Episode 183

50. Heir to the throne (7)

“The knights are moving!”

I shouted to those who were beating the dreamers from their respective positions.


Everyone looked like they had screws missing one by one, but as soon as they heard my words, they all gathered together.

“Byron, please Camilla!!”

“Leave it alone!”


Knights rushing fiercely.

And Byron and Camilla were in front of them.

“The ranged team definitely has sniper support! George, you follow me!”


The party moved according to the strategy that had been set up in advance. It was Plan B, assuming that it was not possible to break through the 3rd floor within time.

Ever since I’ve seen you, I’m a deceased person from Paradise Academia.

It was best not to run into Selaha, but he had plans for when he didn’t.

And who plays the most important role in this operation.

It was none other than George and Nabe.

I grabbed Nabe’s shoulder, still terrified by Selaha’s momentum.

“Nabe, stand proudly. In the future, this is your land. Act like a monarch.”

“Uh, ooh… … .”

“Stand upright, Nabe!”

“yes… … young master… … !”

“From now on, I will put Amodea under you, but are you just pecking at Selaha? Be proud!”


At least he listened to my words, and Nabe, who had courage, came out of Nabe’s body.

Even doped Byron and Camilla, the basic specifications are far below that of individual knights.

In addition, there were more than ten opponents, so they were even outnumbered.

As much as the monsters, who were being beaten, retreated backwards taking advantage of the time our attention was focused on the knights.

It would be close to a miracle just for the two of them to keep their lines safely in the future.

So Nabe, who is the only one who can respond to knights, had to play as much as possible.

“Then hold on a little longer, everyone!”

In fact, it was a real time attack from now on.

Although Selah is a mid-boss, its strength is by no means equal to that of a mid-boss.

In terms of pure numbers, it must be at a level that slightly exceeds that of Heukrona, a quad caster.

It was clear that he was stronger than Seol Baek, who was the head of the church that worshiped Thanatos and was a priest.

Both of these characters were powerful enemies that I would never have been able to deal with on my own without Lorna-senpai and Yelia.

It’s still hard, but what if he starts to engage in battle in earnest?

Then the odds will really disappear.

‘At least this is a chance that hasn’t completely loosened up.’

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Me and George left the front line as they were, and fell to the rear.

“Did you understand the flow of air?”

“Uh, it’s an imaginary space, so it’s much easier because there are few external variables.”

“Tell me when you are ready.”

To be honest, the situation wasn’t very good.

Camilla and Byron can never beat them. At first, Plan B had no strategy.

I’m sorry, but to catch Selaha, the two of you have no choice but to make money.

And if two people die in the meantime… … .

No, let’s not even imagine such a thing.

Just thinking about it made me feel like my heart was agitated.

“Keter Synchro.”

I immediately deployed the Keter mounted on my arm.


It looked just like a small bowgun attached to the gauntlet.

The engraved runes are activated, and Keter transforms into a giant ballista.

It was the technique used when repulsing the Crystal Golem of Heukrona last time.

“George, get ready.”

With Keter fully deployed, George raises the vacuum’s arms and begins sucking in the air around him.

“Blood blood!!”


The wind whirling like a storm swept away.

Enough to ‘blow’ a person away.

“Whew… … .”

I calmly walked Aradwa to Keter’s protest.

Soon, the runes engraved on Keter resonated with Aradwa.

The shape of the brain window changes little by little.

From jet black to pure blood.

From a smooth long spear to a thorn spear.

A weapon of divine death appeared in front of the eyes of the golem that had distorted space and time, annihilating the demigod in one blow.

Spear of Longinus.

It was the best and the biggest attack I could exert.

“I am ready.”

George nodded as if he had gathered enough wind.

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My setup is also complete.

I took a stance and calmly aimed Keter towards Selaha.

“But, will he be able to survive even if he gets hit? It’s a bamboo spear that killed a golem in one blow.”

“Because things were a little different back then.”

Selaha is the highest demon among the 24 Incubus, ranked 8th.

No matter how powerful the firepower attack that caught the golem of Lorna.

It was a completely different matter to catch the golem, who was only a simple workhorse, and the 8th place Incubus Lord.

In the end, the question is whether he can defeat him with a single blow with Longinus’ spear… … .

I honestly can’t be sure.

So I needed George.

If he didn’t die even after being hit by Longinus, I had to catch him by other means.

“… … Aim complete.”

I said in a low voice.

With Byron and Camila running wild, Selaha’s gaze was focused on them.

In other words.

He is utterly careless.

I took a deep breath and placed my finger on Keter’s trigger.

I could feel the arm of the vacuum that George was wearing touching my back.


George’s shouts, which he spit out with evil, were used as a signal.


Following the spears that were fired with fierce momentum, my body also ripped through the air.

* * *

Then yes.

Selah let out a light laugh.

Even though the divine power was not felt, it was surprising that he was physically attacked without being seduced by the ghosts.

That was all.

When the knights started to come out in earnest, they were in a hurry to stop it.


I don’t even dream of that.

A connection that does not allow even an inch of gap.

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Maintaining a densely formed rank, the knights’ attacks rushed in.


Tarkan wields a great sword the size of himself. A ‘processing blow’ that literally shredded the guards’ dust.

However, the knights are strong enough to be incomparable to such mongrels.

Kang. Grump-

The knight with the greatsword rushed forward and met Byron’s sword.

“… … !?”

Byron was startled.

Even though the swords met once, it was because he felt a huge difference in power.

‘Extremely strong! Stronger than me and stronger than Sanwoo!!’

