek San-woo just refused like a knife.

In any way, the Baeksanwoo did not fall over.

‘why… … Because I can’t understand English.’

Even Carjo, who had gone through all kinds of prenatal struggles, could not easily understand.

weird kid.

So you can’t easily go against it.

‘Am I in the back room now? To be swayed by just two kids like this.’

Feeling a strange sense of defeat, she entered Swallow’s tavern.

“There must be a reason why you told me to come and go without a schedule.”

It was a word full of thorns.

She soon had to shut my mouth.

“Don’t worry, Karjo. It’s all for a reason.”

The information guild leader, Kenichi Watanabe, said with a smirk-like smile.

Even the Madame, who had been living in a back alley for decades, had no proper face-to-face contact with the mysterious guild leader.

The whole body of the Information Guild, which listens to, organizes and sells all the information and stories of the world, has been revealed.

I’ve only seen him for a while at the guild head meetings, but it was the first time for Karjoo to meet him privately like this.

“Watanabe… … .”

Not only that.

Information Guild Deputy Guild Leader, Masters of each branch including Swallow Byway.

The heavy officials of the information guild were gathered together.

And above all.

Among the people of the information guild, there is a boy who is proudly showing off his presence.

“First of all, I would like to apologize for the sudden call, Madame Carjo.”

“you… … .”

Baek Sanwoo.

He walked over to Carzo.

The momentary feeling of intimidation made Carjo back.

Baek San-woo gently raised her hand and kissed the back of her hand and said.

“The time has come.”

* * *

“So, in summary, a huge threat is approaching Paradise Island.”


“It has already been reported to the upper part of Nakwon Island, and the remaining time is about four days.”

Information guild leader Watanabe nodded as if interested.

“Right now, neither our own security agencies, nor the faculty or management department can respond to incidents happening in the back alleys one by one.”

“You are correct.”

“It is a perfect time for a revolution.”

Carjou doubted his ears.

No, I couldn’t understand the situation itself.

Somehow, the corrupt Artel is advancing to Paradise Island, and there are no ships that can be operated, so they plan to seize the Smuggling Guild’s ships and provide them to the faculty.

At the same time, you’re going to bring down Baldro, who had colluded with the Smuggler’s Guild?

‘Are you all crazy?’

Did they eat drugs from the smuggler guilds as a group?

But those damn boys were so excited they said it was the perfect plan.



Cargio slammed the table hard. The gazes that had been talking to each other gather to her.

“I’m not here to joke around like this! Am I overestimating the intelligence guild? You’re just playing around with a child like this!!”

Karjoo, unable to hold back his anger, groaned. In her view, Baek San-woo’s plan was an absurd operation.


time is good

From the beginning, the high-ranking people of Nakwon Island were not interested in back alleys.

The reason why the three guilds were able to actually dominate the back alley.

It was because of the thorough indifference and neglect of the upper part of Nakwon Island.

They don’t care whether the guilds fight each other or whether there is a regime change.

Just don’t cross the line.

That is what the upper level and the people who lead the three guilds got together and reached an agreement.


Now this has crossed the line too far. Because Baek San-woo’s words were literally ‘war’.

It’s not on a scale where just one power goes out or a few people get purged.

It is not enough to destroy the Smuggling Guild, which is in charge of one of the three major guilds.

It’s almost like crippling the hunting guild.

“Have you ever made fun of me? Are you going to just use me as a dumpster?”

Kargio isn’t a very patient person. She raised her hand towards Baeksan-woo.

That was then.


A hand reached out from the empty air.

“… … ?!”

“Uh-huh, what’s wrong with our gentle and holy master?”

Karjoo could feel the overwhelming magic in the arm that grabbed his wrist.

It is not at the level that only a warlock or a necromancer can handle.

“It’s been a while since I’ve eaten raw, but I think I’ll just suck it up!”

“Really, be patient… … Amodea.”

A purple portal opens right next to it, and two people come out of it.

A girl with turquoise medium hair and a boy with gray skin beyond the pale level.

The black wings on the back caught my eye clearly.

two people?

No, that’s not a person.

Karjoo’s body trembled when he instinctively recognized the identity.

high-ranking demons.

It was also a succubus and an incubus that corresponded to a dream.

“Hey, the hell… … you… … ?”

The two demons politely knelt in front of the boy, as if worshiping a white mountain cow.

The moment you see that scene.

It felt as if the distance from the Baeksan-woo, which had been within the reach of a fire and fell, seemed to be getting farther away.

Is this why he personally went to the head of the information guild?

Baek Sanwoo, who thought he was just an unusual student, is actually a monster who treats demons like his own.

“Madame Carjou, I always said that. You just have to trust me.”

“Baek, Sanwoo Baek… … . No, Baek San-woo… … .”

John’s came out of nowhere.

It was such a horror.

Even Madame Karjo, who has gone through all the troubles before childbirth, can’t even afford it.

As if enjoying the gaze, Baek San-woo approached Carjo and smiled leisurely.

“Are you ready to do anything to get your hunting guild back and to find the whereabouts of your missing husband?”

She felt like she was having a nightmare.

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