Episode 180

50. Heir to the throne (4)


The tree trunk grabbed Soyoung’s leg, which was standing still, and dragged her into the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Soyoung’s lower body was buried in the ground.

“urg! profit!!

Even if it was late, he tried to get out, but the more he struggled the more he struggled, the deeper the land had turned like a swamp.


Tae-hoon, who quickly adjusted his posture, rushed in.

Kugugugu-! bang!

A huge tree trunk stood in front of him. There is no end to the smashing of the attacking stems one after another.

It was the same with the other kids. Illyana, too, quickly judged the situation and ran away.

It was only a matter of time before he was caught by the tree trunks rising from all directions.

【Camilla! Grab this!]

However, only Camilla, who had signed a contract with Jorgan, the spirit of the 4 star Jiam, is the only one who continues to fight.

Because it is a spirit that can be used indefinitely wherever the earth touches it.

Even in the Garden of Dreams, her power was valid.

“Wow, the power of a tree trunk!!”

Byron, bound beside me, growled and rebelled, but the tangled stems did not budge.

Of course.

The Garden of Dreams is a dungeon that you need to be a third grader to try out.

Even a mere tree trunk is overwhelmingly strong due to inevitable ‘power inflation’.

Right after I, too, was completely suppressed by the action.

Shuwook- Whiririck!

“ね… … !”


Frederick, who finally managed to catch Illyana, smiled with a grotesque twist on his mouth.

“Thank you for your sacrifices. One day, when a seed sprouts in that body, that’s when I’ll be happy.”

“Ooh, you tricked us!”

The gardener Frederick was the named monster that best describes the dream garden here.

The first floor of the dream garden.

The trees and grass that fill the so-called Garden of Hope are all plants grown by feeding people.

A cannibal tree that has been abducted by succubus for hundreds of years or devours the bodies of adventurers who have gone astray.

Frederick and his gardeners belonged to the succubus, who managed these cannibals.


His polite and gentle smile was nowhere to be seen.

The gardener twists his body with a creepy laughter.

“San, Sanwoo!! Help!”

“Baeksanwoo! I’m going to die like this!!”

Soyoung, who had already been buried up to her neck, desperately asked for help, and George, who was wrapped around trees, used evil.

“It’s no use. You will all die here. To feed these pretty trees.”

Nutrients, nutrients.

I shouted proudly to the confident Frederick.



A gray incubus appeared through the imaginary space.

Soon after, Frederick’s body swirls as if sucked into a giant straw.

“Aaah!! hey, what is this?! Didn’t I say I don’t eat them!! female? You’re not the queen-!?”

Frederick screams desperately at the situation of being absorbed out of nowhere.

“Who are you? Off, off!!”

The body that looked like a normal human disappeared, and turned into a dark, dark gray spirit.

Even that soon disappeared without a form.

“… … ????”

The eyes of the members who did not understand what had just happened were dyed in surprise.

“Kyaa! After all, this is the taste… … !”

An incubus appeared from the air with a very satisfied face. Nabe smiles and churns my stomach.

“Nabe… … !?”

Frederick is strong.

As in the original game or animation, characters like butlers are strongly portrayed.

As a manager in charge of one class, he was an unparalleled strong force.

However, no matter how strong a person is, he cannot overcome his innate limitations.

It didn’t matter how many classes he protected and how many subordinates he served.

He, too, was nothing but a ‘family member’ who had no choice but to give in to the power of the dreamer.

“Fresh vitality eaten after a long time! Feeling full of power! Aww, I-.”


How full do you even burp?

I rose from my seat, tearing off the withered tree trunk as Frederick was about to disappear.

“You should have come sooner. Why are you so late? You got dirt in your clothes.”

“oh… … I’m sorry. Stop eating because it’s so delicious… … .”

“You can’t do this from now on. Absorb it quickly and come.”

“Yes, four!! All right!”

“What are you all doing? Get out of here quickly.”

“ah… … .”

Seeing me tearing off the trunk lightly, the other party began to break free from the chains of the tree trunk.

hot. hot.

It was only when Soyoung, who had been buried with 80% of her body, finally escaped.

flash! With a flash of light, a crack leading to the subspace appeared in front of me.

A passage to the next level.

You have already successfully cleared the first floor, the Garden of Hope.

“How did this happen?”

“Have you all seen it? From now on, we are the bait.”


I replied with a smile to the still bewildered members.

“A bait that attracts attention while Nabe absorbs all the people around him.”

* * *


A girl with turquoise hair waving her legs while half lying on the throne.

His face still had a youthful look, but his body was that of a mature adult.

A body line that falls in a beautiful curve along the voluptuous upper body.

It can be said that he is the owner of the perfect sixth sense, which no man in the world can ever pass over.

But she is never immature. Rather, it was a very clever and powerful existence.

Succubus Queen, Amodea.

Because she was a powerful dreamer who had lived for over 300 years.

“Because I’m really bored!! Is there anyone out there!?”

As they slammed the marble floor with their slender legs, two women hurriedly appeared from the empty space.

They too were succubus.

“yes… … ! Amodea!”

“I’m bored! I’m bored!!”

“Joe, please wait. I will instruct the vassals to abduct the adventurers as soon as possible.”

“ah-!! Adventurer kidnapping is no longer fun! Something else! Something else!!”

Not only his feet but also his arms were waving, not just a succubus queen, but an immature child.

As another succubus who knew her essence, she could only sweat profusely.

“Really, I’m bored to death!!”

Succubus Queen Amodea was having a very boring day.

past hundreds of years.

When she first left the world of ghosts and set foot in this world, everything was full of strange and interesting things.

