Episode 175

49. Do your duty (2)

There are two main types of status abnormalities in Paradise.

Physical state abnormalities and mental state abnormalities.

Physical literally means ‘physical’, that is, debuffs applied to the body.

Direct bodily injuries include fractures, bleeding, amputations, etc.

When divided by attribute, there were burns and freezing, electric shock, and poisonous poison.

Since this part is a condition that reduces physical ability or affects physical strength, it was possible to heal quickly through potions or treatment.

The problem was the mental part.

Fear, hallucinations, fainting, drowsiness, etc.

There were many cases where this status abnormality could not be resolved with ordinary potions.

If you fall into fear, you drink potions and sleep, and your character will run away from you.

Fainting or drowsiness means falling into a state of incapacity on the spot.

However, if there is one of the most vicious debuffs among these mental state abnormalities.

That was ‘hypnosis’.

Players or companions exposed to hypnosis not only become incapacitated, but also attack those around them.

If something like this happens, you can’t even kill the companion you’ve been raising.

Because the specifications of the companions accompanying him are high enough to enter the section where hypnotic enemies appear.

You’ll end up in a situation where you can’t just ignore the attack.

Byron in the final spec is hypnotized and wields an attack?

I’m afraid just thinking about it.

So, most of the hypnosis abilities are top-notch or have boss mobs that appear only in equivalent dungeons.

Only monsters with special settings could use it.

For example, a succubus or a dream horse like an incubus.

And of course.

If you go to the ‘Welcome Department’ of the Ortana Faculty, which teaches magic in that branch, the player can also learn hypnotic magic.

However, the trap is that it is garbage magic, whose efficiency is close to atrocious.

Needless to say, several conditions had to be met in order to use hypnotic magic.

First, there must be an overwhelming difference in skill with the subject.

Second, the subject’s body, clothing, or part of the weapon must be in direct contact with the hypnotic magic circle.

And finally.

Until the magic chant is over, the target must not come out of the magic circle.

That is, words are hypnotic.

In the end, it was nothing but magic that could only be done in a state where the opponent had been suppressed to a certain extent.

Even I, who has mastered all kinds of concept play, gave up after a little bit of the hypnosis wizard route.

Even though it was fun to hypnotize NPCs to steal items and money.

If you used hypnosis magic as your main weapon, it was impossible to play properly.

Who used this garbage magic?

“ah… … .”

By the way.

The ‘Demon King’s Pendant’ ignored all the procedures and put Karin Ophilus into a hypnotic state.

No need to spread the magic circle.

You don’t even need to recite the chant.

I just brought the pendant in front of my eyes, and it instantly neutralized Karin Ophilus.

“It’s simple.”

In a sight that could not be easily understood, the voice of the demon king was heard once more.

“It is my power.”

“You mean you can hypnotize anyone with this pendant?”

“It will depend on the subject. But this man is not yet strong enough to resist my mind control.”

“crazy… … .”

I looked at Karin with a completely frozen expression.

He looked like a puppet without a soul, seemingly without any will.

This is hypnosis… … ?

“However, there is only one target. If the power of chaos you possess becomes stronger, you will be able to rule more humans at the same time.”

The Demon King said in a majestic voice.

Even now, it must be sealed in the basement of Nakwon Island, but can it exude such a strong presence?

I couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear.

“From now on, this human will obey whatever your orders are. It is also possible to satisfy all desires as a human being.”

The devil’s voice, like a sweet temptation, breaks through my mind.

“I feel it. your foolishness Humans are inherently imperfect beings. No one can easily escape the temptation of sin.”

“And you are not just a human. A fragment of chaos.”

“Use this pendant. Build your power, put the world under your feet. You are the right person to accomplish my task.”


I swallowed dry saliva.

Karin is pretty Camilla and Illyana were also pretty enough, but in terms of beauty alone, Karin Ophilus was one step ahead of the two.

What is your personality like?

Her personality is also attractive. A heroine like a sunflower who always looks only at the player.

That doesn’t mean it’s holding you back. As Aidan grew stronger, Karin grew stronger as well.

A colleague who accompanies me and protects me from start to finish.

Which player can’t fall in love?

‘… … And come to think of it, I was originally a player. Shouldn’t Aidan’s seat be mine?’

I looked at Aidan, who was still in a collapsed state.

It’s like that climber.

Have you been able to grow only this much even with those specs?

So, how do you stop the liberation front and prevent future disasters?

So how can you stop me, huh?

“Carin Ophilus.”

“… … Yes.”

I approached her. The fair skin caught my attention.

“okay. that’s how you do it make it yours Submit it.”

What do you mean submissive?

I can do that without the occasional pendant.

However… … After all, it’s not bad to use it for fun at least once.

He gently clasped Karin’s chin. The touch that passes through the warm skin.

If we kiss like this… … .

‘X foot. You madman, have you been around?’


I clenched my chin with my fists as hard as I could. My mind flashed back with a rush of intense pain.

“Oh shit!! Dog is sick!”

Since I didn’t do any strength control, my jaw muscles were pounding and trembling.

If I hit even the slightest mistake, my jawbone almost came out.

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My fists are pretty greasy.

“… … ????”


For a moment, I calmed an emotion I couldn’t control. Then he ordered Karin, who was still under hypnosis.

“Hey, Karin Ophilus.”

“yes… … .”

“You put down Aidan and get out of the dungeon right now.”

“All right.”

“If you leave the dungeon like that, you will forget all the memories you saw here and come to your senses. got it?”


Recognizing the command, Karin nodded and picked up Aidan as it is.

At the time the boss was attacked anyway, the normal monsters that were not killed outside must have all disappeared.