Rather, Byron’s attack was like allowing a break.

The sword knight crushed Beowulf with pure physical strength.

Aiming for Byron whose movement was blocked in an instant, two additional knights cling to each other.


Camilla, who was also in charge of the vanguard, responded, but it was not enough.

Byron eventually missed the weapon, and Camilla was hit in the chain and cut in the side.


Red blood oozes from the wounds left on the armor.

“Ugh… … .”

“Camilla! Drink this!”

In the middle of the ranks, Illyana, who was receiving the magic of the dreamers, hurriedly took out a potion.

However, selling one’s eyes on the battlefield was never a good idea.


“Ugh… … !!”

After being hit by the intermediate destruction magic ‘Flame Explosion’, she is thrown away.

“Don’t give me time to recover. push to the end It would be nice to be able to capture it, but if there is a gap, it is okay to just kill it.”

“Okay, Selah.”

The dreamers giggled and disappeared into the air.


It is the unique power of the dreamers.

The ability to hide one’s presence and hide in an imaginary space.

When dealing with or attacking magic or magic, the body is inevitably exposed.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for humans without mere divine power to track them.

Now, all that remains is to ravage to your heart’s content.


Byron, who was already under siege, rushed to the knights to break through the exit.


The dreamers did not allow even that moment.

In an attack that pierces even thick fur, Tarkan vomits pain from his mouth.



Just before the knights’ sharp weapons rushed towards Byron.

Earthen walls suddenly rose in all directions based on the ground where the two were standing.

The power of Yorgan, the 4th Holy Spirit, Cheonanji.

It was a technology to build a shield made of the elements of the earth.

“… … . Huh.”

A single crisis was averted, but the actual situation did not improve.

It got worse.

Camilla grabbed the raised wall and flopped down.

“Hey, you… … .”

“I’m fine, I’m fine… … Do you have any recovery potions left?”

Blood continued to flow from the wound he grabbed. The complexion was also noticeably worse.

Byron hurriedly rummaged through his pockets.

It had not been properly stored, and there was no way it could have survived the fierce battle.


What is Baeksanwoo doing?

Byron gritted his teeth.

She was seriously injured. If it is not treated immediately, it can be life-threatening.

Even if the immediate crisis was over, it was unclear how long they would be able to sit down.

“Absolute Zero, Tempest.”

And as soon as he thought about it, Selah’s magic exploded.

White frost begins to form on the hard wall.

It’s advanced destruction magic.

Whether an incubus or a succubus, they are also called full-fledged dreamers and possess outstanding magical talents.

“Like a wall. Just don’t break it.”

As the moisture in the soil froze, cracks began to form everywhere.

It was an instant when the wall, which seemed so solid, collapsed.


As if making fun of the two people who were in despair, the invisible dreamers ridiculed them.

“Did you just come to an audience with the Queen with this level of skill?”

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Magi rose from Selah’s hand at the sight of the two of them fully exposed.

“I will repay that insult with your death.”

Dark magic blazed, and it was shot at the two people who were momentarily incapacitated.

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Magi that cuts even space.

No matter how much Byron and Camilla were, if they were hit directly by something like that, they would die instantly.


But his attack didn’t reach.

Selah’s magic is blocked by the same magic and disappears. it will be offset

Selaha frowned, noticing who had blocked her attack.

“Nabe… … !!!”

“Da, Dada, I can’t let you kill these people at will… … !”

The incubus that blocked the two of them as if to protect them, revealed the body that the other monsters had also covered, and laughed softly.

“Look at that. You’re a bastard that sticks with humans.”

“Humans are the food that gives life, nothing more and nothing less. You are the shame of our dreamers, Nabe.”

Selling from all sides.

Selah slowly closed her eyes and sighed.

“It’s a useless effort, Nabe. But if you want to fight me, there’s no reason not to agree.”


In an instant, Selah’s form changed.

The old-fashioned gothic coat she was wearing seeped into her body and assimilated with a part of her body.

At first, it was a body that was no different from that of a human, but Selah’s body was now trembling with a purple spirit.

Incubus Road Selaha.

It was an open formation that only high-level incubus could use.

“Dreams are sweet, but at the same time cruel.”

Nabe’s body staggered in the rising magic that seemed to engulf the entire space.

Bubbles came out of my mouth without realizing it, and my eyes went round and round as if they were going black.

it is unavoidable

As a member of the monstrous group that has an absolute hierarchy.

Just by looking at Selah’s spiritized form, it feels like his soul is being ripped to pieces.

“I will destroy you personally. This is the last mercy I can give as an incubus.”

Selah’s hand approaches Nabe.

extinction of existence.

Despite the increasingly tightening fear of eternal death, Nabe couldn’t move.

“It’s like a frog in front of a snake. Keep in mind how ugly your last is.”



A faint crackling sound.

Selaha retreated, startled by her instinctive fear.

“… … ?!”

Don’t fall, don’t fall!

The spear of blood that flew in in the blink of an eye pierced through the 8-layered shield that was always deployed.


He literally ripped Selah’s right shoulder.


what just happened

In terrible agony, Selaha screamed.

It was an attack that could not be countered.

Can you pierce through the carefully developed 8-stack defense magic?

Does this mean it’s a word?

But that wasn’t the end.

Immediately after the blood spear blew up Selaha’s arm. Something bigger than that flew in.


It wasn’t a huge ‘something’.

it was human

A person who was called Baeksan-woo, who seemed to have nothing to see.

“This is the end!!!!!!!”

He flew towards Selaha with his jet-black eyes flashing.

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