Humans, Artel, Tarkans, and… … Until the stocky land fairy.

The numerous races living in the world were of interest to the demon Amodea.

They flocked and built civilizations. Strange beings who make love, have children, start a family, and eventually return to the earth.

She was not interested in the same dreamers right now.

Amodea fell in love the moment she saw them.

I want to be with them.

I want to ingest the emotions they exude up close.

Thus, the wandering succubus hid in human society.

There she felt, experienced, and ate various emotions.

Joy, Sadness, Anger, Sadness, Happiness, etc.

It was Amodea, who devoured all human emotions.

If there was one thing he liked the most, it was hatred and madness.

The two were like strawberries on top of whipped cream, and they were sweet and beautiful just looking at them.

Amodea freely changed her form in order to absorb hatred and madness intensively.

Sometimes as a colorful adventurer.

Sometimes as a weak child.

Sometimes as a promising princess of the empire.

Dozens of times, he secretly sneaked into organizations such as adventurers and knights, igniting hatred and madness within.

Amodea, who had been living with humans for a long time, changing appearance conveniently, arrived one day in a kingdom.

It was a very small country among the kingdoms she had seen.

Speaking of territory, small islands are everything.

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Moreover, even on that island, underground, there is a sleeping being that even Amodea cannot afford-

It was a country with no luck even in Jiji-ri, where the capital was set in such a place.

But it was happier than any other country she had ever seen.

The people of that country truly loved their king, and the royal family did their best to repay the people’s love.

A country without sorrow.

A city where laughter never disappears.

what a beautiful sight

But they wouldn’t have thought that their happy appearance would hold a wandering succubus who happened to visit.

At first it was entertainment.

And later it became greed.

The resurrection of the Demon King was getting closer and closer, and the fortunes of this happy nation were also being worn out without knowing it.

So she destroyed the kingdom.

So that this beautiful country can be kept alone.

A dream garden that was created like that.

Even Amodea, who absorbed a lot of energy and became a powerful succubus.

It was not easy to confine a country in an imaginary space.

The Demon King is resurrected.

Even at the moment when the warriors reached the island, Amodea held her breath and took care of her own garden.

300 years have passed since then.

The dream garden created by Amodea had four levels.

She kept the appearance of the ancient kingdom she had been watching.

However, no matter how beautiful and enjoyable a job is, if it continues for a long time, the interest will decrease.

While cultivating the garden, the ranks under his command increase and he gathers other wandering dreamers as well.

Among the dreamers, she has risen to a position called ‘Queen of the World’ or ‘Queen of Succubus’… … .

Amodea could not stand this boredom.

“Don’t kidnap one or two people! Is the expedition not coming at all anymore? Until ten years ago, at least two or three parties came every year!”

“Amodea-sama, that, as you know… … .”

“Yeah, I know. Are you saying that the president is in control of the southern forest these days? He’s like a damn old monster.”

Amodea sharpened her teeth.

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Many years have passed since humans established an educational institution called ‘Paradise School’ on the island.

After the demon king was sealed, the demon tribes who remained on the island and lived without knowing it died while resisting the school until the end.

As a dreamer, she didn’t have to pretend.

rather good

Because it was able to periodically replenish fresh and youthful vitality.

Until just ten years ago, there were often adventurers and students who invaded the realm of Amodea without knowing it.

They were subdued at the end of the resistance, and became livestock to supplement the vitality of the dreamers, or food for maintaining the garden.

Sometimes, if there was someone I liked, I made it into a new family as part of a game.

However, recently, there have been no intruders.


Because it is a dream garden located even deeper in the south.

I haven’t seen a human at all in recent years.

It was all because of a guy named ‘The Elder’ who was in control of Paradise School.

What are you doing with the subject of human beings, even though you’ve been alive without dying for hundreds of years?

In the end, she had even taken control of her last remaining play.

Even if a succubus has no sense of time and, unlike other races, has no concept of ‘age’.

The boredom that lasted so long was unbearable.

Lately, I even thought that dying would be more fun.

“Hmm… … . Should we even attack a real village once and for all?”

Of course, if he did, the professors at Paradise School would have been ripped off and beaten.

The human race was as hot as the short lifespan.

Their magic, technology, and civilization had grown to the point where they threatened the power of Amodea.

Also, there is a story that the ‘heir of Triston’ has appeared in the news that we hear from time to time.

No matter how boring Amodea was, it was impossible to move hastily.


“Amodea… … .”

“Okay, okay, if there are suitable people nearby, tell them to kidnap them. Don’t look at your skills, whether you’re a man or a woman, an old man or a student.”

“Yes, I will follow your orders.”

It was the moment when the succubus in charge of her attendant nodded and was about to disappear.

The purple-haired incubus strode towards Amodea.


“Selah? What’s going on here?”

Load Selah.

An incubus of the 8th rank, and one of her closest aides who swore allegiance to Amodea.

“I beg you, I am so sorry. An intruder has appeared in the garden.”


As soon as Amodea heard those words, she felt a sense of vitality.

“intruder… … !!? Kyu, how big is it? gender ratio!? How are the kids!?”

“It is still unknown. What is certain about his skills is the news that he has already broken through the first floor.”

“Ahh… … !!! i love it!!”

There was no better news than this for Amodea, who was feeling bored.

She couldn’t control her excitement and rolled her feet.

“What can I do?”

“What are you doing! Organize it on your line and bring it to me. It’s been a while since I’ve had some fun.”

Are you a promising adventurer?

Or is it the students who have flown in ignorantly?

whatever it was it was good

“It would be a fun toy.”

Amodea just let out a mournful laugh.

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