There are no threats scattered on the way out of the two.

The structure of the dungeon is also simple, so you won’t have to worry about getting lost.

“Well, what! what are you doing you man!!”

The demon king’s voice seemed to be greatly embarrassed by my sudden action.

I said as I looked at the pendant with a dumbly twitching eye.

“You made a very big mistake.”

Because I insisted on doing the thing I hate the most in my life and hate it so much that I shiver.

“I am a blue of eternal pure love! In case someone is not the Demon King, he likes NTR.”

“Wow, what are you talking about… … .』

I can’t understand

Anyway, this has crossed the line. I don’t know if there’s another one, Karin and Aidan are dating right now.

You wouldn’t have even had your first kiss!

It’s not something I should do as a man to take it away.

“Listen well, Demon King. This is pure love.”

Saying so, I threw the pendant at Nabe.

Shoo, puck!


After being hit by the pendant, Nabe woke up and got up.

It flaps its little wings and looks around bewildered.

“young master… … ?”

“I said this was the Demon King’s pendant.”

“ah… … ! yes! Right!”

“You take it.”

“??? To whom are you passing the pendant? Fragments of chaos, you bastard!!”

“yes! I see… … ? hey????”

While answering indifferently, Nabe shivered as if she had bitten her tongue.

I ignored the demon king’s shouts and emphasized it again.

“Because you have it.”

“Eh… … uh, what do you mean by that… … . How do I get such a great thing… … .”

I approached the helpless incubus, and made eye contact.

“Let’s make this one thing clear. Is the contract with me superior to the demon king’s dominance?”

“… … The Demon King is definitely a great person. But his influence cannot violate the contract I made.”

“So you can’t suddenly try to kill me. Are you sure about this?”

“All, all, of course… … ! How can I treat you!!”

As if he couldn’t even imagine, he shook his head.

“great. Then take that pendant you. I wonder if the power that resides there is brainwashing. It goes well with the Incubus.”

As it is the Demon King’s pendant, it is right for demons to use it.

If I had to take it, mind control would come as often as before, but it’s embarrassing to respond to each one.

Like the crown of Aaron Nortonhale last time, the power it had was too strong to ignore or destroy.

Leaving it to Nabe would be the best way to keep the Demon King’s legacy under my control, but not be affected as much as possible.

“Seriously… … ?”

“then. You can’t even absorb the vitality right now, wouldn’t it be better for you to have it?”

“young master… … !!”

Nabe’s face, which seemed pale and gloomy, brightens.

The eyes are filled with emotion.

“That Incubus Nabe… … ! I will give my life to the master!!”

“Okay. Take good care of it.”

As Nabe carefully hung the pendant around her neck, the demon lord’s voice sensed the energy.

“nightmare! is it an incubus? It seems that the gate with the demon realm has also been opened… … !」

Apparently, he already knew about my abilities.

‘I can’t possibly know. The name of the DLC is the fragment of chaos.’

Perhaps I was the one who colluded with the real Demon King to destroy the world.

Like crazy producers.

Even if DLC comes out, I’m sure it’ll be something like this. How nice it would be if you gave it something a little more normal.

“… … i get it. If that’s what you mean, there’s nothing you can do about it. But even if you deny it, you can’t go against fate. Baek San-woo, you are a fragment of obvious chaos!”

This is the time, and the demon king’s ideological group pours out only his own words.

I didn’t even want to hear that, so I wanted to get rid of the pendant as a medium right away from my eyes.

“Nabe, go back first. I’ll call you later.”

“yes? Now… … ?”


“Ah. I’m sorry… … . I’ll go back now… … .”

When she screamed at the sudden headache, Nabe curled up and disappeared as if running away.

“Oh, my head hurts.”

It’s still complicated and I’m dying, but the DLC is going to make a fuss again.

“What am I going to do next?”

I sat there and couldn’t move for a while.

* * *


“… … ?”

“student! Can’t you hear me!?”


Karin Ophilus woke up to the sound of someone screaming. It’s hot, my head is foggy like a fog.

“here is… … .”

I looked around and it was the entrance to a certain cave. Hey, why am I here?

“Now you have to react. Give me your student ID!”

The man in front of him said nervously, with a wrinkled expression on his face.

A gold badge on the chest. He was a civil servant in charge of dungeon management on Paradise Island.

Karin didn’t quite understand what was going on, she just rolled her eyes.

“what are you doing! Student ID is different! The student lying face down behind him too!”

Are you leaning on your back?

As he turned his head unconsciously, Aidan caught his eye.

“What-?! Heck!”

Startled and let go of his hand, Aidan falls to the floor.



The shock of the fall caused Aidan to roll on the floor, and Karin, very embarrassed, sat down on the spot.

“Oh my gosh. I’ll welcome you.”

“Ah, uncle! Where are you?”

“Where are you? It’s a Toryong Cave!”

“Yes… … ? Toryong Cave?”

I couldn’t understand.

Why is it that you have come to the highest level dungeon?

Even in the midst of confusion, Karin calmly looked back at her memories.

Apparently, Aidan went out to practice with Baek Sanwoo today.

He even had memories of following him.

The memories left are just there.

It felt as if the memory had been erased.

“Karin? Why are you here?”

It was the same with Aidan Christopher who could not understand the situation now.

He must have attacked the boss and was in the reward room.

Because Baek San-woo, who was with him, was out at the entrance of the Toryong Cave with his girlfriend, out of nowhere.

“… … ????”

“… … ????”

In a puzzle that can’t be put together no matter how much you think about it.

“No, what are you doing? Both of you have to present your student ID! 5 penalty points each for entering the dungeon without permission!”

The two had no choice but to take the penalty points together.

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